22 Thurs Astronomy Open House - 7:30p.m. Otto Behrend Science SPC Movie: “Scream/Scream 2" - B+lop.m. 26 Mon Amantes. International Film Series - 7:30p.m., Reed 117 Volleyball vs. Pitt-Greensburg - 7p.m All submissions for the calendar should be made available to the Beacon by s:oopm on the Monday before publication. Please send via inter-office mail to the Beacon Calendar Editor, drop it off at the Beacon office, or send it to BEHRCOLL3@aoI.com. The Beacon cannot guarantee publication of events due to space constraints. The Beacon also reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. The calendar is intended for Behrend notices and events. Events Penn State Behrend Homecoming ‘9B will begin Friday, Oct. 23 at noon. In recognition of the College’s year long 50th anniversary celebration, Ben Lane, professor of English, former dean of students, and author of the new publication, Behrend Re membered, will open the weekend with a lecture in Reed 114 about the history of Penn State Erie and the legacy of the Behrend family. Friday evening the fun continues on the ski slope with an outdoor barbecue at 6 p.m., traditional chariot race at 7:30 p.m., and a bonfire a 8 p.m. with mu sic by “The Gathering Field.” Satur day events include an alumni soccer match at 10a.m., a cross country meet at 11 a.m., men’s soccer vs. SUNY- Brockport at 1 p.m., and an admis sions open house from 11:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. The annual alumni picnic SPRING BREAK 99! Caricun * Nassau * Jamaica * Mazatlan * Acapulco * Bahamas Cruise * Florida " South Padre Travel Free and make Cash ! •Top reps are offenpl fotl-ttffiergtaff jobs. _ Lowest price Guaranteed; GaH now for details! www.classtrsvel.com 800/838-6411 and general membership meeting be gins at noon, and students will present a carnival from 12:30-3:30 p.m. and a stu Jent float display and competi tion from 12:30-3:30 p.m. The women’s soccer team will play SUN Y Brockport at 3:30 p.m. Satur day evening events begin with a Provost’s reception in the Reed Wintergarden at 6 p.m., followed by a choice of special events including the Athletic Hall of Fame Reception and Dinner, a Murder Mystery Din ner, and a Sock-Hop and Lantern Tours. On Sunday, alumni are invited to attend a buffet brunch at Damon’s restaurant from 10 a.m. to noon or a brunch at Dobbins Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Homecoming ends with a trick-or-treat celebration in the Lawrence Hall lobby from noon to 3 p.m. for faculty, staff, students, and alumni. This even! is sponsored by the Residence Life staff. For more infor mation about homecoming or to make reservations for a Saturday evening PH 3616 BUFF. ROAO WESLEYVILLE THE VERY BEST PIZZA & WINGS COLDEST BEER! GREAT FOOD WING .25 EACH PIZZA LG.6.76 SM. 2.50 TACO’S WED. 3/1.50 TACO PIZZA LG. $7 SM. $3 NEW TACO FRIES $1.50 1 6.0 Z DRAFT ALWAYS $l. RED DOG 12.0 z BTL. $l . ALWAYS THUR. PONYS 3/2.00 FRI. SAT. 16az BUD 1.35 8-12 “SOMETIME YOU NEED A LITTLE ALIBI” Calendar of Events 23" Homecoming ‘9B Live Music: Gathering Field - Bp.m. Ski Slope SPC Movie: “Scream/Scream2” B+lop.m. 27 Tues event, please call the Penn State Erie Office of Student Activities at 898- 6171. Behrend sets open house for Satur day, October 24. From 11:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. with registration in the Reed Union Building. Open House in cludes sessions on general admissions information, financial aid, choosing a major, the Honors program, and aca demic programs. Campus and hous ing tours will be available through out the session. Representatives from the Schools of Business, Engineering and Engineering Technology, Hu manities and Social Sciences, and Science will be on hand at the Open House to answer questions. For more info, or to request a copy of Open House events, call the Admissions Office at 898-6100. Male or Female. Who is Superior? Find out this weekend in The Battle of the Sexes. This homecoming car Calendar 24 s - Home Coming ‘9B Alumni Soccer Game - 10a.m. AMCC Cross Country Champ. -11 a.m Soccer (M&W) vs. Brockport Ip.m./ 3:30p.m. SPC Movie: “ Scream/Scream2" - B+lop.m 28 Wed Volleyball vs. Laßoche - 7p.m. Women’s Film Series - 7:30p.m. Reed 117 nival event is a competition of endur ance and integrity. For more infor mation, or to sign up a team of 4 same sex members, go to the Student Ac tivities Office. The International Film Series will conclude with the Spanish film Amantes. The 1991 Spanish film Amantes (Lovers) will be shown on Monday, October 26 at 7:00p.m. Di rected by Vicente Aranda, this film is the true story of an extraordinary ro mantic triangle that gripped an entire nation and shattered the lives of those it touched. The film takes place in Madrid during the Franco-dominated 1950’s and focuses on the aimless youth. Paco (Jorge San/) becomes the object of desire of two very different women: Trini (Victoria Abril), his very proper virginal and doting fian cee, and Luisa (Maribcl Verdu), his highly impoper landlady. The Mary Behrend Cultural Fund and the School of Humanties and Social Sciences fund the Internaional film Series. The film, which is free and open to the public, will be shown in the Reed Union Building Lecture Hall. For mor-. info contact the Humanties and Social Sciences Office at 898-6108. Louise Kaplan, renowned author and feminist scholar, will speak on Thursday, October 29 at 7:00p.m. in photo courtesy of Behrend public relations 1998 Alumni Fellow Award recipient Mark Loevner Thursday, October 22,1998 - The Behrend College Beacon - the Reed Union Building Lecture Hall. Her appearance is free and open to the public, and continues the Cre ative Writers Series. This series is co sponsored by the Mary Behrend Cul tural Fund and The Clarence Baumann Smith fund. For more info, contact the Student Activities Office at 898-6171. The Office of Catholic Campus Min istry invites all to attend their weekly Catholic mass every Sunday at 8:00p.m. in the Reed Commons. To help make Behrend’s United Way campaign successful, names will be drawn at the conclusion of . the cam paign for prizes and gifts. Each em ployee who makes a contribution ei ther by payroll deduction or a one-time contribution will have their names en tered in the random drawing. Possible prizes are PSU football tickets, gift certificates to the Penn State Erie Bookstore, Behrend Golf Shirts, or Bruno Bucks. The ultimate goal that the school is hoping to reach is $25,000. The office of Police and Safety, Al pha Sigma Alpha, and ODK, are spon- 25” Homecoming ‘9B Faculty/Staff Trick-or-Treating - Ip.m Lawrence Hall SPC Movie: “Scream/Scream2" 7+9p.m. 29 Thurs Louise Kaplan: Creative Writers Speaker Series - 7p.m. Reed 117 Soccer (M) vs. Buffalo State - 3p.m. SPC Movie: “The Crow” - 10p.m soring a clothing drive to benefit those in Erie County that are in need of some assistance. We have been collecting since the beginning of the year and will continue to do so until November 13, 1998. The items will be distributed on December 5, 1998 at Shiloh Bap tist Church, 901 East sth Street from 10 a.m. to 6p.m. If you have any clothes (men, women’s, or children’s in all sizes), sleeping bags, blankets, or toys, please bag or box them and bring them to the office of Police and Safety. We have received a tremen dous response from the Behrend com munity and still need more. We do not want to have to turn anyone away. There is no charge for any of the clothes distributed. Please help us to make this a brighter Christmas for those families who are in need. If there are any questions, please contact Of ficer Sandi Smith at 898-6101. My voice mail number is 5598. Flu shots through the Health and Wellness Office are currently being of fered to any student. The cost of the injection is only $ 10.00. Students can obtain the shot at any time, except Wednesday mornings, or Friday after noons, and are welcomed on a walk in or appointment basis. This injec tion fights the respiratory flu and com bats fever, chills, headache, dry cough, and muscle aches. Restrictions may apply to individuals with particular al lergies, or other medical conditions. To obtain further information on this injection, please contact the Health and Wellness Center at 898-6217. There will be a Halloween Bash on Friday October 30,1998. The party is sponsored by various organizations on campus and will take place in the Reed Commons from 9:30p.m. to 12:30a.m. The price is $2.00 in advance or two can goods, or $3.00 at the door or three can goods. Costumes are more than welcome, and there will be various games taking place throughout the evening. Contact the Office of Stu dent Affairs for more information at 898-6111. The 1998 Alumni Fellow Award was given to Mr. Mark H. Loevner on Thursday, October 15, in recognition of his leadership in his field. This dis tinguished award is a lifelong title and position awarded to Penn State Alumni who have excelled in their field, been involved in the community and vol unteered with multiple organizations. Mr. Loevner and his wife established the Catherine and Mark Loevner Scholarship at Penn State Erie. Stu dents from five public and private Al legheny County schools who have demonstrated a financial need and met a record of community service are eli gible. Under Loevner’s leadership, Trau & Loevner, a manufacturer of college merchandise, rose to become one of the top five companies manu facturing this type of product in the United States. Loevner is a 1954 Alumnus of Penn State and graduated first in his class of Commerce and Fi nance. Currently, Mr. Loevner is in volved with organizations such as the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Ballet, the Civic Light Op era, the United Way, WQED of Pitts burgh, and the Rehabilitation Institute of Pittsburgh. pages
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