page 4- The Behrend College Beacon. Thursday, October 22, 1998 The Behrend College Beacon published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College News Editor Will Jordan Photography Editor Andrea Zaffino Associate Editor Mark Greenbank Business Manager Jaime Davis Advisors Robert Speel Jim O 'Loughlin Postal Information: The Beacon is published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building, Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. The Beacon can be reached by calling (814) 898-6488 or (814) 898-6019 (FAX). ISSN 1071- 9288. A view from the lighthouse District Justice not concerned with student voters Next year. District Justice Peter Nakoski, is up for reelection. He is currently serving his fourth six-year term. Nakoski is infamous at Behrend for being overly hard on students. Students who have to appear before him commonly get fines or sentences close to the maximum allowed by law. Also, Nakoski is currently under investigation for making racially of fensive comments during a justice training session. Nakoski can be hard on students because he doesn’t have to worry about winning their votes. The people who vote for him aren’t the people who have to worry about Nakoski giv ing them uneccesarily harsh sen tences. Students, who have very little political power locally, have to take what the judge gives them. However, students do have the potential to change this situation. College students are allowed to vote in the district that their college is in, which means that we can vote Nakoski out of office. The only way we can do this is to register to vote in Harborcreek. If the district justice knew that his job security depended in part on the votes of college stu- Letter to the Editor Wakeup call to America on hate crimes Dear Editor: On October 12th, students of the University of Wyoming and the rest of the world experienced a great trag edy. Matthew Shepard, 21, died of complications resulting from a brutal assault. This would appear to be an everyday crime here in America, but it wasn’t. In this crime, hatred was the gun and a person’s sexual orien tation was the bullet. Matthew Shepard, a gay student from the University of Wyoming, went out on Wednesday, October 7, to a local campus hangout. There Shepard met two men that led him into believing that they were homo sexuals, which was a ploy to lure Shepard into their truck. The two men, Russell A. Henderson, 21, and Aaron J. Mckinney, 22, asked Shepard to take a ride with them. Shepard, obviously not suspecting the torture that awaited him, agreed. Of ficials say that the two men pistol whipped Shepard while driving to an isolated area outside of town. The two stopped the truck, took Shepard out, and tied him spread-eagle to a fence. They proceeded to rob him of his money, credit cards, shoes, and even tually his life. They pistol whipped him with the butt of a .357 magnum, then left him there to die. Eighteen hours later, a man found Shepard still tied to the fence, gasping for life. He was taken to Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. For four days, Shepard lay in a coma. Doc tors said that his skull was so badly smashed that they couldn’t operate. As a result of this atrocity, Presi dent Clinton discussed the possibil ity of imposing stronger federal hate crime legislation with Congress. The bill would include those targeted based on sexual orientation, gender, or disability. On the upside, Pennsylvania’s Republican senator, Arlen Specter, along with several other senators, are co-sposoring this bipartisan bill. Unfortunately, Con- Editor in Chief Anne Rajotte Managing Editor Ayodele Jones Features Editor Jon Stubbs Sports Editor Jason Snyder Layout Editors Mike Perkins Rose Forrest Advertising Managers Erin Edinger Carey Smith Letter Policy: The Beacon encourages letters to the editor. Letters should include the address, phone number, semester standing and major of the writer. Writers can mail their letters to Letters must be received no later than spm Tuesday for inclusion in that week’s issue. dents, she or he couldn’t have an anti student attitude. As long as Justice Nakoski or any other justice knows that their position doesn’t depend on the support of a particular group, such a college stu dents, they will have no obligation or motivation to quell any prejudices they might have. We encourage students to exercise their voting power and make the situ ation in Harborcreek more acceptable for college students. If politicians know that students are going to use their right to vote, they will respect the needs and wishes of those stu dents. gress probably won’t pass the bill be fore the adjournment at this week’s end. The senior analyst of a conserva tive group called the Family Research Council, Steven Schwalm, had this to say about the murder of Matthew Shepard: “The law should deal with facts and acts and not attitudes. We have great sorrow and regret that the incident occurred. But to try and blame pro-family or religious Ameri cans because they oppose homosexual activity is Orwellian.” First of all, no one can sincerely express regret and then suddenly turn around and look for what's to blame in a tragedy like this. Secondly, Mr. Schwalm’s stand makes it seem that he is saying ho mosexuals cannot be part of or are not part of families, as if gay individuals aren’t born of mothers and fathers. Also, he seems to be expressing the opinion that homosexuals can’t be religious, that “pro-family” and reli gious groups are and should be pitted against gay individuals, and vice versa. Mr. Schwalm’s provincial statement is unfounded and, in many cases, untrue. It is difficult for me to handle that fact that someone would have to die to get a bill passed. I feel that society has become reactive instead of pro active. I’m saying that instead of pre venting crimes before they happen, Americans take action after the fact. When it happens, it’s too late. You’ve lost the battle because a person has died, and no matter what bills are now passed, the parents of Matthew Shepard will never hear their son’s beautiful voice again. What is acceptable in this country and what’s not is repulsive to me. The president can engage in sexual rela tions with a woman other than his wife, but a gay man can’t even walk into a bar. Is this acceptable to you? No matter what your answer is, it doesn’t give you the right to kill some one. People are dying everyday be- The Ordinary Colie Homecoming participation reflects choice of activities Well it’s time once again to begin the celebrations for another Behrend Homecoming. Yeah. With many ac tivities planned for the weekend, the ordinary college student has to won der if any of them are tllv • h actually worth going to. Having gone down (in the rain) ev ery year (in the rain) to experience home coming at Penn State Erie - The Behrend College, or Penn State Behrend, or Penn State Erie, or Penn State Behrend cam- pus, or whatever this school decides it wants to call itself, I’ve seen one constant thing, aside from the rain, that takes place every year: lack of student participation. Why is it that more on-campus resi dents from our campus participate in University Park homecoming activi ties than in the ones that take place for our special little weekend? Is it because it rains every year? Maybe. Is it perhaps due to the fact that an Open House weekend is always scheduled the same weekend of Homecoming, and that there will be no parking, and too much of a circus to bother going down to see events that take place? Could be. Or is it that a majority of the events that go on are Live From Guyana Living with a roommaterequires respect Think back to your high school graduation day; you just received your diploma and you’ re thinking of the ways you are going to spend your last summer at home before you go away to college. You may get a sum mer job, or just party and have fun before you have to buckle down for the upcoming semester. So the time has come for you to get ready and depart to a new world, and all of your friends and family have a piece of advice to give you. “Remember your college years, they will be full of memories of all the good times you’ve had” or “don’t drink to much” or “don’t mix your whites and your reds,” but nobody warned you about roommates Living in a dorm, a suite or even the apartments, students are forced to live with people they’ve never cause someone’s opinions or prefer ences offend someone else. The vio lence, hatred, and corruption that flourish in the states is disillusioning and disturbing to foreigners like my self. America, this is your wake-up call. Christian Darling 01 DUS Editorial not really geared for current students, or interesting enough to get student participation. I mean come on, unless someone is really excited about AMCC cross Yes, the BBQ and live music on Friday night will draw many students down to the ski slope. Tradition ally though, participation and student turnout at the chariot race, carnival, and float parade is low. The question is why do we keep on doing it? country competition, who will be at tending the award ceremony for top athlete in that division? What ordi nary college student really gives a damn about some alumni soccer game. Unless you’re a hardcore soccer fa natic, or have a relative or friend play ing in that game, why would anybody realistically go see that game? Yes, the BBQ and live music on Friday night will draw many students down to the ski slope. Traditionally though, participation and student turnout at the chariot race, carnival, and float parade is low. The question is why do we keep on doing it? If the school wants to have special events, that’s fine. Don’t have them though just for visiting alumni and known or probably would never care to meet. Even if you do know your roommates, living together may cause a rift among already existing friends. The sharing of basic facili ties in small space provides the per fect environment for conflict. Be fore you know it, it’s two in the morning and you are arguing over closet space and how much space your food takes up in the refrigera tor. Is there anyway we could avoid this disturbance of peace? I gave this problem a lot of thought and I’ve fi nally came up with a solution: RE SPECT. Respect is earned only if it given, this basic principle of life was taught in kindergarten; never take without asking, respect other people’s prop erty. Yet by the time we reach col lege I guess most of us have forgot- Glenn arrived t ~ ai cape Canaveral ioAay... e Student Letters to the editor behrcoll2 @ parents of prospective high-school se niors. The unfortunate result is that parents and hopeful students see the low student turnout at many home coming events and are left to wonder why on come to our homecoming, or really anything for that matter. When he does come over, like he did last week for the Council of Fellows Ceremony, it’s for a short time period and then he is gone like a ninja in the night. I understand that he is extremely busy and cannot make it to every event or homecoming for every campus, but shouldn’t he at least try to make an occasional appearance. When he is here, it’s like Zeus com ing down from Mt. Olympus to mingle amongst the mortals. His advance staff acts like the entire campus is sup posed to become weak in the knees at the mere mention of his name, and then crowd around when he appears. Yeah, you might as well crowd around, because you’ll never get to see ten this simple fact. Instead, we al low strangers to sleep in our roommate’s bed, we gobble their food and even have parties on Mon day nights while they are studying for an exam. Once these injustices have been committed against us we resort to guerrilla tactics, such as defacing their property, labeling our food and totally ignoring their pres ence. Is it the dishes that have been sitting for a week or is it the garbage which hasn’t been emptied in four days that really pushes your button? Fed up, you begin to tell your room mates how you exactly feel whether they wish to hear it or not. Hope fully it does not result in any physi cal violence. I wish that these uncomfortable moments of life could be avoided, but how? The roommate agreement him the rest of your college career, so you better get a good look when you have the chance. I know that students are contacted and their opinions are taken into con sideration when homecoming events are planned, but maybe it’s time for a campus wide survey to be conducted. Looking back on what has taken place in the past, one tends to think that new and more exciting ideas would be implemented to draw current students to events and encourage them to par ticipate. Perhaps new programs like this year’s Battle of the Sexes and live music from the Gathering Field will result in higher student participation. Unfortunately it looks for the most part that we will be seeing the same events taking place this coming week end. This will result in poor partici pation once again, and if the ordinary college student wishes to partake in the festivities, they will have to com bat the annual rain showers which continue to haunt Behrend homecom ings. I guess it’s a good thing SPC is showing Scream and Scream 2 in Reed this weekend, because I don’t own a raincoat, and don’t plan on get ting wet. back home. Another rather dis- heartening fact is that our own Penn State President doesn’t Greenbank is associate editor of The Beacon. His column appears every 3 that all on-campus students fill out in tile beginning of the year is a dis tant memory by October, and by that time many have had their first major argument with their roommates. By this time we are so far gone, that we could care less about their wants or needs. When you walk into your “home,” you wish you were back in your 8 a.m. class listening to your teacher explain the forces of nature; instead you are in the middle of a war zone. Is there anyway to recap ture the feeling of the first day, when you first moved into your apartment and all was well with the world? I highly doubt it, but I just heard that Ohio Hall has 64 single rooms, all roommate free. Jones is managing editor of The Bea con. Her column appears every 3
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