15™” SPC Movie: “ Negotiator’ - 10p.m 19 M °n Wings of Desire . International Film Series - 7:30p.m., Reed 117 All submissions for the calendar should be made available to the Beacon by s:oopm on the Monday before publication. Please send via inter-office mail to the Beacon Calendar Editor, drop it off at the Beacon office, or send it to BEHRCOLL3@aoI.com. The Beacon cannot guarantee publication of events due to space constraints. The Beacon also reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. The calendar is intended for Behrend notices and events. Events The Logan Wintergarden Series con tinues with the DaPonte String Quartet on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. Guests are invited to bring a brown bag lunch to the noontime concert in the Reed Union Building and enjoy the group’s rich, expressive Hungar ian style. All performances in the Lo gan Series are free and open to the public. The DaPonte String Quartet is made up of Dean Stein, first vio linist; Ferdinand Liva, violin; Mark Preston, viola; and Myles Jordan, cello. All graduates of the Juilliard School of Music, the group formed a permanent ensemble in 1991 while working in Philadelphia. Although each player is a virtuoso in his own right, the group blends to achieve pre cision and perfection as an ensemble. Its repertoire includes traditional Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms along with newer composers Comolli, Kaufamn, and Reiprich. Hailed by The Philadelphia Inquirer as having “incredibly rich, expressive tone and....mellifluous phrasing,” the DaPonte String Quartet performs chamber music on an intimate, per sonal level that touches and involves the audience. The ensemble, which l.ar re .orded two CDs, was awarded a Ru'-s! Residency Grant by Cham- • ber Music America and the National Endowment for the Arts in 1995. Mu sic at Noon; The Logan Wintergarden Series at Penn State Erie brings world class musicians to the College to per form in an informal setting. The se ries is made possible through a grant from the Harry A. Logan, Jr. Founda tion. For more information, please contact the Penn State Frio off;— ~f Student Activities at (814) 898-6171 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1998 - The Blue Bus is reserved for the en tire day for the Niagara Falls trip. For your information, if you have a group of at least 8 people that would like to reserve the bus, please contact the driver or student activities. It’s a great way to get off campus! The Penn State Erie Open House Nights in Astronomy Series contin ues Thursday, Oct. 22 at 7:30 p.m. with “Sunspots, Sunquakes, solar Tor nadoes, and Neutrinos,” presented by Dr. James LoPresto, professor of physics and technology at Edinboro University. LoPresto’s lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in Room 101 of the Behrend Science Building. With the develop ment of helioseismology, or the study of “sunquakes,” and improved satel lites, many new and more detailed ob servations of the sun have recently be come possible. Observations of sunquakes and “solar tornadoes” are leading to a more complete under standing of the sun’s activity and magnetism. Detailed images of the Sun’s corona show phenomena that act as particle accelerators, a phenom enon that may be related to solar flares and mass ejection. Dr. LoPresto will also discuss recent advances in tele scopes and a theory that appears to be providing answers to difficulties in understanding the number of neufmo particles that the sun emits. Open House Nights in Astronomy, which take place in the Otto Behrend Sci ence Lecture Hall, are free and open to the public. Astronomical observing will take place following the lectures, weather permitting. For more infor mation, contact the Penn State Erie School of Science at 898-6105. Calendar of Events 16" SPC Movie: “Negotiatoi”-'\op.m 20”“ Logan Series: DaPonte String Quartette - 12p.m. @ Wintergarden Soccer (M) vs. Keuka - 4p.m. Volleyball vs. Buffalo State/Pitt-Bradford - 5p.m./7p.m. Thirty-one students in the plastics engineering technology program at Penn State F.rc, The Behrend Col lege, will travel to Dusseldorf, Ger many, on October 22 to attend K-98, Europe’s and possibly the world’s largest plastics trade show. Manufac turing companies from all over the world will take part in this weeklong event, which covers nearly a square mile of the city’s convention center, located on the banks of the Rhine River. “Penn State’s long-term goal is to provide an international experi ence for twenty percent of its students every year,” said Provost and Dean Dr. John Lilley. “Offering this kind of opportunity for our Penn State stu dents to participate in an international trade show has been a very success ful experience." Lilley noted that for many students these experiences have been life changing. “Students have returned from these trips profoundly changed by their new global perspec tive,” he said. The students will be accompanied by Dr. Paul Koch, as sociate professor of engineering. Dr. Stephen deHart, associate professor of German and humanities, and Jonathan Meckley, research assistant in the Plastics Technology Deployment Center. Tom Lebiei. personnel man ager for Carlisle, Inc., will also travel with the students and conduct em ployment interviews with students during the trip. The group plans to stav at a youth hostel in Co'ocn.', an historic, walled, section of this Ger man city about twenty miles south of Dusseldorf. The hostel is located near a train station, where each day they will catch the train for the short trip to K-98. The tour will also include stops in Aachen and Stuttgart. In Aachen, which served as Charlemagne’s capital in the 8()()s when he was leader of the Holy Ro Calendar 17“ Lion Ambassador Applications due SPC Movie: “Negotiator- 10p.m. 21 wed Soccer (W) vs. Allegheny - 4 p.m man Empire, the students will visit the University of Aachen, the only Euro pean school that has a plastics tech nology program similar to the one taught at Penn State Erie. “The stu dents are really looking forward to the part ol the trip we spend in Stuttgart,” said Koch. “In Stuttgart we will tour both the Mercedes Benz and the Porsche factories.” he said. The plas tics engineering technology program offers international conference expe riences to students each year. Last year a contingency of twenty-two stu dents, faculty, and professionals at tended Chinaplas, an international trade show in the People’s Republic of China. The group will return to Erie Sunday, Nov. 1. The Office of Catholic Campus Min istry invites all to attend their weekly Catholic mass every Sunday at On Sunday, October 11, Theatre in structor, Tony Elliot and members of Behrend’s own Matchbox Players (stu dent theatre group) walked in down town Erie to help the American Heart Association fight heart disease and stroke at the Healthy Choice Ameri can Heart Association Walk. This is the third year in a row that the Match box Players have participated in the walk, having already raised over $1,000.00 for the cause. The Heart Walk is a community service effort for the Matchbox Players. Funds raised through the Heart Walk are used to sup port heart research, community service Thursday, October 15,1998 - The Behrend College Beacon - page 3 8:00p.m. in the Reed Commons. The International Film Series con tinues with the showing of the Ger man film Wings of Desire on Mon day, October 19 at 7:00p.m. in the Reed Union Building Lecture Hall. One of the most notable films of the 1980’s, Wings of Desire was directed by Wim Wenders, combines unex plainable fate with present-day hope. The supernatural love story reveals the destiny of an angel, portrayed by Bruno Ganz, who falls in love with a beautiful trapeze artist and decides to enter the mortal world of earthly be ings. Set in Germany, the cinematog raphy is full of footage of a new and prosperous Berlin, a far cry from the bleak city of old. Director Wim Wenders captured the Best Director Award at Cannes for the film in 1987 and Paris, Texas in 1984. The films of Wenders trace the development of and public education programs. Step out against heart disease and stroke by supporting the efforts made last weekend. It’s easy to do. Your donation to the American Heart Asso ciation of whatever you can afford will help all of us to take stand against this #1 killer of Americans. If you would like to make a dona tion on your own, please place it in an envelope with your name and a note, and send it to the Matchbox Players d o Tony Elliot/ 145 Academic. The office of Police and Safety, Al pha Sigma Alpha, and ODK, are spon soring a clothing drive to benefit those in Erie County that are in need of some assistance. We have been collecting f#r ' J 99 DaPonte String Quartet Beacon every week 18’” Tennis (W) AMCC - 9a.m. SPC Movie: “Negotiator - 9p.m 22 Thurs Astronomy Open House - 7:30p.m @ Otto Behrend SPC Movie: “ Scream/Scream 2' - 10p.m. one of the most well known directors of the New German Cinema, which flourished in the seventies and eight ies. Wenders works have been influ enced by Americal films and often feature characters that are always on the movie in an attempt to capture a glimpse of their identity and place in the world. The film is sponsored by the School of Humanties and Social Sciences and is free and open to the public. For more information please call 898-6108. Lion Ambassador Applications are due Friday October 17. Students may pick up the applications at the Rub Desk in the Reed Union Building. Applications can be submitted to the Lion Ambassador Office, SGA suite, of through campus mail. since the beginning of the year and will continue to do so until November 13, 1998. The items will be distributed on December 5, 1998 at Shiloh Baptist Church, 901 East sth Street from 10 a.m. to 6p.m. If you have any clothes (men, women’s, or children’s in all sizes), sleeping bags, blankets, or toys, please bag or box them and bring them to the office of Police and Safety. We have received a tremendous re sponse from the Behrend community and still need more. We do not want to have to turn anyone away. There is no charge for any of the clothes distrib uted. Please help us to make this a brighter Christmas for those families who are in need. If there are any ques tions, please contact Officer Sandi Smith at 898-6101. My voice mail number is 5598. Read GOOD WEEKLY INCOME processing mail for national companyl Free supplies, postage! No sell ing! Bonuses! Start imme diately! Genuine opportu nity! Please rush Long Self- Addressed Stamped Enve lope to MPC, SUITE 391 2045 Mt. Zion Rd MORROW, GA 30260 The
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