page 2 - The Behrend College Beacon - October 15 ,1998 MCC raises diversity awareness By Danielle Marshall staff writer “United we stand, divided we fall.’ On-campus diversity provides an at mosphere where all races are comfort able with accepting each other. Be hrend has the Multi-Cultural Council to provide us with the opportunity to interact and mingle with cultures dif ferent than ours. ; There are a total of nine organiza- I tions that make up MCC, which is ! supported by the Student Government ; Association (SGA). The nine organi zations are as follows: the Associa f tion of Black Collegians (ABC), ; Asian Student Organization (ASO), < Human Relations Programming j Council (HRPC), Jewish Student Or ! ganization (JSO), The National Soci • ety of Black Engineers (NSBE), Or ; ganization of Latin American Stu ! dents (OLAS), Returning Adult Stu ; dent Organization (RASO), Trigon, ! and Women Today, j There are only six active organiza ! tions, due to an unexpected decrease ; in members of HRPC, JSO, and I RASO. So, how are these tradition ! ally underrepresented groups pro ; moted with appreciation and aware -1 ness? The Association of Black Colle gians (ABC) is an organization which strives to promote ethnic awareness and unity among colored and non colored students. Their annual activi ties include the Gala, Unity Picnic, Jennifer Fontecchio, president of MCC STUCK IN BURGER-TORY? Tired of burgers? Aspire to something higher. Get a Subway sub. We’ll pile your favorite meats on fresh baked bread topped with free fixin’s. When you're stuck in a fast food rut, take a Subway out. j. <’■* ’fcW*'* ShOO OFF r * | salad mwww W m m salad | 1.// i v vj x v I I * i ll|tl o •O ■ | STORE STORE | ADDRESSES .:>«»=«■*» ADDRESSES j Not good with any other offer Offer expires 11-16-98 Kwanzaa Dinner, Kuumba Night, so cial events and forums. Asian Student Organization (ASO) is an organization whose main purpose is to support Asian students, which can be from many nationalities, on cam pus. It provides education to any stu dents who desire to learn about Asian cultures. They also make students aware of the existence of Asian stu dents on campus. They recently had a dinner and speaker at the Logan House that turned out to be very successful. Their annual activities include gath erings, along with other social events. National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is an organization that is known throughout the country. The purpose is to provide a supportive en vironment for students and bring suc cess in fields of science and engineer ing. Their annual events include the Fall and Spring Regional conferences, the National Conferences, a Fashion Show, and a host of other social gath erings. Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) is a support group for Latin American students on cam pus. The OLAS’ organization is known for the annual “Friday Fiesta” dance, which usually takes place once a semester. Along with Friday Fiesta, their annual events include social meetings and speakers. Trigon is a support group for gay. lesbian, and bisexual students, statf, and faculty. This organization’s pur pose is to make homosexuality and bisexuality more acceptable and edu cate the Behrend College about their issues. Last year, they had a “Safer Sex Cabaret,” which was held in the Reed Lecture Hall. They are planning for another cabaret next semester. Their annual activities include Ally Day, National Coming Out Day, and speaker events. Women Today is an organization that focuses mainly on women’s con cerns. Research is found and orga nized for the purpose of looking at a deeper dimension in examining women’s concerns of today. They usually have activities like poetry readings and speakers. These groups assist in coordinat ing events, like The Martin Luther King Jr. Campus-Wide Celebration, Friday Fiesta, and Hispanic and Black History Awareness months. This year, President Jennifer Fontecchio said she hopes to educate the campus more so than what it has previously had in the past. She is now planning and getting ready for Cultural Week scheduled for the week of November 16th. This week is a special time for each orga nization to exhibit a certain type of food, or book or movie excerpt from their particular culture. Fontecchio also states, “We have strong leader ship this year. We have fresh new ideas. I’d re ally like to run with it and give people 'he opportunity to see that multi-culturahsm is for every- photo by Jason Blake The Beacon needs writers Call 898- 6488 News 10/8/98 Complainant reported a sick groundhog following students. Upon arrival, officer followed animal up the hill and into a hole. 10/8/98 Complainant called to report that a student reported a vehicle being on fire in the Nick Lot. Upon arrival, officer found ho flames, but a truck that had the paint burned off tl hood. 10/10/98 Upon returning to station discovered a vehicle in the lot with a male inside. Upoi checking found the male to be intoxicated. 10/10/98 Sorting clothes - Officer let her in 10/11/98 Reported that someone was stealing firewood 10/11/98 Complainant reported that while walking her dog in the gorge, another dog got aggressive toward her dog which was not on a leash, and the owner was far behind. Office explained what could be done. 10/11/98 Complainant reported that the side window of the Blue Van was busted out while driving through Wesleyville. The police department was informed. Police .And Safety REPORT: Who has the best pizza in the area, and why? “Little Anthony’s. They have greasy pizza with crispy crust.” “The little shop by the lake owned by the old Italian man and woman. I get free food because I went out with their daughter.” -Mike Hopwood, 07 Communication “Pizza Hut.” “Lucky’s. It’s huge and cheap.” -Dan Plonski, 07, History “Papa John’s. It’s a good place.” -Mackenzie Baird, 03, Political Science -Brandon Menc, 01 Math -Maria Colvin, 05, MIS
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