A Thurs Soccer (W) vs. John Carroll - 4p.m Matchbox Players Meeting - 6p.m. SPC Movie: “Out of Sight” - 10p.m 12 Mon La Ceremonie (The Ceremony) International Film Series - 7:30p.m., Reed 117 All submissions for the calendar should be made available to the Beacon by s:oopm on the Monday before publication. Please send via inter-office mail to the Beacon Calendar Editor, drop it off at the Beacon office, or send it to BEHRCOLL3@aoI.com. The Beacon cannot guarantee publication of events due to space constraints. The Beacon also reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. The calendar is intended for Behrend notices and events. Events Jerry Greenfield, half of the famous Ben and Jerry’s ice cream duo, will offer “An Evening of Entrepreneur ial Spirit, Social Responsibility, and Radical Business Philosophy,” on Tuesday,Oct. 13at7:30p.m. His lec ture, which will take place in the Reed Union Building Commons, is free and open to the public. Greenfield’s first job in the ice cream industry was working as a scooper in the cafeteria during his years at Oberlin College. When his original plans for medical school didn’t work out, he and high school and college friend Ben Cohen decided to pursue their dream'of start ing a food business together. In 1976 they settled on ice cream and began researching the industry. Greenfield made the ice cream for their busy shop, which soon became known for its rich, unusual flavors and its com munity approach to business. Dur ing the summer of 1986, Ben and Jerry traveled across the country to gether in their “Cowmobile,” serving up free samples of their ice cream in what they termed a “cross country marketing drive.” For many years, Ben and Jerry’s has donated 7.5 per cent of its annual pretax profits to charitable causes-the highest percent age of any publicly held company. The company has become a powerful S U B WAY Now Hiring Lunch hours Tuesday and Thursday (other hours available) apply in person agent for social change by embracing a values-led business philosophy that accepts responsibility for the welfare of society. Greenfield’s lecture con tinues the Penn State Erie Speaker Series, which is sponsored by the Of fice of Student Affairs and is partially funded by the John Nesbit Rees and Sarah Henne Rees Charitable Foun dation and the PNC Corporation. An interpreter for deaf and hard-of-hear ing audience members will be visible at each lecture, and assistive listen ing devices are available upon ad vance request from the Office of Stu dent Activities at (814) 898-6171. These services are made possible through funding from Penn State’s Equal Opportunity Planning Commit tee. As always, all lectures are also taped for- broadcast otv AM 1450/ ' WPSE, Penn State Erie radio. For more information about the Speaker Series, please call the Penn State Be hrend switchboard at (814) 898-6000. The 1996 French Film La Ceremonie (The Ceremony) starring Jacqueline Bisset and Isabella^ Huppert will be shown on Monday, ■ October 12 at 7:00p.m. in the Reed j Lecture Hall. Based on the novel A J Judgement in Stone by Ruth Rendell, * La Ceremonie follows Sophie, a self- 1 assured, but emotionless young I woman hired by the Lelievre family | to be the new housekeeper for their | country home. Jeanne, the village- I appointed loose cannon, quickly be-1 I |L [ J I | I | I | I | I | I | I | I | I | i for l Player ! J Good Anytime J J Day or Night J ■ (Except Friday & Saturday ■ J 6 p.m. to close) J I a Limit One Coupon per ■ J Player per Visit | I I I I Calendar of Events 9 Fr Rec Deadline: Commuter Euchre Tourn. - 4p.m. IM Deadline: Flag Football - 4p.m. Bruno’s: Encore, Band - 8:30p.m. SPC Movie: “Out of Sight”-10p.m. 13 Tues Speaker Jerry Greenfield - 7:30p.m Reed Commons friends Sophie. As Sophie begins to relax, she also shows signs that she may be harboring guilty secrets, and she may not be the only one. The di rector of the film, Claude Chabrol re turns to filmmaking with a vengeance as he puts together this riveting drama of secrets and lies. Compared to re cent Hollywood films about destruc tive outsiders, such as The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, La Ceremonie is complex, political, wickedly astute, and refreshingly unpredictable. The film continues the International Film Series. The series, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Mary Behrend Cultural Fund and the School of Humanities and Social Science. A brown bag lunch talk will take place on Tuesday, October 13 when speaker Janet Duggins will present her talk entitled, "You Don’t Look Like a Minister." The talk will take place in Reed 3 and will begin at 12:00p.m. All are welcome and en couraged to join. “"“““"“■"“-“I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FREE , Peach & Liberty , Calendar 1/2 Hour 10*“ Bruno’s: Spanky, Comedian - 8:30p.m SPC Movie: “Out of Sight”- 10p.m. 14”“ Soccer (M) vs. W & J - 4 p.m IM: Flag Football begins [mm On Sunday, October 11, Theatre in structor, Tony Elliot and members of Behrend’s own Matchbox Players (stu dent theatre group) will be walking in downtown Erie to help to American Heart Association fight heart disease and stroke at the Healthy Choice American Heart Association Walk. This is the third year in a row that the Matchbox Players have participated in the walk, having already raised over $1,000.00 for the cause. The Heart Walk is a community service effort for the Matchbox Players. Funds raised through the Heart Walk are used to sup port heart research, community service Wednesday, October 14,1998 Needed: Blood Donors!! It’s easy to save lives! Blood donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 lbs. and be in general good health. Please eat well be fore you sign in at the blood drive. Did you know? *Every 24 hours, Erie’s hospitals, Corry Memorial Hos pital & Union City Memorial Hospital use 50 to 100 units of blood. In the US *Every 3 seconds someone needs blood! *40,000 units are used each day! *lO,OOO people receive a transfusion everyday! *5,000 people would die immediately if blood was not available! Questions? Call Community Blood Bank at 456-4206. Thursday, October 8,1998 - The Behrend College Beacon - page 3 and public education programs. Step out against heart disease and stroke by supporting their efforts. It’s easy to do. If you are approached, just make a donation to the American Heart Association, and the Matchbox Play ers will do the rest. Your donation of whatever you can afford will help all of us to take stand against this #1 killer of Americans. If you would like to make a dona tion on your own, please place it in an envelope with your name and a note, and send it to the Matchbox Players c/ o Tony Elliot/ 145 Academic. The office of Police and Safety, Al pha Sigma Alpha, and ODK, are spon soring a clothing drive to benefit those in Erie County that are in need of some assistance. We have been collecting 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Reed Commons Please Give Blood! il- Matchbox Players American Heartwalk Catholic Mass - Bp.m. Reed Commons SPC Movie: “Out of Sight" - 9p.m. ls”* SPC Movie: “Negotiator" - 10p.m at the since the beginning of the year and will continue to do so until November 13, 1998. The items will be distributed on December 5, 1998 at Shiloh Baptist Church, 901 East sth Street from 10 a.m. to 6p.m. If you have any clothes (men, women’s, or children’s in all sizes), sleeping bags, blankets, or toys, please bag or box them and bring them to the office of Police and Safety. We have received a tremendous re sponse from the Behrend community and still need more. We do not want to have to turn anyone away. There is no charge for any of the clothes distrib uted. Please help us to make this a brighter Christmas for those families who are in need. If there are any ques tions, please contact Officer Sandi Smith at 898-6101. My voice mail number is 5598.
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