lorxiesivo , The Behrertd 7 N A .e ." • . sit i , . , ~. _ w I .. 1 ' : 3 I e' a 1 • momilii• 0 . . . .. ~.„....v .... Beacto ./.. .im . 7 ...' . .1 . 1 .1 • ;` - 7 : * ,-.• '. =,-- • ' •• 1 •• - • .. 1:: ai. .7" : . ,;...._ „ a _ ! • r - ,r 1..," eLe-:e• s . - , ,' - ; 4 % 4 4. i l / 4 7Rfit,„ A izoo• - .-' " . ~. ' - - - -L - -": --- ..- • :1 -- 4 1 - i .LP S ' Z 'Pr • - 1 11 1 ` . - ' ' N oofffto, 11 ' +- • a , -... 4 -i— - f' S September 3, 1998 Volume XLVII No. 2 -4 •.- -'- t• fl - . .s . - •• PENNSTATE g Erie College celebrates By Anne Rajotte Editor in Chief Behrend celebrated its fiftieth an niversary with a weekend full of ac tivities that involved nearly every as pect of the College. On Friday night a carnival was held on the Ski Slope. It included carnival food, a petting zoo, games, and a for tune teller, who was by far the most popular attraction. Later that night, two bands, Sho' Nuff and Sleeping Giants, entertained students. "The palm reader was cool," commented Jaime Davis, 05 accounting/MIS, "It was the best part." Nathan Mitchell, 03 PLET, agreed, "I liked having my palm read. I thought the weekend was fun," The next night, a celebration was , . MEM • vo i r : 4,- photo by Andrea Zafftno The petting zoo at Friday's carnival featured farm animals such as this donke. SGA to allocate What's Inside 50th Anniversary I' ictures olice and Safety: nakes in ammermill PC Movie: Titanic alendar of Events ditorial: vercrowding at runo's? exual Harassment uit neecapping by IR • erb Lauffer Soccer ournament The Behrend College held for friends and benefactors of Behrend. A buffet dinner was served in Bruno's and was followed by a champagne toast and a speech by Michael Beschloss. a presidential his torian. Beschloss commented on some of the historical events that have taken place during the last fifty years that Behrend has been in existence. Later, the guests were given their first taste of "Behrend Berry," a Penn State Creamery flavor that was renamed in honor of Behrend's fiftieth. On Sunday, the faculty and staff participated in a luncheon in which Michael Beschloss again spoke. Stu dents were also invited to hear Beschloss speak. Throughout the weekend, artifacts from the Behrend family home were on display, as well as pictures of the •r• • • 'AA -- • ** 4 ‘t - -‘ . , • rwlt ajit ; v.v.* • • • $20,000, hold elections By Ayodele Jones Mana . gin i g Editor On September 2, 1998, at 5:31 p.m., president Buck Goedicke, 07 Electri cal Engineering, called to order the second meeting of Behrend's Student Government Association. The meet ing began with a student forum; yet many students missed this open op portunity to voice their concerns about life and problems at Behrend. However, former SGA president Michael Zampetti, 07 History, brought the seventy-five dollar com puter fee to the attention of the Stu- "The SGA meeting went well considering that it is the first and that she is looking forward to accomplishing more in upcoming year." Kerry Hinkson 06 English dent Government. Zampetti notes that the allocation of the money is rather "strange." Sixty dollars was spent on the speakers which accompany the computers in the computer lab yet students are not able to use them to play music on. Prob lems still remain with modems and connections and also gaining access to the internet off campus. Kim Burke, 04 Accounting, was introduced as the new SGA treasurer. Andrea DiPlacido, 03 DUS, and Erie, PA 16563 Behrend family and their history. In the Studio Theatre, paintings done by Mary Behrend, as well as other works by those associated with Behrend, were on display. Two portraits of former Behrend administrators, T. Reed Ferguson and Irvin Kochel, were unveiled. The portraits were done by a former Behrend art instruc tor Felicia Van Bork. Also shown for the first time last weekend was a new video about Be hrend. The video included a reenact ment of the donation of the Behrend estate to Penn State and also included some history about the Behrends and how the campus has evolved over the past fifty years. , , SW." *-4. • . 4 7"w00kv , - , 441bAt.: - :1,14`41440' Michelle Benjamin, 07 Accounting, are the current Vice President and Secretary, respectively. Elections will be held for Freshman Senators and also for a seat which was vacated by a formerly elected SGA Senator, Stacey Erzen, who did not return to Behrend. Applications and petitions can be obtained from the Student Government office in the Reed building; all petitions and applications must be turned into the SGA suite mailbox by Monday, September 14. Elections will be held the following Wednesday, September 16 for the freshman seats, while SGA will appoint someone to fill Erzen's position. Anyone interested in run- Behrend student learns his fate ning for the vacant seat must at least have second semester standing The Student Government has an additional $20,000 to distribute this Fall and must make several decisions about how to appropriate the funds to various organizations around campus. Clubs can acquire additional funds by submitting a supplemental budget re quest; these are due by September 16. A budget committee will then recom mend the allocation of these funds (generated by the student activity fee) to SGA. Channasa Taylor, 03 Inter national Business and Marketing, be lieves that, "The extra $20,000 should go to scholarships and grants to those who can't afford to pay for college costs themselves." Despite low of attendance among the general student population, Kerry Hinkson, 06 English, thinks, ""That the SGA meeting went well considering that it is the first. She is looking forward to accomplishing more in the upcoming year." Michael Beschloss gives the keynote address at Saturday's dinner for friends and benefactors. its fiftieth anniversary Students stand in line to get their palm read at Friday's carnival 41* By Will Jordan News Editor Behrend's Berry is better than Ben & Jerry's. Behrend has a new ice cream flavor. It was an idea of the 50th Anniversary Committee over the summer. "They thought that it would be a fun way to mark the anniversary," said Anne-Marie Welsh, Manager of Public Information. manager of the Creamery at Univer- A contest was held to give our 1111 P" Students get their first taste of "Behrend Berry" ice cream sity Park, Tom Palchak, to come up with the flavor. Giving campuses their own flavor is rarely done by the Creamery. However, the Creamery did produce a new flavor for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Palmer Art Museum. The new flavor for that event was the "Palmer Mousseum." Since it would be very difficult to come up with a new flavor for Be hrend, an idea arose which was to take an old flavor and just give it a new The committee worked with the name. • . .4 . ; .. 7 . . - . i l' • -• ...: - s .. , t . t vor a name. which was won by Dan Merson, former Assistant to the Dean of Student of Affairs. Merson was a graduate intern who is now looking for a job. Ed Mulfinger, Director of Food and Housing, says that although the new flavor is not available on a regular basis it will hopefully be avail able at Homecoming, Founders Day, which is on October 30th, and in June at the All Class Reunion. photo by Andrea Zaffino photo by Andrea Zallino photo by Andrea Zaffino
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