The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, August 20, 1998, Image 4
page 4 - The Behrend Beac,;,l - ,-11c4thst 20, 19Qs Provost and Dean John Lilley E ~,; R': ~J ~, Q s , gig : h,; Athletic Director Brian Streeter 1. Describe your job It's a job that never stops. If there is a slow moment, you know something is going to happen. The nice thing about it is that I am always working with students and faculty and am in volved with everything on campus. We arc still planning the multipurpose building The design phase is about MK; complete. The new intramural complex won't he used until the spring and the bridge will he in by Oc -2 What are some activities you sug- tohcr. gest first-year students should get involved with? Students should all become specta tors. Be the reserve player at every game. You can still participate from the stands. Games are a great place to meet new people. 3. What new or exciting things are Roger Knacke, Director of the School of Science I.Describe your job As Director of the School of Science. I supervise the teaching. research. and service activities of the faculty and students. I work with the faculty and students to foster an outstanding en vironment for undergraduate sc.cnce education. 2.What are some activities you sug- M\ I:: IF I Tll 11 IE happening in your department this semester? 4. What advice would you give first sear students? Bc patient and willing to realize there are one hundred ways to do things and no one way is the right way. Before you react. see it through the other person's eyes. Bc practical and have conunon sense gest first year students should get involved with? I'd suggest that first year students should join a club or two related to their academic interests, as well as participate in the athletic and social lite of the College. These out of class activities, which are very good at Be timid, can help you succeed in your academics. Make the effort to be- Roberta Salper, Director of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences 1. Describe your job As the director of the School of Hu manities and Social Sciences I work with the faculty who teach in our majors and minors: English, History, Political Science, Communication and Media Studies, and Psychology as well as Women's Studies and In ternational Studies , Since I I&SS of fers a little more than half of Behrend's general education courses, a lot of my time is devoted to select ing and staffing these courses too. The job has many other interesting facets too; two of my favorites have been to help in the creation of Be hrend-based study abroad programs in Germany, England Spain and France (the one in Paris is slated to begin in summer 2000) and to he a part of the team that initiated the Be hrend Fifth Year Elementary and Sec ondary Education Program. 2. What are some of the activities you suggest first year students should get involved with? I think that getting involved in acedemically-related activities such as the discipline-based clubs (psy chology, history, political science, etc.), working on The Beacon and at- come a part of them 3.What new or exciting things are happening in your department this year? This year, Science is introducing ex citing new programs in computational physics, analytical chemistry, and ori gins of solar systems. Programs that we introduced or developed last year, including biomathematics, develop mental biology, a statistics minor, and a computer science minor, are matur ing. Faculty interests in these sub jects provide great opportunities for Behrend students, opportunities that are unusual for an undergraduate col lege. 4.What advice would you give first- year students? My advice to new students is to de cide, and be determined, that you will make a success of your college career. It will take much more than it did in high school, but don't let anything stop you. These can he the greatest years of your life. Good Luck! FACL Provost and Dean John Lilley John Lilley, Provost and Dean of the Behrend College, says, "If there's anything I like about Behrend, it's the whole thing." Dean Lilley is respon sible for all of Behrend College, and, as he puts it, "Responsible is the right word." Dean Lilley oversees all four schools of the College, as well as op erations, the physical plant, develop ment, and faculty. Dean Lilley is in volved in the selection of the faculty, as well as their promotions and ten ure, "This year we have appointed some terrific new faculty. You have to have great faculty and great friends to have great students." There have been many changes to the campus since last semester, said Lilley. The Reed Commons was reno vated over last spring and summer. The new athletic complex will begin construction this spring. The bridge tending as many as the first-rate lec tures and readings we have on cam pus is a wonderful way to deepen and broaden the intellectual excitement of starting college. Ideally, first-year student might attempt to combine aca demically oriented activities with par ticipation in athletics at some level. There is something to be said for a good balance between mind and body. Richard Progelhof, of Engineering 1. Describe your Job. My responsibility is to oversee the operation of the school and in many instances to speak for the school to companies, main campus, etc. 2. What are some activities you suggest first year students get in volved in? All students should be in involved in some form of extra curricular ac tivities but carefully balance their time between class work homework and activities. 3. What new or exciting things are happening in your department? LIFY to the new athletic fields will be com plete later this fall. Construction on Knowledge Park has already started, and there is a company slated to move in next year. This company will offer internships to Behrend students. There are also two new dorms planned for the next few years, along with more parking, which Lilley ad mits will he tight again this year. Dean Lilley emphasized that he wants first year students, "to go to bed and go to class and go prepared and take their studies seriously. Just go go go." He also tells students, "Do not go home until Thanksgiving and just have fun. It is very important to work hard and play hard." "Every student we admit can do the work," stated Lilley. "We predict ev ery student can at least make a 2.5. but not every student will do it. When 3. What new or exciting things are happening in your department? We are in the throes of welcoming eight new full-time faculty members -it's wonderful to have so many gifted young intellectuals teaching in our School. 4. What advice do you give to first year students? The same advice I gave to my Director on the School The school continues to grow and improve its physical facilities. This last year the school obtained: a. Six sets of Hewlett Packard test equipment integrated to PCs b. Obtained a CNC router and sur face grinder to expand the manufac turing capabilities. c. Obtained a grant from the National Science Foundation to obtain digi tal signal processing equipment for laboratories. d. Upgraded computer memory in the school's two advanced design laboratories. you drink too much or don't go to class you are hurting no one but your self. I don't believe college is the best time of your life, but it should be the best time so far." Tilley also advocates getting in volved outside of class. He com mented. "I learned a lot in college outside of class." He also stated that faculty played a large roll in his suc cess and has high expectations for the faculty at Behrend. "I want our fac ulty to push our students intellectu ally, but pull them personally. Stu dents should also create inspiration for faculty." Lilley said that Saturday will he a fantastic day for him, as will gradua tion. "It really means something to me. It's a thrilling day." daughter (Who actually listened to me...she graduated with a 3.6 and is in law school now): these four years as an undergraduate can be the most crucial experience in your life-- plunge in, work hard, and try to do the very best you can in every task you undertake. Good luck! 4. What advice do you have for first year students? Make sure that you get a good start on your school work, develop good time management skills, and a study team for each of your courses before getting involved in extra curricular activities. It is very important that the stu dent gets a "jump on his studies" at the very beginning of the school year.