The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, April 30, 1998, Image 10
Page JO - The Behrend College Collegian - Thursday, April 30, 1998 The Bicentennial Tower provides beautiful view of Erie by Kevin Otteni staff writer The Bicentennial Tower was built on the newly constructed Dobbins Landing for Erie’s 200th Birthday Celebration in 1996. Construction began in September of 1995 on the first of the tower’s phases. It has six teen main stations to view Erie’s har bor history and geography. The sur rounding area can be viewed from the observation deck, which is 138 feet from the ground or 210 steps up. This gives quite a view and is not recom mended to anyone who is afraid of heights. The observation stations at the top of the tower have four stations for each main direction. They are laid in place according to apparent compass direction because the city was laid out parallel to the lakeshore, which is about 40 degrees away from true east west. Quite simply the side of the Summer listening suggestions by John Amorose staff writer If this is indeed the last opportunity for me to blab my big mouth to the citizens of fair Behrend, I’m going to give you all an extended summer as signment (don’t laugh, there will be a quiz in September). . First of all, start listening to new music; especially those of you who think music died with ““ Lennon. Don’t snuff acts just because they come from a par ticular genre. In fact, don’t Subscribe to types of music, fust listen to it. If you don’t, you’re really going to miss out on ex periences, emotions, and feelings that white rock bands can’t give. Because as George Clinton said: Free your hind, and your ass will follow. Second, STOP making fun of eight ies music. You all listened to it. Don’t try to hide it. Poison sold over ten million albums, so somebody's got to have at least one. Just play it. Put Warrant “Cherry Pie” in your CD player over the summer and let it rock. Drive around with your windows dfown and jam Prince’s “Little Red Responsible student by Melissa Roberts staff writer As we all know, the school year is finally ending and we are ready to spend our last weekend here at school. It is both exciting and sad. Many of us are ready to go home, but saying good-bye to friends is going to be hard for everyone. “Summer ... leads to more social activities,” says Patty McMahon, Coordinator of Health and Wellness Services, and many of these activities include drinking. McMahon says, “People need to Patty Pasky McMahon, Coordinator of the Health and Wellness Center. tower that faces north actually faces northwest, The most interesting view from each direction are as follows: Station #4, Perry Monument; Station #B, East Slip; Station #lO, State Street; Station # 16, The Head. All the stations have something inter esting about them but these four are the ones that I felt stuck out the most and had the most history about them. The north station shows a view of not only Perry Monument but also of Crystal Point, Misery Bay, and the Long Point Lighthouse. The monu ment commemorates the Perry and Dobbins victory in the 1813 Battle of Lake Erie, and the bay is referred to as Misery Bay because of the hard ship that Perry’s crew suffered there in the winter following the battle. The East Slip was the home of Erie’s historical fishing industry. The fishing industry developed quickly Corvette.” People may look at you funny, but then they’ll go home and fish out Run D.M.C’s “Raising Hell” or Beastie Boys’ “Licensed to 111.” Next thing you know, everybody will be pegging their jeans and wearing cardigan sweaters and turtlenecks again. Isn’t that a pretty picture? Finally, since most people have a Don’t snuff acts just because they come from a particular genre In fact, don’t subscribe to types of music, just listen to it. few extra bucks lying around over the summer, here are some keen ways to beef up the CD collection (if you buy all of these, you will have indeed come full circle, musically speaking). I) Marvin Gaye’s “Great Songs and Performances...” is true and clas sic Motown. This album’s got it all. Starting off with “What’s Going On” and concluding with “Got to Give it Up,” the album spans Gaye’s career. He preaches on tracks like “Mercy Mercy Me” and “I Heard it Through the Grapevine,” and provides the ul- realize the law and be responsible for their actions,” and although McMahon is not promoting drinking, she realizes that drinking does occur and she “encourages responsibility.” Since 25% of young adults know someone with a drinking problem everyone must realize that with sum mer coming and drinking becoming more prominent, we must be more careful and look out for friends at so cial events. Being in college, students all know that drinking takes place, but that The only way to help yourself have an enjoyable summer is to play it safe. Know your limits and look out for Alt after the introduction of gill netting in 1854, and by 1920 Erie was pro claimed the freshwater fishing capi tal of the world. This area also housed other businesses such as shipbuilders, boatyards, and fish processing build ings. Nowadays this area houses the Library and Maritime Museum, the leftover structures and generating por tions of Erie’s Electric Company, and the steeples of many churches includ ing St. Stanislaus, St. Patrick’s, and Orthodox Church of the Nativity. State Street was not always Erie’s original main street; it became Main Street when the Erie extension canal replaced the Indian Portage trail as the main commercial route in the early 1800’s. State Street was then ex tended from Front Street to the end of Dobbins Landing and the East and West slips along with it. This street was also home to many passenger lin ers, ferries, and excursion ships. timate musical aphrodisiac with “Let’s Get it On.” 2) Faith No More’s “Angel Dust” is one of the most eclectic and pro gressive albums that most people have probably never heard. The two mea ger hits, “Midlife Crisis” and “A Small Victory” only scratch the sur face of the true genius displayed by Faith No More. There are Vegas lounge songs like “RV” and accordion led cuts like “JizzLobber,” along with some all out rockers. 3) 3rd Bass’ “Derelict of Dialect.” I’m sure a lot of you have this already, but rarely listen to it, or get past “Pop Goes the Weasel” or “Portrait of an Artist as a Hood.” But if you get into the latter half, there is some amazing hip hop, driven by DJ Daddy Rich, who’s an absolute maniac on the turn tables, matched with old school, but still rough rhymes by Pete Nice and drinking doesn’t mean people don’t get hurt because of drinking. Here are some facts about drinking: ♦Alcohol is a major factor in 45.1 % of all fatal traffic crashes. ♦One person dies in an alcohol re lated crash every 30 minutes. ♦Driving impairment begins with the first drink. *34.2% of fatally injured drivers under 21 have had known blood con centrations of .01 or above. to by Jason Features The area at the entrance to Presque Isle was commonly referred to as “The Head” because it was Erie’s first popular recreational spot. This was when the peninsula was shorter due to a one mile wide and 15 feet deep western channel that cut the peninsula in two for ship navigation. The old West Channel was about one mile wide and can be identified by a mini peninsula that juts south from that direction. This is just a portion of the histori cal and geographical information that can be read about and seen from the upper observation deck on Erie’s Bi centennial Tower. It costs $2 to get up to the top of the tower by stairs or the wiser choice of the elevator, and on Tuesdays it is free. The tower is at the foot of State Street which can be reached from the Bayfront Highway and is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week. MC Search (Yeah, some white guys can rap). 4) Every Tool CD that you can get your hands on. Tool, to me, is the best all around band of the 1990’5, and their 1996 release. “Aenema” is the best album of the last twenty years. Tool’s music is driven by the amaz ing Maynard James Keenan, whose voice ranges from a soft croon, to an all out metal scream. Keenan is more than ably backed by Danny Carey, Justin Chancellor, and Adam Jones, whose music is complete and extremely moving. Tool’s songs are long and drawn out, like mini metal symphonies that paint a picture of desolation, anger, and apocalyptic eminence. Well, that should about cover it. 1 wish everyone out there the best of luck in health, wealth, and happiness, especially to those of you graduating from our fine campus (‘job, Benson). Just remember, “the music is your special friend. Dance on fires, if you dance. Music is your only friend...until the end." (Thanks, Jim) photo by Jason Blake The Go Go Rays performed last Wednesday at Bruno’s as part of an Earth Day celebration sponsored by Eco-Action. -- *Maj|