The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, April 23, 1998, Image 10
/’■'s'- i° / In■ B( hieml College Collegian - Thursday, April 23, 1998 Students and faculty honored at awards convocation hy Ik Chan Kang new s editor i’i uk\ enthusiasm, and modesty uii. 1 some ol the feelings that were ihs]>la\ed h\ people who attended tlehrend's '7th .Annual Honors and ;\w aids t.’on\oealion last Sunday. T\ei\ year. Belli end holds an \wards Convocation this time of the \e.u m older to reengni/e and con y.i aiuhite faeulty and students who ha\ e excelled greatly in both academ ies and iii community life. There were appowmiateK ISO students, faculty, fnd oieani/ations who were recog .m o d during the convocation. > I lie awards were divided into 6 m.!|oi categories: Student Life Aw.nds. Academic Awards, Special He i, e Awards, Faculty & Staff ■2twaids. Athletic Awards and Schol- V tildhipv The Stuvlent I.ile Awards included • mi- ash as Most Outstanding Stu leiit ( treani/ation Member, MostOut 't.mdmg Student Organization Of i. ei. Most Outstanding Student Or .Mni/aiion President and others. 3 7th Annual Honors and Awards Convocation s I I'DENT LITE AWARDS Most Outstanding Student Organization Member Channasa J. Taylor Most Outstanding Student Organization Officer Anne M. Rajotte Most Outstanding Student Organization President N. Michael Zampetti Best Student Organization Adviser Dr. Robert Speel Best Student Organization Student Government Association It '■ m ! I Koehel Lion Ambassador Award Jean M. Slusarz M.iiiiii Liubov Kimi. Jr. Humanitarian Service Jennifer Fontecehio Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority Chapter Theta Phi Alpha Sorority Must Creative Program NSBF. Fashion Show (iu\ \V Wilson Award for Student Service to the College Misty G. Holt I )o tinguished Community/Campus Service Knights of Columbus/Newman Association micnt Activities Leadership Monica K. Pate < •nKtaiuimf! Adult Student Lisa A. Fuhmian Gretchen M. Kline student Government President’s Award Timothy A. Smith V.lopt A School Program Marcus P. Kalivoda Teresa M. Me Cann -Hehrend Alumni Society Gretchen M. Kline ,5 h 'liamiiial Awards I'enn Slate si 11()l ARSHIPS I ,!u ard P and Barbara F. Junker Leadership Robert J. Dolak Heather L. Lerch Lisa S. Friedman N. Michael Zampetti XiP'v.een Zurn Todd Leadership Craig A. Clark Gretchen M. Kline Kristi 1. McKim ('■■lined nl Fellows Leadership Uianne H. Campbell AIK it and Alice Wright Leadership Shawn L. Goodwin John W. Hoderny Man K Trenkle Memorial Scholarship Shan Buie Lisa A. Fuhrman School of Science I did S. and Irvin H. Kochel Scholarship for International Study Biology Nicholas J. Bobango Nathan A. Mitchell Angela L. Leasure Stephan J. Schmiedlin Francisco M. Martin !i \in H Kochcl Leadership Scholarship Came H. Nestor Kelly A. Updegraph k,.hc!i W. Sparks Memorial John W. Hoderny t l.avtK e A. Smith and Eugenie Baumann Smith ( icaiive Writing Robin D. Clarke Carmen C. Cole t orey N. Farrell Creative Writing Robin D. Clarke Kerry L. Hinkson These awards are directly related to students' participation and effort in Behrend students' life. Anne M. Rajotte, who is currently the manag ing editor for The Collegian, received the Most Outstanding Student Orga nization Officer award for her effort, dedication and service to The Colle For the Special Service Awards, 33 students were recognized as new members of Who’s Who Among Stu dents in American Universities and Colleges. For Outstanding First-Year Student Award, the privilege went to Ik Chan Kang, a freshman from Ko rea who also holds a position at The Collegian as news editor. For the Irvin. H Koehel Award, Kelly A. Updegraph, 04 English, was recog nized for her effort. She says, “I was surprised, excited, and very, very grateful to receive the Irvin H. Koehel award. I would like to thank all my friends, faculty, and family members, without whose help I could not have achieved this honor.” Brian C. Loshelder, 09 MIS and Accounting, who received the Tho- Female : Jana A. Brumagin Male : Jason A. Dees Lisa A. Fuhrman Kerry L. Hinkson Jenny L. Rager Todd R. Pierce Julie M. Warren mas H. Turnbull Award for service along with Lara M. Herrman ex pressed his enthusiastic feelings by stating, “I am very honored to receive a very prestigious award. I wasn’t ex pecting it, but am very happy to be awarded it with very difficult compe tition. I am thankful to be chosen.” Kristi I. McKim, 06 English, re ceived the Eric A. and Josephine Walker award along with several other awards. McKim commented, “The en joyment, knowledge and friendships which I have gained through my col lege, academic, and extracurricular life are tremendous rewards in them selves. To be recognized by the Col lege in this way, I am absolutely hon ored. Behrend students and faculty are gifted in so many amazing ways and it is wonderful that programs luce mis recognize and appreciate such dedi cation and talent. I am thoroughly impressed with everyone’s achieve ment.” The John W. Oswald Award went to Sandra K. Mishic, 08 Biology. Fi nally, the Ralph Dorn Hetzel award was presented to Julie D. Cain “I was School of Science Academic Rebecca J. Leavitt Lindsey C. Myrick Mathematics Competition Matthew Behan Rebecca J. Leavitt ACADEMIC AWARDS Division of Undergraduate Studies Kristine DiMarzo Jason B. Frith Tucker M. Moon School of Business Accounting Gregory D. Czegan Molly M. Whitehill Business Economics James J. Stickney Business, Liberal Arts, and Science Michael P. Clarke Management Michelle A. Barnett Management Information Systems Eric R. Bach William A. Willis, Jr. Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key Bridget M. Kennelley School of Humanities and Social Sciences Corey N. Farrell Nonfiction Award First Prize :Dawn T. Mitchell Julia A. Rebman Fiction Award First Prize : Kelly A. Moffett Second Prize : Patrick A. Donnell The Kenneth Jonathan Sonnenberg Poetry Awards First Prize : Kristi I. Mckim Second Prize : Joseph W. Moffett Kelly A. Moffett Communication and Media Studies Lisa A. Fuhrman English Literature : Dawn T. Mitchell Creative Writing : Daniel C. Morey History Shawn A. Morelli Alison Ollinger Political Science Vanessa B. Hubbard Psychology Dennis W. Merski Jennifer J. Pelkowski Sandra K. Mishic Chemistry Keegen M. Guyer Outstanding Freshman in Chemistry/American Chemical Society Daniel G. Darr CRC/Outstanding Freshman Gabriel O. Josset Mathematics Senior Freshman : Carey M. Kohler School of Engineering and Engineering Technology Electrical Engineering Technology (Two-Yetir Program) James R. Betz Electrical Engineering Technology (Four-Year Program) Robert R. Hurd Features really thrilled. It really came as a sur prise for me. I feel that if I weren’t at Behrend College, I wouldn’t have the opportunity and ability to compete for such an a ward,” said Cain Many faculty were also recognized in the Awards Convocation. Dr. Rob ert Speel,, who is currently an advisor for The Collegian, received the Most Outstanding Organization Advisor award. Many more faculty, including English professor Dr. John Cham pagne and Mechanical Engineering professor Dr. Jack Young were recog nized for their talent and service. The recipients of the awards were very modest about their recognition even after the convocation. All of them wen; proud of the fact that they were recognized for something that meant a tot to tnemseives ana to the community as a whole. Behrend’s Annual Convocation is a ceremony where many of our students’ and faculty’s efforts and talents are clearly appreciated. More important, a ceremony like this shows Behrend Pride. Jennifer A. Osmanski Mathew G. Simon Erik W. Vollbrecht Robert J. Wisener Julie D. Cain Mechanical Engineering Technology (Four-Year Program) Chad W. Thompson Plastics Engineering Techonolgy (Two-Year Program) Timothy O. Cartney Plastics Engineering Technology (Four Year Program) Jessee T. McCanna Electrical Engineering Alan W. Hall Mechanical Engineering Jessica L. Kridler Penn State-Behrend Honors Program Michelle C. Arneman, William D. Higby, Jean M. Slusarz, Stacy M. Blass, Bradley R. Johnston, Carey A. Smith, Patrick J. Brown, Matthew D. Jones, Chad A. Stoltz, Thomas P. Burger, Rebecca J. Leavitt, Tommie D. Stovall, Christopher Champion, Shannon N. Lenze, Haris Tabakovic, Nadine K. Cross, Heather L. Lerch, Ryan J. Thompson, Jenifer D’Annibale, Jessica L. Mann, Maureen C. Trott, Christopher Diebold Rebecca Markiewicz, Kelly A. Updegraph, Eric J. Dolak, Ivan A. McCracken, Erik W. Vollbrecht, Erin B. Edinger, Elizabeth J. Miller, Erin C. Waltman, Melinda A. Frank, John C. Miller, 111, Kate E. Wombacker, Sarah J. Gies, Wesley J. Miller, Andrea M. Zaffino, Carl J. Grande, Chintan K. Modi, Nicole Zalenchak, Matthew P. Grimm, Carrie E. Nestor, Mark D. Zeigler, Daniel J. Hartzler, William C. Schermer Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Karen D. Barber, Steven G. LeVan, Matthew D. Baseler, Kristi I. McKim, Matthew A. Boarts, Allison L. McNutt, Christa D. Buchholz, Melissa A. Musante, Abby J. Chitester, Lindsey C. Myrick, Robert J. Dolak, Meghan M. Naim, Colleen M. Fromknecht, Monica K. Pate, Lisa A. Fuhrman, Alesia N. Petro, Nicole D. Gennuso, Sally L. Pfeufer, Shawn L. Goodwin, Marie A. Pomorski, Julie M. Hale, Daniel V. Roberts, Lara M. Herrmann, Mary Ann E. Rupp, Misty G. Holt, James J. Stickney, Dawn C. Holzer, Scott T. Varrassa, Brian L. Kirkpatrick, Trisha L. Warmbrodt, Michelle E. Kladny, N. Michael Zampetti, Gretchen M Kline President’s Freshman Charles Hanford Russell J. Schreiber Eric J. Muir President Sparks Ivan A. McCracken Evan Pugh Scholar - Junior Lisa E. Copper Evan Pugh Scholar - Senior Alan W. Hall Sandra K. Mishic Undergraduate Student Research Sandra K. Mishic Outstanding First-Year Student Ik Chan Kang Irvin H. Kochel Kelly A. Updegraph Thomas H. Turnbull Lara M. Herrman Brian C. Loshelder Eric A. and Josephine Walker Kristi I. McKim John W. Oswald Sandra K. Mishic Ralph Dorn Hetzel Julie D. Cain FACULTY AND STAFF AWARDS Guy W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Advising Dr, Barry Weller Council of Fellows Faculty Research Award Dr. Mary Chisholm Benjamin A. Lane Outstanding Service Award Dr. John Champagne Council of Fellows Excellence in Teaching Award William S. Miller Julie L. Meyers Annmarie L. Tarsi Jennifer J. Pelkowski Dawn M. Wilhelm