Rlice And Safety IR_ E IP 0 IR_ — 1" 0 1 / 2 1/98 Witness gave a false statement under oath. 0 1 / 2 2/98 Janitorial worker reported that the T.V. in Reed conference room #3 is missing. 0 1 / 2 4/98 Officer found person sleeping in vehicle in the Nick north lot. I.D.'d person and everything checked out O.K. 0 1 / 2 5/98 Complainant reported that the heat had been off in Almy Hall all day and some rooms were down to 60 degrees. 0 1 / 2 7/98 Requested a transport of a student with a fractured ankle to their vehicle to go to the emergency room. Transport was granted. 0 1 / 2 7/98 Information on a possible stolen vehicle on this campus was given by complainant. The Collegian is IQQking for a new name. ...to clear up confusion with the University Park's Collegian 4114111111 11 SUGGESTIONS Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to make suggestions. The Collegian will award $25 to the author of the name chosen by the editors. We are especially looking for names that might relate to Behrend College or the Erie area. Send your suggestions to BEHRCOLLS@AOLCOM or mail them to the edi tors at The Collegian in the Reed Building. The deadline for receipt of name change ideas is Febru ary 3. Three students running for Faculty Senate by Andrea Zaffino editor in chief On February 4, Behrend students have the opportunity to vote in an election to determine their student representative to the University Fac ulty Senate. Last Wednesday the applications were due and the candidates were an nounced. All full-time undergradu ate students attending the Behrend College were eligible for this position. The three students who are running are Gretchen Kline, Geoffrey Pieper, and Jon Crowe. This is an annual election and the winner will be replac ing the current student representative, Julie Cain, who will be graduating this May. According to Dr. Chris Reber, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Univer sity Faculty Senate is, "The Univer sity-wide governing organization of the faculty... it has lots of input on ev- erything from student life to athlet ics." Julie Cain, 08, Applied Mathemat ics, stated that "The Faculty Senate of Penn State University operates very much like the United States Senate." The Faculty Senate is an organiza tion of faculty and students which breaks up into various committees to cover different aspects of the Univer sity. There are committees on student life, undergraduate education, inter collegiate athletics, and curricular af fairs (course information), among many others. The meetings are held between three and four times during each se mester, always on a Tuesday. Cain said of her experience, "Basically you are an ambassador of the Behrend College... what you do is you are a voting member of the University Fac ulty Senate." Cain served on the Computing and MCC strives for campus diversity by 1k Chan Kang staff writer "Multi-cultures"... exactly what is a multi-culturalism? Every society, either large or small in scale, possesses some form of multi-culturally related events. Throughout thousands of institutions in the United States, the existence of multi-cultural organizations is promi nent. The Behrend College is not an exception. There are a total of nine organizations that are registered un der Multi-Cultural Council (MCC) on our own campus, supported by the Student Government Association (SGA). The nine organizations that are reg istered under Multi-Cultural Council (MCC) are The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Women Today, Organization of Latin Ameri can Students (OLAS), Trigon, Return ing Adult Student Organization (RASO), Human Relations Program ming Council (HRPC), Association of Black Collegians (ABC), Asian Stu dent Organization (ASO), and Jew ish Student Organization (JSO). But currently there are only eight active organizations, due to an unexpected decrease in members of BO (they are considered a non-active organization currently). So what are the basic pur poses of these organizations and how do they participate within the student life on campus? National Society of Black Engi neers (NSBE) is an organization that consists of a total of 5000 student members in the country. Through pro grams for recruitment, academic ex cellence and successful academic life that could bring success in fields of science and engineering, they provide a supportive environment for stu dents. Their annual events include Fall Regional Conference, Spring Regional Conference, Study Session Meetings, National Conference, speakers, and social meetings and gatherings. Women Today is an organization that takes focus mainly on women's concerns, especially by providing a great opportunity to organize research and to take a deeper dimension in ex amining women's concerns of today. Their annual activities includes poetry readings, Take Back the Night March, and speakers. The Organization of Latin Ameri can Students (OLAS), through multiculturalism, tries to establish a Farm House, Turnbull Barn, the Car riage House and the Theater across from Turnbull. Glenhill Farm House was used as a residence hall for the women students as well as a cafete ria with a dining room and a kitchen. The downstairs of Turnbull was for classes while the upstairs remained a barn, and even before the property was made into a college, the Carriage Information Systems committee. There is one student representative elected from each of the Penn State Colleges, making for 15 total student representatives throughout the com monwealth. The three new candidates have the next week to campaign for this posi tion; the election will be held Wednes day, February 4th, from 11:00am to 2:oopm. Candidate Geoffrey Pieper, 06 Po litical Science, is taking a nonchalant strategy, "As far as campaigning, I'm doing it pretty passively, mostly by word of mouth." Pieper said of the position on the Faculty Senate that"it is an extremely important job as we are representing students at the major policymaking body of the University." Candidates Gretchen Kline and Jon Crowe could not be reached for com ment. News self pride and confidence of minority groups that could eventually bring positive aspects to campus. Their an nual activities include social meetings and gatherings, speakers, and His panic Heritage Month. Trigon is an organization that strongly supports gays, lesbian and bi sexual people. Their primary goal is to preserve the rights of gays, lesbi ans, and bisexuals and make them understand and love themselves through the organization. The other goal for Trigon is to educate the Be hrend College about their issues. Their annual activities include Ally Day, National Coming Out Day, and speakers. Returning Adult Student Organiza tion (RASO) is an organization that basically provides support for return ing adult students and their families. Their annual activity includes the Fall Orientation. Human Relations Programming Council (HRPC) mainly focuses their ideas on human behaviors, such as is sues of racism, sexism, prejudice, and discrimination. By focusing on these issues, they try to provide a form of easier communication between people with different characteristics such as backgrounds and lifestyles. Their annual activities includes fo rums with topics such as Election '96, sex, non-traditional families, environ ment issues, gender issues, homopho bia, and spirituality. Greek rush continues through by Dan Plonski Throughout this week the campus Greek organizations will be holding various rush events. Rush allows ifie social fraternities and sororities to showcase the positive aspects of be coming a member of the various groups. These activities are planned to give non-Greek students a chance to meet the Greeks. The sororities, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha Sigma Tau, and Theta Phi Al pha, all concluded the process on Sun day. Formal bids were handed out inviting new members to officially House was the Behrend's garage, and home to their chauffeur. The working title of Lane's tran script is "Behrend Remembered." It is due out sometime in the next year. He is unsure at this point whether it will be published under the same title. Not only will the subject of the Behrend college itself be a topic in Lane's written work, but also the events leading up to Mary Behrend's donation of the Glenhill Farm to Penn State University. Beginning in the 1860's in Ger many the Behrend family owned a paper mill by the name of Varzinerpapierfabrik, Hammurmiihle along with another mill the Behrends ran under Count Otto Von Bismarck, Fuchsmiihle, Hammiihle "which be came one of the most premier paper mills in Europe." Lane said. The head of the family at this time was a man named Moritz Behrend. He had three sons, Ernst, Otto, and Bernard Behrend, who Moritz staff writer Thursday, January 29, 1998 The Behrend College Collegian - Page 3 Association of Black Collegians (ABC) is an organization which stresses their main focus on African culture and also work as a support group for students who would be con sidered as minorities on campus. Their annual activities includes Mi nority Gala, unity picnic, Kwanzaa dinner, Kuumba Night, Dance Troop, social events and gatherings, and speakers. Lastly the Asian Student Organiza tion (ASO)'s main purpose is to sup port Asian students on campus, who could be from many nationalities, with a feeling of comfort while pro viding education to any students who desire to learn about Asian cultures at the same time. Their secondary goal is to make students be aware of the existence of Asian students on campus. Their annual activities in clude Chinese new year, trips around the states, social events and gather ings and speakers. According to Shannon Jones, the president of MCC, "There is a mis conception that MCC is just MCC and people don't realize that we are made up of all the groups. All of these or ganizations fall under MCC's purpose to promote unity and awareness of diverse cultures of Behrend. People who join these organizations can be expected to be educated about differ ent cultures and various things that make up these cultures." Jones stated, "Don't let the name this week join the organizations. Julie Meyers, 03 Biology, a recent addition to Al pha Sigma Alpha, said she joined to meet new people and to experience what sisterhood was all about. fraternites belta Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Kappa Nu, Kappa Delta Rho, Sigma Tau Gamma, and Zeta Beta Tau, are all in the pro cess of rushing new brothers. Each fraternity highlighted the social, aca demic and philanthropic benefits of brotherhood. Neil Scarborough, president of Zeta Beta Tau, 06 MIS, explained rush as "the life blood of a fraternity. Hey Bro, rush is basically recruitment, and recruitment is vital wanted to move to the United States. Lane said this was because the Behrends were a Jewish family and even though they had converted to Lutheranism there was a lot of anti semitism building in Germany even then." The transcript will go into great depth with topics such as these, and many other things that have shaped Behrend into the institution it has be come at present. If Ben Lane's progress continues on schedule, his work will be a notable inclusion to next year's commemoration. stating that "all of the professors here are doing research." The Dean be lieves that all professors should be "master teachers and great scholars." Dean Lilley also emphasized that any time there is a problem with a spe cific professor, email the director of that specific school and to send him a copy as well. fool you. If you truly care aboutihe organization itself, name is meaning less. Every organization we have is open to anyone. You don't have to be a black to be a member of Associa tion of Black Collegians, and you don't have to be an Asian to be a mem ber of Asian Student Organization. You can be a member of any organi zation as long as you want to learn something about that specific group." The improvement of MCC took a great turn just a couple of years ago. They were provided with the office at the student resource center. As they were facilitated with the new office, there were a lot of progress that was made within the organizations. Any one is open to freely enter the resource center and utilize the services. MCC holds a meeting every other week on Tuesday with representatives from each organization, concerning new activities, policies, and up to date information of each organization. MCC is financially supported by the Student Government Association (SGA) through budget allocations. MCC is not only for students. There are also a handful of faculty mem bers who participate."We get support from the faculty, but I would like to see more faculty and the administra tion getting more involved with the organization." Jones added. "Step out of your 'comfort zone' and learn more about others. Come and see what we are all about.." to any organization." Rush events continue through Sat urday. Tau Kappa Epsilon will be holding a pizza party in Bruno's Wednesday from 7 to 9 PM. Kappa Deka 1:2Ao isipoisatint 1 ee4aier4ag. To attend meet at the Rub dk at 8:30 Thursday. Delta Chi is holding a wt together at their house. Zeta Beta Tau is planning an all you can eat pasta fest Friday from 9 to 11. Sigma Kappa Nu is holding events on Satur day from 12 to 2. Sigma Tau Gamma are also planning a meeting at their house Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 pm. The final issue discussed at the forumwas campus social life. "What is there to do on campus?" Many students said most tend to go home on the weekends instead of staying on campus. There really is no diver sity of activities on the weekends. Most of the time when there is a band or comedian in Bruno's, there are very few students who attend. One student, who happened to be an R.A., stated that the events are not advertised and promoted enough. The R.A. also felt that there does not really seem to be any pride or spirit on our campus. Director of Student Activities Chris Rizzo said that he is conducting research on making more activities available such as concerts. Dean Lilley also mentioned the new athletic facility which will be com pleted around the summer of 2000. Dean Lilley ended this session of Coffee with the Provost stating that he appreciated the questions as well as the comments.