By John Amorose Assistant Opinion Editor Amen. Amen. Amen. Forgive me, but where I come from, you say amen after you hear a sermon. And in last week's Collegian, that is exactly what I received in the article "Racism in America", by Joneatra Henry. Please do not misconstrue my following article; I am simple going to give my own personal "White American" reaction to the various points raised by Ms. Henry. I realize that I am not an Africa- American, or "black" as Ms. Henry puts it, but please bear with, me. To quote Mark Twain, regarding his book The Mysterious Stranger, I needed "a pen warmed up in hell" to write this piece. Racism is a topic that journalists take a great care in commenting upon. One must portray both sides as equals, and back up any and all comments with actual concrete facts. If Ms. Henry would have done this, my response would not be necessary. But such a one sided generalization of the "white" race, to which I am a member, required, if not demanded a reply. In the article, a large portion was in regards to the Ku Klux Klan, and their planned march on the city of Pittsburgh. Ms. Henry was outraged at the fact that this hate group was to march on the very Letter to the Editor When I entered college, I wanted to improve my outlook on life, so in order to achieve this, I had to raise my knowledge content to another level. I enrolled in classes that would help me reach my goal. One of these classes, African and African American Studies; The Life and Death of Martin Luther King Jr. enriched my view of life. When I told friends that I was taking this class, they responded by saying "what else is there to learn about him, he had a boycott and made that famous "I Had a Dream" speech. But not only did he fight for the rights of African Americans but he opposed any type of social or economic poverty, he was also vehemently against the Vietnam War. As I look back at history, and see the vast amount of people who fought for my The Behrend College Collegian published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend Colle•e Editors in Chief Jennifer V. Colvin Danielle M. Murphy Business Manager Carley Gwin News Editors Doreen Foutz Sara Prosser Sports Editors Brian Gregory Matt Piizga Entertainment Editor Sheila Bickel Tim Holsopple, Assistant Photography Editor Colleen Gritzen Opinion Editor Colleen Fromknecht John Amorose, Assistant Copy Editor Michael DeSantis Advertising Manager Tom Keefe Office Manager Crystal Dehart Advisors: Dr. Ursula Davis & Dr. Rob Speel 0771117777 •i• e • egian is published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building, Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. The Collegian can be reached by calling (814) 898-6 , 11313 or (814) 898-6019 (fax). ISSN 1071438 Ligtivhum The Collegian encourages letters to the editor on news coverage, editorial content and University affairs. Letters should be typewritten, double spaced and signed. Letters should be no longer than 400 wax's. Letters should include the semester standing and major d the writer. All letters should provide the address and phone number of the writer for verification of the letter. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for length and to reject letters. Letters submitted to The Collegian become the property of the IleWSpaper. The Collegian is published every Thursday during the academic year on recycled paper. Empathy for the Devi city she planned to attend law school in the future. To tell you the truth, I was not exactly happy about this either, considering I reside in the greater Pittsburgh area. But, as Ms. Henry pointed out, it is the Klan's right, as specified by the First Amendment of the Constitution, to congregate peacefully and express their point of view. Marches such as these happen in this country all the time; small towns have anti-crime marches to "clean up their streets", homosexuals have marches to support their causes, even the African-American community had a "million man march" a couple of years ago to support their cause. My point is, whether you agree with what the group stands for, or not, they have the right to free speech. If you do not support the Klan, which I do not, then do not go to the rally; that is the choice you have to make. But that is definitely not my main problem with the mentioning of the Klan. What bothered me most is how the only "whites" mentioned in the article were Ku Klux Klan members. I feel that this type of inclination is comparable to me, being a white man, writing an article on reverse racism, and only mentioning black males as being nothing more than gang members. And if that is racism, than Ms. Henry is guilty of that same crime; letting one bad apple ruin the proverbial bunch. Which brings me to my next point, or rights, your rights; human rights. I wonder if we as a generation are doing our part for society. Have you helped someone in need? Did you volunteer your services when you had the time? Just by giving the support, we help aid the cause. The MS Walk, Behrend's Sleepout for the Homeless and The Day of Caring, are only a few that I can mention. I've realized that higher education can not only be obtained from hooks but by volunteering time and effort to a cause. You not only benefit yourself but others in the process. And by doing so, you've already reached a plateau of "higher education." Ayodele Jones Political Science, 02 Life at Behrend Kicv g Fl2l E -6,..(A_1.1 The SGA, desperate for student involvement, tried tons of different tactics to get the students to vote in this year's election. -DIES SEE 13RAD Tr JO/! _ _~! ~ ~/ i ~~~,/ i -, , ,9• 7 _,----" - -- ----.> '-'_„.2 - , , ' - - --,- - ' • V -v - '" /v-; • ',' ~7 ' """... 7 / - re z / / ','..;‘:.'' in►on should I say Ms. Henry's next point. She says in her article that racism should be illegal. As good of an idea as this sounds, the entire concept is ludicrous. The shakedown of this would include the vast majority of television and movie creators, as well as every person walking the face of the Earth; all guilty of expressing cultural generalization of some kind. Being of Italian descent, I too, experience a form of racism on an everyday basis from these people. From "Dago" jokes about only eating pasta and being affiliated with the Mafia, to the shameless display of Italian- Americans in movies and television (not all Italians are named Franky or Fat Tony and have greasy hair and low IQs). So, Joneatra, you are not alone. Finally, I can never know what hardships African-Americans have faced for the last two hundred plus years. Frankly, I have not been around for that long. But I do know that it is like being a white Christian male of European descent, and it is no fun and games. Every facet of society blames its problems and struggles on little twenty year old me (or should I say my ancestors). Homosexuals call me homophobic, or consider me a bigot. Minorities blame me for centuries of mistreatment and oppression. Women say that I am sexist and make more money in the job market because I am vaginally challenged (I made minimum wage last summer working at Burger King). Even `%. 1/51 , 11 L446.61301irrm.D ..ifatorAe. Mike DeSantis I I the citizens of foreign countries, which our government supports, call me fat, out of shape and lazy. I have been forced to wear these masks for as long as I can remember. I am not saying that I am perfect, in fact I am the furthest thing from it. But I am tired of apologizing for the actions, or should I say mistakes of my fore , athers. And I am not going to do it anymore. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy, just your empathy. Put yourself in my shoes for a whilt:'; In closing, I wish Ms. -kto . 4 y/ nothing but the best of luck in her ifttyre, both in law school and beyond. But I did not own slaves, or oppress an entire people in 1865, and I am sure I will not in 2065. Please leave me alone! • Find by typing Pe name without spaces).com ZD Net 7. USA Today Pathfinder 8. CNN CNET 9. The Weather Sportszone Channel Disney (weather:corn) MSNBC 10. Intelllcast 3 4 5 e Fascism lives in America By Colleen Fromknecht Collegian Staff I'm sure everyone by now has heard about the judge in Montgomery, Alabama who displayes a copy of the Ten Commandments on his courtroom wall and makes no bones about starting the day with a Christian prayer brfore he hears cases in his courtroom. I was really appalled when I read about the interview with him where he states that his rights to do so are protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Yes, he does have First Amendmant rights to freely practice his religious beliefs, but not at the expense of my religious beliefs. He also has conveniently forgotten that the Constitution also has mandated a seperation between church and state. Whether or not the document should be interpreted strictly or loosely is beside the point, the judge seems to think that the Christian dogma is the only religious viewpoint which is valid. I am also concerned with the support the judge's views have from the right wing conservative people of America. The people wholeheartedly support the judge's views, but they have not thought out their position. What happend if the judge wakes up some day and decides that he has been following the wrong path? He decides he has been given a revelation and from now on he will start his day in court by requiring the participants to read a copy of Dear Abby's and Ann Landers' columns and try to live by the principles that were set down in these columns. The point is that no one creed should be given prescendnce over another creed. To do so opens the door to a myriad of problems. Today's creed which is widely accepted and followed Thursday, April 17, /997 The Behrend College Collegian - Page 5 Spit sucks ! By Colleen Fromknecht Collegian Staff Now that the weather is becoming relatively spring-like (according to Erie's standards), I've noticed a reoccurrence of a phenomena which is starting to appear around campus. White walking from my car to class I have to be careful that I don't step into a big glob of slimy, disgusting spit. It is as bad as stepping into a dog turd as far as I am concerned. Both experiences are unpleasant, unsanitary and rate right up there with having one's ,fingernails ripped out as far as a having a fun experience. I think this must he some sort of esoteric rite of spring. As soon as the weather improves a bit, guys all over campus start making noises like a wounded moose and let loose with a good one. Unfortunately for me, I am usually right behind this example of male perfection and have to perform some fancy footwork so I can avoid the glob of goo that usually land on the sidewalk too close to my shoe for comfort. I hardly ever see a woman hawk a good one on the sidewalk. It must be a guy thing. After watching these paragons I am struck by the coincidence that the guys who seem to be flinging their spit around campus with abandon are the same guys who arc whining they can't get a date. Well guess what? What woman in her right mind wants to go out with a guy who thinks nothing of letting large streams of phlegm spew out of his mouth (at inappropriate times) which then land smack dab in the center of a sidewalk ? Come on, guys! Do you act that way in front of your mother? I should hope not! Next time you get the urge to spit on the sidewalk, stop for a minute and think of all the people who have to walk behind you on the sidewalk. Give us a break! Maybe some nice girl will decide you're not a camel after all, and you'll finally get a date and have a good time. kXX:F;3 IMMII by many people could tomorrow become power. The situation with the judge terrifies me. His thinking is similar to the thinking of those in power immediately before the rise of the Nazis to in Germagy. The, country was on the brink. of anarchy; most Germans approved of Hitler because they felt he would bring Germany back to the position by having "values" the citizens felt were sorely lacking. As a result, the world watched in horror as eleven million (that's 11,000,000!) people died in concentration camps so that Germany could return to a way of life which had true values. This is ;he same kind of thinking that the judge is promoting. The only accepatble viewpoint for Americans is the Christian viewpoint. If Americans are too ignorant to realize the error of their way, he will be happy to educate them. I think he goes too far. I'm scared. His policy strikes at the core of my existence, and once again I am threatend because I do not follow or believe the tenets of middle class conservative Americans. Does this mean I will be persecuted for it? Do I have to lie awake in fear because I do not fit into the mold of what the majority of people think I should be and fear for my safety? Has everyone in America forgotten how to think? What are we teaching our children? The only way we will continue to exist on this earth with its shrinking resources, and massive problems which have been caused by our technological "progress" is to come together. We must learn to understand and accept our differences and realize that the majority point of view is not the correct point of view just because the majority of people hold it. , I •