Page 6 - The Behrend College Collegian Thursday, March 27, 1997 EMPLOYERS ARE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD PEOPLE, AND WHAT BETTER A WAY TO CATCH THEIR EYE THAN TO WORK ON YOUR STUDENT NEWSPAPER! POSITIONS ARE OPEN FOR THE FALL SEMESTER'S EDITORIAL BOARD. ALL FULL TIME STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO APPLY. INTERESTED STUDENTS SHOULD MAIL A LETTER INTEREST TO THE COLLEGIAN ATTN.: JENNIFER COLVIN AND DANIELLE MURPHY. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO TRY YOUR HAND AS A BOSS, THE COLLEGIAN COULD USE A FEW MORE GOOD WRITERS. INTERESTED STUDENTS SHOULD STOP BY THE OFFICE ANY TIME FIRST FLOOR, REED UNION BUILDING) OR EMAIL THE EDITORS AT JENCOLVINOJUNO.COM A VOICE FROM ABOVE SAID "EXTEND THE DEADLINE - AND DON'T EAT FROM THAT TREE!" (WELL, WHO ARE WE TO ARGUE?) The Deadline for applications for Editor in Chief has been extended to Friday, March 28. Students from every major around are encouraged to apply to the best darn job on Awl Co-editors must apply together. All applicants must be full-time students. applications should include a written statement of the applicant's journalistic qualifications, their editorial philosophy their assessment of the current strengths and weaknesses of Tie Collegian, and their plans for the organization of staff membFs, yadda, yadda, yadda.. . TRY IT - YOU'LL LIKE IT!! N - s C::\ Next to that job the guy upstairs has :1 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS.. .