The Return of Star Wars by Tim Holsopple Asst. Entertainment Edit°, Star Wars is hack. Back on the big screen and hack in the American consciousness. For a limited time only, George Lucas is re-releasing the most beloved sci-fi movies of all time. The three movies in the trilogy, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi, have been touched-up with modern computer effects and digital sound. That makes the theater experience a cosmic nostalgia trip for some and an interplanetary virgin voyage for others. In Star Wars, there an approximately four minutes of brand-new footage. That includes a previously impossible computer animated scene between Hans Solo and Jabba the Hut, and tons of new computer animated monsters in the city on Luke Skywalker's home planet of Tantooine. There are also scenes that Lucas originally cut from the movie that have been restored. The sequels will not have as much added new stuff. People have mixed emotions concerning the re-release of this timeless classic. When asked whether or not he enjoyed the movie in the theater, Mark Greenbank, a resident assistant in Lawrence Hall, answered, "Yes,...[l] enjoyed this one immensely." UNIVERSITY 2 by Frank Cho Ncy Hey Rep Yoke. f 'Down) Hum HIGH . , sf ' Nit' I Concerning the added scenes and special effects. he replied, "For the most part yes. Some of the scenes looked a bit too faked through the computer additions, but overall it was great." A person who wished to remain anonymous answered, "No. I felt that they were just added so that more people would come to see it. They weren't that spectacular." A big concern of movie buffs before the re-release of the movies was George Lucas's motives behind the re-release. Some felt that he just wanted to pad his thinning wallet, while others felt that he wanted a new generation to experience Star Wars on the big screen. Mark Greenbank said, "Obviously Lucas needs to create some extra cash for his upcoming pew's to the [trilogy], but I guess he wanted to hype up audiences also, and give children a chance to experience the films." When asked if she would recommend this movie to a friend, Gina Gaskey replied, "Sure. I think it's great to watch something from your childhood back on the big screen. A lot of college kids seemed to like it." The anonymous person was not so praising. "It wasn't worth seeing a movie we've all seen a thousand times before." I personally enjoyed viewing Star Wars in the theater, and I plan on seeing both The Empire Strikes The latest production from the Studio Theater, Brilliant Traces, opens next week "Brilliant Traces" coming soon: Mike Lechner and Kirsten McCain rehearse for their upcoming performances in The Penn State-Behrend's Studio Theater latest production, "Brilliant Traces." This dramatic comedy by Cindy Lou Johnson will open on Feb. 21 and run the 22, 26, 27, 28 and March 1 at 8:00 P.M. and on Feb. 23 and March 2 at 2:30 p.m. Call 898-6016 for tickets. Back and The Return of the Jedi when they conic out. I advise everyone to do the same. Also, be on the lookout for the three planned prequels to this series that are supposed to come out in 1998, 2000 and 2002. Until then, may the force be with you. The my Afatieus HRIFTY SHOPPER "THE THRIFT STORE WITH STYLE!" 1213 State St. Erie, PA 16501 452-4421 All I want to do is to thank you by Sheila L. Bickel Entertainment Editor "All I wanna do is to thank you..even though I don't know who you are...." That's what many of you will probably say after you hear Geggy Tah's CD, Sacred Cow. This three member band comprised of Greg Kurstin, Tommy Jordan, and Daren Hahn will be opening for Rusted Root at the State College show. If you want to check them out beforehand you can find the CD in stores. It is quite hard to find a word to describe this band because the variety on the album is extensive. The most popular and well known song is "Whoever You Are." The song is a thank you to an unknown person for letting the singer change lanes during traffic. This release has a Phish-like quality to it due to the funky OUT ON A LIMB by GARY KOPERVAS O l ow coot. Boycott by Sheila L. Bickel Entertainment Editor Does the thought of spending Valentine's Day alone scare you? Well, don't worry because you are not the only one and there are many things that you can do to enjoy this primarily "couple" holiday. Valentine's Day is a prejudiced holiday. It seems that everywhere you turn the media pushes the idea of celebrating the fact that you are part of a relationship. But what if you're not? You may think that I'm bitter...well I am. Every year I get this love, hearts, and flowers crap stuffed down my throat and every year I feel belittled for not having a boyfriend. Well, I am here to tell you that you can celebrate without having a significant other. One great way to enjoy the day is to tell those important to you how Thursday, February /3, /997 The Behrend College Collegian - Page 5 rhythms and blend of sounds. However, this is not the only song worth mentioning. The third song, "Lona Stuff," reminds me of The Lemonheads or possibly Weezer. It has a 60's era tone and is very upbeat though the lyrics do not reflect that optimism. (Especially since the ending words are "taxidermy me"). Another song, "Sacred Cow," does not remind me of Rage Against The Machine, but has that very angry quality that is characteristic of that band. This may seem like a very scary thought, but I feel this song is great for anyone who is having trouble with a significant other. The lyrics, "What's wrong you're always crying lately...what song this isn't a song really...shut up and stop your playing around...the subject right now is what's .wrong...". _ "House of Usher (Inside)" and gusc3cf. vit4.P f't4a4rl6. MKERIAI- Valentine's Day much you love them. CALL YOUR PARENTS! I'm sure your parental units would appreciate the gesture. (It is also a good time to hit them up for some cash.) Or if not them, call an old friend that you haven't talked to in awhile and say "hi". It is always nice to hear a friendly voice say, "Hey, I miss you." Another suggestion is to party with other unattached individuals. They can relate to your situation and are probably feeling the exact same way you are. Go out to dinner, catch a movie or stay in and hang out. Regardless of what you do, enjoy the company of another...even if it is your roommate or your best friend. If you think you're a loser for not having a boyfriend or girlfriend, you can take comfort in the fact that either does the person you're with. ow RUDE Moßtiltko, AW lb, fbe " f . of ibe fo e ill Pae t iof Ise Ite Poe fbf'; "Don't Close The Door" are also good songs, the latter being the better of the two. Make sure to check out "Gina," the very last song. If nothing else, it will make you laugh. While listening to this CD, I picked out songs and even just overall tones (besides the ones previously mentioned) of Simor and Garfunkel, Plato's Cave and even Jane's Addiction. So yot see my dilemma when trying to pinpoint a word to describe thi band. The best I can think of is VARIETY. And like the oh ' saying goes, "Variety is the spice of life." I suggest checking out this CD if a friend has it because if you don't have the guts to sway from your normal musical palette, you may be disappointed. But if you arc willing to give this CD a chance, go for it...dive in head first and enjoy. BuiR3LE tam" utiPegaAlZMEtrr4 If the thought of walking into your room and seeing a dozen roses addressed to someone else makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide, buy yourself flowers. Why not? Valentine's Day is about love and who better to show your appreciation for then yourself. Pamper yourself all day. Take a bubble bath, eat chocolate, watch a cheesy love story (to make fun of it, of course), and RELAX! You deserve it as much as anyone. I know it may not seem like much, and Valentine's Day may still seem like a terrible ordeal, but it is survivable. This year I have decided to boycott February 14th same as the 21 years before this one and it's OK. Don't wallow in self pity (which can be fun sometimes, however), but enjoy the day as if it was any other. Just keep everything in perspective...and you too can survive Valentine's Day.