The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, March 28, 1996, Image 8
Pa:e 8 "Barefoot" worth admission by Jeannin an e Ouillette Collegi Staff Does everyone know who Neil Simon is? Mr. Tony Elliot was shocked to learn that not everybody does, and when one of his students called "Barefoot in the Park" to his attention and expressed an interest in the play, he figured he would get Behrend students familiar with the playwright. The play is one of comedy and set in the 1960's along a theme of the I Love Lucy show. Corie Bratter, played by Conchita Dixon plays a newlywed wife, full of energy and very demanding of her husband, Paul's attention (played by Matt Milroth). The new couple has just moved into the top floor apartment of a brownstone on 48th street in New York City. Corie is the happiest woman alive, she is absolutely ecstatic about the new apartment, though Paul is a bit skeptical. The two have in in mid February, with a busted radiato in the skylight, a missing an . a single bed for the tvo to s: -ep in. As osc Low Ratings for Oscar- Even though 75 million Americans tuned in to portions of the Oscars on Monday night, the show suffered a seven percent drop in ratings from last year. The show's average 30.3 rating failed to equal those from the three previous Oscarcasts, despite having the best non-football primetime rating since the Academy Awards last year. `Murder' Will Die-On May 19, CBS will air the final installment of "Murder, She Wrote," the 12-year old show starring Angela Lansbury. The final four original episodes of the show will begin airing Sunday, April 28, at 8 p.m. Doc Simpson Death: Accidental-According to the Los Angeles coroner's office, the death of producer Inc Simpson was accidental. It was a ACROSS 1 Jaceet pert 6 Nest's vest ment 9 inlets 14 River In Francs 16 Bleat 16 Wall hanging 17 Flesh 16 Mix up 20 Demestlcated 21 Cake deantkri 22 'Norma 23 Sdentlfic miter. Ashley 25 Peracgate 27 A leder 20 Woolen' state: abbr. 31 norms 34 Elaphard feature 36 Surmounting 38 Comic or land- ktg end 40 As neat as 41 Ethical 43 Make sharper 44 Embankment 46 avis 47 Graceful bird 48 Domain expressed by Paul, "Yes, we'll be sure to turn from left to right in unison!," one can easily sense his doubt. Yet, being in love can overcome any uncertainty in a relationship; this couple is put through a few trials to prove just how much in love they really are. Early on in the play, the Bratters are confronted with quite a strange, but friendly, neighbor-- Mr. Velasko, played by Greg Welsch. A strange man whom lives in the attic, Velasko befriends the new couple by inviting them to a cocktail party, "bring the liquor!," he exclaims. It is to be seen that Mr. Victor Velasko is quite a character, especially once he is to be set up with Conies `poor little old mother,' played by Sue Hanson of Erie. It is soon found, though, that Velasko and Cone have a great deal in common, being so outgoing, and is shown when the two enter the stage singing a Greek folk song, "Shamma, Shamma," while Paul and Cork's mother lag behind. The lifelike personality that Mr. Velasko possesses makes Conic notice how terribly conservative ARS combination of prescription drugs and cocaine on top of a heart condition that caused the death of the Hollywood producer. Rushdie Scripts Film- Author Salman Rushdie is making plans to adapt one of his short stories, "The Courter," for film. The story revolves around the life of an immigrant boy who grows up in London during the early `6os. Dean Joins Monroe on Stamp-James Dean, the second celebrity since Marilyn Monroe to have his likeness on a commemorative U.S. postage stamp, is causing a stir in relation to where it will be released. Instead of Hollywood, Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana is lobbying to have the stamp released in Fairmount, Ind., the late actor's hometown. Entertainment Paul is and the newlyweds soon end up arguing. But, as mentioned before, the couple is very much in love and is shown in the final scene. Both Cork and Paul compromise and BEHREND-Penn State Erie, 1 he Behrend College will ontinue its Women's Film • eries with a showing of Bhaji .11 the Beach on Tuesday, April P . The film will begin at 7 p.m. n the Reed Lecture Hall in the ' eed Union Building. Admission is free and open to e public. Called an "entertaining story" .y the New York Times, Bhaji iir Crossword 50 Service branch 52 Anals 53 Unheeding 55 =on to 67 BO Radium discov erer 62 Flora Actress Dem 67 IN senator 68 ck pul 69 Thi corrode p 70 Gladden 71 Tested 72 Wd and Fleet abbr. 73 Challenges DOWN 1 Roster 2 Needng auk'. arm 3 Lanford 4 West= Milano 5 ear (listen) give a little of each other to make for a happy ending. The play should be considered for anyone who likes happy endings. "Barefoot in the Park" leaves you with a warm and on the Beach involves topics such as abuse, pregnancy, and sexism. First time feature director Qurinder Chadha's film is a story of a diverse group of Indian women with different problems and prejudices, ranging from an abused wife to gossiping older women to boy chasing teenage girls. The women go on a day-trip from Birmingham, England to the nearby seaside 8 King who has qu 7 Secular 8 Foundatkm 9 Things shot at 10 Onassis. tan*. 11 - - 11 r tabbit 12 Actress Turner 13 Punta del 19 Dollw bik 24 First Person 20 Way s 27 Lat. abbr. 28 Excelert 30 Sacred book 32 Baking Ingrecl ant a Imes 33 Biblical mount 35 Work dough with ths hands 37 Pat birds 30 Sean or Waharn 42 WaSh 45 Put Into lAN Thursday, March 28, 1996 toasty feeling inside "Barefoot in the Park" is being shown March 28, 29, 30 at 8:00 p.m. and March 31 at 2:30 p.m. resort of Blackpool to get away from the men in their lives and experience solidarity for the first time. Dr. Ursula Davis, assistant professor of communications at Penn State-Behrend, will introduce the film. Another Penn State-Behrend faculty member will lead a discussion afterwards. 49 Herds roughly 51 Shouted 54 Cooks. in a way 56 Actress Prentiss 57 Enaeoement abbr. 58 Aspersion 59 Rants garment 61 ''— Ire you dont." 63 Amain 64 War goo 66 Bom