The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, March 28, 1996, Image 6
Page 6 Foster a better understanding Dear Editor, Hello. In the hopes of fostering a better understanding between the Native American population and the mainstream culture of Erie County and Behrend College, I am requesting that your news department consider standardizing the ethnic description your staff uses in describing the indigenous population of the western hemisphere in news reports and stories. In the 504 years since the Columbus encounter. aboriginal citizens of the Americas have had to combat stereotypical racism which has its historical roots in the erroneous survey of the Native American people whom Columbus enc o untered. After determining that these peaceful natives were not of the Muslim faith, Columbus assumed that he had made his way to the subcontinent of India and had met up with Hindu citizens, hence the term "Los indios" from where the misleading term "Indians" originates. Although the error was discovered relatively soon after Columbus returned to Europe, the damage was already done and the stereotypes established. car ciir t ivol , cif RIP Ley WO MA k 1641 a VA %I loti \.k 11504,,, Approaching this subject from a different, but equally important angle, I would also like to request the consideration of your sports department staff writers from refraining the using of the description of racially intolerant nick names such as and including: the Washington Redskins, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Atlanta Braves and especially the Cleveland Indians. By flowing the precedent of a number of Oregon newspapers which now refer to those teams as the Washington DC NFL team, the Kansas city professional football team, the Atlanta National League baseball team, and the Cleveland professional baseball team, clarity of sports reporting can be maintained without confusion. This nickname ban also extends to offensive college team nick-names, as well as league standings and transaction ledgers. This unprecedented move not only did not hurt newsstand sales, it attracted many accolades for the media owners and staff. Please consider standardizing the future references to western hemisphere indigenous citizens to the legitimate cultural term, Native Americans, as well as any specific tribal nation identity. Due to the increasing prevalence of news ...• • - Nk. lA _ ,V - trAfck::-....... v.,. • . . ,•-- 1 . .• sip ••• •I a ' ..; : ...:.. . ...„ ~. 3 , %T.:., TX. EERCicr Opinion titattiSt -- 1, GAR Sei 161• Ist% VOCi To 01 TAW reports being utilized in a number of academic classroom settings for current events awareness, the historical accuracy would be greatly appreciated. Also, in this time of fiscal conservativeness and the budget cutting of redundant expenses, it is ludicrous to have to re-educate our young people and students in higher education to the legitimacy of Native American land claims in the western hemisphere, when respected news venues such as yours could progressively correct the longest standing American historical inaccuracy through editorial control. Thank you for your concern. If anyone would like any further information regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at (814) 459-0907. Cordially yours, Charles J. Kader Native American Journalists Association (Mohawk Nation) ~." 14 Thursday, March 28, 1996 The Bed rend College Collegian Published weekly by the students of The Pinnsylvania State University •E The .fire . Editor In Mei Jennifer V. Cc&lin Business Manager Jennifer Heilman News Editor Danielle Muy Assistant News Editor Doreen Rutz Siffnerfklu E d itor Assistant Spoils Editor Julie Stocker Entertainment Editor Joe triottlilo Photography Editors Sheila Bickel Joe Stiller Opinion Editor Chad Clouse Advertising Manager Thomas D. Keefe Copy Editor Michelle Gruendl Advisor Mrs. Cathy Minter Collegian Staff Mary Began, Ryan Bogart, Cry s tit Dehart, Nicole Genius°, BrianrYan tiregory a Gomoichak, John Mather, Bryan Harkins, Kyra Notion, Adria Kovaly, Adam LevensWin, Heather Mc Mahon, Sarah Melohlorre, Sharain Naylor, Jeannine ()oiled% Matt Plizga, 4lette Rethage, John Rossornatido, Joe Ryan, Sean Siekkinen, Jason Simmons, Photographers: Brian Chamock, Brian Fisher, ColkmGrimm, Gina Leone, Bob Mistrlich, Chris Nelson, Eric Smith. Postal Informant:ln: The Collegian Is published weekly by the students of The Pennsylvania State University at Erie, The Behrens:, College; First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building, Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. 814-898-6488 or 814-898-6019 fax. ISSN 1071-9288 Letter Policy: The Collegian encourages letters on news coverage, editorial content and Universitytypew eitten aft , alm dco . b lett io_ mi spa s c im ed kl an be d signed by no more tin t wo p e r4o Letters should be no longer than 0 Lettem should inClude the snesttandng and major of the writer All letters should provide t he address and phone number of writer for verificationi etter • The Collegian reserves the ri ght t° edit lettem for length end to reject Viers Letters submitted to rho Cctof the ne n wsp itin ap ' !;:* "' • T t ii M s P C ":44Y eI eit ian is Thursday du ring the dernio year on recyCiedPaPer.