The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, March 28, 1996, Image 5
Thursday, March 28 Mad cow disease from page 2 But it could take up to two years of research to establish firm proof of a direct link between the two. WHO stressed that there had been a marked decline in the mad cow epidemic in Britan. They said that British control measures were effective and have removed dangerous animal parts (such as the brain and spinal cord) from the food chain. They added that the chance of human subjects becoming contaminated by the disease is absolutely remote. Another meeting occurred between 708 animal and public health experts when the US Department of Agriculture reviewed current policies. To: Whom It Does Concern itega riling the Information on Equal Access None mipliance at Penn-State Behrend, of tne Penn A hania State tiniversit; that )ou ma, .)e CU fIOUS in: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen. I. IN. keep it concise and mellifluous: (A) Their are NO PLACES at Penn-State Behrend including m. apartment at 407 Arid Hall in The Quad Apartments, Dobbins Hall Dining Facilit:‘, Academic Buildiri.t. Reed Union Building, Eric Hall, Turnbull ;:adding, Glennhill Farm House, Behrend Science Building, Nick Building, and Hammermill Computer Center: which, must travel to and from b mobility of an electric is heelchair at Penn-State Bchrend; that does not cause HAVOC on in:t erel% 1 nstible Cervical and Thoracic Spine; a Prec:irious Problem for each individual ‘lith (1) Cervical and Upper Thoracic Injuries :►nd Severe Weakness caused by the (I) Nerve and/ or Neurological Ener%ation Deficits. (II) ligament Weakness because they hale bccn stretched to far by injury like a rubber band :1114HIMe lost their vibrant holding poser and origiii,il elasticity. and (111) Muscle Holding 'rimer Weakness; that is medically. physical espial access. and civil rights %Ike, the reasons %1 , 1” the C'ongress in 1913 created the s. Rehabilitation Act and in 1990 Amen.. 4ns With Disabilities Act ohich is codified !milt r 30 IFR, Part 1191, Paragraphs 4.3. 4.5. 4.8„ 4.'►, 4.19, and 1.11. Requiring at least one safe stable properly sloping/graded paths andlor sidewalk between each Academic r:‘ pi' Building, Medical-Rehabilitation Buildings, Sports Complexes. Administrative Mires, Financial Type Offices. and Campus Residences; of Wheelchair Mobility Impaired Msahled Students. Facultv. and. Citizens Ctilifing Campus Facilities! .Also per my doctors orders it is further injurious in my cervical and thoracic Lio.table vertebrae area for me to (1) ride. 2) he loaded and/or unloaded in wheelchair ans more than. once eveq two weeks. and (3) that the wheelchair vans are required air suspension type: this is further required slt ict compliance and codified under the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, Sections 310, And !Ol(d), 1973 U.S. Rehabilitation Act, Paragraph LIM Section 504 and Section 497. and 11. S, Federal and Penimlyania Medical CGdeS both fond under Title Twenty (20). The meeting concluded without recommending any further safeguards - however, the number of cattle brains routinely tested for mad cow disease will be increased. Federal officials are confident because mad cow disease has never been identified in the US. This is compared to the 162,000 animals in Britain who have been stricken with the diceace since 1986. According to US officials, only 10 of the countries Britain exports cattle to have had mad cow disease - and in six of those countries (including Canada) the disease did not spread to cattle already living in the country. Of the 499 cattle imported to the US from Britain before 1989 none were found to be infected with the dis6ase. Of the 2,660 brains tested from British cattle imported in 1990 through 1995, no evidence of the disease was found. However, Dr. Richard F. Marsh of the University of Wisconsin in Madison disagrees. According to him, scrapie exists among sheep in the US. He added that rendered sheep parts are fed to cattle in the US. Marsh said that he would like to see better testing of cows for mad cow disease. In 1994, the federal Food and Drug Administration proposed banning the sheep fced for cows, but it found resistance from the agricultural industry. The proposal is being re examined after the British statement. There is no evidence from any country that scrapie can be transmitted directly to people who eat lamb or mutton. This is a Paid Advertisement (IS) due also to ms post-troumatic wrist thritis and neurological 0-1 out of 5 %%lakness in m) hands, arms, and wrist; and ether quad disabled indisiduals medical difficulties; that is tsh, the U.S. Congress under ADA/504 & 407; Required EQUAL ACCESS PANIC DOOR PUSHBARS under 36 CFR, Part 1191. Paragraph 4.13; which are missing in the following listed Penn-State Bchrend Buildings of Hammermill Computer Center. Bchrend Science Building. Turnbull Building. Glennhill Farmhouse. and Reed Building; "this safel allows a disabled person to slide along the FLAT Equal Access Panic Bar Surfaces without getting caught-up and injured on the Protruding Old-Sqle Hardw are;" (C) Maintenance of already installed ittatomatic doors as Required by 36 CFR. Part 1191. Paragraphs 4.13. 4.26. and 4.27 with electronics like (a) Supernova Infrared Strips. :hat hold the door open when someone is in th, "fiddle of the doorway. (h) interference proot , lectronics for (I) Inclement Weather. 2) Microwave Interference Wines like (Cellular Handheld) Phones. Plane Landing Radar. Owns. and Ecetera. and (3) Radh; Vases from (1) Mfrs ement of Fault lines she Earth, (2) Radio Stations, and 3) - rein ision Stations. These doors halt malfunctioned and/or not properly operated a ,111 since 5 October 1994. about es er) (2-3) Iwo to Three days: causing grievous bndßt harm to my quadriplegic self: and (D) The U.S. Congress in its infinite ‘Visdom; knew different people had differens disabilities to mercome in order to be a li ‘4.1. flaying field of Actual Realistic Equal Opportunity; That is why they created Paragraph UK Section 504, of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973; which S TATES VERBATIM < A postsecondary educational institution that is the recipient of :zderal aid must take necessary steps to instill ' NO HANDICAPPED STUDENT is Abject to discrimination BECAUSE OF THE ABSENCE OF EDUCATIONAL *IL ILLARV AIDS for students with Impaired Sensory, Manual, and Speaking -kills > ! Medical Evidence distincth !cm instrates. I, have Severe to Critical I impaired Sensory, (2) Manual, and 1 ) makini Skills; which accordin to British officials commented that the most likely explanation for the contraction of Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease in humans is that the cows were. exposed to mad cow before the ban and the feeding of rendered sheep parts in 1989. But the government added that even though the number of cases was small, there is still a "cause for great concern." Mad cow seems to be only communicable among cattle through contaminated feed - studies have not found any correlation between offspring of afflicted cattle. • tit , *N. II: Physician and the Disability Cis il Rißn, lA% is;on, of I.S. Department of Justice: 13 disability is ratable for the following ssistance. sexy ices, aids. benefits of I ) Installation of Additional Automatic 1. specially in the Hammermill Computer Center, (b) Tutors in Math and Computers. •c) Notakers for post-traumatic wrist arttlriti , .nd neurological wrist problems, (d) for printed matter visual problems, le) Doorholders when Necessary due to my Quadriplegic problems of (1) ONE POUND PRESSURE RESISTANCE LIMIT; on all hydraulic door closures and/or malfunctioning-nonoperating automatic (bier. and (f) Heat in Buildings Like Reed and Rehrend Science Center, due to less blood circulation and body temperature in paral3 ndisiduals. The Initial Major Key for Penn- Itate Behrend and Pennsylvania State L'nisersity to ABSOLUTELY, TIMELY, FFFECTIVELY COMPLY; in that they a; 4' the Recipient of Hundreds of Millions in effluence of Federal Subsidies Annually: therefore, there are NO EXCUSES ~ h at-'n-eser recognized at all by the (a) U 'mike Department and/or (h) Federal Cot!, ; f Apprpriate Jurisdiction; for Refusing rid/o. failing to Comply with Paragraph t.Stf, ‘wetion 504 and Section 407, of the (9 S. Rehabilitation Act!" The foregoing 4. , tell information is understood to he total rue and correct in law and in fact to ms ht A%ledge in accordance with Federal Decree and Petinsttania Stat 1 6 tree. Veo trul3, and respectfull y 's' Jobn M. Emerson JOHN M. EMERSON =Fifteen Years Honorable U.S. Marine =Veteran: SERVICE INCURRED :SEVERELY QUADRIPLEGIC =3rd Year Computer Science/MIS Major Box 595, 407 Ariel Hall, Penn-State Behrend, Station Road, Erie, PA 16563: (814) 898-6906 Page 5