The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, March 28, 1996, Image 4
Page 4 Piercing goes beyond Body piercing grows among Generation Xers by Kyra Kindon Collegian Staff Eyebrow, ear, tongue, nose, septum, lip, cheek, navel, nipple. They all can be pierced. Name a body part and it has probably been pierced on someone at some point in time. Piercing is the latest fad, especially for Generation Xers. Some people think that it looks cool and see it as a form of self expression. In 'addition, body piercing may be a way to show what one stands for. Other reasons for piercing include the need for another body part to adorn with jewelry or as a show of endurance. Reasons to pierce are decided by those who choose to do so. Show more belly: popularity among women. Question of the week: Where is the best place to go on a first date? "To an afternoon picnic and stay and watch the sun set." -Wendy Driscoll, 04 MIS "Dinner and a movie of her choice." -Donny Black, 04 Electrical Engineering "It makes no difference where you take them, women are never happy." -Paul Richey, 08 MET "The beach." -Jennifer Heilman, 08 Accounting "To Perkins so you can sit for hours and talk." -Elaine Glotz, 04 MEDIST * $2OO-$5OO WEEKLY * Mailing travel brochures. No experience necessary. For information send a self addressed stamped envelope to: Universal Travel, P.O. Box 610188 Miami, FL 33261 THE CARD GALLERY K-Mart Plaza East am C 2) 4437 Buffalo Rd. fai 899-8782 Flowers INN dle, but a card from The Card Gallery will last lower! Some people view body piercing as a tradition that has endured for years in other countries. For them, piercing is way of celebrating ancient traditions of other cultures, Regardless of the reasons for body piercing, there are some medical problems that one can face because of piercing. "We have not had much of a problem with pierced parts," Patti McMahon, coordinator of the Health and Wellness Center said. "The problem that people have, once pierced, is predominantly infection, but this is usually a case for the people who have pierced themselves, not by a reputable piercing place." Photo by Joe Stiller/Photo Editnr Navel rings have grown in News Infection is a common occurrence for newly pierced people. But, proper precautions can be taken to reduce the likelihood of this possibility Although more severe problems, such as disease and damage to the skin, are possible, they are uncommon. "Piercing is like toothbrushing. -Cutter U.S. News and World Report Body piercing can be done a professional, called a cutter. A cutter at Buddha's Body Art known as Rob explained the importance of caring for a pierced body part. "As long as people do as they are told and keep their body clean, infection is avoidable," said Rob. "Usually, when people start to relax with the care of their pierced part is when problems start to arise." Buddha's is located on West 12 St. in Erie. tif) iiis. 4 », 1 *•- '1 , , •• )1 One of the dilemmas with piercing is that some members of older generations do not appreciate the art of piercing. Employers may agree with this theory and view piercing as a turn off for their employees. Ann Landers, a syndicated advice columnist, discussed work problems associated with piercing. According to Landers, people with pierced body parts may find themselves "virtually unemployable unless she [or he] removes several of those rings." People can be seen throughout Penn State-Behrend , and any other college campus, with at least their ear(s) pierced. Men and women alike have pierced. Age does have an influence on one's ability to be pierced. There are Pennsylvania laws that govern piercing. According to Rob, "You must be over 18 or have parental consent to get pierced. That is a Pennsylvania law." Body piercing continues to grow among Generation Xers. Piercing is a phenomena among many because, as Behrend student Robyn Wholey, 02 engineering, put it, "It's different." One cutter told U.S. News and World Report that, "Piercing is like toothbrushing now," referring to its growing popularity. q think that a guy should take a girl to a hockey game because they can talk about the fights and get to know each other." .1 •, ; -Keegen Guyer, 02 Chemistry "To the them lab so we can try to mix up some love potion." -Mike Shaffer, 06 Chemistry "The best place to take a girl on a first date is to dinner and then a movie, cause if you decide that you don't like her then you can sneak out during the movie." -Brian Schumaker, 06 MET were compiled by Doreen Foutz WP Thursday, March 28, 1996 ears Photo by Joe Sillier/ Photo Editor Beyond the ears: Piercings have travelled down the body, in this case to the nipples. As two sympathetic analysts also said in U.S. News and World Report: "Amidst an almost universal feeling of powerlessness to 'change the world,' individuals are changing what they have power over. their own bodies..." And why not? "It only takes a matte: of minutes," said Wholey. What is your view? Piercing— P I P R , "11.0!let4c?