The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, March 28, 1996, Image 3
Tharp , , March 28 1996 Genetic impact on women discussion BEHRRND-Dr. Ruth Hubbard, professor of biology merits at Harvard University, will speak on "Implications of the New Genetic Technologies for Women" at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, on Thursday, April 4 at 7 p.m. The lecture, to be held in the Reed Union Building Lecture Hall, is free and open to the public. A true pioneer in the field of genetics, Hubbard has challenged the thinking of genetic researchers in terms of how their work affects women. Since the early 1970'5, she has worked, written, and lectured on the politics of health care and on various health issues, especially as they relate to women. Another major focus of her interest has been in the sociology of science, where she has tried to document the ways in which the question scientists ask and the answers they accept as true are shaped by their sex, race, and class, and by the social institutions in which they orxmite. The researcher has edited five books including The Politics of Women's Biology (New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 1990); Exploding the Gene Myth (Boston: Beacon Press, 1993); ) mKI of a thne? Is Coming!! Snektd Out Co.vcmsorwl by SPC & NSBE o ne kiciqf male and female 11 win the chance to pick from 50 contestants to q o 2 on a paw wringer ClireetiOlfla Contact Sham Johnson Or Jennifer Cockrell x 7047 e C4fiCial rules and entry guidelines wilt be posted around Reed" Remirider: Nomination arms for awards for Excellence in Academic • dvlsing, Excellence in eaching, and the Ben Lane word for Outstandingi . Service are d in the vest's Offic e by Friday March 29. Free Teterin try. the: Learning As let s ;ince Center 2031-lbral 8986014 HAVE A PROBLEM? WANT YOUR OPINION HEARD? Write your student leaders and drop It In nn"namPna malt addressed to SGA, ATTNI: Public Relations. and Profitable Promise: Essays on Women, Science and Health (Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 1995). Among the topics Hubbard will discuss at Penn State- Behrend are the many issues surrounding prenatal testing. She believes individuals need to have a greater voice in science, and urges education at the grassroots level to help women decide whether or not medical and genetic testing is appropriate for them. "With genetic testing, women are supposed to have more choices," she says, "but in fact they are making forced choices." She points to the growing number of pregnant women over age 35 who feel obliged to undergo amniocentesis. Hubbard will also look at breast cancer and breast cancer screening. "As tests to predict a women's potential for breast cancer come on the market, we need to look at it very carefully," she warns. "When we talk about any kind of cancer, we can't focus strictly on genes. We need to look at all the factors involved, such as environment, as well." Hubbard has also contributed to the understanding of biochemistry and photochemistry of vision in vertebrates and invertebrates, a Thanks in part to the recent collaboration between Behrend's Health and Wellness Center and the Erie County Health Department, AIDS testing will be provided totally free of charge. Testing is done by appointment through the Health and Wellness center, 898-6217. University Scholars 28 - Thursday 29- Friday It's not too late for sophomores Intervarsity Christian Fellowship to be nominated to participate BandiChoir Room in the University Scholars 6.10-8:00pm Program. Third and fourth Daddy's World II semester students with Wintergreen Cafe A Celebration of Life excellent academic abilities in memory of interested in undertaking 9:30 pm Sandra Smith independent study and research Racism: Cause, effect, solution Noon at the junior/senior level may Reed 114 be considered. Only as a Biology Club Friends, Students, Faculty Scholar can a student earn a Ruda and Staff are invited Penn State honors degree. , 5:30 pm •f : 1/ : i l I * . .. ' ll ... -, 31 - Sunday News field in which she has published many scientific papers and review articles She appears as part of the Feminist Scholar Speaker Series sponsored by Penn State Equal Opportunity Planning Committee and co-sponsored by the Penn State-Behrend Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Division of Science, and Psi Chi, the national psychology honorary society. Student Events 1- Monday Deadline for Student Events Calendar Information Happy April Fools from The Collegian 2 - Tuesday INTRAIKURA:I4 DEADLINES: •!l:4 Badminton - April- 5 30 - Saturday 3 - Wednesday Study Skills Workshop Reed 3 - 5:15 - 6:oopm "Tips for Top Essay Tests" Brenda McGraw - Student Presenter Free and open to all students! Page 3