The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, March 28, 1996, Image 2
Pa:e 2 .A1.. 1 :- . . - E: .. ...._G1i11ie.e,;....i':,•• :614st , :ckit:11 , .,i.,thtee PORTAGE, Indiana.A powerful explosion killed three waiters and demolished part of a steel plant, mckiimi the southern end of Lake Michigan yesterday. According to police, eight others were injured at the Beta Steel Corp. facility in a blast at 7> a.m. local time just as shifts Werc , changing. • "It was like a time bomb. The whole ceiling was caving in. It was devastating,' said a supervisor who was inside the plant when the explosion hit. The blast appeared to be centered near apolarized tank used to kilt hot-rolled band steel ploduced at the s7s "mini plant whichopened in 1991. ' • Peke gad fare d water were fl!titchingathe'i!isted girders.: and debris inside the pilot John Roger** slaviort,sfor the Pottage Police DePartment, Said he did not know if the toll would rise but conrmnecl that three WCgkelli were killed. Rogers estimated that 50 to 60 workers were inside the windowless, blue. steel-walled plant at the time of the explosion. The blast blew two gaping holes in di? roof and pollaixied walls. Witness said the blast could be felt for miles around. One resident of the surrounding neighborhood. .said he thought his roof was falling in. • Beta Steel is one of about 30 steel and heavy manufacturing companies •at the industrial are called the Pon of Indiana about 40 miles southeast of Chicago along Lake Michigan. Rabin killer guilty; gets life TEL AVIV, Israel-An I sraeli court convicted the killer of eli Prima tam to life imprisonment. Minister Yitzhak Rabin, son!Tcin a Yigal Arnir confessed to the killing after Nov. peace tally, c l a i m i ng to save I srae l: f rom foriherbioods bed by . stopping Rabin from trading land for peace with the Palestinians. AMirS lawYera pleaded for a mans laughter f..gkrer conv iction , saying,,tn„i that with t he was so obsessed fr*,. in full control when he opened Inc a o il ;7 o` . artien sentence. However, the three-Judge panel agreed that the killing was premeditated and gave Amir the Mtutdatmy sentence. The death pmalty is reserved for Nazi war criminals. Dole claims GOP support The battle for the Republican presidential nomination iS over. cording to Senate Majority Leader Bobs Dole. However, Dole is being vexed by Democrats in the Senate, Ross Perot on the horizon, and Pat Buchananin the wings. As Dole counted another round of victories in the priMarieS. commentator Buchanan sent mixed signals about his intentions. And House Speaker Newt Gingrich renewed his plea that Buchanan stand by the GOP. Perot's signals were more straight forward--he launched a nationwide speaking tour bent on bringing about defeats of both. Dole and President Bill Clinton. According to Perot, the. GOP primary process is "beyond sick." Dole has not let any of it rain on his parade. "Our country has reached a defining moment," Dole declared Tuesday night without waiting for results from Nevada. California and Washington state. "I am the Republican nominee." Dole did lock up a majority of Republican delegates with a four state Midwestern sweep a week ago. Tuesday's were Dole's 23rd, 24th and 25th consecutive victories over Buchanan, who agreed that Dole had locked up the GOP nomination. Death by sauerkraut BUDAPEST, Hungary-A barrel of sauerkraut beeame deadiy when an 80-year old woman fell in and drowned while attempting to scoop out a Portion, a Hungarian daily reported last week. The wow, identified as laliturna Farkas, an ethnic Hungarian from Oradea* Romanlit, was discovered by neighbors when they heard the .wOrnan'S t# year old itteat-gtattalect gone and crying in the lett.* the PaPet nalaxtral- According to reporters at the daitY. Police assumed the man heeenke diaal white leaning of the Satietkaillti which was in a shed* and was overcome by the fume*. Ticlq in thewrs 12 locks deep, according ro News Tutors make impact Tutoring is a rewarding experience by Bob Mimilicb Collegian Ste The afternoon tutors at Diehl ' Elementary School are making a significant impact on the life of those third and fourth graders they are helping. Penn State Behrend works in cooperation with Diehl Elementary School to encourage young people to make an extra effort in education. The program not only helps youngsters get a good foundation in learning, but also makes a difference in the Penn State- Behrend student volunteering time. From 2:30 to 3:30"p.m., the tutor spends time working with the children on their math, reading, spelling, and English. Ban on British beef by Jennifer V. Colvin Editor in Chief In response to consumer fears of mad cow disease. the 15-nation European Union declared a worldwide ban on British beef exports yesterday. encephakpathy. known as mad cow disease slowly attacks the brain, giving it a sponge-like consistency as nerve cells are destroyed The disease in cows is similar to Creutzfekk-Jakob disease (CID) in humans. It resembles Alzheimer's - it produces apathy, irritability, dementia, balance problems and severe muscle spasms. However, the human form of the disease can take many years or even decades to develop. Because the time to develop SGA Report The Student a eve/7 Wednesda y 4 ___ Vice tram= et S:LI i n Re7idation holds ~11;!fraeyr-s-t.--,--__Dave miller colienmet, its weekly me e tin g Moved to oons 114 magazinealw Homey have c°l43l' P/13dUCiien Wan $3OO tit . th e sake, been 00010,0 Tem pos The =summit) aext=' ea senator g._teveaun issue. viOlaties sehee4Passed.*cam""bot win 18 in viol::: Landrw'ucenyingfiem SPolted 141e7 . become` Veld °lmiiversi the Wool awes . - *el um if detenttiotldPedicy. 14"araril SOA voted"ttis invest' . that it %eat far a mimming it ram ot) two .ilatimi iota pm)ar whidi a UK nwthafon guiduation7Pl7-7--tmcaull a b n - id In Xlitott perms etesitod 74 A _nab, agddv°l;B24 a 07;;;;: ..a.i ll aut =tit* smari,-.6464_beriati t. _The Ewe o)=ol,llsicosuma- '-avitii-Ti---- "Thev-iiajc; Mita_ 10 in Au., UnitY 1000d4"1"110* w" ,iinivallat #„.. Mal We'figh.,..' illiw /4443d'"A-"'""k• Benit %to =4404 ' 10 , 7110 tate;0`4100111(r=. faeataa or, a 160$1 iktr 0)01111 Posilidifter."—" Wile in --12-7!--.10 it bins eOn SO SAXilit Reed 4 Will 1101 it rBl7ll Rood bitioil /0"1 *" iniatigjk , ' ' • , ' • Every tutor is assigned two kids, and a. teacher is present at all times. Behrend tutor, Mike Morano, said he volunteers because of the rewarding feeling he gets when he knows he is making a difference in someone's life. "I like to share their accomplishments, and the kids are proud of their progress." "The students are very bright, and they really appreciate everything you do for them," said tutor, Kim Carlson. Kim said she thinks this as a great opportunity for her to work with kids, which is something she really enjoys. "The kids love the attention they get, sometimes parents am too busy," she added. Student organizations , are also taking an active part in the 13iehl takes so long for CJD, it is possible that many more cases will materialize in Britain where 10 Britons have died recently. Scientists are concerned that the handful of cases identified so far could be the beginning of a larger have risen - fmair 28 in 1985 to 55 in 1994. But what has surprised British scientists the most is the change in the diseased nerve cells which suggest the disepse has changed since first discovered in 1985. Mad cow disease is believed to have started in sheep; this form is known as scrapie. Until 1989, British farmers fed rendered sheep parts to cattle as a protein supplement. Scrapie is believed to have infected cows only through improperly twitted sheep parts in the food resulting in mad cow by Sean Siekkinen CoMagical Staff Thursday, March 28, 1996 Elementary School. The Delta Chi's are hosting a soccer demonstration to expose children to the rules of the game, and how to play safely. The Zeta Beta Tau's are hosting an Easter Egg Hunt. and Lambda Sigma will participate in Diehl's Easter play. The German Club will be exposing the youngsters to a festival describing German culture and holidays. The Diehl students will get a taste of college life at Dobbins as a reward for earning honors merits. The Lion mascot will be greeting the young scholars at the door. If you would like to make an impact on these young people's lives, .contact Mari Trenkle at X 6140 • - disease. The practice was banned in 1989. Recently, British scientists announced that there was evidence for a link between mad cow disease and OD. This comes after years of government denials - of - any possible link. The British meat industry has been in crisis since last week's report Most EU countries and many others had already shut out British beef. According to the European Commission, the measures ban the export of all live cattle, beef and beef products from the United Kingdom to any other country. The World Health Organization is hosting a meeting of experts to study the suspected link between mad cow and CJD. continued on page 5 WPSE from page 1 "We know that the station has to meet (those) goals and given the fact that both our full time staff positons are over turning simultaneously, it gives us a chance to rethink." Questions have also been circulating about WPSE hanging it's format and though 'ts not out of the question, it will I ostly be up to whoever takes he new position as general : , Whoever it is will have a ugh time filling Anzivino's oes, but WPSE is ready to face obstactie when it comes.