The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, March 21, 1996, Image 2
Page 2 Clinton budget called "fraudulent" The 1997 budget package proposed by President Bill Clinton Tuesday is not being received warmly by House Republicans. , Truty Blanidey, a spokesman for House Speaker Newt Gingrich, called the $1.64 trillion package "fraudulent" and "phony." Clinton's proposal Calls for $ll9 billion in tax cuts, ptdd for in part by higher business taxes and closing some loopholes. The . Clinton achninistration claims that the budget would balance federal spending by 2002. Accotding to Blankley the proposed budget is "a campaign document meant to get past the next election.* Dole closing in on Clinton Sob Do . le. Senate hittion'tY Leader , may give President Bill Clinton some stilt otutlPetition according to a national poll The Wtohinifton Post-ABC News poll sayt Clititret "1 Dote Pe trent to _ 43 I: 0 MM ago. Itaton end with 56 Patynt' so Dole's 3 9 :..:..... to 0 ,_ , Aciti v ... s _llett' heel , Acco rding 16. 0 1 4 of 3 S Perarett UUllgl9bosc 14 Dole, 72 la too old to serve effeetivelY. Pollsters = va this _VieW i$ _held itkose_ among Clinton backers, but third of LaCePengent sou *quarter or those who support Ross Perot in 1992 feel die Salne• Teathtias.lrarit margin of error in'the sixvgly resew _ • steldevo 'become It united chi again after almost four yeas of being divided into warring communal ghettos. The reunion happened when himilint.eteat authorities took imam! of the last dietriet that badbees /laid bY the S erb& The Bosnian eapind's thlaWiett mttor waslo/netantir %matted b Serbs on Tuesday amnia= wi th th e som a Pulite front the Mutditn-Cmatt authorities round wider destruction moulting thmt wt c lawlessnessthat 'geed end Win' Set* determined not to leave anything of value, laid wet, Amirante blow to Prt ) sixtgill _ cl og ' s and Right ins i t . at Mum The tor* eanntin H a i5..1,6,14„,,1,reav,,,,11,11110,,,,1i0,,,0„,,ed gEllltEhigulleee tin* 455 stutiertht from public sod putietthtl schools will gather with thee *sadism Oanities and Meats at Ps= State Erie, The Ilehreeti on Saturday. Maroh 30, to take port in t ftosseloot clftbriko.ortfistory txty t school. Through It series ergeOtteh; end Perrettleateee. the idgh students will shs their Whittle On hew various fe4ividttels. Welles end movementshave - eweellged theelP in communities* sauledes, uatkos or the world. The moue title year Is *Taking a Steed et neon* CCU Will be OPen (Of PUNIC vieWiag between 9 Lim And 1245 p.m. An swards ono:ay is h e id at nn nn t hn — Union Building ILANWILPIUM Per more larommumi on this event. sew mewl State-114410101DiViii00 of Hlffilailitie9 and SOcial *tido* " ► *lit* 0* WAIPtUre. • 7. . New 1.2 Billion years _ . •- of, math BEH REND—Dr. , Richani Bollinger, professor of mathematics at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, will speak to his colleagues and the public in a lecture entitled, "My First 12 Billion Years in Mathematics," on Tuesday, April 2 at noon in the College's Teed Union Building Commons. Bollinger will make his presentation as winner of the 1995 Penn State- Behrend Council of Fellows Faculty Research Award. The lecture is free and open to the public. The professor plans to touch on a number of unsolved mathematical problems during his talk, and examine several mathematicians whom he terms, "eccentric and otherwise." The title he selected is a reference to a childhood memory. Bollinger recalls that the universe was thought to be approximately four billion years old when he was a Think you've got what It takes to run the paper? Then DO IT! The Collegian is now accepting applications for Editor in Chief and section editors. To apply, you must be a full-time student in good standing. Applications must include a resume and your assessment of The Collegian. Applications are due in the Office of Student Activities by 5 p.m. April 5, 1996 Correction Last week, in our story about the Alternative Spring Break, we dared that San* Rogers mated at a women's shelter owned by her :lbw when in fact, the shelter is not run by Roger's sister. Thp name of the shelter is "tray Sister's Place." THE CARD GALLERY K-Mart Plaza East 4it . 44 1 31 9 13 9 111 8 0 2 Rd. cohdrs dm. child. Today, stiegUlation is that it is closer to 16 billion years old. "I. figure I must have been around for about 12 billions years," he says. A widely-Published scholar, Bollinger hold a Ph.D. in math from the University of Pittsburgh. He has served. on the Penn State-Behrend faculty for more than thirty years. His most recent work is a translation of Generalized Pascal Triangles and Pyramids; Their Fractals e Graphs and Application. The original book, a Russian monograph by internationally recognized mathematician Boris A Bondarenko, includes a discussion of several papers published by Bollinger. • Bollinger felt the Russian had done the mathematical community a service by publishing this survey of more than 500 results and references, and after corresponding with SGA Report The Student Government Association holds its weekly meeting every Wednesday at 5:15 in Reed conference room 114. The question of presidential authority and the extent to which it should reach was raised at last night's SGA meeting. In light of an incident last week in which President Timothy Mallon voiced the posibility of vetoing an SGA resolution. Multi- Cultural Council President Lourdes Tirardo moved to amend the SGA constitution to restrict presidential veto power. As a constitutional amendment, the motion will automatically be tabled for two weeks. If passed. the president will only be able to veto a motion at an SGA meeting within one week of the motion's' mew. The motion that sparked the amendment was passed last week with the intent of requiring Behrend CCSG representatives to vote against the . proposed SGA stipend. Mallon had announced his intent to vote for the stipend, and according to Tirardo threatened to veto the motion after the meeting. Mallon said he was merely contemplating the issue, and didn't think SGA should effectively tie the hands of CCSG representatives. Mallon Says SGA sentiment kept him from following through with the veto. CCSG defeated the stipend proposal in committee. In the president's report, Mallon also announced CCSG had passed a resolution to doubte the computer access fee to $7O if the University does not receive $4.5 million in state funding next Another - CCSG motion opened seats oathe ; bour4 of trustees to fulPtime students from any University.campus. _ SGA elections will be held on Wednaiday . April 3 and Thursday. April 4. Petitions for candidacy are due in the SGA office by 5:00 this Monday. Senator Michael Zampetti is researching Behrenfs commencement practices, kwking into the separation of chord' and state. Behrend is the only University campus whose graduation ceremony includes a prayer. SGA will discuss the topic at next week's meeting, with the intent of adopting an official ono on the controversial Subject. Thursday, March 21, 1996 Math.osaurus: Dr. R. Bollinger is the 1996 recipient of Fellows Faculty Research Award. 13ondarenko, decided the work deserved to be made more widely available in English. The translation was published by the Fibonacci Association at Santa Clara University in 1993. For more information on Bollinger's lecture, contact the Office of Development and University Relations at Penn State-Behrend, 898-6159. by Sean Siekkinen Collegian Stuff