Thursday, February 15, 1996 Letter to the Editor I’m afraid the Senator from Kansas, Bob Dole, can’t win the Presidency in 1996. He has not won over the powerful conservative “Religious Right” and probably never will. He has been upstaged by Representative’s Newt Gingrich’s “Contract for America”, the Republicans solution to cut government spending and government programs. Now Senator Dole has a serious challenger in Steven Forbes, son of the late Malcolm Forbes, founder of “Forbes” magazine. Mr. Forbes was reportedly left 400 million dollars from his father. He has used this war chest to fund his campaign, while riding the “Flat Tax” theme at most of his campaign stops. Senator Dole, meanwhile in the past and present has been described and portrayed as mean spirited, hateful and lacking compassion. The portrayal of Senator Dole by actor Dan Ackroyd on Saturday Night Live, has always stuck in my mind, and I’m sure in the minds of many other Americans. This has all led to a image that Senator Dole just can’t shake. Knowing that Senator Dole will need a sizable amount of Democrats, to “crossover” and vote Republican, Dole’s team of media experts and “spin doctors” have a tremendous task ahead of them. President Clinton, on the other hand, while no sure thing, no lock on the nomination, looks like in a head to head race with Senator Dole would come out victorious. With the Whitewater issue still viable, it could cause President Clinton some problems down the road. Finally I think this would be a lot more interesting race if Senator Bill Bradley and General Colin Powell were running for President Mike Coursey Beware of the Breeders: They’re Everywhere By Sharain Naylor Collegian Staff Be on the lookout folks. I've seen them all over campus. I'm telling you the campus is infested with them. It's frightening. What do they want with us? I only wish I knew. These breeders are a strange bunch. I've been watching them, trying to learn their ways. Mind you it's not an easy task. These breeders are dangerous. Some are friendly and actually show some compassion. But I'm warning you all out there, keep an eye out. You can't trust them. I want to share the several, almost unbelievable, and certainly grotesque observations I have made recently. To start with I'll tell you about their dating-mating practices. Try and stomach it. I'm sure it will be tough, but I know you're all curious. Besides, we all have to know so we can protect ourselves and our children! You and I know what weekends are for. We know how fun it is to stay home with the family or go out for coffee with friends. An occasional trip to the theater or movie plaza. Sometimes we even like to go out for cocktails. You know, just regular living. Not so for these breeders. They gather in herds, crowding houses with their deviate bodies. They go to their own special bars. What do they do? You might not believe it, but it's true. Half of them, they call the dominant ones, ogles at the other sex, the weaker ones they say. These dominant brutes chase after the weaker creatures. But here’s the catch, the weaker ones desire this hostility and abrasiveness. It's part of their mating. It’s throughly disgusting. When the breeders are at these overcrowded houses or at their special bars they drink themselves silly. The dominants and weakies sauce themselves Ireland Deserves Independence by Adam Levestein Collegian Staff The British Empire is dead. A hundred years ago or more, Great Britain held colonies in all continents, from Asia to Africa, from Australia to America. This, of course, also includes the former 13 colonics of North America, now known as the United States. However, British imperialism is still strong in nations that were formed by the death throes of the old Empire. In the early 1980 s, a war was fought in South America between Argentina and Britain over ownership of the Falkland Islands. Today, of course, public scrutiny is now focused on the British rule of what’s known as Northern Ireland. To objectively look at the current situation with Irish nationalism, it is necessary for us to look at the history of British rule in Ireland. Before the Normandy invasion of 1169, Ireland was a separate country. The Irish people ruled their own state, had their own culture, and spoke their own language. In fact, Gaelic is still widely spoken in Ireland and is unlikely to die out as a language. From the Normandy invasion until 1921 (a period of 752 years), Ireland was ruled as a single British colony. The Irish people, as with most British colonies, had no say in the decisions that affected them. Despite British rule, Irish nationalism remained strong in the oppressed colony. In 1916, the Irish people followed the example of former British colonies all over the world and waged a campaign for independence. For five years, nationalists campaigned politically and militarily for a so that they can stand to go home with each other to breed. I know it's nauseating, but there's more. Their dating habits are curiously strange. You have seen them I'm sure. They buy each .other rings, flowers, cards, jewelry, phones, cars, and everything else you can imagine. That, of course, is all well and good, but it's the way they flaunt themselves, they absolutely have no shame. From holding hands to caressing their secret areas in public! It makes me shutter, too. They'll kiss and make out right in front of you. Privacy is just not inherent. I don't understand either. Don't they know how disgusting they are? Why do they think you and I want to watch such a spectacle? Breeders are immoral. We both know that. There are psychologists all over the place trying to help them. I don't understand why they choose such behavior anyway. They are so violent. I mean if you're not one of them and you hang around them, watch out because it could be dangerous. They expect you to tell them everything about yourself. If you confess it then you're lying to them. They'll get angry and sometimes violent. They are totally unstable. Do you know what they're like once they breed? They talk all about their children. How precious they are and so on. But you've heard how they torture and beat their kids. Their dominant ones are so perverted that they will touch the children, even their own! They are ruthless these breeders. I know it’s hard to maintain our faith in Godam, but in order to help this race of deviants we have to instill our faith in them. We have to change them. We cannot allow them to have special laws that grant them any type of human freedom whatsoever. They must not be Opinion separate Irish state. Although this campaign failed, the British government was frightened enough to finally take another look at their policy towards Ireland. The British, of course, wanted to keep Ireland as part of Britain. As an emergency measure, the British Parliament passed the Government of Ireland Act. This Act, enacted in hopes of “divided we fall,” partitioned Ireland into two sections; the “Irish Free State”, which made up 26 of Ireland’s 32 counties, and “Northern Ireland”, which contained six counties and to this day remains a colony of Britain. As with normal imperialist decisions, the consent of the Irish people was never sought. Northern Ireland was originally supposed to contain nine counties; however, Irish unionists (those who wished to remain part of Britain) complained that they would not have an adequate majority in such a colony. This lack of a majority of unionists would mean one thing; the nationalists would be a majority. This majority had the possibility of demanding independence for Northern Ireland as well, which neither the unionists not the British wanted. To this day, unionists make up 20%, a significant minority, of the total Irish population. Unfortunately, the partition of Ireland split Ireland apart more that just geographically. In 1922, a civil war erupted in the 26-county state due to the partition. In addition, the partition enhanced divisions between unionists and nationalists, a partition which exists to this day. allowed to live in our neighborhoods in case they try to convert any of our youth. They must not, therefore, teach in any learning environment. We have to keep them off the radios and televisions. They are abhorrent. Breeders must not be allowed to hold jobs where they have to work with any decent citizen. It's the only way we can establish a pure society. A society where everyone knows their proper gender role. There cannot be any deviation of any sort. What we need to do is make laws that keep these breeders in their place. We need to isolate them. We cannot allow them to communicate. We have to stop any sort of breeding publications that they might want. All of these measures are necessary. If we isolate them we have a The reasons for British involvement in Ireland arc still unclear. According to tire British, Northern Ireland remains part of Great Britain because of the unionists. To back this argument up, the British approved the Anglo-Irish treaty of 19X5, which states, that “any change in the status of Northern Ireland would only come about with the consent of the majority ol the people of Northern Ireland . . .” Would Ireland as a whole be asked to vote on the creation of a single Irish state, the vote would count 80% of the population as nationalists. This is what should have occurred in the first place; a democratic vote of all of the Irish [xroplc as whether to divide Ireland, or whether to have Ireland to be a separate, independent state. Ireland is undoubtedly an oppressed nationality; Britain occupies it against the will of the people. During his tour of the United Slates, Gerry Adams, the president of Sinn Fein (the main Irish nationalist party), was addressed by a student at Georgetown University. The student asked, “Why shouldn’t the British be in Ireland? It is part of the United Kingdom.” To this question Adams replied, “The British are slow learners - they used to say they hitl every right to be in this country.” It is important that we remember this when we question whether the British government has a “right" to be in Ireland. better chance. We have to be friends so that we can learn of who they arc. Once we can establish all these things, we can start changing them. We need to make laws that are even stricter than the present ones. We have to make specific laws that outlaw breeding sexualities. We will know who they are so that we can put them in jails and psychiatric wards. These are the only places for these despicable creatures. Of course we do this out of our deep love for all people. It is our duty to Godam to help these unfortunate breeders become like us. Remember, hate the breeding, not the breeder. Pai>e