The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, December 07, 1995, Image 9

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    Page 9
Gravity's Pull on the rise
by Russ Campbell
Opinion Editor
The east coast seems to be
gaining a reputation as a
powerful force in the music
industry. Bands like Rusted
Root, Live, and God Street Wine
are commercial successes that,
like many other bands before
them, gained recognition through
independent releases, small clubs
and college campuses.
Another band rising out of the
east is Chapel Hill, North
Carolina based, Gravity's Pull.
After five years and three
independent albums. Gravity's
Pull has signed and is currently
recording an album for the New
York independent, Shanachic
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Originally from Wilmington,
Delaware, the band relocated to
"seek a more central touring base
and conducive music
Gravity's Pull has been defined
as having a "fresh, Southern
edged sound emphasizing
interwoven male/female
harmonies, aggressive- melodic
guitars and songs that arc
cynically introspective and
"Motorama," the band's third
full length project from
Screaming Goddess Recordsjrives
a wide range of Gravity’s Pull
sound, which, at best, can be
compared with the likes of the
Pixies, Toad the Wet Sprocket,
electric Neil Young, and Dada.
The CD is excellent, from the
upbeat first track, "30 Seconds,"
to the slowed down and mellow,
"After the Ordeal/ You’ve Got
Me” to the bluesy "Fat American
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Alice in Chains
■ |jy jo£ Ryan you tells of the sad reality that
J Collegian staff there are no altruistic behaviors;
I cither people have some ulterior
I Alice in Chains has returned motive or they won't help at all.
I with a sequel to the widely Lines like "Heaven beside
| successful 1993 album Jar of you...hell within ", and "So
| Flies. Amid rumors of a there's problems in your
I suspected breakup just prior to life/that's P&'ySd up/but you're
■ Woodstock '94 and lead singer not blind" provide insight into
J Layne Staley's stint in rehab, the this belief. People are never
■ self-titled album featuring a willing to accept the problems of
J discemable three-legged dog on others until fate befalls the
■ its cover named Tripod is a return beholder.
I from the days when AIC was a Staley's subconscious fear, a dog
I struggling punk-grunge band similar to the one on the cover
| from Seattle. The CD itself is terrorized him as a child. I feel
| very conspicuous with its neon that it simply represents the
| yellow and blue coloration. group and its vision. What other
■ Layne Staley is out of rehab group would feature a three
l and back into drugs. AIC is one legged dog on the cover?
Jof the few groups (including Pink In conclusion, Alice in Chains'
■ Floyd and Nirvana) for which latest album is a hard-rocking
I drugs improve the music itself, follow-up to the slower, more
| The album is loud, hard rocking, lop-40 album Jar of Flies. The
| and angst ridden, three qualities featured music on this album is
I that can describe the group itself, more congenial with their earlier
■ Songs such as the lead single albums such as Dirt. The guitar
■ "Grind" speak out the praises of "fork is loud and biting. The
j drugs, cocaine in particular, singing is pure Alice in Chains.
J With lyrics such as "Let me sleep The lyrics are drug-influenced and
Jso my teeth don't grind/Hear a B> ve both sides of the argument
I sound from a voice inside" ovcr using drugs. On one hand,
| describe Layne's constant struggle they are very much against the
| with cocaine and his attempts to usc of cocaine and its drastic and
I vanquish his body of the addictive deadly side-effects. On the other,
■ evil. they tell of the wonders and
■ The underlying feeling of the altered realities drugs can provide.
■ album is a somber feeling of I recommend this album to AIC
■ hopelessness in society and life f ans but warn non-AIC fans to
j itself. The song "Heaven beside preview it before purchasing.
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Thursday, December 7, 1995