The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, December 07, 1995, Image 4
Page 4 Submissions are now being accepted for Tempus literary magazine. Send manuscripts to Box 1020 or the Student Activities mailbox. TORONTO trip planned. Behrend honors program is ottering a bus trip to Toronto, March 23-24. Payment is due Jan 31. Call 898-6000 for Info. Trip is for "Phantom of the Opera" performance. Commencement: Commencement for Summer and Fall '95 graduates is Sat. January 6, 1996 at 11:00 a.m. in Erie Hall (snow date - Jan 7). PARKING NOTICE: There will be no overnight parking permitted in the Jordan Road Lot (behind Police and Safety) to facilitate snow removal. The Council of Commonwealth Student Governments is sponsoring a Penn State wide petition drive against state cuts in funding for higher education. SGA is asking everyone to sign the petition and show their support. The petition will be available In classrooms, dorms, dining areas, and the SGA office. The budget cuts In higher education compromise the availability of. a quality education essential to Pennsylvania's future. FUNDED BY SGA R. Carl Campbell 111 We would like to thank you for all of your time and effort. It will never be the same. The best way to say it.... Thanks. Students who need Arts credits for their General Education requirements should note that the course that used to be called ARTS 001 is now called INARTS 001. Five sections are still available for Spring Semester 1996, and all still have openings. They are: Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec 1 MWF 9:00-9:50 117 Science A. Magenau 2TR 11:00-12:15 M4HHamm. M. Birdsong 3 TR 1:00-2:15 117 Science M. Birdsong 4 MWF 11:00 -11:50 117 Science A. Magenau 5 MWF 10:00- 10:50 143 H Hamm. A. Magenau Graduting Seniors remember to pick up your commencement tickets from the Registrar's Office Cap and Gown are in. Pick them up in the bookstore before semester's end. News -Scott Love, 03 Communications it the Cowboys don't perbowl. Accounting [win the Superbowl] dfield, 03 Engineering at my fiance and I get luring this short break :er, 05 MIS ■ompiled by Foutz The Collegian Wake up with From Caffeine page 3 desserts, gelatin, puddings, pie fillings and soft candy. Excessive caffeine intake, a dosage of 500 to 600 milligrams per day for an adult, can cause headache, insomnia, irritability, dizziness, sudden tremors, anxiety and loss of appetite. In addition, it can cause racing and irregular heartbeat, facial flushing and gastrointestional problems such as nausea and vomiting. Gretchen Erwin, an elementary education sophomore, said she has felt such symptoms. When she was in the 10th grade, she and a friend each took Vivarin, an over-the-counter-caffeine-based stimulant. "We've gotta be really cool and do this," she said, describing their reasoning at the time. "We heard about how awesome it was." After taking just one pill each, she and her friend began to feel sick. "It felt like my heart was pounding out of my was painful...l seriously thought I was having a heart attack. "We couldn't believe what it did, but we both vowed never to use it again," she said. Over-the-counter medications like Vivarin offer the same effects as soda or coffee, only more intense, Chastain said, usually causing an upset stomach and nausea. "You're dumping a lot of caffeine on the body at once," Chastain said. "It tends to shock the body " Student Events Volunteer tutor applications for Diehl Elementary School are now being accepted for Spring Semester. Pick up your application in Office of Student Activities. The more tutors we have, the more children we can serve. Bring a friend! 08 - Friday Deadline for 5 vs 5 Basl Turn entries into the Ini office befre 4:oopm Thursday, December 7, 1995 caffeine cont. Going Without Caffeine is addictive and can induce withdrawl symptoms including irritability, nervousness, restlessness, drowsiness, headaches and lethargy, Chastian said. dumping a lot of caffeine on the body at once. It tends to shock the system. ” -Loren Chastain However, Dr. Michael J. Huey, director of Student Health Care at the UF Infirmary, said it is possible, though difficult, to eliminate caffeine from the diet. It is important to do it slowly in order to avoid withdrawl effects. It is difficult to assess exactly how dangerous caffeine can be because some people are more sensitive to it than others. Regardless of whether it can be avoided, some students still prefer to use caffeine to push them through that early morning stretch. “You’re