The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, December 07, 1995, Image 3
Thursday, December 7, 1995 ng with AIDS cont. from AIDS page 1 suffered from depression. When Lewis-Thornton was diagnosed with full blown AIDS three years ago, she decided to break her silence. "When I told my friends and family I was infected, it was like tons of bricks were lifted off my shoulders,” she said. Although the psychological burden of hiding her disease was alleviated, Lewis-Thornton still suffers from the physical burden of AIDS. "Chronic fatigue- no matter how much sleep I get, it's never enough," she said. She has gone from a size 12 to a size four, and struggles not to become size two. She suffers from sporadic menstrual cycles, prolonged yeast infections, and herpes. "I can handle death-it's the loss of who I am that scares me." -Rae Lewis- Thornton The stories of hope and inspiration that Lewis-Thornton hears while on the public speaking circuit are what keep her going. But she admits that sometimes she feels crazy for doing it. "I want you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind," she told the crowd at the beginning of her talk. "AIDS is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do in this life." Every day, Lewis-Thornton hears from admirers who call her extraordinary. But she is quick to downplay such hero status. "1 tell you I'm not extraordinary- I'm fighting for my life. I can handle death- it's the loss of who I am that scares me." The Health and Wellness Center provides free AIDS testing for all students (x 6164). ***Hiring*** Part-Time General Shop Clean Up Person (2nd Shift) Apply <§> TKMNIBIR TmcroiL A H2)¥M 2118 East 30th St. Living with AIDS: Rae Lewis-Thornton shed her political career to educate young adults and adolescents about AIDS. •■ es eti*lii» : j 3-WEEK SESSION May 8 - May 29 BISCOO2 ECNS 470 ECONOO4 ENGL 202 C ESACT 138 ES ACT 342 GBR 003*** GER 201*** HIST 010+ * INART 001 MIS 204 PHIL 012 PSYCH 427 SPAN 003** SPCOM 100 A *Divtrttiy Focuwd •*4-WMu ***Stndy Abroad in Qtntttmy +Odw CuUurtt News 1=11L%1111:1 8-WEEK SESSION Junt 10 - July 31 ACCTG 200 ACCTG 204 ACCTG 211 AM ST 105* ART ON Asrrtom ASTRO BA 243 BIOBD 380 BIOL Oil BIOL 012 BIOL 041 CHBM 001 CHEMOO6 CHEM 012 CHEM 013 CHEM 014 CHEM 015 CMLIT 006 CMPBD 100 CMPSC 203 CN ED 403 6 B 251 E MCH 012 ECONOO2 ECON 302 ENGL 004 ENGL 015 BNGL 202 D ESACT3O3 FIN 301 Cramming with caffeine Students faced with exams and deadlines often turn to caffeine for a wake-up call GAINESVILLE, Fla. (CPS) - Gordon Braun, a third-year University of Florida exercise and sports science major, slept a total of four or five hours during finals week last week between studying for general chemistry and qualitative analysis, human anatomy and personal growth. In that time span he went through two boxes of Vivarin and about 20 cans of Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper. "I was just 50...50...wired," he said, describing how his knees and hands shook from all the caffeine. Eric Bragger, a second-year UF microbiology major, described how an all-nighter actually helped him pull off a B+ on a western civilization exam, for which he said he had "no clue." "It's so quiet, and it’s so dark, and you've got your desk lamp on or something, and you're concentrating so hard...," Bragger FIN 410 GEOSC 020 HD FS 129 HIST 020 1ET216 lETBD 333 LIR 136* KINES 170 MANGT 100 W MANGT 300 MANGT 470W* MATH 004 MATH 021 MATH 022 MATH 040 MATH 110 MATH 140 MATH 141 MATH 251 MCH T 111 MRKTG 470 MSIS 200 MUSIC 005 OPMGT 301 PHIL 006 PSY 002 PSYCH 130 SPCOM 1008 THEA 100 WMNST 136* said. "But then on the other hand, you’re so tired...and all of a sudden your brain stops, and you're like, 'I need another soda.'" Most students have at one time or another used caffeine to pull them through a long night of studying. According to Loren Chastain, a student in UF's pharmacy program, caffeine is a stimulating drug that when taken in moderation can improve awareness, performance and mood. "The system is acting on an increased level in carrying out its normal functions," he said, describing the drug's effects. On The Down Side Though caffeine is primarily found in coffee, tea, coke and chocolate, according to a Food and Drug Administration consumer report, it also is found in baked goods, frozen dairy See Caffeine page 4 . >.w.w.v •.• y.*.v.:.:..->.v!. 1 ! . J.'. 1 . . . ,*t. v **? •>•••■ •' -.v <*> . ....... - . . . . ....!; \ * ,> - s is KKdt ',XZj£2£LZ2I »■>■• ■••■ V ■•> s ' <* ■ \av.x.x.k........... ,^.^ v .!.. 10-WEEK SESSION May 13 - July 31 Undergraduate Independent Study, Intemahips, Practicums and Projects MBA Program Courses Special Topics Courses MISBD 495 Page 3