Thursday, October 5,1995 Feminists and Abortion: In today's society, we see a dramatic loss of regard for human life that has been sacrificed for the selfish desires of a decaying society. Since 1973, there has been a legalized holocaust of 35 million innocent children and the growth of a unrelenting Mengelistic abortion industry that preys upon vulnerable pregnant women. The dramatic increase of abortion is not surprising. American culture loves violence both in its entertainment and on its streets. We engage in orgies of violence every year with thousands of murders and rapes. The silent screams of millions of unborn children who lack any rights or voice for themselves is equally alarming. Already one-third of our generation has met the abortionist’s grisly tools. Millions of more remain as we forget God and the value of life. We do not belong to ourselves, but rather we belong to God and to each other. Are we not our brother’s keeper? Judy Fetters was a pro-abortion feminist, who after having her first abortion, began to rethink her position. She once thought that being pro-life meant being religious, Fetters is an atheist. When she had her first abortion, she was comforted by other feminists who asserted that it was her right to a medical procedure. She convinced herself that pro lifers were lying about post abortion trauma. Things began to change following her first live birth. She began having terrifying nightmares and suicidal thoughts brought about directly by the abortion. Soon, she began to investigate fetal development and discovered that her belief that a fetus was merely a blob of tissue was false. Many feminists and other pro abortionists claim that the fetus (Latin-"little ones") is just a blob of tissue. By the end of the second week of pregnancy, a distinct embryo is present with a rudimentary brain and heart. In the third week, a closed a circulatory system separate from The Juice is loose: a commentary by Sean Siekkinen Columnist On Tuesday afternoon, I missed chemistry to watch due process unfold in the conclusion of the trial of the century. I wanted to be able to tell my children that I had watched live as OJ. Simpson was found guilty of the most publicized, heinous crime in American history. But instead of seeing the evidence presented over the past year come to fruition, I saw a rape of the American judicial system vicious enough to destroy every ounce of my faith in the system and in justice itself. As the court clerk read the not guilty on all charges verdict. A question of freedoms the mother's vertebrae, eyes and ears, lungs and limbs begin to form. During the fourth week, a nose and pancreas begin to develop. In the fifth week, all of the major organs begin to function, and the skeletal system begins to form. By the sixth week, the bladder, kidneys, tongue, larynx, thyroids, teeth and muscle are formed. The hands and feet are visible, and the nervous system has begun formation. At the end of the second month (when most abortions are performed), the skeletal system is complete and limbs are fully developed. Fetuses can even suck their thumb. The sympathetic nervous Are we not our brother's keeper? system is complete, meaning that the fetus can feel pain. After 28 weeks of pregnancy, the child can hear, and by the fourth month, the female child has all of the 115 million ovas that it will ever have. Scientists have found evidence of conscious brain waves as early as the second trimester; it is capable of dreaming, thinking, and learning according to a special 1991 Newsweek edition. When a woman receives an abortion, her uterus is vacuumed, often tearing the walls of the cervix causing severe bleeding. During the process the child's limbs are tom off and sucked into a bag. The CDC estimates that 400-500 times a year the child survives the abortion only to be killed after delivery. Her next “revelation” was that the pro-abortion “fundamentalist” notion that some unplanned pregnancies should result in abortion had deeper implications. She began to see that the entire nature of things was chaotic and unplanned, as a result The entire and as Johnnie Cochran exuberantly pumped his arm in the air shouting with joy, I stared at the smiling face of a murderer, then upon the devastated Goldman family. All I could ask myself was, "How?" The Simpson jury concluded that, despite insurmountable evidence against the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson was not guilty of the murders of his ex wife and Ronald Goldman on June 13, 1994. In doing so, the jury sent a deafening message to society: it is possible to kill without facing retribution. And based on the amount of evidence presented by prosecutors, that message should be that it is Opinion human race should be aborted because a vast majority of pregnancies are unplanned. The rationale is not unlike that of the Nazis. The Nazis saw themselves as doing a service by destroying people who were “unfit for living.” So it is with abortionists who see themselves doing a service by taking life from unborn children who in their view are “unfit for living.” Pro-abortion ideologues ignore the medical hazards of abortion. Dr. George Bomey, chairman of the Department of Biostatistics at the Fox Chase Medical Center in Philadelphia, reported a close relationship between abortion and breast cancer. At least a 140 percent increase. His research showed that a 15 year old girl has a 10 percent lifetime risk of breast cancer. If she becomes pregnant in her teens and carries the baby to term, her risk drops to 7.5 percent, but if she has an abortion, her risk rises to 15 percent (assuming she has at least one child in her twenties). If she is sterilized, that risk rises to 30 percent. Startlingly, the rate of pre-menapausal breast cancer has risen at a rate directly proportional to the rate of abortions. In December 1971, the Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology stated, "Through public conditioning, use of language, concepts, and laws, the idea of abortion can be removed from the idea of killing." The truth is that abortion is an industry that makes $5OO million per year in the United States and $lO billion worldwide. Pro abortionists claim that it is between a woman and her doctor. Why then are 90 percent of abortions performed without physician consultation until the time of the actual procedure. In December 1986, Dr. Dorfman in Ob-Gyn magazine instructed clinical workers. "Seeing a blown up, moving image of the embryo she is carrying can be distressing to a woman about to undergo an abortion. The sonogram screen EASY to kill and get away with it; after all, these murders were not planned or executed (no pun intended) well enough to leave any doubt as to the identity of the assailant In a case where the evidence actually does leave room for reasonable doubt, victims and their families would stand next to no chance of seeing justice served by a jury of such incompetence. Upon hearing that the jurors had come to a conclusion so soon after the start of deliberations, I was filled with anxiety and hope. For the duration of the trial, 1 have been a close follower of what transpired in that California courtroom each day. I sat at —John Rossomando should be turned away from her view." Dr. Joseph Pandall, an abortionist remarked, "The picture of the baby on ultrasound bothered me more than anything else. Staff couldn't take it. Women were never allowed to see the ultrasound." Another cry of pro-abortionists is, "We won't go back to the back alleys." Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL stated, "We spoke of 5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year from illegal abortions. I confess that I knew the figures were totally was so widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with real statistics." In 1973, the Bureau of Vital Statistics reported a mere 45 deaths from back alley abortions. Feminists err in their assumption that abortion is a gateway to women’s liberation. All efforts by feminists to establish abortion as a legitimate solution to the problems of a male-dominated society concede to the notion that pregnant women are some how inferior to a non-pregnant woman. Feminists fail into the trap of admitting that pregnancy and motherhood provide a barrier for a woman to be a fully functioning adult. They are in effect submitting to the rules of the patriarchy that they so detest. Feminists have betrayed the majority of working women who desire children. Abortion eliminates sexual responsibility for males because it means that men no longer have to provide for the children that they sire. Women are thereby reduced to a commodity that can be “broken” by pregnancy and “fixed” by abortion. Feminists who support abortion give into the male idea that violence is a necessary solution to conflict. Abortion forces women to play the male game of competition on male grounds because it violently pits women against their children. Feminists, therefore, sacrifice their children for the convenience home Tuesday morning, watching the pre-verdict trial coverage. Every second hope of a conviction grew closer and closer to surety. The evidence was staggering. The Juice was a confirmed wife beater. Several witnesses over the course of the case verified that Nicole Brown frequently voiced fears that her life would come to an end at the hands of her husband. In a safe-deposit box, Nicole had left pictures of her own beaten, swollen face. Christopher Darden, one of the prosecution's head attorneys, interpreted these as a 'road map’ Nicole had left the police in the of the hatred patriarchy. Never mentioned by feminists are the physical complications of abortion. Acta/Ob-Gyn Scandinavia reported in 1979 that 24.3 percent experience complications in future pregnancies. Complications include excessive bleeding, premature delivery, cervical damage, and sterility. In 1992, American Ob-Gyn reported, "Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). A first trimester abortion can result in bacterial vaginoss, leading to PID, a disease that must be immediately treated. Uterine perforations can be created by abortions and often go untreated. There is an increased risk of tubal pregnancies by 160 percent in women that have had one or more abortions according to a 1989 edition of American Ob-Gyn. Statistics also show a 600 percent increase of the risk of Placenta previa, a condition that causes severe life threatening bleeding. Statistics show that 2 million families seeking adoptions get caught up in red tape. There are 30 abortions for every adoption each year. Adoption laws must be reformed in order to make them easier for couples who want to adopt. Adoption is a beautiful choice, and it is the only choice. Why should we force women to humiliate themselves and to kill their children when so many couples want children but can not have them. God formed us in our mother's womb. As a loyal Catholic, it is my duty to defend all innocent life. We are all beautiful creations loved by God. May God forgive those who have had abortions and comfort them. Life is sacred and cannot be defiled. It is impossible to support abortion and be pro-life. To quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church 2270, "Human Life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception; from the first moment of its existence, it is entitled to all of the rights of a human person." event her fears proved true. I agree. DNA typing concluded that blood found at the crime scene belonged to OJ. well beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the jury, apparently, didn't find the one-in-millions or one-in-billions chance otherwise unreasonable at all. Allan Parks, who was perhaps the case's key witness, gave testimony clearly establishing a time frame of OJ. to have committed the killings. Parks also saw a tall, black man slinking across the lawn of the Simpson estate minutes before (continued on pg. 9) Page 5