The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, February 02, 1995, Image 5

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    hursday, February 2,1995
"(F 'foo 6»ve «AN\)ooTs Twev’u Nev«R Txvev-op A WORK tfavc ’
f&? Behrend College
Published weekly by the students
Hie Pennsylvania State Urwersity
d Erie, The Behrend College
: Co-Edttora
HaHy Beaty
Jennifer V. Colvin
Adverting Manager
TheCoOegian’t editorial opinion it
determined by the editorial staff, with
the edited hiding final resposuibtltty.
Opinions expressed in The Cpfisgiais
m apt mm*S& tare of 7V
Collegian orU* ftanwylvama State
nm urchins
CoBegian Jam Ce», Join M. Emerson, Brian Gregory, Erjcha Hagenbuch, Joneatra Henty, LaNaeHill, Steven it Landon, Josh
Lernt, Claudette Mokwa, Erin Morrell, Brad Perk, JUI Bauch. John Roeaomando, Brian Stadler, Karen Steele, David State, Julie Stocker
News Editor
R. Carl Campbell m
Lori A«U Dyer
Aaaltant Entertainment Editor
Sports Editor
Photography EtHtor ‘
Aaatotaat Photography Editor
Keith Fish
. Erie, The Behrend College; First Floor,
ItotogrepberatJcanita Bernier, Sheila The J. Elmer Reed Union Building,
Bickel, Kristen Koch. Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. 814-
898-6438 or 814-898-6019 fax. ISSN
Nocturnal unrest
I've been not sleeping well as of late. For some reason, I go to
bed and a recurring question keeps me awake. "What have I done today
to help better my future and the future of those around me?" I ponder this
question for hours at a time.
The reasons for this maybe that the "authority figures" around me
tell me that the future does not hold much in store for me. Another reason
is that I'm concerned with wasting time. I want to be sure that everyday
I'm bettering myself, not waiting until the new year to make resolutions,
but to improve myself on a daily basis. Finally, I think I read too much.
I'm really concerned when I see members of our generation falling
into ruts of apathy. Generally, the reason they do fall is because they
become victims of the reasons I listed. The "authority" tells them there's
nothing ahead, so why should they even bother moving forwards. Time
to them becomes altered in a world of drugs or more commonly self
I think what these "lost members" of our generation need to do is
see themselves as a whole. We are all a part of this country and of this
world. We need to work together so that our future has a purpose and not
lost under the mistakes of the generation that preceded us. I may be
rambling in ideals, but I'm scared. Do your best to tell me not to worry?
It won't help. This fear motivates me. It involves me in the world that
surrounds me, whether it be one person or 2400. Senator Robert F.
Kennedy said, "Few will have the greatness to bend history itself. But
each can do some small act, and in the sum of these event will be written
in the history of our generation." Ideally, if we win the battles, we'll win
the war.
I would like to urge you, fellow students, to rise above the beliefs
of failure. We will survive if we believe we will not fail, but we must
care to overcome. Ask yourself, as I do, "What have you done today?"
Postal Information: The Collegian
uputdished weekly by thestudenUof
The Pennsylvania State University at
Copy Editor
Michelle Gruendl
Danielle Murphy
Office Manager
Michelle Gruendl
Jay Ronelle
-R. Carl Campbell 111
News Editor
(Cathy Meater
Letter Policy: The Collegian encourages
letter* on newsewerage, editorial content
and Univeraitjraifhira. Letters should be
typewritten, double-spaced tutd signed by
no more than two persons. Letters should
be no longer than 400 words. ( Letters
should include the semester standing and
major of thir writer. All letters should
provide the address and phone number of
the writer for verification of the letter.
The Collegian reserves the right to edit
letters for length and to reject letters.
Letters submitted to The Collegian
become property of the newspaper. The
Collegian is published every Thursday
during the academic year on recycled
Page 5