The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, January 26, 1995, Image 8

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A letter from dad gather the women in “Little Women,” starring Wynona Ryder, Trini Alarado,
Kirsten Dunst, Susan Sarandon, and Claire Danes.
Ryder’s “totally
inspiring” in Alcott’s
‘Little Women’
by Karen Steele
Collegian Staff
“Litlle Women,” a film by
Gillian Armstrong, is currently
playing at West Erie Plaza and
Millcrcck 6. The film is based
on the novel by Louisa May
Winona Ryder stars as the
rebellious Jo March who dreams
of independence. Armstrong,
who wanted someone passionate
and lively for the part, found
Ryder “totally inspiring.”
The story is about the March
family. The mother, or
“Marmce” is played by Susan
Sarandon. She is the source of
wisdom for the four March
daughters. The oldest daughter,
beautiful Meg is played by Trini
Alvarado. The sweet Beth is
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it it it it it it “it it it it it it a, it it it a, it it it it it
played by Claire Danes. The
youngest, Amy (the romantic) is
portrayed first at age 12 by
Kirsten Dunst and then at age 16
by Samantha Mathis.
“Little Women” depicts a 19th
century family living in New
England while the father is
away, fighting in the Civil War.
The film illustrates a great deal
of sisterly love as the girls move
out of childhood and grow into
One could certainly argue
whether this film has a plot or
not, because it seems to be
“about” many things. It is
about strong family priorities
and good morals. It is about the
search for freedom and personal
happiness. Marmce teaches her
four little women to strive to
learn so they won’t ever become
just decorations on the arm of a
man. Meg, Jo and Amy each
seem to long for this feminine
independence while at the same
time, they desire true love.
Alcott’s story centers
primarily around Jo, who
struggles the most in her search
for self. Refreshing in today's
society, Alcott showed how girls
and boys can be best friends. Jo
became dear friends with Laurie,
who is played by Christian Bale.
The film seems to represent
all aspects of growing up -- good
and bad. It will make you
laugh, but it will also make you
cry as it touches upon the pain a
family feels for a loss. I agree
with Armstrong who said that
“in these confusing times, such
a positive message about family
is richly needed.”
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with the
oy Ji . Hafn
Assistant Entertainment Editor
Every now and then it’s nice
to switch gears and try
something new. After viewing
“Speechless,” a romantic comedy
starring Gccna Davis and
Michael Keaton, I was reminded
that refreshing changes can occur
in the movie industry too.
Although I am a literal season
ticket holder for Van Damme -
Schwarzenegger type movies, I
was instantly charmed by the
plot and characters in
“Speechless.” Who wouldn’t
be? This is Geena Davis we’re
talking about!
Davis (Julia) and Keaton
(Kevin) play the roles of speech
writers for opposing senatorial
candidates in a very tight and
highly televised campaign.
They fall in love before learning
of each other’s occupation,
though. Kevin tells Julia he is a
sit-com writer and Julia claims
to be a news reporter.
Their true identities are
shockingly revealed to each other
at a grade school assembly in
which they are both invited as
guest speakers. Instead of
answering the students’
questions about politics and
election campaigns, they engage
in a personal mud-slinging
match not unlike the one their
candidates are caught up in.
Accusing each other of
“sleeping with the enemy” to
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Thursday, January 26,1995
learn the other candidate’s
campaign strategies and secrets,
Kevin and Julia find the burden
of political agenda and the
watchful eye of the media too
much to bear. Everything seems
right for their romance except
two key elements: timing and
Through a series of humorous
and touching scenes, the
“politically incorrect” pair
surmount countless hurdles to
give their love a chance to grow,
including Kevin’s j'ealous ex
wife and Julia’s hard-to-get-rid-of
Michael Keaton adds a comic
flair to the film, and Geena
Davis conveys her “girl next
door” image to make
“Speechless” appeal to wide
Even though it contains no
fight scenes, no Middle East
terrorists, no blood or guts, or
even the slightest mention of
firepower, “Speechless” is
definitely a must-see. Even if
you, like me, would rather see
Van Damme break a bad guys
legs than take a chance on a
romantic comedy or drama,
Keaton and Davis are truly worth
the ticket price.
If you're still not convinced,
do what I do. Ask yourself,
“Would Tim Allen like this
movie?” The answer in this case
is, “Yes, I think he would.”
or call 814-542-2511