Page 4 Letter to the editor To all students: Do you ever wonder if college is a place of education or of textbook learning? What I mean is, education is learning from either a textbook or a new experience; not just textbooks. I recently became educated in Behrerxfs practices of education. I attended Behrend for two years before I transferred to U.P. and always enjoyed the diverse programming Behrend allowed each organization. What I am referring to is an incident the first day of orientation. For those who do not know what I am talking about let me explain: The night before orientation, past and present students who attended Behrend created chalk drawings/messages on the ground. These messages were not crude or vulgar, but displayed the diversity of the Behrend campus. The next morning when the group hoped the incoming freshmen/transfers would view their messages of diversity, no messages were to be found. It was decided by the administration of the campus to remove the chalk drawing because they wished the campus to be "perfect" for all incoming students. Also, an organization on campus was immediately blamed for something they didn't do or knew nothing about and the act was reduced to "vandalism." I personally know the students who tried to convey W<® Earn credits and gain valuable experience. Join The Collegian! Call us at 898-6488 or come to Academic 57 on Thursdays at 5:30 The Behrend College Collegian PubiisHod weekly by the students of 1 The Pennsylvania Stale University at Erie. The Behrend CoWeoe Co-Editors Matthew D.Cissne Alicia Hartman Biwinm si Advert Mag Manager Iris Spader The Collegiae's editorial opinion is determined by the editorial staff, with die editors holding final responsibility. Opinions expressed in The Collegian are nix necessarily 'those of The Collegian or The Pennsylvania State University. their message to those who never saw it I now know about PSLTs rule that chalk drawings without permission are unacceptable. Unfortunately I have to question the wisdom of the University: If you wanted orientation to be "perfect,” why doesn't the University let every organization put chalk drawings on the pavement? Penn State is not a place to close your mind to diversity or a different culture but to explore them. In doing so, students either accept or reject difference, but at least the knowledge of diversity on Behrend campus exists. It is truly a shame when students cannot express their pride in the Behrend campus diversity. The question now is if the group of students asked permission to color the rainbow flag on campus for orientation, would they be given permission? I really don't think so. Behrend's "perfection" takes precedence over diversity. I just hope in the future that anyone who tries to get a message across will talk to the administration about chalk drawing or other means, or you may just be buried by PSU bureaucracy. Pamela M. Leins University Park sth semester Human Development and Family Services Traci Ctibboncy, Rktoar4G«Nin,' Ftetk Kelly. Charieo*&■#■* Am RomKSeoI,Ap9BtASMB) r Photographers: Tennille Antonetti, Sheila Bickel, Mandy Elder, Keith Fish, Paul Gruteck, Mark Johnson, Dan Nowicki, Zubin Patrawala, Stephanie Payne. News Editor Laura Borawski DanettePanee Sports Editors HmMaUon JoeMotdllo Photo Coordtna Holly Beary Jen Colvin "km csw. wstst tosu*hmmk( ARt'ou bone m th» NWfiHBORHOOP WIHOBt Ali AS6AHWT W&MW?." EDITORIAL CARTOONS duff BtßtHT' A&flilllbMMß A Typist Lori Anna Dyer Postal lafornwtloe: The Collegian is published weekly by the students of The Pennsylvania State Urfhwsity at Erie, The Behrend Collie; First floor, The J. Elmer Reed Uhion lluildtaßi Station Road, Erie, PA 16563: 814- 898-6488 or 814-898-6019 fax. ISSN 1071-9288. Advlaer Cathy Metier Thursday, September 15, PMleyt The attain. ‘ should • tvnewritten, doublo SPiocrt t wj a.# Pwawto p • rignedbynbninttaiaitwdFMne Lottan ritcwM be no longer wenji. Liters shooM indttde #hnvHtig tuv* of writer. All lettera should provide address and phefw naWber of writer for verification of the let The Collegian reserves die right edit letters for length and to rej letters. Letars submitted to 1 Collegian become property of newspaper. The Collegian published every Unosdaijy during academic year on recycled paper.