Thursday, February 24, 1994 The Jordan question by Matthew D. Cissne I have a question: When has trying to live out your dreams become such a bad thing to do? I don’t understand why everyone is so upset about this whole Michael Jordan thing. Why are all these sourpuss baseball “purists” so afraid of Jordan’s presence in “their" sport If any other 30-year-old came out of retirement and was invited to a major league camp, he would be a national hero. Instead, Jordan is being criticized by some for even trying. In recent years, baseball, our national pastime, has become less popular as football and basketball have taken advantage of television and giant marketing campaigns to win the hearts of American youth. Who better to help restore baseball’s fallen image than a legend like Jordan? He used his unequaled athletic ability to soar to the top of the NBA, and became the most famous athlete in America’s history. I am not saying that he will dominate the sport of baseball, but his athletic ability and unrivaled competitive edge could Ask Mr. Language Person by Dave Barry Syndicated Colmmist It’s time once again for Ask Mister Language Person, the award-winning column by the world’s foremost leading word expert, who was recently chosen Official Grammarian of the U.S. Olympic Ski Team (motto: “Hopefully, Nobody Will Break Their Leg.") Our first grammar question comes from reader Martha Booth, who writes: “I heard on NPR that President Clinton and Pope John Paul II met and exchanged a few words. Do you happen to know which ones they exchanged? And can you please tell me what is sometimes seen hanging off the bottom of the ‘c’ in the word ‘facade’?” A. Scientists believe it is a parasite. As regards to the word exchange: Clinton gave the pope a handsome matched set of “parameters,” and in return received the traditional papal “Quod Sic Et Cetera Pluribus Per Annum." Q. What does that mean? A. “There is a bologna in my carburetor.” Q. According to a Tampa Tribune article sent in by Dorothy Ladd, what did University of Florida Associate get him far. Jordan does not do anything half-assed. Everything he does, is done at full tilt (even gambling). Baseball is no different He has been getting up at six in the morning for batting lessons with Walt Hriniak, who is a highly respected batting coach. His teammates and coaches have begun to notice vast improvements in his swing. Jordan is not the only one who is serious about the whole affair. The Chicago White Sox won the American League Western Division last season and are expected to fair well this season. They would not have invited him to camp if they did not think he was qualified. Sure there are members of the White Sox organization who are salivating over the increased revenue that he will bring to the team, but that would not be enough reason for the White Sox to bring him to Florida. Madonna would bring in revenue also, but I don’t see her wearing pinstripes. I hope that Jordan proves all of the "so-called" experts wrong, and lives out his dream. Maybe then he will stick out his legendary tongue at them. Athletic Director Greg McGarity say about allegations of abusive fan behavior at UF football games? A. He said: “In no way are we turning a deaf shoulder.” Q. What is the correct wording to use when responding to a formal invitation to dine at Buckingham Palace with Queen Elizabeth? A. The correct wording is: “Your Majesty is darned tooting that yours truly shall be honored to put on the feed bag with Your Royal Highness.” Q. Please describe the photograph on the front page of the Oct. 6, 1993 issue of The Monona Billboard (“Official Newspaper of Clayton County & Monona, Farmersburg & Luana, Iowa”). A. Certainly. It shows two senior citizens using a knife to slice a large cheese at the annual Germanfest. Just below this photograph, in large letters, it says... Q. No, you’re not going to tell me... A. Yes. It says: “CUTTING THE CHEESE.” Q. Please explain the statement; “I can’t seem to find my car keys.” A. This statement means that the person can FIND his car ■•x-.'-X". The pros and the cons ssss£-'.-:-y .❖:> .- keys, but he cannot SEEM to find them. Q. Please review the basic purpose of the apostrophe. A. The apostrophe is used primarily as a punctuation mark in certain Lesley Gore songs, such as “Judy’s Turn to Cry,” where the apostrophe and the “s” indicate that “Judy” is tried to steal Lesley Gore’s boyfriend, “Johnny,” away. Q. What is the best verse in that song? A. The one wherein Lesley saw Judy and Johnny kissing at a party, so, to make Johnny jealous, she kissed another guy, and then: “Johnny jumped up and he hit him ‘cause he still by Bill Graham Collegian Staff If Michael Jeffrey Jordan needs a hobby to keep busy then teach him cards or dart throwing; but keep him off the baseball diamond. When last we saw Jordan, he was retiring from pro basketball where he ruled the court. He was perhaps the greatest player the world has ever witnessed. His abilities and championships speak for themselves. But when he retired, he said he had nothing left to prove. He needed to get away from the press and the fans in order to spend more time with his family. Now he wants to create the biggest media circus around (except for Tonya Harding) by trying out for the Chicago White Sox. Does baseball really need this aggravation? What good will this do for the sport? Granted, Michael Jordan has tremendous hand-eye coordin ation and this is needed to play baseball. But hitting a round ball with a round bat is the hardest things to do in professional sports. Not only are they round, but loved me, that’s why.” Q. What an attractive couple. A. Yes. Q. Speaking of song lyrics: In “Wooly Bully,” by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, Sam the Sham sings: “Let’s not be L-7s; come on and learn this dance.” My question which has been nagging me for YEARS - is this: Is “Sam the Sham” his real name? A. No. His real name is “Howard A. Sputelman Jr. the Sham.” Q. What is the purpose of the hyphen? A. The hyphen is used to connect congestive nouns to their precipitate adjutants, as we see in this example: “That Zsa- Zsa is a weiner-head! The hyphen is also used at the end of a line when there is not enough room to finish a word: “Marsha moaned as Brad thrust his throb uh-oh we’re out of room.” Q. Please quote a sentence from an Aug. 12, 1993 Dayton Daily News report sent in by Lou Copits concerning the rescue of a man who nearly drowned while attempting to swim across a river. A. “Police said (the man) told them he had been playing a game that involved banging his head against a wall when he the ball is moving at speeds of 90-100 mph. It takes baseball players years of practice and training to become good hitters. Jordan has only been training for a few months. What happened to spending time with his family and getting away from the media? Or was that some way of not getting himself or the NBA into trouble from incurred gambling debts? (Remember Pete Rose?) If Jordan makes a team, then the time from February to October will be spent practicing or playing. How much free time is that? Let’s say Jordan has a decent spring training and it comes down to Michael Jordan and Mike Huff. Both had equal numbers, but Huff has major league experience. Who should they choose? Huff and many others may be left off the rosier so the While Sox can draw a few mote people to the park. That is certainly not fair to the players and the integrity of the game. The White Sox are a talented team with a promising future. Let us hope they come to their senses and end this escapade before it goes too far. decided to swim across the river.” Q. What game is that? A. Probably golf. Q. According to Dale Stephens, what does the sign on the main road into Bolivar, W. Va., say? A. It says: WELCOME TO BOLIVAR PLEASE COME BACK Q. Did Stephens also relate an anecdote concerning his friend John Pharis? A. Yes: One time Pharis saw his 3-year-old daughter picking her nose and then sticking her finger into her mouth. He told her, “You know, I don’t think I’d want to put anything in my mouth that came out of my nose.” And she said: “You should try it. It’s good.” TODAY’S WRITING TIP: In writing an advertising slogan, always go with your strongest “selling point.” WRONG: “Tastes like goat drool.” RIGHT: “Proud to be your Bud.” GOT A QUESTION FOR MISTER LANGUAGE PERSON? The answer is: Page