Page 8 Another view The article in The Collegian on Feb 10, 1994 titled “Critiquing Pro-Lifers” brings up an interesting aspect of today's society: the attitude toward pregnant women and life in the womb. Jeremy Sloan describes the unkind treatment that a pregnant teenager faces and suggests that it might be less painful for her to abort the child before anyone finds out. He blames this unkind treatment on those who hold all life sacred. Then Jeremy brings up the notion of “possible harm to the pregnant woman” by not having the abortion. These statements to me just show the ignorance of society toward pregnancy in general. You see, I am a college student who is pregnant with her third child. I wish to tell Jeremy Sloan that every woman who is pregnant faces pain and suffering. First there is physical suffering: nausea, vomitting, inability to sleep, being tired, backaches, stretch marks and then labor itself. Having a child Letter is never easy. Why do we tell young women that it will be? Next there is one degree of emotional trauma—especially with the first child. Every woman questions what this new child will bring. I was married and wanted my first child, but still the questions I had were endless. What will the kid be like? Can we be good parents? Can I handle the pain of labor? There were times that I was scared about the future and I cried. Wouldn't it have been easier to take the quick way out? The pregnant woman faces a tidal wave of hormones that can put her on an emotional roller coaster. During the second pregnancy the body adjusts much more rapidly and the woman is more stable. But if the woman aborts the baby, the body never has time to adjust The abortion to end the emotional trauma is self-defeating. And third, I have suffered abuse from others. My own mother (brainwashed by the world’s materialistic views) told me that having Joseph would ruin my life. She said that I would never go back to college or go anywhere with my like. What a crock! lam pregnant with my third child and I managed a 3.93 GPA last semester. Joseph has not ruined my life but rather both of my sons have enriched it greatly. I suffered abuse from others as well. I carry my babies big and I show early in the pregnancy. There is no hiding for me. 1 worked in a popular bookstore with Joseph and so I was surrounded by people asking about my due date. When I told them how far along I was, the response was almost always cruel. “You’re huge!” “Are you having triplets?” “You poor thing! How do you manage?” I would go home, look in the mirror and cry. All I could see was fat. It was so hard to remind myself that my growing to the stomach was filled with a tiny child eager for the chance at life. I did have a friend. Her name was Elizabeth. Elizabeth was a teenage mother. Her daughter Brittany was a beautiful child and always reminded me of an angel. Elizabeth took the time to encourage me. (My husband tried but was really confused by my mood swings.) She took off from work to visit me while I was in labor. My labor was 36 hours of hell. But Elizabeth took my hand and told me that I could make it. To this day, J am forever grateful to Elizabeth for believing in me. Elizabeth was one person. Most of society does not encourage pregnant women in their struggles. We are all too busy looking out for ourselves. How can anyone treat a young (SHEW pregnant woman with respect unless we first realize that she is carrying within her womb a precious baby and not a “sin,” “mistake” or “problem”? I would argue that the abortion movement has set all women back. Even when you do want the child you will get no respect from society. When 1 tell my story I get silenced because pro abortionists don’t want to tell young women the truth about pregnancy. They don’t want women to know the truth so they can truly make a choice. They say that women can never amount to anything, can never go anywhere in life if they have a child. Pro-abortionists put pressure on the woman and humiliate her so she will have the abortion. The pro-abortion movement has devalued the life of the baby and the mother. That attitude has carried on to the rest of society. It has not been the church, nor the pro-life movement that has caused young teenagers carrying a baby to be treated like dirt. We give money to causes like the Women’s Care Center in Erie. They have just opened a editor home for struggling mothers that have been abandoned by the rest of society. I helped in the fund-raising for another home in Girard for pregnant women. The women are received with compassion and forgiveness. They are taught about fetal development and taught skills to help them succeed in life, whether they opt for adoption, keeping the baby or having the abortion. The pro-choice movement claims to care about women but has done nothing to help them succeed regardless of the choice that they make. To any woman who is facing an unplanned pregnancy, I would suggest that you find out all of your options and not rely on the feelings that are distorted by the rising tide of hormones. It’s ok to be scared! The options for your life are much greater than you could ever dream possible. When I finally got to hold my newborn baby in my arms, it just took my breath away. I was stunned by the miracle of the baby who was just a few minutes old. Young woman, hang in there! If you have the courage to endure the pain, you will And that in the end, the sacrifice was worth it. And I can say for certainty that things will not be easier if you have an Editorial j So-viHaT to *e ! AcTuau-7 vo N ou A'iK ~ we app a If MAVbIVe, UHFR’PuCT'iVe, I e*PeNs'<€ LAVeK of j £uK,eAucßAc.v -r Q -(^ e \, | WeAITA / / '-AKe i iV^Fe-A', N'i? ' ' . -" n \ iIH Cartoon Thursday, February 24, 1994 abortion. You will think about that child for the rest of your life because the baby is already a part of you. Give him or her the chance to show you all the joys in life! I have never regretted having either of my sons and neither will you regret a choice made for life. Shelley Gardner 6th semester Bus Econ major fr ' = ! ill i : 't r \ > i Also We ‘DtSCpoRAG? SAVINGS &V ?R>M°V'NG ILLUSION THAT \ Fayihg 1 fc?... \ SttouiD ADD "fflftT We -70 this &iTTeR