The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, February 10, 1994, Image 7
February 10, 1994 ENTERTAINMENT off the mark by Mark Parisi OUT ON A LIMB by GARY KOPERVAS lI'S A QUITE axlMoN STATE OF Si4XK, WE SEE IT ALLTWE VT.. Vitree common responses by first-time "Siu:o-cti- 4cwne " c virorners: SEEMS VE GOT A LOOK AT 'THE It kft.ved bi99er ontv. 01 . 63" 1 et . 1" ) CONDITION OF HER BOYFRIEND'S SHOWER CORrAI N... ~./. t r.. ----''-' (1 2:; ( 7 . . I ---...... 1 3i t i EMERGE ,L A 0 1 0 ... %%6 .. . :.< ()6 --L____,, t P . rl i "igor/ 14,414 1 I ft ' ' - 1.1111111L'.. 01 . 7 -... . • ( , 1,4C141Z 14/ Magic Maze J YVTQ LELKC TRPML YWUS 4 I FDBB USQOB HNFDE TSOQR KIHML ZYWLE USRPG Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in an directions-forward, backward, up, down and diagonally. Acid Grapefruit Alum Lemon Buttermilk Persimmon Clabber Piolde Answers to King Crossword Ilse comedy of FRANK NICOTERO liOITI 102.5 In Pittsburgh n&F.s (.0. ly tlltoMx KS Opened for: Rob Schnekler (SM.) INtst's o Gilbert Gottfried LIVE Al - FRIDAY - 9pm Voa't mad toe Oat SOUR TASTE Y R R EBNARC PIGDC B Y T W KIAFSNIDB QOLOOU 1 MK MZUMRTXUW DRMFNNLJQ B I ECAEYWV S PCTPGGNL AFR ATNECB NAUQ TNPBML Piquant Tang Pungent Tart Quince Vinegar Setubal! SOUR TASTE ACROSS 1. Nothing 4. Yon lass 7. In the know 12. Before 13. Fireman's tool 14. Doughnut's kin 15. Boy 16. Informed 18. "Ain't Shame?" 19. Frozen rain 20. Solidifies 23. Beer, slangily 27. Vegas 29. Move stealthily Al. Syria's president 34. Halt 35. Best 37. Red or Dead 38. Periods of history 39. Ending for mystic 41. Make socks 45. Sight-related 47. Mine yield 48. Ex-Speaker 52. D.C. bigwig 53. Europe's "boot" 54. Born 55. Terminal 56. Wire's kin 57. Workout site 58. "You betcha" DOWN 1. Woody Allen 10 11 17 21 ANOTHER WORLD: After viewing Kyle's body, Morgan made a shocking discovery. Although the real cause of Kyle's death was found, Lorna, Felicia, Morgan, and Victor could still face charges. Kelsey reacted when Josie said Kate's homemade cookies were like Sharlene's. Brett was puzzled by Morgan's on-again, off-again be havior. With Dr. Spatter in control, the hearing was going badly for John and Kelsey. Rachel liediri an attempt to help John and Kelsey' She later saw Carl with Sp**. That evening, Rachel was not surprised when Carl came to the motel while she was undressing. Ryan made a deal with lan. lan then called a wary Sperm Soap Updates film Furious Dog's command Hagen Uno doubled Envision Bother Diamonds, slangily "Chowed down" Army address Health resort Organ part Le Carre spy Wasp weapon Prying Actress Dunne Piano part Milliner's output Banishes Push away Assist Bankroll Past Man in stripes Sprite Hide Bed boards Cares for Chalcedony gem Mr. Kadiddle hopper for tat Meteor ending Chum Bullfight cry 48 49 50 51 sick. Wait To See: Ned faces a cm cial decision. YOUNG AND THE REST LESS: Danny wrote Chris that he'd met someone else and was moving on with his life. Cole saw the preg nancy kit but Victoria said the test was negative. After her marriage was dissolved, a heartbroken Victoria ac cused Victor of destroying her hap piness. She later told Nikki she was now free to go after Cole but Nikki denied being in competition with her daughter. Chris asked John Silva to be her lawyer in her upcoming divorce from Danny. Jack accepted Blade's bid to be his best man. Robert finalized his plans to come a ; 4 1W 1. 1 ; - ' 4 - 171_ - - "I came on this date to spend a little time with someone and I've been watching the clock ever since." "Kiss me, I'm yours." DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Billie told Bo the shell in her dream was the same pattern she saw on a pair woman's shoes the night Curtis was killed. Bo traced them to Titan and got a warrant to search the Kiriakis mansion. Carrie fought off a rapist who fled when he heard a noise. When Austin saw Lucas with a cut lip, he assumed he was the attacker, and decked him. Lucas said he was hurt fighting Alan. Vivian told Ivan not to reveal she was alive. Tony found papers showing Stefano kept John imprisoned for years, but agreed not to tell Kristen. Stefano gave Roman a copy of Sami's destroyed diary in which she revealed John was Isabella's father. Page 7