The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, February 10, 1994, Image 6

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Brilliant story
of courage and
detailed in
by Jeniwi papa
CalW Swir
Although there have been
many documentaries of the
Holocaust, you'll never see one
like this.
"Schindko's List" was one of
the best movies I have ever seen.
It is the winner of six Golden
Globe awards, including best
picture and best director (Steven
It is the true story of Oscar
Schindler (Liam Noma), a rather
selfish, wealthy business man.
He sets up a factory during the
war and hires all Jewish workers
because he can pay them less.
He hires an accountant, Herr
Stern (Ralph Rennes), who
develops a close relationship with
Oscar Schindler et:mimes the
atrocities of the acts against the
Jews first-hand. (They are shown
graphically.) It pushes him to
use his power and factory to save
at least some of the victims.
Often, he must use his wealth to
brie the Nazis.
"Schindler's List" is a black
and white, 3 1/2 hour long film.
Both of these qualities are needed.
The story remains interesting
throughout the movie. The black
and white effect adds to the
authenticity of the picture.
Not only are the directing and
acting excellent, but also the
story is a very moving. I
encourage everyone to see this
five six film.
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The underdog comes
out on top
in "Iron Will"
by Portia Kelly
Co team Ste
Would you race over 1,000
miles in the freezing cold on a
dog sled for SlO,OOO dollars?
Well, Will Stoneman, played by
McKenzie Astir', surely did.
This 17-year-old boy is full of
strength and spirit, but his
character needs to be more
expressive and emotional than
what is portrayed on the sawn.
Will's determination is
focused on going to college and
saving the family farm. His
father died in a tragic accident
and his mother needs to keep the
college money in order to keep
the farm they worked so hard for.
Top 10 Movies
1. Philadelphia starring Tom
2. Intersection Richard Gere
3. Mrs. Doutbfire Robin Williams
4. Death Wish 5 Charles Bronson
5. Pelican Brief Julia Roberts
6. In The Name Of The Father
Daniel Day-Lewis
7. House Party 3 Kid 'n Play
8. Grumpy Old Men Jack Lem-
9. Iron Will MacKenzie Astin
10. Shadowlands Anthony Hop
1 ••••••••'
Top R&B/Soul
1. Tony! Toni! Tone! "(Lay Your
Head On My) Pillow" (Wing/Mer
cury) Last Week: No. 5
2. Zhane "Groove Thang"
(Motown) No. 7
3. SWV "Always On My Mind"
(RCA) No. 3
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So what did he do? He applied
for the race of the century called
the "SL Paul Dog Derby." They
travel from Winnepeg, Canada to
St. Paul, Minnesota where
everyone stands attentively at the
finish line and waits to see
who's going to win.
Many of the riders are
experienced foreigners with years
of training. Will is the
underdog, but that doesn't flatten
his spirits, it only makes him
more confident and willing.
The race is sponsored by J.W.
Harper played by Jeffrey Allen
Chandler. The newspapers do a
great job of documenting
everything that Will goes
Top 10 Singles
1. Celine Dion "The Power Of
Love" (550 Music) Last Week: No.
2. Domino "Getto Jam" (Out
burst/RAL/Chaos) No. 2
3. The Cranberries "Linger" (Is
land/PLG) No. 3
4. Ace Of Base "The Sign" (Aris
ta) No. 11
5. Xscape "Understanding" (So So
Def/Columbia) No. 1
6. Salt-N-Pepa Featuring En
Vogue "Whatta Man" (Next
Plateau/London/PLG) No. 15
7. Janet Jackson "Because Of
Love" (Virgin) No. 16
8. Queen Latifah "U.N.1.T.Y."
(Motown) No. 6
9. Babyface "Never Keeping
Secrets" (Epic) No. 12
10. Color Me Badd "Choose"
(Giant) No. 10
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through. The obstacles Wlll
encounters and the evil doings of
the other riders sometimes
makes him want to give up, but
with the power in his soul and
strong heart, he beats all the
Lethal Injection by Ice Cube
starts out with a man named "Mr.
White" getting a "shot" by Ice
Cube. This CD is the newest
release from the executor of Lench
Mob Music.
Since this 60 minute compact
disk is produced by a variety of
rappers and writers it doesn't have
the "problem" that most music
tends to have these days of every
song sounding the same.
It contains samples from the
Pointer Sisters, Slick Rick,
Evelyn Champagne King, George
Clinton, and Doug E. Fresh.
A few of my favorite songs on
1. Joe Dime "John Deere Green" the CD are: "You Know How We
(Epic) Last Week: No. 3 Do It, Cave B***h, Make It Ruff
2. Bob Howdy "She'd Give My- Make It Smooth, Enemy, What
thing" (Curb Promo) No. 7 Can I Do'?, Down for Whatever,
3. Patty Loveless "You Will" When I Get to Heaven, and of
(Epic) No. 6
4. George Strait "I'd Like To Course One Nation'
Although "One Nation" is 11
Have That One Back" (MCA) No. 5
5. Brooks & Dunn -Rock My minutes long, it is enjoyable
World (Little Country Girl)" (Arista) because it is a blast from the past
No. 11 with its catchy sounds, words, and
6. Mark Chesnutt "I Just Wanted bass groove.
You To Know" (MCA) No. 12 As with any tape, CD, or
7. Alabama "T.L.C. A.S.A.P." record, there are songs that are just
(RCA) No. 9 not liked or that just don't catch
The story is very inspirational
and touching, but the acting
isn't that great. The overall
performances don't live up to the
plot's standards. Besides that,
this film is definitely for a
family night out at the movies.
From the tragic beginning to
the exciting the end, "Iron Will"
is one of Walt Disney's most
touching movies ever.
Top C&W Singles
8. John Anderson "I've Got It your ear. The good thing about
Made" (BNA) No. 14 this CD is there is only one or
9. Coffin Raye "That's My Story" t w o of th es e.
(Epic) No. 16 This long awaited, much
10. Mary-Chapin Carpenter "He anticipated CD is well worth the
Thinks He'll Keep Her" (Columbia) $13.00 that was spent on it. As
No. 17 Ice Cube says in "Down for
Whatever," it makes you want to
"cmep" to the store and buy it.
February 10, 1994
to buy
by Kimberly Epps
Collegian Staff
418 E 12TH ST
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