Page 2 .#7lfti . e . .io'' : "'...' . ....:ll:*fsi':': . ...T . ' . '''.'' . ' .. l.', Study Skills War p: A finals prertion weekshop will be held on Monday, December 6 Room 57 of the Academic Big . from 5-6 p m.- &bread Choir Conewt: The 46-voice °. ~411utW **cat choir will perform a repertoire of selected favorites for its fall concert to be held on Sunday, Decemberl2' at 3 p.m. in Erie Hall. Tickets for the concert are $4 ($3 for children). Tests are available from choir members, or can be reserved by calling x 6289. Weekend of Music: On Saturday, December 4 the Covenant Handbell Choir of The First Presbyterian Church will perform at 5 p.m. in the Wintergarden. Also Saturday, the popular local four-piece ensemble Concourse Jazz will perform from 8-11:30 p.m. in Bruno's. On Sunday, December 5, Erie harpist Elaine Schuster will perform at 2 p.m. in the Wintergarden. Admission to all of these performances is free. The events are part of the Wintergarden Art Show '93, benefitting the Campus Ministry. Hanging of the Greens: The 45th annual Hanging of the Greens ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, December 3 in the Behrend family crypt in the Wintergreen Gorge Cemetery. After School Tutors Needed: for the Penn State Behrend/Diehl Elementary Adopt-A-School Tutoring Program for spring semester, 1994. This is an excellent chance for those who love working with children. The more tutors who volunteer, the more children we can serve in the program. Informational forms are available from Mari Trenkle in the Provost's Office (x 6160) or Leigh Barnes in the Learning Assistance Center (x 6014). Parking Permit Sale: As of Monday, November 1, 1993 fall parking permits will be reduced to half price for the rest of the semester. The reduced price will be reflected in the spring permits if bought between November 1 and December 1. For more information, call Larry Silvis at Police and Safety. OLAS Meeting: The Organization of Latin American Students' meetings are on Sundays at 9:10 p.m. in Tigress Hall. For more information, contact Yadira (x 6854, box #580). Tutoring Available: at the Learning Assistance Center (2nd floor of library, Room 203) for free in such areas as physics, Spanish, math, psychology, and study skills. For more information, call the Center at x 6014 and ask for Bob Patterson. You Just separated your trash. Reevelino IS ear,. mil ft ? in fact 11:11=31 you DerSollallY can make Me world a oetter place It's the everyday way to $llllll this world 7 Nights Frcini $299 Includes: Mr, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and Morel NASSAU•PARADISE IS,LAND*CANCUN*JAMAICA *SAN JUAN• Organize a smell group - Eern FREE trip plus commissions, I -1100-6 Er-SU- I 1 I i , - ,1, iii, It you a Hke to know more . and liking the first Step toward recycling coa be U easy Mid a Postcard to the Environmental °even fund-Recrtiing. 257 Park Ave South. NY NY 10010 RECYCL nee on pall( I 'SHIP JOBS i Students neededt Earn $2OOO. Monthlg. Surnmer/holldege/fulltlme. World Vevol, Caribbean, Howell, Europe, Neale& Tour Guides, elft Shop tiles, Deck Fiends, COMM Woglcard, oupir - teneo neseSeety. 2400- • 7 .„Ent, Gr 47: Coffey Talk Some light commentary on the news of the day Texarkana, Arkansas: Trice Elementary PTA officer Julie Bailey has turned over to police the names of eight students--first through fifth-graders--suspected of stealing money from a school candy sale. Total missing: $448. Guess they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Miami Beach, Fla.: Chrysler Corp. canceled plans to unveil its neon subcompact here because of crime fears a decision immediately denounced by tourism officials. Florida's image has been hurt by the killings of 10 foreign tourists within 13 months. Foreign competition is diminishing in Florida' Helena, Montana: A shoplifting charge against ex-Gov. Tom Judge has been dropped. He was accused last month of stealing a $1.99 container of smokeless tobacco. Cited: lack of evidence. What, didn't have change for a $lOO bill? Blackfoot, Idaho: Blackfoot High officials say students will be divided into two groups for lunch and the periods will be shortened so students can be supervised better. Two females, 15 and 17, are sought in an assault that injured a female student, 17, last week. What ever happened to just food fights? Portland, Oregon: Tri-Met bus driver Ronald Smith, 45, is accused of pushing a 3- week-old baby in a stroller down the steps of his bus because babies are not allowed to ride in strollers on buses. The act led to a fight between the infant's father, Daryl Barber, and Smith and a passenger, who tried to intervene, police said. SLAM! DA DA DUH! DA DA DUH! Freeport, Maine: Freeport Middle School's new Homework Hotline has been getting 40-60 calls a night. The voice-mail system lets students and parents call in to find out what homework teachers assigned for that day. Oh, this is going to be great for attendance! Chicago, Illinois: As school officials and police met to discuss security, Sullivan High student Kati Faber, 15, was shot to death across from the school. A boy, 16, and a girl, 13, were charged with murder. No motive was given. Instead of talking, how about a little action! College Park, Maryland: The editor of the University of Maryland student newspaper said he will press charges if the people who stole 10,000 copies of The Diamondback are found. Campus police said they have two possible suspects. The thieves left notes calling the paper racist. Are those 10,000 newspapers in your pocket or are you just happy to see me! York, Pennsylvania: Paul Legore, 77, says he's glad the man who broke into his home Saturday didn't die after Legore and his wife, Inez, 72, both shot him. "I'm not going to mess around with a .22 anymore. It doesn't have enough stopping power. I have a shotgun." Be verwy verwy quiet! I'm huntining humans, huh huh huh. Chicago, Illinois: The city of Jacksonville, Fla. received the second of two expansion bids from the National Football League on Tuesday. St. Louis, Baltimore and Memphis investors were upset that their cities were passed over for the final bid. Both St. Louis and Baltimore had NFL teams which they lost to Phoenix and Indianapolis respectively. Sorry guys, but you had your chance the first time. Now It's someone else's turn. Thursday, December 2, 1993 V*V*V*V*V*V NORTHERN PLAINS INDIANS ART AND CRAFT SOWN Presented b y Native American Treasures HOLIDAY INN SOUTH JIL Exit 7 :if 1• 90 • Ent. PA SUNDAY DECEMBER 12, 1993 10:00 a.m. til 8:00 p.m. Mk Featuring works by Lokoto Sioux Artiste JEWELRY POTTERY jt BEADWORK SCULPTURES 210 f QUILLWORK Rum= Ale*V*lollll*llll*
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