Page 2 Behrend _Briefs Great American Smokeout: The Health and Welbws Center is sponsoring a session todw in the Wintergrom Lobby front:lo um- 2 p.m. if you UsAteitiVir cisimed, can quit smoking anytime," then cone and plove : • i s' 2 • ~16. . . ~. . • .-i: .. trigl in I tirling - .. v. • . ' 4 s c 0 m e r a , Na r S n or Ene onda com ymthe ty will be vl* .m. the ithi seminer ßape't , ,: : „ Astronomy Open House: "The Search for Extraterrestrial Life" will be the subject of the next Astronomy Open House. The Open House is Friday, Nov. 19 and willbegin with m illumined talk at 7:30 p.m. in 101 Otto Behreni Science Building. This is to be followed by observation using the College's small telescopes (weather permitting) as well as a discussion lead by Dr. Roger a NASA funded plummy researcher who heals the Division of Science. Admission is flee. College Financial Planning Via: On Tuesday, November 23 at 7:30 p.m. in Scioto* 120, Delta 1u Plan. is i n 6 afin=les m il - *%60 g or college - will be Diehl Hamm Lunclieww. Children from Diehl Elementary School, grades 1-3 who suide the honor nil during their first semester, will be treated to lunch at Dobbins Dinning Hall on Tuesday, November 23 from 10:45-11:45 cm. Please feel free to congratulate the chiklren and sit with them far this meal. Study Ski WOrtilhop: A 'Finals - Preparation workshop will be , held on Monday, November 29inikietn 57 of the Academic Buildingfrom 5-6 p.m. The program will be repeated on Monday, D 6. After School Tutors Needed: for the Penn State Behrend/Diehl Elementary Adopt-A-School Tutoring Program fro spring semester, 1994. This is an excellent chance for those who love working with children. The more tutors who volunteer, the more cMlthen we can serve in the program. Informational forms are available from Mari Trenkle in the Provost's Office (x 6160) or Leigh Barnes in the Learning Assistance Centre (x 6014). Parking Permit Sale: As of Monday, November 1, 1993 fall parking permits will be reduced to half price for the rest of the semester. The reduced price will be reflected in the spring permits if bought between November 1 and December 1. For more information, call Larry Silvis at Police and Safety. OLAS Meeting: The Organization of Latin American Students' meetings are on Sundays at 9:10 p.m. in Tigress Hall. For more information, contact Yadira (x 6854, box #580). Tutoring Available: at the Learning Assistance Center (2nd floor of library, Room 203) for free in such areas as physics, Spanish, math, psychology, and study skills. For more information, call the Center at x 6014 and ask for Bob Patterson. 7 Nights From $299 Includes: Mr, Hots), Transfers, Parties and Morel NASSAU•PARADISE ISLAND*CANCUMAMAICA •SAN JUAN• Organize a smell group - Earn FREE trip plus commissions' 1-000-GET-SUN-1 *EXTRA INCOME '93* Earn $2OO-$5OO weekly malting 1993 Travel brochures. For more information send a self addressed stamped envelope to; Travel Inc. P.O. Box 2530, Miami, FL 33261 Theft Between 12 p.m. Friday November 5 and 5:30 a.m., Saturday, November 6, a person(s) removed articles from the WPSE production room. Also reported was damage to a University phone. The incident is under investigation. Theft from Auto Between 3 a.m. Thursday. November 11 and 3:30 a.m. Friday. November 12 the rear sliding window of a Ford pickup truck was broken and a Kennwood compact disc player and three CDs were taken from the truck in Parking Lot S. The incident is under investigation. Theft Between 3 p.m. Friday, November 12 and 9 a.m. Saturday, November 13 a person broke a window in a vehicle and removed the radio and speakers from the car in Parking Lot S. The incident is under investigation. Theft A person reported that the grill of his car parked in Parking Lot S was taken between Monday, November 8 and Friday, November 12. The incident is under investigation. Hit and Run Accident On Tuesday, November 16 between 12:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. in Parking Lot S, an unknown vehicle struck a parked car in the right-front and left sides. The incident is under investigation. Vandalism On Tuesday, November 16 between 6:55 p.m. and on the door to the staircase in Dobbins Dinning inside. The incident is under investigation. SGA Report The Council of Commonwealth Student Governments meeting is this weekend and several representatives from Behrend will be attending including President Joe Mycka, Hal Coffey, Sam Epps and Wendy Martinec. SGA is looking to sponsor programs promoting the Study Abroad program at Behrend. Tonight is the "Dinner with Six Strangers". If you signed-up, the reception is at 5:30 p.m. Approximately 200 students and 30 faculty will be in attendance. The dinner will begin at 6 p.m. Students are encouraged to visit their representatives during office hours and express any questions or ideas they have. Jason DeMarte SGA Vice President Students mode* Earn $2000• • .monthly. Swnmer/holfdaysifulltlme. World travel. Caribbean, Howell, Europe, Plonks. Tour Sullies, Sift Shop Sales, Deck Hands, Cash. Wacker% 44, - , No expitionce nemeses:v. Ca 11602-400-4647, Ext. CHIT. Police Report I SIN I P JOBS I Thursday, November 18, 1993 7 p.m.' the left lower glass Hall was smashed from the Ima g ine Little Ped Ridin g Hood without a forest. 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