Thursday, ACROSS 1. Ending for zip or pep 4. Sob 8. "Begone!" 12. Greek vowel 13. Isaac's son 14. Vagabond 15. Sine curve, e.g 17. Utopia 18. Spielberg 19. Shooter ammo 21. de France 22. "Squeal" 26. Pirate flag 29. Garden plot 30. Color 31. Soviet news agency 32. Knight's title 33. Transgressions 34. One time 35. Wager 36. Quick drinks teacher 37. Make changes 54. Was in the red 39. Envision 55. Red or Black 40. "Avrir DOWN follower 1. Sunday seats Comet spotter 2. Coup d'— Peel 3. Enthusiastic Railroad review commuter's 4. Came about spot 5. In unison Excitedly eager 6. 1812 event Hitchcock 7. Like worse movie gravy Snapshot abbr. 8. Paper bundle Luke Skywalker's 9. Food fish Magic Maze ON A WORKBENCH ZAWTPLS I EBXUQNJ GDZWTQCNKRHDAXU RPMJGDRAXEVSQNK I FDAXVEETMFOOMJ HFXCAYWF PMWIURP NL(TOOL 91 J AHF-LRD BZXSBSTNVHPTIER QOMS TLLKK IMDCDH FDBUG I OXZYAWNNV TRNQOABONGLUEAL KIHFDNRBTCCAPSS Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions-forward, backward, up, down and diagonally. Bits Al. Pencil Scraws Bolts Glue Rags Tool box Box knife Nails Sander Tools Clamp Nuts Sandpaper Soap Updates GENERAL HOSPITAL: Man defended Rhoda when Ray attacked her after she confronted him about Karen's sexual abuse charges. Luke and Laura went on a wildly adven turous odyssey on their return to Port Charles. Scott was announcing his engagement to Katherine when a call came through from Lucy. A.I. asked Siwr -14 him mono , to buy Jul; andtag mber 11, 1993 10. Vigoda 11. Great amount 16. Contents of Pandora's box 20. Football lineman 23. Columbus' home 24. Litter's littlest? 25. Army meal 26. Polaris, e.g. 27, Allie's ally 28. "Wild blue yonder" 29. Computer unit 32. Part-time athlete 33. Ledge 35. Bikini half 36. On the stool 38. Greek letter 39. Mold 42. Cuts off 43. One of the Greats 44. Workout site 45. Remit 46. Past 47. Fishing need 49. Weather map area Trivia Test by Linda Luckhurst 1. Television: Who was the only permanent panelist on the show, "What's My Line?" 2. Quotes: Who said, "Nice guys finish last"? 3. What's In A Name: What is the most common Spanish family name? 4. History: Who was known as the "Iron Chancellor" on President Nixon's staff? 5. Nicknames: What is North Carolina's nickname? 6. Vocabulary: What is piscatol ogy? 7. Publishing: What is the largest selling magazine in America? 8. Music: Who recorded the August, 1958 number one hit single, "Poor Little Fool"? Trivia Test Answers 1. Arlene Francis; 2. Leo Durocher; 3. Garcia; 4. H.R. Hal deman; 5. Tar Heel state; 6. the art of science of fishing; 7. Reader's Digest; 8. Ricky Nelson ALL MY CHILDREN: Jamal was furious with Timmy forr - smoking pot, but agreed not to tell Trevor about it. Later, Timmy was per suaded to buy LSD. Ted stood out side Tad's house with a rifle. When Tad came out to investigate a noise, Ted offered it to him asa gift for their hunting trip. Brooke stopped taking her birth control pills, but didn't tell Tad. At Erica's request, Dimitri told Kendall he was sending her away because her presence reminded Erica of the rape. Kendall pretended to agree, but vowed to remain. Trevor • told Jack , 'about 'the Peeping Tom tCouncijoliim ?Tomes to wit io* SPELLBINDER SCORE 10 points for using all the letters in the word below to form two complete words: BALUSTER THEN score 2 points each for all words of four letters or more found among the letters . Try to score at least SO points '4111(1 AtIJOSOM) anicsoci Cloris Leachman 2. Judgment Night Emilio Es tevez 3. Rudy Sean Astin 4. Demolition Man Sly Stallone 5. Cool Runnings Doug E. Doug 6. Malice Alec Baldwin 7. The Age of Innocence Daniel Day-Lewis 8. The Nightmare Before Christmas 9. A Bronx Tale Robert De Niro 10. Mr. Wonderful Matt Dillon DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Billie found Curtis making a drug deal and argued with him while the dealer lis tened in unseen. Curtis drugged her and dragged her back to the base ment. As he started making advan ces, Kate arrived with the money. The two fought and Curtis scratched her and then began to beat her. Aus tin found a barefoot and barely con scious Billie in the basement. The next day, a dead, man was found in the nearby - alley. Human skin was found under Curtis' nails. The police noticed the scratch on Billie's arm. Sami learned from a friend in the hematology lab that the new blood tests showed she and batella don't have the, same father. When Vivian stio mc wiLiturs ,x4e it ini nii is gli temmi zine Phao first of word 4*A* ToSee: - '?" 1 % .4111adrilktiMon Vision Teaser Ind at least six differences in details 111 losAotial um* vitagaiM ultv ikvisfw >N aueJA 'peanuts SI 1110111104 IS *poppir M 11111111111110 -pun $ peirH ' l :wousuema Answers to King Crossword YOUNG AND THE REST LESS: Nina asked Flo for more in formation to help Paul find her missing father. At the same time, a man with a scar was preparing to pay his bill at a local diner. Scott con tinued to hide the true status of his health from Lauren. When Eric said he and Sheila were going to Catalina, Lauren didn't let on that she and Scott would be there at the same time. Paul found possible evidence that Robert had lied to him, and that his daughter might be in danger from her stepfather. He told Chris about the bruises he'd seen on April's neck, and now felt he should go to New York to find the truth for him self. Cole was grateful for the con cern Victor sb9wed for his mother, Eve, as she shilulei hEaurvive an attack of enovhalitis. Wait anaebeitheirquesson hst4lissoin VieWs lite: Page tween panels ON A WORKBENCH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers