The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, October 28, 1993, Image 6

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    Page 6
In recent years, straight
America has seen a rise of
homosexuality within our
country. Groups, as well as
individuals, have "come out of
the closet."
These people arc defined as
"having sexual desire for those of
the same sex." Their beliefs and
actions arc seen as being wrong
and immoral.
A recent article written by John
Rossomando, in The Behrend
College Collegian lashes out
against homosexuality.
Rossomando uses direct
Biblical quotes in his argument,
but seems to have missed an
imixirtan. one.
1 John 4:7 states, "...let us
love one another, for love comes
from God." It does not state, let
us love one another of opposite
In this passage, God condones
love, not just love of opposite
partners. Also, the last part of
this verse states simply that love
is of God.
Often, Rossomando presents
himself as a devout Christian but
he expresses love for people only
of his sexual orientation.
In his article, Rossomando
makes references to
"radical...groups parading across
our television screens" shoving
their doctrines and beliefs down
our throats.
There arc many groups out
there, not just homosexuals, who
arc nationally syndicated. These
groups are found even within
Christian circles, for instance
television evangelists.
There arc programs on
television daily that state
Christian beliefs and arc
informative of their goals. These
programs and groups are also
"parading across our television
He states that homosexual
groups arc seeking out rights, and
Published weekly by the students
The Pennsylvania State University
at Erie, The Behrend Col • e
Matthmy D. Ciasnc
Alicia Hartman
Business Manager
Darlene Stremic
The Collegian's editorial opinion is
determined by the editorial staff with
the editor holfling final responsibility.
Opinions expressed in The Collegian
arc not necessarily those of The
Collegian or The Pennsylvania State .
they arc proud of what they arc.
Is this wrong? People have been
seeking acknowledgement for
For example, blacks, women,
and Indians have been minorities
which have sought rights and
have been frowned upon.
Homosexuals arc a minority
and like any other minority, they
arc seeking their rights and
making themselves known to the
Rossomando states, "all men
and women have control over
their actions." Does this not
show that people, no matter what
their sexual preferences may be,
have control of their actions and
Rossomando states, "all men
and women have control over
their actions." Docs this not
show that people, no matter what
their sexual preferences may be,
have control of their actions and
Rossomando's opinions arc
that he may speak out against
homosexuality, but whenever
anyone questions his doctrines,
the person is wrong and radical in
his thoughts.
Perhaps Rossomando argues so
strongly against homosexuality
because he questions his own
People should not choose their
friends by who they sleep with at
night, but rather by what is
within them.
Devon C. Adams
Ist Semester
English Major
Mr. Marini,
How naive can you be?
Oswald could not have fired those
shots to kill J.F.K. His marine
records show he was no
marksman. He was a fair shot at
Lee Harvey Oswald was an
Collegian Staff: Dawn Anderson, Michelle Bauer, Ilia Belkin, April BlNplanald. Laura Borewski. Maria Cartutdas. T.J. Codtis. Jen
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Mahoney. Paul Marini. Sarah bialchione. Rob Moffett. Doug Moore. Scott`Maar% kat AM U% Sarah Praui Mickey Radom:. Welts:
Rethage. John Rouomanclo, Tory Rucker, Vince Smith. Kevin Stoat, AM1 1 00401 1 4 VerJacchia. Reagan Wow, Kristin
Wasilewski, Paul D. Young
Advertising Mansgeu
Loretta Russ
Terri Swanson
agent for the CIA, that's why he
went to the USSR. He was
trained to be a double agent.
Oswald was taught Russian by
the Marines. Only agents were
taught Russian during the Cold
War by the government.
Interpreters were hired also.
He supposedly defected, but
this was not the case. He never
denounced his citizenship and
proclaimed himself a Soviet.
If he was a "megalomanic,"
then why did the U.S.
government allow him back into
the country? The U.S. even gave
him the money to come back.
Also, he was never interrogated.
After back in New Orleans, he
quickly worked with CIA agents
Clay Shaw and David Ferry, and
FBI agent Greg Bannister.
They "sheepdipped" him to
look like a "lone nut" so they
could set him up to look like a
The government has admitted
that both David Ferry and Clay
Shaw worked for the CIA during
the 'sos and '6os. The FBI has
admitted that Jack Ruby was one
of their agents.
As for the shots from the
Texas School Depository
Building on the 6th floor, they
could not have been fired.
As mentioned, Oswald's marine
records, and even
his coMpany, said he Was a bad
He was dead list in
scoring in his company.
An expert marksman tried to
make those shots and did not
even come close. There was
triangulation fire, not shots from
one place. The wounds to
Kennedy, Connally and the
bystander by the bridge are my
Tests on Oswald that day found
no powder burns on his clothes
or on his body. Oswald was also
picked up too quickly by the
Watch "JFK" for Jim
Garrison's proof.
News E4ditor
Hal D. Coffey
Entertainment Editor
Deneue Paned
Sports &Uteri
Matthew D. Cissnc
Keith E. McFall
Copy. Editors
Alicia Hamm .
Joanne Riccardi ;,
Photo CdWrdialt
4ivw )wpi
Why are there no records of
Oswald's interrogation? He was
held for over 24 hours before he
was even officially charged with
the murders of JFK and Officer
Tippeu of the Dallas police.
And what about fingerprints on
the weapon? None were found
until days after he was murdered
by Ruby. There wasn't a single
fingerprint found, only a smudged
palm print. Ballistics tests show
the weapon found was not fired
that day.
I believe I have given enough
information to prove your theory
wrong. I am more than willing
to publicly debate my points
versus yours anytime.
T.J. Cochis
9th Semester
I am writing in reply to
Kristen Wasilewski's article on
the Study Abroad Program offered
by Penn State.
Not only was it a poorly
written article, but it did not
communicate that studying
abroad is a wonderful opportunity
and more within a student's
financial means than one may
First, and most obviously,
Siody. Staley was omitted from
the article altogether.
Sindy was my roommate in
England, and the only other
person from Behrend to study
abroad last semester is Wendy
Martinec. Wendy studied in
Australia last semester. She
transferred from University Park.
Sindy went to England on the
economics program and was in
the picture with me, as was our
other roommate, Rebecca Fishkin
from University Park. It also
wasn'r mentioned that we attended
the University of Manchester in
Manchester, England.
Second, my quotes reflect
poorly on the program. I was
• *By Boa' Ch ' •
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Thursday, October 28, 1993
quoted as saying, "I didn't learn a
lot from my classes...." My
classes were a little dry because
we had guest speakers, and while
they were experts in their fields,
they were not professors.
Some did not organize their
lectures well, and some had
difficulty speaking to college
students on the students' level.
We were able to evaluate our
programs at the end, and our
program directors at the
University of Manchester are
aware of this weakness in the
communications program.
Sindy, however, found her
economics classes extremely
interesting and educationally
stimulating. She feels she
learned an enormous amount
from her lectures.
Third, my remarks were taken
out of context and appeared
contradictory. There was a
remark by me in which I stated
that English people are not that
friendly, yet I wished I had lived
with them.
Next, I felt the article did not
inform readers of the options they
have on how to pay for studying
abroad. The program costs vary,
as does airfare depending on your
However, in my particular
program, tuition was paid to
Penn State, and I paid
approximately the same amount
for housing in England as one
would pay for a semester here [at
Behrend]. Most of this cost was
covered by my financial aid.
I hope this gives you a better
idea of what studying abroad is
all about. I would be glad to talk
to anyone interested or who has
questions. I can be reached at
898-6882. I strongly encourage
everyone to study abroad. As one
professor here at Behrend said to
me -- it will change your life!
Amy S. Zarichnak
9th semester