The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, October 28, 1993, Image 2
Page 2 Behrend Briefs Parking Permit Side: As of Moiday. November 1; 1993 fall parking permits will be reduced to half price for the rest of the semester. The reduced_price will be reflected in the spring permits if bought between November 1 and December 1. For more information, call terry Silvis at Police and Safety. Attention Worms: A mgnun on Depo Plovers., the newest form of ciontraception; will be presented on Thursday, Octobee2.B, from 12:15-1 p.m. in the Reed Lecture Hall. The session is free and is open to all students.A light luncheon will be provided compliments of Uplohn Pharmaceutical. Women's Film Series: presents "Sweetie" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 2, in the Reed Lecture Hall. Admission is free. MBA Panel Discussion: The MBA program will host a coffee hour and panel discussion for prospective graduate students at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, October 30, in the Reed Lecture Hall. Registration and refreshments will be available at 10 a.m. For information or to make reservations, call the Office of Graduate Admissions at x 6319. Fashion Show: The Association of Black Collegians will bring us the best of the 19705, 80s and 90s with their fashion show, "Once Upon A Time," to be held in the Wintergreen Cafe on Saturday, October 30, at 8 p.m. Admission is $3. For more information, call Student Activities at x 6171. Speaker Series Debate: Edward Rollins, one of H. Ross Perot's national campaign managers, and Bob Beckel, Walter Mondale's national campaign manager, will debate the Clinton presidency's first year on Wednesday, November 3, at , 13 pm. in Erie Hall: Admission is free.. ' Sweet Daddy's World : on Tuesday, November 9, will have homosexuality as the topic. It will be held in the Wintergreen Cafe. Be there! ALAS Meeting: The Organization of Latin America* •, Students' meetings are on Sunda 9:14 p.m. in Tigress Hall. For more information, contiteYadira (x 6854, bob • #580). Study Abroad Deadline: Deadline for applying for semester or full year study abroad programs is Novel. 1. Contact Mari Trani& at x 6160. - - Class Diehl Int x6O Tutorin (2nd phy, For _ Bob Patterson. Bowl.A-Thou: The Omicron Delta Kappa botror..4o6i4gr will hold its annual Bowl-A-11m on Sunday, N , f k 14, at Eastland Bowling Lanes. All proceeds - at-1H toward new books for the Behrend library, For information contact Keith McFall at x 6840, or Breit Casteel at x 6879. lc** Call us and find out how hundreds of students are already earning free trips and lots of cash with AMERICA'S #1 Spring Break Company! Choose Cancun, Bahamas, Jamacia, Panama, Daytona or Padre! Call Now! Take a Break Student Travel (800)328-SBUE or (617)424-8222 CRUISE SHIP JOBS I Students needed! Earn $2000• monthly. Summeriholldays/fulltfme. World travel. Caribbean, Newell, Europe, Mexico. Tour Guides, Gift Shop Sales, Deck Hands, Casino Workers, etc. No experience necessary. Cell 602-600-4647, Ext. C 147 Harassment by Communication On Monday, October 18 at 4 p.m. a student received several harassing phone calls. The case is under investigation. Fire On Monday, October 18 at 10:28 p.m. a student paced paper inside his jack-o-lantern and set fire to it, causing the fire alarm system to activate. Upon their arrival, police officers found smoke in the resident's room and a strong odor of something burning. Fire departments from Brookside, Lawrence Park, Belle Valley, and Kuhl Hose responded, as did Medic 92. The pumpkin, which was found sitting on a pile of clothing in the student's closet, was burnt out and no damage had occurred. Charges are pending against the resident. Theft Between 7 a.m., Monday October 18, and 10:30 p.m., Tuesday October 19, an unknown person(s) removed an end table from the lounge in the Hammermill/Zurn Building. The incident is under investigation. The SOC Budget Committee met on Tuesday, October 26 to allocate available funds to campus organizations. They allocated over $12,000 to organizations who submitted supplemental budgets. An excellent opportunity to voice any concerns or problems to SGA will be available in a few weeks to all Behrend students. Each senator has been assigned 200 students to get in contact with so the students have a direct voice on SGA. We are doing this to attempt to involve a greater number of students with their student government. SGA will be co-sponsoring the HBO movie "And the Band Played On" with Alpha Phi Omega and several other organizations during the AIDS Awareness program on November 6. Jason DeMarte Vice President SGA A4Q, Trigon, SGA, and other organizations present... " And the Band Played On" Reed Lecture Hall november 6 6put Raise between UN - $l5OO in less than a week. Plus WIN a trip to MTV SPRING BREAK '94 and get a FREE T-SHIRT just for calling! 1400-950-1039, Ext. 65 Police Report SGA Report H.APPy §{,ALLOWEEN Surprise your friends with a card just to say BOO! The Card GatEery K-Mart Plaza East 4437 Buffalo Road 899-8782 HAURY RENTALS OFF-CAMPUS APARTMENTS FURNISHED PAH) U'IiLITIES COIN LAUNDRY CABLE READY PARKING ON BUS LINE WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE 899-9784 *EXTRA INCOME '93* Earn $2OO-S5OO weekly mailing 1993 Travel brochures. For more information send a self addressed stamped envelope to: Travel Inc. P.O. Box 2530, Miami, FL 33261 Thursday, October 28, 1993 7 Nights From $299 Includes: Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties end Morel NASSAU•PARADISE ISLAND*CANCUN*JAPIAICA *SAN JUAN• Organize a smell group - Earn FREE trip plus commtssiomil 1-800-13 U-SU- I