The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, April 29, 1993, Image 9
Thursday, April 29, 1993 Left from OUT page 12 trip to North Allegheny, Brett Banker, Benim's predecessor as head coach, was introduced to Pegher by Mazur, who was Banker's initial recruit. Pegher's decision to attend Behrcnd was made so late in the summer that she visited the campus, took her required placement tests, and registered for classes the same day. The University didn't even have a room assignment for her. She roomed with an RA for the first couple of weeks of the semester. Softball has been a pastime for Pegher since she was 7 (she is 19 yrs. old). For North Allegheny, she played three years of varsity basketball, along with four years of varsity softball. She dropped basketball to concentrate on softball during her senior year. When asked about how she is able to juggle her already busy schedule (the Lady Lions were originally scheduled to finish off the regular season with six doubleheaders in six days), Pegher replied, "You can't find the time. That's true. You're so busy that when you have the time, you're so worn out. But you realize how much you have to get done. It's tough, but as Paul [Benim] would say, 'Discipline' ." Despite a return trip from Florida that lasted for days because of Blizzard '93, Pegher says that the thing she'll always Cruise Ship Employment Now hiring students. $3OO/900wkIy. Summer/Fall. Tour Guides, Gift Shop Sales, Deck Hands, Bartenders, Casinos Dealers Etc. World travel- Caribbean, Alaska, Europe, Hawaii. No Experience Necessary. Call ,1-602-680-0323 Ext. 23 * EXTRA INCOME 119311* Earn $2OO-$5OO weekly mailing 1993 UWTI travel brochures. For more information send a self addressed stamped envelope to: Travel INC., P.O. Box 2530 Miami, FL 33161 field remember from this season involves a team inside joke about "Snurtle Sisters." Five years from now, she hopes to be happily married and that her degree in management information systems will have her working for a big firm like Westinghouse. A company like Westinghouse would mean sss. Then again, that's what made Barry Bonds go to San Francisco. More athletes using smokeless tobacco Smokeless tobacco use among college students is on the rise. A look at use in select sports: LI 1985 0 1989 Men 57% 45% . 40% 30% Baseball Football Women 8% 9% 702% i 4 Softball Basketball SOURCE Analysis of Federal Trade Commission, Agriculture Department data and 1991 U.S. Tobacco Co annual report by Dr. Greg Connolly, Mass. Tobacco Control Program; Health and Human Services Department EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A tASK A SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FISHERIES - Students Needed! Earn 5600♦ per week in canneries or 14,000♦ per month boats. Free transportation! Room & Board. Over 8000 openings . No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. A 5250 Student Employment Services Efficiencies 2 bedroom, $241- $3Bl Convenient to Behrend Spiegel Management Phone: 454-2451 Ext.33l The Sullivan Sheet by Rick Sullivan N.H.L. GETS A FACELIFT It's out with the old, in with the new when the National Hockey League begins its 1993-94 season. Conference and division names will change; new teams will be added; some teams will move to new divisions, and the Stanley Cup playoffs will be restructured: REALIGNMENT EAST CONFERENCE Atlantic Division Miami (expansion team) New York Islanders New York Rangers New Jersey Devils Philadelphia Flyers Tampa Bay Lightning Washington Capitals Northeast Division Boston Bruins Buffalo Sabers Hartford Whalers Montreal Canadiens Ottawa Senators Pittsburgh Penguins Quebec Nordiques WEST CONFERENCE Central Division Chicago Blackhawks Dallas (moves from Minnesota) Detroit Red Wings St. Louis Blues Toronto Maple Leafs Winnipeg Jets Pacific Division Anaheim (expansion team) Calgary Flames Edmonton Oilers Los Angeles Kings San Jose Sharks Vancouver Canucks New Playoff Procedure Regular-season division champs are seeded 1-2. Next six teams based on points, regardless of division standings, make up the rest of the eight-team conference quarter finals. ©1993 by King Features Synd CRUISE JOSS Students Needed! Earn $2,01X)4 per month world travel 11 lawaii. Mexico. the Caribbean. etc) working for Guise Ships or Tour Companies. Holiday, Summer, and Full Time employment available. For employment program call: Cruise Employment Services 12061 6344468 ext. C 5250 HAPPY ADS Tiff 201, Chicken, M&J Thanx for the luv & support. 1 couldn't stay crazy w/out yell. Vic "Brown Eyed Girl", I still think Harvey's Lake is somewhere in New England. Hey Sasha & Alex, find Thanx 4 the weekend, Any idea where I can Arnel a nice Lexus? - Brandy Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS STAN SMITH'S TENNIS CLASS *i - got pz-AirmicAer-• ‘ ," 4 ,4 \ \ , \\ This will pull the opponent out of position and open the court up for you to hit an outright winner. kl- 4- -1 ( -**4- -If-AF TILE COLLEGIAN Is looking for staff members for next semester. Sign up for Commu 001 and make a difference *******-It Good Luck and always have fun! Don't fall for the phone outta service excuse anymore. Love ya-Ter lA7 EVE Et vOUT-4. ( -s ' ~ >VERRLL 4k, k*\‘ ' , 'RC E OF , , ~ ~ *l \ WING THE , ‘ smoci HE _K , ,‘, E . M! - YTIONN \;, ,- ~,,, PAT TL cz. t .l. 1•1. L PL R Y‘ . ,,': , ,r, [ ',, USING ~. ' •\ ' ~ 'ool , k E5O L),/ kY WE I. L AS ", JA HANDS l , ARMS, ', '' l' CY To WING , OTHL_Y. ( Vl . ' ':z , N,l-' , .'.• ~., Don't be content to just hit the ball back during a rally, but look for opportunities to hit the groundstroke with a sharp angle. "Found" notices are published for one issue at no charge. This policy does not apply to "University" Keys. If found they can be dropped off at the Office of Police and Safety. "*IFIDIUMED*" Police and Safety has a watch, a bracelet charm with a picture, an older class ring, assorted gloves and baseball caps and a lot of computer disks. To claim call 898-6101 FOUND Woman's Gold Ring in the Wintergreen Cafe on 3/22. Page