The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, April 29, 1993, Image 4
Page 4 Editorial... This weekend, students throughout the Penn State system will be studying for finals. The males at U.P. however, have an interesting way of blowing off steam from studying. The Mifflin Streak originated in the early 1970 s and starts at Mifflin Hall. This Penn State tradition entails running through the hallways of the dorms "streaking." The police are usually called in to hold back the crowds. After the Sreak, the Mifflin Mob takes action. The Mob began in the early 1980 s and usually occurs two days after the Streak. Anywhere from 15(X)-3000 people participate, mostly men. The men travel from dorm to dorm harassing women by yelling things like "tits on glass," in an attempt to get women to undress in the windows. Because there is such a large number of "mobsters," the police have difficulty controlling the event. Study lounges are closed during the Mob, and women are told to close their curtains and turn off the lights. If the women are caught flashing lights, yelling things, or being in the windows stripping, they are written up. There were 89 incidences of stripping two years ago, and only one last year. In order to detract attention from these activities, "alternative activities" are being offered during finals week. Dorms will also be locked this Sunday through next Friday. University officials are attempting to break this Penn State tradition because of the problems it has caused. But are the rights of students to express themselves being violated? The Collegian Published weekly by the students of vania State Universit at Erie, The Behrend Colle The Penns Co-Editors Matthew D. Cissne Alicia Hartman Business Manager Darlene Strcmic The Collegian's editorial opinion is determined by the editorial staff. with the editor holding final responsibility. Opinions expressed in The Collegian are not necessarily those of The Collegian or The Pennsylvania State University. News Editor Gary Johnson Features Editor Danette Parrett Entertainment Editor Rick Kastan Sports Editors Matthew D. Cissne Keith E. McFall Copy Editor Alicia Hartman Photo Coordinators Amel Balcita Kristie Guldner Collegian Staff: April llogdanski, Hal Coffey, Matt Duddy, fire Kesselring, Jeff Johnson, Rob Moffett, Sarah Melchiorre, Joe Mottillo, Danielle Murphy, Tarsha Proctor, Vince Smith, Jennifer Toubakaris, Sadatu Usman. Collegian is published weekly by the students of The Pennsylvania State University at Erie, The Behrend Photographers: Tim Barr, Daniel Jaecks, Christine Long, Darren College; First Floor, The J. Elmer Schilberg. Reed Union Building, Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. 814-898-6488 or Advertising Manager Loretta Russ Advertising Representatives Terri Swanson len Watkins Typist Dylan Sousa Pam Baccus Office Manager Lori Anna Dyer Advisor Cathy Mester Letter Polley: The Collegian encourages letters on news coverage, editorial content and university affairs. Letters should be typewritten, double-spaced and signed by no more than two persons. Letters should be no longer than 400 words. Letters should include the semester standing and major of the writer. All letters should provide the address and phone number of the writer for verification of the letter. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for length and to reject letters. Letters should be submitted to The Collegian office no later than noon on the Tuesday prior to the desired publication date. Letters submitted to The Collegian become property of the newspaper. T he Collegian is published every Thursday during the academic year on recycled paper. Postal Information: Th e Opinion 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 IIIRILLION S2IRILLION $311211.1044 $411411%1 SSTIZIWON (modem) Letters to the After writing a letter to the editor informing the populous about their money being wasted, I was belittled for being only in my second semester and it was written that I wrote a "childish piece of trash." I was also incorrectly labeled as a bigot and was informed that I have double standards. In addition, my views were called "asinine," "silly, and outrageous." Get a clue, kids. I was surprised to hear this from two mature fourth semester boys. After realizing who had written these slanders, I reconsidered the word mature. I believe that Mr. (Mrs.?) Duddy and Mr. Ester decided to try to discredit . my well researched article because of my feelings about Trigon. Yes, I'm 100% opposed to the existence of homosexuality and am not ashamed of it. In fact, I am proud of it. But anyway, lets get back to the issue at hand-- the budget. For those who didn't read my letter to the editor two weeks ago, I will recap. I was not happy to find out that my and my parent's hard-earned money was being given to clubs on campus. (I don't need to tell anyone that tuition is very high and climbing annually.) This money goes to all of the clubs, whether I belong or not. 1, myself, paid for my ski trips Attention Collegian Staff: Remember tomorrow is the final day to turn copies. Also, don't forget the banquet is at Waterfall. If you need a ride or directions, office. and I paid to register with the Martial Arts Club. My job with the chemistry department was almost terminated because its allocated budget was much too small. I feel the money should be put towards education which this country really needs. Oh, and I also was mad that Trigon received every single penny that they requested. Hmmm... O.K. I didn't find where every single penny comes from or where it goes to, but I'll tell you what I did find. This money that goes to the clubs goes to activities for us students, but it also has been approved by SGA to pay for long distance phone calls made in the name of each club, for reimbursement for travel expenses, and fundraising incentives. FUND RAISING INCENTIVES?!?! I person ally think that the best fundraising incentive would be to not give out any money and say "Hey, if you need money, you should try a fundraiser." Don't you? I discovered that about $lO,OOO-$15,000 comes from parking fines. No problem. Another $lO,OOO comes from Student Activities. No one could tell me exactly where it originated from, though. And finally, $36,000 comes from University Park. This $36,000 Thursday, April 29, 1993 editor comes from "The University General Fund" which includes State Appropriations (your TAXES), TUITION, and a few grants which I assume are private contributions (Alumni Association?) I honestly do not know. I would like to correct Matt's and Daniel's calculations by stating that 2/3 of all this wasted money comes directly out of our pockets. A math major? Maybe you should reconsider. The two of you wrote, "I don't want my tax money going to build bombs. I don't want my tax money going to welfare people. I shouldn't have to pay for foreign aid to Russia." Once again, I disagree with you. However, if you truly feel the way you say, I encourage you to do something about it, as I did with my gripe about the budget. One final point. Matt, you are the one with the double standard. You don't like me complaining about wasting money, but I recall a few weeks earlier that you wrote an editorial whining about some missile silo that the University built behind the suites. Things that make you go `lllmmm...' Joe Tom ko Second Semester in your hard 6:15 at The stop by the