The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, April 29, 1993, Image 2
Page 2 Behrend Briefs 2nd Annual Black Greek Expo: Tonight in the Reed Lecture Hall from 7:00-9:00 p.m. there will be a forum and panel discussion on the historical background and membership requirements of Greek organizations. A reception will follow. Attention Graduating Seniors: Caps and gowns are in. You can pick them up in the bookstore. Please remember to pick up graduation tickets in the Registrar's Office by April 30. Summer Workstudy Applications: Workstudy applications for the Summer Session are still available in the Financial Aid Office. Summer Jobs: Needed: teachers' aids for youth, group supervisors to work with economically disadvantaged at-risk youth, and crew leaders to work with youth. Must reside within Erie County or provide own transportation. Must be under 21 years of age. Applications can be picked up in the Financial Aid Office and are due May 7. Women's Club of Erie Scholarship: For anyone already accepted in 2EET or 2MET. You do not need to be in need of financial assistance. To apply you must write a letter of application. For more information contact the Financial Aid Office. Deadline is April 30. Orville Redenbacher Scholarship: For students 30 years old or older, enrolled or planning to enroll in a degree program. Deadline is May 1. Pick up an application in the Financial Aid Office. Air and Waste Management Scholarship: For students enrolled full-time in a program leading to a career in air or waste management in Western Pennsylvania. Should have at least a "B" average. Deadline is May 15. Applications can be picked up in the Financial Aid Office. Collegian Staff Reminder: Hard copies are due in The Collegian Office by tomorrow afternoon. Children of divorced parents Though the divorce rate has stabilized in the United States, almost 10 million children under agelB have single parents. A look at the demographics and divorce's effects: How many are getting divorced Divorces per 1,000 married women, 15- to 44-years-old 50 37 25% of kids live with one parent... Child living with: Adoptive ither 6% Biological paw step- par 11% Oni par_ _ 25% .' ...most single parents are divorced Widowed 7% 4il Never , Divorced, married separated 31% tu. 62% SOURCE: Child Trends Inc., Census Bureau, National Cantor for Health Statistics '7O 'BB More kids of divorced parents have problems Percent of young adults ages 18-22: Parents Parents not divorced'' divorced divorced Poor relationship with father EIIIMIRINIp 65% Poor relationship with mother ITN 30% Both ,iological parents iB'% Behavior problems Me 19% Received psychological help f!51pp41% Dropped out of high school - 11.1111 27 % I= 13% News from REPORT page 1 among others In Scenario C, the enhancement section, the Computer Center will receive a budget increase; a classroom technology/equipment fund, which will allow the classes to keep up-to-date with recent instructional technology; and the coaching staffs of the various collegiate teams will be augmented. Although the possibility is that the University will initiate the full 7.5% cut, the Behrend Futures Committee is confident that only a 2.5% cut will occur. A contingency plan has been made for just that occasion. Cuts will primarily be made in support areas and the bus service; the pool will be closed, the radio station will become self sustaining, and University staff assistant positions will undergo changes. from EARTH page 1 environment. He felt there should be an Earth Day every thy. The red maple tree that was planted during the Earth Day ceremony is located in the triangular area between the upper and lower Reed parking lots. There is a plaque by the tree which reads, "Dedicated to the Preservation of all life, Campus Ministry." The ultimate goal of Earth Day was to remind people that they had a responsibility to preserve all life. Many people who attended the Earth Day festivities felt the celebration was meaningful, and it helped them to better see their obligation to the environment and to the earth. "I felt that we accomplished our goal in reminding our students, faculty and staff of their responsibility to preserve all forms of life," said Sue Anderson, Coordinator of Protestant Campus Ministry. Attention! The Collegian needs a courier to take the paper to the publisher in Corry. It is a paid position and the courier is required to take the paper to the publisher in the evening and pick it up the next morning. All interested apply in The Collegian office. Police Re Medical Assists Police and Safety responded to two medical assists. A student eating at a banquet had an allergic reaction to peanuts that were mixed in the food. She was transported to Hamot Medical Center by Brookside ambulance. Driving Under the Influence On Saturday, April 24, a student was seen driving across the lawn iut the Residence Hall area. When stopped, it was noticed that the student had been drinking alcoholic beverages. He was arrested for driving under the influence and was taken to North East for an intoxilizer test. He was then returned to the Police and Safety Office where he was fmgerprinted, photographed, and then released to the duty resident assistant. He was charged with driving under the influence, careless driving, and underage drinking. Criminal Mischief On Monday, April 26, a student reported to Police and Safety that his vehicle had been keyed while puked on campus. This incident is under investigation. Retraction An error needs to be corrected that occurred in the April 22nd issue of the Collegian. It was stated in the "Earth Day '93 Events" article that Steve Cash had an artificial heart. He indeed only underwent a heart transplant, and at no time lived with an artificial heart. YOU HAVE BEEN COMPLAINING FOR i_ 4...5...6+ YEARS ABOUT THE COSTS OF ATTENDING PENN STATE-BEHREND NOW IT IS TIME TO GET SOMETHING FREE COME TO THE REED WINTERGARDEN ON APRIL 30 BE SMART ! EARN EXTRA CASI I WHILE IBA _PING OTIIERS BECOME A 11.ASMA DONOR. New Donors Receive $l5 on your Ist lifesaving pla , - .no donation • with this ad. Physical required - Call for physician's hours CALL FOR DETAILS 453-3339 SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS II I West 9th St. Thursday, April 29, 1993 SENIORS!! EARN 550.00 Ey, INo Week 1;744,c= ort K'Sil , ot R RN Of/ f I R - R - 4 .f