Thursday, April 8, 1993 Placement Office, Y parse weekend, wltat alVut you it Iteed*but..dintliel wrath tbespedtaset—i ores i l lt.yOnThtrr — • Wern: ro a ' .. stud " antly.looloB. Ask th em if dubs Or orlituuzathana. or not. they'll mitt You' the want , ad eollege 'related volunteer aec*en s evertio uteri . (41east hone/ If so, was itln *ll get am idea ti the hiring din stllnstnelar What tvend in than T ics) )< aeeetnitilsh fori*thliteclub 0 0 hu*Peudent Record .. If Yea have a particular city in or organization? Are 'You Ivitlueuut* 3 / 3 / 9 3 ) tbem t a mind, send rot: ittionoutkutabout outgoing? to trov or led? in article elmut Job seeker biues. that city, The best mime ot r.terOnable? Remember. once The headline re , lob seekers information is the area Chamber employed, you become an enCOUntee new wave of tudetwse of Commerce. (You'd be extension: of the hiring aomPartY• The subtitle is, "'Kick them atuPrised hew much information CiNaPlnt" ale more and more when they're down' becomes the Chambers have about their image conscious. TheY tend to motto of the day.* respective cities, most of it free.)hire those Pee* whose in following a lead * someone Another grim source is the 0 000 . 0410 e5. suitailes...Pharm. from Atlanta. Gorgia called a. local telephone directory of the stal..aPPetuattee heat:salami! the Tampa OXeCtitiVe. The reply was, 'City which you're interested. iMagethe_ JcoMPatues wish to. I don't have time for you. Why Send off as many letters as you portray. Do you fit their image? are yoa calling me?* can put aside the cost of a pack Do You knct what their 'linage Some pmspective employers of cigarettes or a beer every week isT lif4 7 will fail to get back to the for envelopes and stamps -- and _tented, rude executives are prospective_ employee falselY also study the Calttrinieti Pathetic examp l es of corporate' assuming "that Job seekers which you are meat interested. igrage.catil.theY Lave the 'power', s h oul d get t h e hi nt ." What arc the compotes' hiring they already have the job, and a There is little one can dc about Practices? Are they growing. or YuttratudY an employee Bitch rudeness except to be polite , down-sizing ? what qualifications or hoping to be. • take it in stride, and swallow his are they searching for in a No matter how tough things or her pride. prospective employee? ...and so get. and Clinton's plans will Life might suck lollipops, but 0n... make things very tough. you don't have to let it kick you Keep in mind. .too, that you am Persevere:'huleas Yoe want to be ru thebeach balls. Be creative a package for sale, Wben a President, in which ca te you have Begin tbeioh search Process even company finally dOes cons sr to keep in mi_nd two thoug lia hts: earlier than what theeamer and hiring you.? it , ittoontentPlating a . " Vntata gni lilla 4 4l anti *lr Y ou Placement ; 0 filec... , tuseSoattel ParollauxodualklnalohOWlnallY esnlAtterle thenvwith . ittiss the“ Career • 4ind „raw- ;can:, ..:exlmusa * bdpe glom ... . . ..;k:liiin7tlol4t4t. . ':'. ,, 1 . W . , .......i:,...4.:, ~.:. t 401M . Part*C41403it :AMA ~...., I. 0 itudcwi::..., ' •. -, : post.: : ::: . :, ~,,..-,-,,,.....„--.,,,,,..............„. .„„: Lack of accordian repairers has reached a crisis by Dave Barry Syndicated Coiwnnist In these days of rising taxes, job insecurity and soaring medical costs, more and more Americans arc asking themselves a chilling question: "What happens if, God forbid, I have to get my accordion rellthedr This is certainly on my mind. I own an accordion. I used to own two of them. I bought them years ago at an auction for $25, which worked out to $12.50 per accordion, which struck me as an unbclieveable deal. lt's hard to describe the look on my wife's face when I brought them home. It reminded me of her reaction to "natural" childbirth. One of my accordions was destroyed when I made the common consumer mistake of leaving it outdoors for 14 months. But I still have the other one, a Hohncr "Student" model. It sits on a filing cabinet in my office, and sometimes, when I'm having trouble thinking up major issues to have opinions about, I amuse myself by causing it to make a scary wailing noise and swoop down at my two dogs, Earnest and Zippy, who jumped up violently and bang their duvae,iji if blues Ica 411 4 E, Brat! pas t heads against the table they sleep under. Earnest and Zippy hate the Hohner "Student." It's an instinctive reaction they have, dating back millions of years, to when their wild dog ancestors often fell prey to larger, hairier prehistoric accordions. But I like my accordion, although it is not in the best of shape, a fact that has me deeply concerned, in light of an article from The Winona (Minn.) Daily News sent in by alert reader Mike Jones. This article states that the board of Red Wing/Winona Technical College has voted to eliminate, because of low enrollment, the college's accordion repair program-- which happens to be the only such program in the entire United States. I can't believe we would let this happen. We're talking about a vital part of our nation's history, dating back to the early 1800 s, when each generation would seek to pass the secrets of accordion repair on to the next. Father. Son, it's time for me to pass along the secrets of accordion repair. Son: I'm moving to Utah. That's right: Without accordion repair, Westward Expansion might never have occurred. And let's not forget Opinion the critical role that an unrepaired accordion played at the Battle of Gettysburg ("Have the accordion player sound the charge!" "He can't, sir! He took a bullet in the bellows during 'Lady of Spain!" "Good!") I could go on, but I am clearly lying. This is why, in an unusual effort to include actual facts in this column, I called Red Wing/Winona Technical College and spoke with the accordion repair instructor, Helmi Harrington. She told me there are "eight or nine million" accordions in the United States, and that accordion repair can be "eminently lucrative." Right now, she said, "there are only a handful of certified accordion techinicians," the result being that many accordions are being repaired by unqualified people. "There are a lot of butchers out there," said Harrington. I don't know about you, but when I look at the beautiful and innocent young people of today, laughing gaily and tossing their used Slurpee containers on my lawn, it pains me to think that they could grow up in a country where they would be forced to take their broken accordions to some back-alley practitioner. In an effort to find out what the federal government is doing tne this MsOach In the busineaS NIFA program and the o pi~€on weirld, , Chantlos Ole the Personnel teaching- Men I can bug the dimetorwashired of his Ontnisuatice from the other . 4 ability to sniff out 4ititt- • -of die coin) banabittart) som If you still can't find while s till an an d ergra d eat: Yoh might Want ito 'student Most of the school consider going for YOur Masters from whom I've receive degree. The eanStrand 1 1 1ilitement information requi re 3 Office has the Graduate S hoof a c minimum undergraduate GPA, Guide. if you're interested_en same expect the MAT (Mill Eastera tonne or university, Analogy Test) and your GR B,ton to the C&P office imd pick scores, and almost all want kuas aF, a copy, The some contains of recommendation from three stre f hackglound infortnatkv and more undergrad teachers o kas Pcuuite-paid postcards for rsofessors. yarlouseollegesand wilve,raities, Because my interests lie in th. If ro'reiottirosted itta Weston humanities, (English, cotton school, youll need to send for;the unication, and art) I wou ld guide to the schools in thoseexpected " to present a manuse n, , states ause the C&P copy or pertfolie. Keep this in mint only coven the eases states. when writing papers'ln do ' sen l C d m 3 f t v or Ymtr de g rees information abouthefore you Projects , or creating anything f• the your classes. All of this mttle SCho6ls, You're working is suitable for a manuscript ' Y on Your bachelor degree nonfolio. or collection . Whieh it what is known as a non- Thi s mg is the 90s. Be creative. tem' de grne (meaning, it is a (Clinton Pint was creative, and look precursor to the neat degree.) him now -- of course. Socks Most masters degrs# are also cat actually gives all the orders, non-terminal Oricaning 'you ain't The sooner you get started, t yeti, The PhD is terminal, sooner you can avoid the grad blues. and so is the MM. As a >result of m mtra mbiees' I've begun tuY r eevaluate y ~Ittions and gtmtks I'm wri ' the t about this, I called U. S. Sen. Bob "Bob" Graham of Florida, who is--and I mean this as a compliment-- the weirdest major politician I have ever met. I rust interviewed him back when he was governor of Florida. In an effort to throw him off base, I asked him what I thought was a ridiculous question, demanding to know what he had done, as governor, to promote harmonica safety. Without a moment's hesitation, he delivered a two minute, well-organized and extremely persuasive speech, featuring statistics, in which he claimed that his predecessor was responsible for most of Florida's harmonica-related deaths. So I figured Sen. Graham was the man to call about this issue. I had barely got the words "accordion-repair crisis" out of my mouth when he launched in to a lengthy, impassioned oration, from which I got the following quotes, which I swear I am not making up: "Just last night I ate at an Italian restaurant which, like thousands of other Italian restaurants across America, is now without music, because their accordion is in disrepair and has been returned from Winona, Minn., with postage due." Andrew Fasts missed the trials and tribulations of The Behrend Coilegi4so* AO `bedded to ml: 4 • "We are preparing an anti dumping order against Liechtenstein, which has become the center of accordion repair on a global basis and has developed some ferociously anti competitive practices." "I don't know whether the actual use of nuclear weapons is called for, but I do think we need a credible military threat." (Bear in mind that this man is on the Senate Intelligence Committee.) So some leaders are aware of the crisis. But so far, the failed Clinton administration has said NOTHING about it, despite proposing MILLIONS for saxophone repair, and despite the fact that accordion repair could provide jobs for thousands of unemployed Americans who have no useful skills, not that I am singling out Dan Quayle. What we need is for ordinary Americans like yourself, but with more spare time, to "get involved." Write to your congressperson. Write to the board of Rcd Wing/Winona Technical College. Write ( what the heck) to your mom. Future generations will thank you. My dogs will hate you. Dave Barry appears every week in The Collegian Page
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