The Behrend College collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1993-1998, February 18, 1993, Image 7
Thursday, February 18, 1993 ■ ■ He has a back problem. His wife caught him on it with his secretary." el '1, e1 ',14 , 11,.f el s i ',.../.. Ilk i l li 44 1 ~, •i (t lii ~,, . i, , . i. . : , , , ,i, ~ ~,,,, .., i ~.. ~. a , :b. 1 , . , . , , • ..., O. 101; a...- -A t '''9B lit: .0.• "They're not very good, hut. it's fun watching the n ► fight, over who dropped what." NIMIN Jim's Journal Toddy Stev4, Daa Under race cmci Dart tioulki Ise 4t, AK A p iliv k 1 0 ,4, 0 4 co‘4 1. filled out rellliov , okKa 0%404 be a New okr a Ido.l4otea,art4 11 ‘.. WkAri r- e+ .l h , r° 1141 " 1 e ti K ; 4l ' 4l Age f•ervIol;c" cautar:t Ascii' survey stave 90t sieve wavki-ea to from 'vitt. whlch gembisolctieve ik the w.ail• scut he Was gut would be tftore avkarckist Cathel;c fun• Es kW**. M ime 4 ' 4 ' %V' " I ' A lk ....^...- 111 : 4 , 444 % -A--- "111 .. . 44 1 " A al" 1 Air sieg k cV V VC . / c 1 33 I t jf . G . 4., V *4. 'e _.16 !), Vf . ) _ -. Steve, NW qtla T. Doer. icert swfotoi, Steve diap;* want Fie A l so wrote wrote wore fiti4 `t e n t rio , y o u I mo.. t o , ..rt. PAN kept that (1t has rm.. divts ol4 ?-"" Cfeve's $5 a yoar—tell ivksistivl 0 n I 'ft 1 chased 13 toasters ofAr keil K 1 Survey v bsi SS 0 4 Yegt" s• Steve fihllly ih the lasi three today. wrote ii - down. movvtk. . imr .1 44% itAt .44,4 k ........... WI .11%14 % OA 4•14 1 k 4,- V ti . . L . Z 4 11 . C.' I lltek V __ . V. • *l . ;,* ....V C;) L ----iki VI. PLEBES RE FORM ouR rIA - rioN'S RE.AOI4 CARE SySTEnn I NuvVe Ilinu 61,1 CO ST, /NILE FALLootJltg, A 60,1 if, rr.vclCP orJ prtrC 101 fri oo of ~pN't FOI v.mpo idLe you Goitg, T° Do RgOur ITS , • NEVER (t •• AP N• ( 4 ; 110 , Ivtvlt (0... LWOW 1 . -r A RAO IN 1*.P. 1 • • • L t , 1, 7 gem. ~.., _., A ) i l .\ vi i ... 74 , ~,,,,,,-' - - , ..-r.... iii/ -- Ar -- ---- you ALONE GAN EA 51 pp_ES5 u P LAY-C A DOcl O Ar , lo SN*A A ghsc BALL KA r iN I D I ft ilosr ruit of. lout cr4wct- [Li=r - ert. ( AAI i r All , -, r rPA ' ). \ , A itir, lk, ) e) St e, K 'S :))4 f 1 4 Aqo . 4. 4 g X N 44 0 ,4 7. 'atis . x ' ,-- .\)( ~ e • -a - 1 44, 1 Yi I EB / i \ t i 1 • eki Re PEAT -WO Acl‘vutsi EVER-1 OW TAL t r 3 114 E eriti ILE GOVN rry riL ito g ( . 1 . 1 .-4elo_ o lll - 4L ' • lin e • IMP, • 155 - 0. Ncy- p~Ff ;1 „ N o 11,11 I WAtO A...n op- Il'sor.v4/1?/% 7 It Comics by L.T. Horton NEXT, 0E51164 EVe?-4 riCc-C or EXPENSIVE EAWPMENT yet) SVE• , j ( , Id°P ; .fl°r YOUR foots. r o r‘ve gorKs 5 , RAN , out youF. upc„,,,A 1 7:77'1\ 1.1 r kkoSPIT/tl-5 t4tl-1-. iE Fop-CEO "to Ft-nutkJ To pit-e INDvSTF-/Pil c_A-1-6 MuTh p 5, AND COSTS PLUMMET ( 7116 Weir SAWS _HEAVY maks 6471161(.. MUSE /111,1/P/0/170. Ple 616116 . 1a7X451 ( i ,4,04 11 9 ,- 0:14 ~ .NA NM= ) suitk\ by Jim votirAT:Pl/4etz /111101"4"54°P ::‘,O, zit, " wyThim _ 4o 4( b 'Y $ p o offr itr iA stir * ver ,1,4,.... 21 pr 19) A secret 44(Aliadesintitlervvidzsends* ';'ou - -a dozen iiises ' Too bad there ' st ill attached to human eYeballs.,' --' '*** ' 'us; (AO- . o — ay zui itls youthweek gidveieY alone °rd° g at home,. y .1 1 e. d the dog will eat your corpse to survi ve' on: (vay 21—une21)As i t is, i your ersoce at family fonct.mns is barely tolerkted.'You might as i k welt take. advantage 0 f the free 41( bcx):e. 4( ' Canc o e d r( l t .u ne-273 ly 22) Expand nd yourhotwaswitha littleculture. RlPPrrhesi c: dw a t c han episode ,t3ud toe (hay23—Aug.22) ,getyour , tnix;*eybetterhYsPemttngiS -"cll. month on creme 4 rive __s—" , zr Your ViriPt (Aug' )ePt hair; re , ! attempt to grow facial pulses all who know your Next' time, try Inalair a big zit* . (Sept. 23..:Xt. 23) A ( ist!et ! 4( wil i ft," b y when you tualit. CaV7INUE, BY 2015, avow( LW EARN W/11.- /36 A I.IWYER I0 1 404 1 Y• SAY INV? Aille lOU Sun? WtieN MIR Go%Matta YoU CAN lkive, we. FAMILY FOR 12 wee-m. 71" WYE /113)55 .e 7 1 1 600115 \ ‘,..„. 4 All- Hair /t 5 _ _ min a state of coffee- Induced him Scorpio: t Oct. 24-Nov. 21) You'lro be subpaersaed by the city for skin* ntng impalas on your front layer,o( Sagittarius: (Nov. 22—Dec. 21) Relax and let someone else rake*, care or You, Have your lover licklk you tiom head to roe. .4C Capricorn: (Dec. 22—jan. 19) Cap involved in office politics. Star your campaign as mayor of the paper shredder. Aquarius: (Jan. 20—Feb.18) When ever you're not around, everyone is making of you. When you are around, everyone notices your flaws. Pisces: (Feb. 19—Mar. 20) Your sexual energy will ignite all mem , bets of the human race, and you'll getplerityotlxvty.Unfommately„. this will infringe upon your cart, : ter resmuch and thousands 'will die.a C 1993 by Onion lea Sm..] Page * *