Thursday, January 21, 1993 The Collegian Classified Advertising INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make money teaching English abroad.JapanandTaiwan. Make 52,00044.000+ per month. Many provide mom do board + other benefit.i No teaching cer tificate mowed. Financially and culturally rewarding! For employment program call: International Employment Group (2061632-1146 ExL J 3250 ■ ■ The Collegian Classified Advertising Number 1 week 15 $2.00 20 $2.50 25 $3.00 30 $3.50 35 $4.00 To CAM (e) Or ic.nt a r UDI , • ~ /t j Ilk , , ........ / A. ' One bedroom aixartment w/ kitchen, living room, bath and appliances. $250 security deposit required. One years lease plus utilities. Can 898-2907 GREEKS & CLUBS $l,OOO AN HOUR! Each member of your frat. sorority. team. club. etc. pitches in just one hour and your group can raise Sl.OOO in lust a few days' Plus a chance to earn $l,OOO for yourself! No cost No obligation 1-800-932-0528, ext. 65 2 weeks 3 weeks $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 Orientation Student Director Retemetei Mimi Requirements: Responsibilities Deadline 4 ' 1 .41111e 1141, The Collegian WANTED: Used studatt study guides for Chem 13 (General Chemistry 2nd ed. Atkins & Beran)and Econ 4 (Study Guide for Macroeconomics, 14th ed. Yohe) Call 756-3504 or leave a message in Box 1565 $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 (I'wo positions available) + . l toter 1181 SS ( ' ►muse Credits + 10 40 paid looms . I►er week (June must have previous Orientation experience to one yr. commitment from Feb. 93 - Jan. 94 '"must he a sophomore, junior or senior + Assist the - Coordinator Of Student Organization & orr am I)evelnp►uent with the planning, implementation /4 "valuation of Fall and Spring new student gani zat ion I?vntnati(►n of existing and new ideas for 01 ietilalioti lii apply is Monday, January 25, Of fire Itsf r7 , 1ww41.-not Aff vities/Unjon Happ Ads Happy Birthday to the most intelligent and handsome man I know-myself. Love Matt Dear Steve, Wouldn't peaches work better? Love, T Welcome Teryl Anderson Best wishes From The Collegian The Collegian Subscription form ❑ One Semester (12 issues) $5.00 Mail to: The Collegian, Penn State-Behrend, Erie, PA 16563 Lost/Fo►und "Found" notices are published for one issue at no charge. This policy does not apply to "University" Keys. If found they can be dropped off at the Office of Police and Safety. Found Several pairs of mittens and gloves and articles of clothing that were found in Erie Hall. Contact Police and Safety . 1 1W get Aug.3l) 1993 Page
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