° Inside Features - k' - St:Kitts - .• I '. New Counselor - page 7 Sex & Cannibalism - pg. 8 Red Hot Lions - page 12 The C 11 is New grad assists H&WC by Rob Moffet Collegian Staff There is a new face at the Health and Wellness Center here at Behrend. Colleen 0' Hara has replaced Kathy Eck as the Wellness Coordinator for the campus. Colleen, a native of Erie, currently holds an under-graduate degree in Sports Medicine. She is working on her Masters Degree in Health Education from Main Campus by taking classes at Penn State's Downtown Center. Colleen is in charge of the organization of such events as Drug Awareness Week and other related student activities. She realizes that these events can be Corigres charities ra fin anc i a l aid aid workshops f relurniall *skate , ismout 'th e Re a ft . it z. < ebeer4 Awn u 4444rwili no kw b e 2004 en "rdendiky, homy 26* v fingin• leeeeift Wohoholoy rlimmid.,„ swum