° Inside Features - k' - St:Kitts - .• I '. New Counselor - page 7 Sex & Cannibalism - pg. 8 Red Hot Lions - page 12 The C 11 is New grad assists H&WC by Rob Moffet Collegian Staff There is a new face at the Health and Wellness Center here at Behrend. Colleen 0' Hara has replaced Kathy Eck as the Wellness Coordinator for the campus. Colleen, a native of Erie, currently holds an under-graduate degree in Sports Medicine. She is working on her Masters Degree in Health Education from Main Campus by taking classes at Penn State's Downtown Center. Colleen is in charge of the organization of such events as Drug Awareness Week and other related student activities. She realizes that these events can be Corigres charities ra fin anc i a l aid aid workshops f relurniall *skate , ismout 'th e Re a ft . it z. < ebeer4 Awn u 4444rwili no kw b e 2004 en "rdendiky, homy 26* v fingin• leeeeift Wohoholoy rlimmid.,„ swum<boa • *. _wow* ‘ 4 l , *Thi Alltsji • _ llOOOllO4 i1ert4411111.17 4410 Aoki iscswe— , , ' 4llsitt *4l . be Ito • The weekly newspaper of Penn State-Behrend College Thursday, January 21,1993 Vol. XLI No. 13 dull if not done properly and is interested in "making them more enjoyable for the students." Although from Erie, Colleen was never familiar with Behrend and is very impressed with how well she has been treated. She "I expected them to be resistant...l was really surprised." --Colleen O'Hara said she was surprised by the amount of cooperation she has received from the fraternities and sororities with regard to participation in campus events. "I expected them to be resistant...l was really fAei• ,:,:w4F-Siiher 441: , ..440a • ‘ s the= • • :. surprised." Since the Health Center has no advertising budget, Colleen would like everyone to know about some upcoming events. January 25-29 is Healthy Choices week. It is a new program featuring represent atives from Ask-A-Nurse and AIDS Awareness. The Hamot Wellness Center will also be giving free health evaluations. February 8-12 is Drug Awareness Week featuring Charlie Boumann, the Patriots' place kicker, and a mock-trial sponsored by Tau Kappa Epsilon. PLAY BALL: Girls' basketball coach Jenepher Bankers son, Colby, demonstrates his expertise at his mother's sport at the girls' game against Alfred University. Resident scholar receives grant by April M. Bogdanski Co&Rion Stq' Chris Dubbs, assistant professor of creative writing, has received a $5,000 grant awarded by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fiction Fellowship. The grant is a Pennsylvania Humanities Grant, which scholars from all areas of Pennsylvania strive for each year. According to the grant proposal, the Literature Program of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts awards fellowships "to a limited number of writers of exceptional talent." Only thirteen are selected out of four hundred proposals, and Dubbs was honorably one of them. He was the only literature recipient in northwestern Pennsylvania. "Aside from giving you resources to set aside blocks of time to work on a project, grants provide deadline pressure, a very good motivator," said Dubbs. The Pennsylvania Council Award recognizes Professor Dubbs' outstanding talents. It also recognizes that he is part of Behrend's creative writing program. This has a positive effect on the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences. According to Dr. Roberta Salper, head of the division of Humanities and Social Sciences, this award enables Dubbs to have more financial flexibility and will call attention to his talent. "I am very glad that the Council has recognized Professor Dubbs' talent, and I am proud that he is a member of Behrend's faculty and of Behrend College." Amel Balcital Collegian Photographer Dubbs will be using the grant to complete a series of stories he is writing about returning World War II soldiers and the French War bride who accompanies one of them. The literary journal Sou'wester published the first story last year, and the second one will appear in the Colorado Review. "I've never before written a series of stories using the.same character. It's like writing a novel in steps," continued Dubbs. Dubbs is also the author of "Ms. Faust," a retelling of the Faustian legend in which a female executive makes a pact with the devil in exchange for a swift climb up the corporate ladder. The book has been optioned as a feature film.
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