The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, September 16, 1848, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, VOL. 2, NO. 11.3
GEO. W. SCIIROYER, Editor and Publisher.
Office—Front Street, three doors nbot•e Locust
Tmor-s.—The Set it Published every Saturday morning
at the low price of SI per annum IN ADVANCE, or
one dollar and fifty cent, if not paid within one month of
the timeof subscribing. Stugle copies, THREE CENTS
No paper will be tbscontmucil until all arrearages are
paid. • • •
No subscription received, or paper discontinued, for a
less-period than six Months.
Letters to receive attention, must be postpaid.
[Fitlen lines or less to the square.)
Advertisements will be inserted three times at the rate
of per square• for every subsequent insertion after the
thi, .1, 25 cents will be charged. The number of insertions
desired must be marked, or the advertisement will be con
tinued until ordered out, and charged accordingly.
A liberal deduction will be MIMIC on the above prices
o yearly advertisers.
NEW 5121013. E.
lIE Subsribers Respectfully inform their
friends and the public, that they have taken the Store
ormerly occupied by 5.13. Ronde & Co., corner of Locust
and Front Streets, and are now opening an entire new
Stock of Goods, purchased at the present very low prices,
among which me
OIIs e. Brown, and Blue Cloths; French, English, and
American Black and Blue-Black Cassimeres ; Striped,
Plaid, and Figured Cassitueres, Satinets, Summer Cloths,
Cantlocions Low priced Summer Stade. Cords and Bea.
verteens, & e.
Grenndincs, Organdies. Passlin*, Fearege, Silk Tissue,
Lawns, Gingham.", and Black and Blue-131ml, Gro do
Rhines, Plaid and Striped Block Silks, Fancy Dress Silks,
Now Style Clinmelies, ALSO, Calicoes, Mullins, Checks,
Ginghams, Ticking, Chambreyse, Linen and Cotton Table
Diaper, Napiaits, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose,
New Style BonnetTrimmitigs. ice.,he. ALSO
Sugars, Coffees. Teas, Mackerel, Herring, Molasses, Fish
and Sperm Oils, Soaps, Candles, Spices. hc.. &c., he.
Our goods are all NEW and selected with great care.
and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a
share of custom of our friends and the public. - All kinds
of Country Produce taken in at the highest prices.
- rETEit liA[.UL•:.\L:\\, Ir.
Columbia, March
QAY Bads; Re d Heads, and all with Bad Hair,
Avenue D., New York. certifies that his head was entirely
bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of Jones 's
Coral Hair Restorative, lie has a good crop of hair, and
will soon have it long and thick.
Itlr. William Jackson, of SO Liberty street, Pittsburgh,
Pa., certifies: On the 31 of February, 1247, that Mt.
Thomas Jackson's head, on the top, was entirely bald
for 15 years, and that by aci n g two is, bottles of Jone's
Coral Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast and thick,
and will Boon be - entirely restored.
Gray Heads: Cray Beads! Read—l hereby certify
that my hair, was turning gray. and that since 1 have
used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased
fulling—issrowing fast, and bass. fine dark look. Before
I used. Jones's Coral flair Restorative I combed out }land
falls Qi hair. daily. ~ NV. TOMPXViS, 92 King st., N.Y.
Itlr. Power. a grocer, of Fulton st . had his hair choked
up with dandruff, and Jones's Coral Hair Restorative en
tirely cured it.
Da yqa want to dress, beautify, and make your hair soft
and fine— Rcud—l, Henry E. Cullcu,-late barber on board
the steamboat Muth America, do certify that .Jones's
Coral Hair Restorative is the best article I ever used fur
dressing, softening, cleansing, and keeping the hair a
long tune in order:, all my customers preferred it to any
thing else.
Sold only in N. York at 92 Chatham street i and by Ti.
WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. $24'42-Gut
truly magnificent establishment will be open in
In addition to their already mammoth troupe of Eques
trians and Animals, the Proprietors offer, the present sea
son, a series of Novel and Magnificent Entertainments,
far surpassing anything ever presented to the American
Public. The leading new feature of tins extensive Com
pany consists of a pa ir of trained Elephants, Jenny Lind
and Romeo, and ten Egyptian Camels, whose perfor
mances have been the wonder and delight of thousands in
Great Britain and on the continent of Europe. Indepen
dent of those unparalleled novelties, the company proper
is composed of a host of artists whose abilities hove
stood tire test of the most searching criticism,' both in the
old and new world, and the names which arc now offered
are a Sufficient guaranty that none but the most talented
have been selected.
Among them will be found those of Mr. li. Sands and
his children, Maurice and Jessee; Mons. Cane in his as
tonishing performances ; Master Walter A yam% the Juve
nile Equestrian Wonder in various nets of Equitation un
approached as a bare-back ride; Itosalthe Madigan,
the Fairy Amazonian Princess of the Arent, only 7 years
of age ; 31r. Manigan, the great scenic and polyhippian
Equestrian; Sig. 'Pere'', the Unrivalled Contortionist
Mr. Ruggles, the popular and unsurpassed perforator CM
the Corde Volante; tS'm. Aymer, the Aerial \Tanker :
_Albert Ayrner ; Messrs. Rice, :Mitchell, Craw ford. Lae).
Tucker, and a host of other performers, male and female,.
all of the most approved talent in their various ferns.
This Mammoth Corps will enter town on tire Morning
of Exhibition, at Ilo'clock in Procession and cavalcade,
preceded by the Sacred Egyptian Dragon Chariot of Isis
and Osiris, drawn by ten Egyptian Camels, containing the
splendid full band attached to the company.
Next in order will be the East Indian Cnr ; to which
will be harnessed the two Elephants. followed by the mag
nificent Stud of Horses. and all the numerous costly and
highly ornamented Vehicles belonging to the coinpsuiy.--
The beautiful Fairy Carriage drawn by twenty Lilliputian
Ponies, driven in hand, will bringup tire rear of the whole
Procession, the toute ensemble of which surpasses arty
thing winch language can describe.
Master of the Arena, Capt. J. A. Decamp. Equestrian
Director, Mr. 11. P. Madigan. Treasurer. Mr. .1. W. Po
shay. Clowns. Petland and Lathrop. Loth distinguished
above all others ill the country, for their a it and joviality.
and unsurpassed by arty in the world for their genuine and
nnexceptionable humor. !Musical Director. Mr. EK.
Eaton. Leader of the Brass Band, Mr. Geo. Seeley, Leader
of the String Band, Herr A:Gerlolr.
The Pate:alien in which the company trill exhibit is by
far the largest ever erected, and will be brilliantly Hitt
minuted on the nreirt of pettbrmanec.
Doors open at 'fiend 7 o'clock P. M. Performance corn
menees at 21- and 71 o'clock. Admittance :25 cents ; posi
tively no half price. • auW4S-41.
,MIZO3=OI:NCIE =uumr 41.414T1TT.
Between York, Wrightsville and Co
-4J-4,4-4,4D. !amble—Tie President and Directors of
the Baltimore and Sew:eh:inns Rail Road
Cotnpany having consented to continue the AIDICSaNii
TRAIN between the above. places.
ID. Th e Car will leave Colunabis DAILY, [Sundays ex
cepted) at 61 o'clock, A. ht., and the Train will leave
Wrightsvilie 6f o clock. Returning, the Train will
leave York at e o'dlock,A.
Apill 17, Isit
OH of the veu best quality, with an assort
ment 0f7L24128 for, burning the same. always on
hand at J. D. & J. WRIGErn. 4 ..
Colombia, March 19, 191,9-tr
. .
From the Olive Branch.
My home is in the broad blue sky,
Ithrealnis of upper air!
And fleecy clouds which float so high,
My fairy d waning's arc.
O'er every distant land
That tone has ever trod,
Where raging billows spurn command,
I freely rove abroad.
From A.frie's waste, of scorching sand,
:To Greenland's icy shore,
From Chili's mountains towering grand,
To loud Ningnries roar;
Wherc'cr swift thought can fly,
The whisper of my mime
Calla forth n smile from every eye,
Forall well know my &me. • .
Vet oft, alas! I'M fraught with death;
And braver than the brave, ."
Destroy ten thousniuLwali ("In: breath,
And sweep them to the grove :
And them with fiendislijoV
gambol o'er the torah, ;
I hideous howl in my employ,
sullen winter's gloom. 4,
And then I change my wdd career,
Become a friend of man :
I whisper softly in his our,
Ills brow I gently fun,
When sickness pales his brow,
And his bright eye grows dim,
d underneath the willow's bough,
\Whispering its evening hymn,
Free from wearying care and toil,
He soon expects to rest,
"Where ne'er dark waves of trouble roll
Across my peaceful breast :"
I cheer his dying hOors t
While friends around him weep:
And odors, sweet from orange bowers,
I dash upon his cheek.
And when life's evening task is done,
lie slumbers in the tomb:
When his short course on earth is run
lie's met his final doom!
I chant his funeral dfrge
In sweet but solemn strains,
And gently wave the flowers that bloom
_Above ins last remains. [A. F. If
The hallowing -lines, said to be prophetic, have
been current for: many years Germany :—I
would not be a king in 1848. I, would not be a
soldier in 1849. I would nut be a grave digger in
1850. But I would be whatever you please in 1851.
' , Pat do you know -what is that they call a
President?". "Indade, and don't I sure It's a
fellow they act up to blackguard and call names.
If he can stand being called a rascal, a fool and a
tyrant,' Why thin they put bins in us Preside t,
that's aft."
, The most beautiful sight in nature. Dobb says,
was a woman he met yesterday. " Grace was in
her steps, Heaven in her eyes, and in her arms a
baby." A rosebush with a bud clinging to it, was
nothing lo the heavenly. loveliness. .
Basintss Directon).
To persons advertising in the SPY' by the pent. there
will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy
and their card inserted for one year by pitying $1.50 in
advance, or if they have paid for the paper, 50 eta. for the
card. Titose who ore not subscribers v-c will charge el
for inserting their cord one year.
Attorney. Locust Street. between Front and Second Sts
Attorney, Walnut St., between Front and Second
Physicinn. corner or 1.0ct.1 and Second street"
Nos. 3 & 4, 1 Valuta areal, above Barest If otel
JEwELHY STORE. No. 1, Sell reteer'e now. Front Street
•f ' • NV, ' t V , - •
Ninnurrs of Stoves. &c.. Pa
Jr. D. & J. WRIGHT,
Dry Goods Merchants, Locust st,:hrl door below 2nd st
Dry Goods Mereltams. Locust etreet. below the. Ralik
' W. dr. S.' PATTON, '
Dry Goods Merchants, S. F.. corner or Locust & Front n
Dry Good< Merchant.. N. IV. cornerof Loons do Prout. st.
J. w. IS HER,
Mere Mutt Tailor, From street. :Id door nl,ove locust st
Merchant Tailor, Front St.: hellreellLOClM and Wninut
Clothier Morehnnt. No. 42, Front street
Drnagi.l. Front Street . between Loeuxt and Walnut Sts.
Eirnarri.t4 Front at. between I Avu , t and Walnut !us
Helier.. Front Street. a few doors below llerr's Hotel
t. ttobroiner'n Itow, Flom M.
Cabinet Maker. corner of Third and Lornat Street
Manufacturer. Locust ,trect. opposite Haldeman's Store
Boot nod Shoe Manufacturer. allowing Beres hotel
p(nnuiueturcr• sccond, between Locust and Walnut et.
J. M. WATTS, 1300 T dr. SHOE
Manufacturer, Front ft. Luta•cen t.strust and Wninut et
Hoot and Shoe illanufftelorer. J•'ront. below Lorna et
pumg4!lP.m - amigi
Menu:nett:Ter, Locust street, &eremite the TOIVIT
Shoe-nodina,fenre. Levan 'tree. above From IRITC
Varier e Store. ROM st. hatornest Lama and Walnut al
Lumber Merchant and ?Master Wilder, Locust street.
Potter Hanger. &c., Second, between Cherry & Union at
Herb Doctors. Front Street. next door to Briyle's Hotel
HAIR DRESSRR. back of Herr% Hotel. 'Walnut street
J I SEP ICE L ' 8 : • E • •ON
And Tut-plate worker, Front st, Oat beam tne DeOPt.
Variety Store. No 41, Front at
Select itale.
From Goiter's Lady's Book for October.
'Can't afford it! Too many mouths to feed—
too many backs to cover. It's a luxury I should
very much like to indulge in—no man, fonder of
reading than I am—but can't afford it, sir.'
It's only three dollars a year.' Less than six
pence a week. : •
'I know. -But-three dollars a year will buy
half a barrel of flour and give my family bread for
ninth': It's no use to talk, my friend. I know
exactly my own ability, and know that I can't
afford to tako the magazine.'
And thus Mr. Rivers closed the matter with a
persevering • canvasser,' who was industriously
trying to add to the subscription list of a certain
highly popular magazine.
I think you might have taken it, papa,' said
Mary Rivers, greatly disappointed. • I never see
n magazine or newspaper unless I borrow from
Jane Tompkins, and I know her father grumbles
at her whenever he catches her lending them.'
• I might do a. great many things, child, if I
was made of money which I am very sorry to
say is not the case,' returned Mr. Rivers.
could afford it, I would take all the magazines
and nawspallers in the country; but I can't and
so that ends the matter.'
And thus ending it, Mr. Rivers turned sway
from his disappointed daughter and left the house.
Mary Rivers was extremely fond of . reading,
and had, dozens of times, begged her father to
take Godey,' or some of the other magazines or
papers, but his uniform answer was, .1 can't afford
it; so she was forced to borrow from Jane Tomp.
kins, whose father subscribed for half a dozen
magazines and newspapers, and thought the too.
ney laid out. To have to borrow she thought
bad enough, but the worst of the matter was, no
suoner did she bring a magazine or newspaper
into the house, than it was caught up by one
hungry member after another, always including
her tither ; and its contents devoured by each, and
this often before she could get a chance to read
half a dozen pages or columns. The newspaper
or magazine, whichever it might be, never passed
through the entire family of Mr. Rivers without
being considerably the worse for wear. The pa.
pers were soiled, rumpled, the folds worn through
or torn while the magazines were sent home often
sadly disfigured. All this to Mary was very mor
tifying, and often prevented her from asking to
borrow the new numbers of the magazines, al
though, to use her own words, sometimes, she was
• &ring to see them.
It was a warm day in Jitly and Mr.'llivers,
who had,. about six months before, joined the tem
perance society, felt very dry as he walked along
the street. Before signing the pledge, ho would
have quenched 'a similar taste of thirst with an
iced punch or a' mint-julep. -Now he merely
stepped into a druggist's and called for a glass of
mineral water, for which be paid his fip, thinking,
if Ito thought at. all about the expense, that it was
the merest trifle in the world. An hour tiller.
wards ho indulged in the luxury of a couple of
oranges, at four penis each, which tempted him as
he passed a fruit stall.
• Rivers,' said a neighbor, stepping into his store
after dinner; it's terrible hot, and us there is-no
thing doing, I've made up my mind to take a little
excursion down the river in theateamboat that leaves
at four o'clock. Come—go along, won't you?
We can be home by teatime`
'I don't care if I do,' replied Rivers, I want
a little recreation badly.'
A thought. of the expense, or whether he could
afford it never crossed his mind.
At four he "was on board the steamboat, after
having spent a shilling for cigars which were
shared with his neighbor.
'Come, let's haie a -glass of lemonaile,'oe said,
shortly after they were on board 'the steamboat;
and the two men went to the bar -and each drank
a cool glass of lemonade, fur which Rivers settled.
Shortly afterwards the fare was called for. It was
only twenty-five cents.
Cheap enough,' remarked Rivers.
.res. cheap - as dirt. No wonder the boat is
Tvielve bind a half cents more were spent by
Rivers for on 'ice cream before he returned from
the excursion. lle could afford this very well.
On arriving in the city, between seven and eight
o'clock in the evening, it occurred to him that,
as long as he had been enjoying himself so Well,
he taught to take something home for his family
that was a little nice. While wondering what
this should be, he passed a fruit shop, in the
window, of which was a large display of oranges.
• take a' dozen oranges home—that will 'do,'
he said.
And so.he went in and got a dozen oranges', for
which he paid thirty-seven and a half cents; and
bought, besides, a fip's worth of tobacco.
The extra spendings of Mr. Rivers, who could
not afford to take a magazine, were, for that day,
just one dollar and twenty cents, ar at the rate of
three hundred and sixty dollars a year! And yet
Mr. Rivers thought himself a very economical
man, and took merit to himself for saving on news
papers and magazines.
On the next day, Mr. Rivers felt as it ho need
ed a little exercise—he was so closely confined in
his store—and as it was dull, he could as easily be
spared as not. So he hired a horse and sulky
for a dollar and a half and took a pleasant ride to
himself Previously to his riding out, he spent a
shilling in mineral water. - .During the ride, he
paid to gale keepers, stable boys at taverns where
be stopped for lemonade, and for what he drank
and smoked, just thirty.cight cents. Ten cents
in cakes for the children, laid out to satisfy the
rather unpleasant sensation he felt at thp idea of
having indulged himself in a ride while his family
remained at home, completed, this day's extra ex
pense of the man who could not afford to take a
periodical : the whole amount was just two dollars.
On the day succeeding to this, filly cents were
spent -in little self indulgences; on the next,
twenty-five cents, and on the day rifler, nearly a
dollar. And so it went on, day after day and
week after week, while Mary continued to borrow
from Jane Tompkins her magazines, newspapers
and books.
One day, shortly after the now magazines for
the month had , been announced, Mary called as
usual upon her friend Jane. Oa her table lay
• Godcy' and several other niagazines.
'How much t do:envy you she What,
would I not give if my father would take the mag
azines for me asyours doze for you ; but be alw a ys
says.that he can t
Then Merrlumed 'dyer magazine after maga
zine, tantalising and
,admiring. the beautify! en
graving, Wbeu .she was ,gointa away, she said—
Are you done with the Ledy:s Book yet?'
Jane lookhd alightly confused, es she replied
• I've read it, Mary,-but papa hawil done
_with it
yet," •
'No matter—' Graham' or the • National` will
. . .
*l'm sorry, Mary,' and the calor rose to Jane's
face, *but I can't let you'hwee either of them.' The
fact is, Mary, to tell you the plain truth, papa has
objected for a good while to my lending my periodi
cals and literacy newspepersond now positively
forbids my doing so. But you can come and ace
me, Mary, and road Ilona here. I shall be glad
to have you. But I need not say that—you know
I will. I wish papa wasn't so particular; but he
is a little curious aboutsome things'
Mary felt hurt, not with Jane, but at the, fact.
She went home feeling badly.
'Your friend Miss Rivers didn't get her usual
supply of reading,' said Mr. Tompkins to his
daughter, shortly after Mary had left the house.
'No, and I was sorry for her,' replied Jane.
' She seemed hurt and mortified when I told her
that 1 could not lend them. I'm sure, papa, it
wouldn't have hurt us at all, and would have been
such a gratification to her.'
Let her father subscribe for them as I do.
Lic is just as able.'
' Bet he thinks ho can't afford it, and now
Thinks he can't afford it, indeed!' said Mr.
Tompkins. 'A. man who spends two or three
hundred dollars it year in self indulgences of one
kind and another, talking about not being able to
afford magazines and newspapers for his family.
Why, it costs him more for tobacco and cigars
than it does me for periodicals !'
Still, port; it is hard for Mary to be deprived
of them. It isn't her. fautt. Sire says she often
begs her father to take them for her, but that. his
only reply is, he can't afford it.'
'lf she were the only one concerned, Jane,
she might have them with pleasure,' replied Mr.
Tompkins. 'But you see, she isn't. It is plain,
from the condition in which the magazines 'come
home, that they have 'gone through the hands of
the w hole family. That Mr. Rivers indulges him
self in reading at my expense I am very well
satisfied, for I have seen my "Godey' at Ins store
more than once.'
' Yes that is the worst of it.'
'Besides, Jane, I am not perfectly clear in my
own mind that it is honest towards the publishers
to encourage anything of this kind. They go to
great expense and labor in getting up their works,
and certainly give the money's worth to all who
subscribe. But if every subscriber lends to
neighbors who arc perfectly able to subscribe
themselves, and who would do so if they could
not borrow, the publishers cannot be sustained, or
will recicve, at best, but en inadequate return.
For my part, there is scarcely anything I would
not do rather than borrow a newspaper or periodi
cal. I never have been guilty of that meanness
yet, and if I keep my present mind never will.'
Mary Rivera, as has • been seen went home,
feeling very badly. The more she thought about
what had occurred, the more she felt mortified and
really ashamed of herself for having trespassed
upon Jane Tompkins for hot periodicals and .
newspapers, to ouch an extent as
.to cause her
father to interfere and forbid her lending them any
more. For this , fact in the case she was not slow
to infer.
• Mary,' said Mr. Rivers, as he sat that even.
fur want of something to read or do.
ain't none of the magazines out for this month?
Ilavn't you got a Post' or a ‘CoUrier' from your
friend Miss Tompkins 1' •
- 'No papa,' replied Mary.
thought you went there to-day,'
'So I did, but June says her, father has forbid
ben her to lend the papers and magaziges any
'He has!' ejaculated Mr. Rivers, with sur
prise and something or indignation. ' Wily was
4 I don't' know; but Jane said she couldn't let
me have them uny more:
very, selfish!' said Mr. Rivers, very sel
fish ! Whitt harm could your reading time ma
gazines do 'him, I Wonder 7 But that's just like
some people! They cannot bear to see others
enjoy themselves, and will prevent it if in their
Mr. Rivers felt rather uncomfortable about this
refusal on the part of Mr. Tornpkitte He also felt
uncomfortable at the thought of losing his regular
weekly and monthly enjoyment of reading the
newspapers and magazines • free gratis, for no
thing,: In fact, this standing of Mr. Tompkins
upon his reserved rights, had un unhappy effect
upon the whole Rivers' family, from the father
down to little Tommy, who read the anecdotes,
and a story now and then, with as high a relish
as any of the rest.
Things remained in this posture for two or
throe weeks, when Mr. Rivers became sti hungry
for the mental aliment witheld by Mr. Tomp
kins, that he strained a point, even though lie felt
that he couldn't afford it, and went and'subscribed
for the Lady's Book. Ho brought home a. couple
of numbers with him, and tossing them into
Mary's lap, said—''!'acre's the Lady's Book for
you, Mary, and no thanks to Mr. Tompkins!'
Mary's eyes and face brightened as she caught
up the • Book:
• Have you, subscribed for it, papa?' she asked
• Yes, dear. You can read your own maga
zines now.'
• Oh, I am so glad!' exclaimed Mary., the tears
starting into her eyes.
Even though he couldn't afford it, Mr. Rivers
felt happy to think that he had made Mary so
happy. On the next day ho thought frequently
of the delighted taco of his dinghter when he
fold her that he had subscribed for the magazine.
Before night ha determined to give her another
agreeable surprise ere the week was out. It was
Thursday. On the next evening, when he came
in, Mary sprung towards him, and holding up a
newspaper, said, while her whole countenance
beamed with pleasure—' A man lea the • Ga
settee' hero to-day. Did you subscribe for it,
paps? Yee, I know you did; your face tells
me an!'
YOU seem highly delighted about it,' Mr. Ri
vers said, with au irrepreosible smile.
'And so I am. I've wanted to see the .Gazelte
dreadful bad.'
Nor was Mary alone in her expressions of plea.
sure. The younger sinters and brothers wore in
raptures at the idea of having a " Gazette' that
was all their'oWn to read; and even Mrs. Rivers,
who was not of a very literary turn, remarked,
on the occasicrn, that a newspaper was an ex.
callent thing among children; and that, .for her
part, she always liked to read a little in them now
and then, especially in that part containing receipt*
and other domestic matters. Not fur a long time
had Mr. Rivers done anything that gave such
universal,satisfaction at home. Even though be
couldn't afford it, he was very far from repeating
or this act of extra liberality.
' Many weeks did not pass before anotiter maga.
tine , and another newspaper came to the house,
and before mix manila, Mr. Rivers w a s e s lib era l
a patron of periodical literature as Mr. Tompkins,
and this although he couldn't afford it.
A year or two have passed, but notwithstanding
the heavy odditiowl expense of twenty dollars
per annum for magazines and newspapers, the
mercantile community have not yet been startled
by an annonneement.of the failure at ;Kr. Rivera,
and we hope never net so long as be
takes the magazines and nowspaperband pays for
them punetwally: ' '
From the St. Louis Revoillo.
Torn C. H.—, Esq., a genius, whose ideas of life
were on such a magnificent scale that they outran
his interest, capital, and all, was seated upon the
porch of a fashionable hotel, in a - large eastern
village, one bright Monday morning, cogitating
how, in the nature of things, it was possible for
him to compass a dinner. The long score unpaid,
which stood recorded on the books within, preclud
ed the idea of getting one there without the "tin"
and numerous searches through- sundry pockets
about his person were unrewarded by a single
shiner. His coat had been renovated by a scourer,
for whom he had written a love letter, his hat been
ironed by a good natured hatter, who lead enjoyed
his custom in better days, a. new coat of japan
varnish had been lavished upon his cane, his dickey
was passable, and no gentleman would think of ex
amining the extremities of his covering, or pry into
the 'shifts' he had been put to for a shirt. Tom
thought himself passable, and lie resolved :n pass
off for a dinner, if possible. A stranger lolling
easily on a settee near him looked vulnerable, and
Toni, approachinghim in a very bland and friendly
manner, remarked :
" Excuse me, sir, but you look so like an old
friend of mine, J. B—, who has resided for years
in the South, that I can't help addressing you."
"I am from the South, sir," answered the strang
er, courteously," but not the person you speak a—
-1 know him however, and am pleased to encounter
n friend of his."
"That's it." said Tom to himself, " got him as
easy as rolling of a log."
An animated conversation ensued, which ended
by Tom being asked to dine, and when the gong
proclaimed the table spread, in walked the strang
er and Turn, arm-in-arm, large as life and twice as I
natural. Ho called the waiters with an air of ease,
passed the stranger's wine with friendly freedom,
laughed musically, jested with spirit, wiped his
mouth with grace, and, in short, completely cap-
tivated the southerner. During the period of
Tom's luxuriating, lie was observed by tho land
lord, who indignant, sent it servant to order him
from the table. Torn had "come it" over him for
so many odd dinners, without a shadow of prospect
for pay, that he could. stand it no longer. The
servant approached, whispered in his oar, and stood
off to give him room to move. Tom cinched the
wine bottle, with the intention of hurling it at his
head, but altered his. purpose, and poured out an.
other glass, drank, it oft looked daggers at the
servant, and in a moment smiled confidence on his
"Would you believe it," said Turn, to tlie aouth•
erner, " that since my absence from the city- for a
rem 'days past, a rival house of our "shipping firm"
has whispered the possibility of 'our failure, and
this rascally landlord, having heard 'the Calumny,
has insulted me here at table by sending a servant
to demand the trifling sum I, owe him.'
The southerner was burning with indignation.'
" It is too humiliating;" added Tom," not dream•,
ing of such an outrage, I rim entirely unprovided at
this moment."
Here, my dear fellow," promptly proffered his
friend, here is my poeket•book, make' use of it
without hesitation."
"You're very - kind," said Tom,
"very, I' Willbut
borrow this thousand dollar . bill for a moment—l
know the rascal can't change
With an air of offended dignity, Tom approach_
cd the office of the hotel, the landlord, frowning
with anger, stood at his desk,:the °trended " diner
out," put his hands to his eyes as it hiding deep
emotion, and then addressing the landlord strick.
en voice, lie said:
"I never dreamed of such an insult from you,
sir, at such a time, too, just as my -uncle in the
south has expired,—and his agent with see to do.
liver up the portion bequeathed to me—it
sir' I cannot express in language my feelings.
Take out of that the paltry sum I owe you,
throwing doWn the thousand dollar bill,—"and
henceforth I never will enter your door. Just. at a
time too," he further added," when I had intended
to make your house my home,-and endeavor to'
make some return for your forbearance.. It is too
much—my feelings aro lacerated," and here ho be.
came almost overpowered by emotion.
The strip of crape Isround his hat—put there to
hide the greasy band—the thousand dollar hit and
the renovated coat, which looked like new on the
possessor' of such a sure, all assured the landlord
that he had been too hasty. He 'therefore denied
the indignity straight, said that it was an imperti.
nonce of his servant, who had twice before offended
his best guests by his insolence, and assured Tom
that Inc would discharge the fellow forthwith—
pushed hack to him the thousand dollar bill, and
begged he would forget the circumstance—indeed,
he felt shocked that such an outrage had been per.
petrnted upon his oldest friend and customer.
These warm expressions nu:Alfieri Tom's wrath,
and folding up his sill he walked back, resuming
his sent, returned the bill to the southerner, merely
remarking he hadubrought the landlord to his feel.
ings:' and cheerfully sipped a. little iced them
paigne. As he left the table, arm-in-arm with
his friend, the landlord approached, bowing,and beg.
ged to know where he should send fur his trunk, as
N 0.24, a fine airy room, which would suit him to
a charm, was at present empty. Tom said he would
send the baggage up, and after lighting a choice
Havanna,etrolled out with an aristocratic air.
In good time, the trunk arrived—a rude one,
but very heavy. The landlord winked as the ser
vant bent beneath its weight, and reinarked,as he
paid the porterage, that a.arge quantity of bullion
was generally rather heavy.. Tom was i n clover—
the thousand dollar bill got whispered about, and
one of his creditors, a fashionable tailor, insisted
on trending Lim for-another suit; he yielded; after
much persuasion, and it was astorriahing how every.
thing altered with Tom's appearance. His . note
was good for any small sum now, and it was a
pleasure to make Iris acquaintance.
In the course of about six months the landlord
thought be would just hint to' Tom that a small
check worrid be agreeable, as they were hard pushed.
The hint was given, and he received a check—any
thing but a cash one, though. Tom very cooly in
formed him that the agent who bad raised his lumen
was a rascally impostor.
" But the.thousend bill, Mr. 1.1.1" said the landlord
inquiringly. -
"Was handed to me;by the rogue, to keep op
appearancea,".cooly responded Tom. •
"1 shallseine your baggage, sir :"cried the en.
raged host.
can'thelp it, my dear fellow," said Tom ;
you know if I had a pocket foil of rocks, you
should share them, for I like you vastly—l. do—
cuss me ; if don't; so keep cool, and keep the
baggage until I mike a draw and raise the sum."
The trunk was seized, and so roughly, that it
burst open, when the.landlord discovered that if
Torn had no pocket full of rocks,it was because
he had stewed them all in his trunk, and that ac
counted veryilaturally fur its being so heavy:
No snow fall lighter than the snow of age; but
none is hcavier, for it never melts.
Tit e FIVE PEACIIES.-A Peasant' returning' from
the city brought home with him five peaches, the
most beautiful ones which he could find.•- It was
the first time that his children had ever seen this
fruit. Therefore they admired them and were de
lighted with their red checks - and delicate down.
Thejfather then divided them among his fonr.ehil.
dren, reserving. one for- their mother.
At the evening,-before the children went into
- their sleepingroom, their father asked them,'!Vtrell.
how have the peaches tasted 7"
Deliciously, dear father," said the eldest
'' They are fine fruit, so juicy and sweet. I have
carefully kept the stone, and I will plant it and
rear a tree.'
"Good,' replied the father{' that is acting pru
dently, and caring for the future as becomes a far.
"I ale mine up at once, and threw away the
stone," said the youngest," and mother gave me
half of hers."
"Well,' said the father," you havo not acted
very wisely, but still natural and like achild.
dom will come by-and-by.".
The second eon then said—" I picked up the
stone which little brother threw away, and cracked
ir. There was a kernel in it just like a nut. But
I sold my peach, and received for it money enough
to buy twelve when I go to the city."
The father shook his head, and said —" It was
wisely done, indeed, but it was not nitural nor
child-like. I think you are destined to be a mer
" And you, Edmond ?"—asked the father. Ed
mund answered frankly and carelessly—" I car
ried my peach to our neighbor's son, the sick
George, who is ill of fever. Be refused to take it.
Then I laid it upon his bed, and came home."
"Well," said the father, " and who has made
the best use of his peach 2"
Then all three cried out —"Brother Edmund V!
But Edmund was silent, and his mother embrn.
cod him with tears in her eyes.
1..0.4Mee , r*—..
See Worms port n Ltatila•—Commend us to the
girl of whom it is sneeringly said, "She works for
a living." In her we are always sure to find the
elements of a true woman—a real lady. True, we
arc not prepared to see a mincing step—a haughty
lip—a fashionable dressur hear a string of' splen
did nonsense about the bails and'the young men—
the new novels and the next parties;—no—no—but
wo are prepared to hoar sound words of good sense
—language becoming woman—and to sec a neat
dress, a mild brow, and to witness movenaenta that
would not disgrace an angel.
Ye who are looking for wives and companions,
turn from the fashionable, lazy, haughty girl, and
select one from any of those who work forallying
=and never—our word for it—will you repent
your choice. You want a substantial friend and
not a doll ; a help-meet and not a help-eat; a coon.
solar and not a simpleton. You may not be. able
.to carry a friend into your house, but you can par.
chase a spinning wheel ora set of knitting needles.
If you can purchase any new novel, you may be
able to take some valuable paper. If you cannot
buy a ticket to the ball, you can visit some afflicted
neighbor. Be careful then when you look for com
panions and who you choose. We know many a
foolish man, who, instead of choosing the industri
ous and prudent woman for a wife, took one from
the fashionable walks, and is now lamenting 'his
folly in dust and ashes... Ile ran into the fire with
his eyes wide open, and who but himself is to
blame 1
The time was when ladies who' went a visiting,
took their work with them. This is the reason why
we have such excellent mothers. Row singular
would a gay woman _look in a fashionable circle,
darning her father's stockings, or carding wool to
spin. Would not her companions labgh at her 7
And yet such a gay woman would* be a prize, fur
somebody. Blessed is
,the man who chooses his
wife from among the dispised girli work
for a living "
was requested by his father to light an aged friend
to his home, one dark night in winter, in a country
village. On the road; the' old 'gentleman said In
him," My young friend, will you try to remember
the following words ; ' Then they that feared' the
Lord spoke one to anothers.and the Lord hearken
ed and heard it, and .a book of remembrance was
swiitten before him for - them that feared the Lord
and that thought upon his name.' And they. shall
be mine, with the Lord of hosts, in that day when
I make up my jewels; and I will spare them me a
man epareth his own son that serveth • hlm.• Theh
shall rye return, end discern between the' righteous
and the wicked, between him that servetb God, and
him that serval) him not.' Mal. iii. 1648." Tbe
boy went home and 'coined the apaisake ;' if Was in
fixed upon his mind, so that he never forgot it:- It
is still,a favorite text. He is now an active and pi
ous minister, the rector of a largo parish, and has
the care of two thousand souls, who all look up to
him as a father and a' friend. Hisinfinencereaelns
far and wide, and his example is producing the most
beneficial eireets,not only among his own people,
but in the extensive city mar which he resides. T
mention this anecdote to encourage others to im
prove every opportunity 'that may present itself to
implant divine truth in the youthcol:mind.-,
Dow, Jr., in one ofhis late sermon!, gives the fol
lowing advice to ydung ladies :" lily young =Me.:,
—I know you want to get married as soon - you
enter your teens; Sit it is better to single,
and live upon the COM posq; solitude, than to
marry misery and wed woe. I have but. a poverty.
stricken opinion of the majority of 'my ser."They
arc corrupted by the miscalled refinement of the
age, so inflated with pride, so fooled with fashion,
BO afraid of the soil on which they live, so given to
cultivating whiskers and moustaches, while their
morals arc in the most wretched stale for want of
weeding, and so overgrown with hair, vanityand
laziness, that scarcely one in twenty is worth being
entrusted with a. wife."
l 3 An amusing account of the ceremonies which
attend the sneezing of a king of monomotapashows
what a national thing may be thetneeze of despot.
ism. Those who are near his person when - this
happens salute him in so loud a tone that persona itt
the ante.chamber hear it, and join in the acclama•
tion. In the adjoining apartments they do the
same, tilt the noise reaches the street, and becomes
propagated throughout the city. When the Xing
of Sennaar sneezes his courtiers immediately turn
their backs on him, and give aloud slap on their
right thigh,
IllZf'Thot woe good advice that John Randolph
gave to a young mon in relation to navels:lnd whis
key punch. It will be equolly good repeated now.
substituting for the punch the favorite summer in
toxications: tt Tell your father," said John," that f
recommend' abstinence from novel reading and
rchiskeypurtch. Depend upon it, sir, they Itrp_koth
equally injurious to the bratni' • '
"Father, what does the printer live on 7" " why.
child 7" You said you hadn't paid hint for two
or three years, arid yet you have his paper every
week !"