The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, June 17, 1848, Image 4

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    - 2114.. TOWNSZIPID'S
N...) Extract is put tip to dusler ntrrltsts—it is six vines
cite-ape; pleasanter. and warranted superior to soy sold.
It cures diseases without voraitiug t purging. sickness. or
debilitating the patient, and is porno:early adapted for a
The great beauty sad superiority of this Sarsaparilla,
over another remedies Is, whilst it eradicates
disease, it invigorates the body
Bronchitis, Consumption,Liver Complaint. Colds, Coughs.
Caterah, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness in the
Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse
Expectoration, and Paul in the Side, the., have and can
be cured.
Probably there never was a remedy that has been so
unteeessful in desperate eases of consumption as this; it
cleanses and strengthens the system, and appears to heal
the ulcers on the lungs. and the patients gradually re
gain their usual health and strength.
There is scarcely a day passes but there are a number
of cases of Consumption reported as cured by the use of
.Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. The followiag was recently
Dr. Terwesend—Dear Sir For the last three years I
have been adbcted omit general debility, and nervous eon
surmilion of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain
my health at all. Alter going through o course of medi
cine under t h e care of some of the most disunguished re
. ? , hzs c ic a i n s..r i i s e
l ai .c i s d o m e e r m c members ti
spsndutg n r , d om o o t e y al e t n in .
man, in attempting to regale my health, and after reading
in some paper of your Sarsapanlla, I resolved to try it.—
After using six bottles I found it done Inc grent good and
railed to see you at your other; N• 1111. your advice I kept
on, and do most heartily thank 'you for your advice. I per
severed in taking the Sarnapartlln, and have been able to
attend to my usual labors for the last tour months, and I
hope by the Tessin of God and vour SarsaparOla to con
tinue my health. It helped me beyond the expectations
of all who knew my case. CU/. IMES QUIMBY.
Orange, Essex Co., N. J., Angina 2, 11347.
State. of New Jersey, Essex County.
Charles Quimby hem; duly 0.V01 . 11 according to law, on
MB oath snub, that the toregoing statement in true accord
ing to the best of Ins knowledge and belief.
Stearn and subscribed to before me at Orange, the 3rd
August, ISr. CYRUS /341.J2WEY,
Justice of the Peace.
'Road the &Mott ing, and say that Contumphon 1a /two
table it you can
New York, April 1v.3., 1e47.
Dr. Townsend—l verily beltcve that your Sarsaparilla
has been the rations, through Providence, of saving my
life. I have for several years bad a bad cough. It be
came worse and worse. At last I raged large quantities
of blood, had night sweats. and Wl,n greatly uebilitated
and reduced, and did not expert to hire I have only used
your Sarsaparilla bin a short lime. and there has a won
derful change been wrought in ate. I um now able to
walk all over the city. I raise no blond. and my cough
has left me. Yost can stint imagine that lam thankful
for these results. Your obedient servant..
(5, Catharine at
Very few families indeed—in fact , Ve have not heard or
one—that used Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in time lost
any children the past summer, while those that did not
sickened and died. The certificate toe publish below is
conclasive evidence of its value, and is only another in
stance of its saving the lives of the children :
D.Townsend—llear Sir: I had two children cured by
your Sarsaparilla of the summer complaint and dysentery;
on.. was only 15 mouths old, and the other 3 years. They
vi-ere very much reduced, WU' ste eXpeeted they would
due; they were given up by two respectable physiciawi.
When the doctor 'Moretti' us that we 14111:4 lose them. we
resolved to try your Sarsaparilla w•c had heard so much
of, but bad but little confidence. there being so much
stuff - advertised that is worthless; but we arc very thank
ful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of both.
I write this that others may be induced to use ii.
Yours, respectfully, Joni Wit-soY. 3n.
Myrtle-Avenue, Stooklyn, Sept. 13
Jomo. Cummings. Egg.. 0111' of the te.•istents In the Ln
ntitte Auylum, Slaieketell% 1 ty the centicnian 4 , tik
on of in the tb/iutvittr, letter
All 11 U. 1.1 J 1 M.
This is only one of more than :lour thousand eases of
rhenniatom chat Dr. l'eutu.v.c.l,,r, Saraapa rills has
cared The mutt SO. ere and chronic cases cite weekly
eradicated by itsestraerilniut y cameo
Ist.s...vh, Sept. 14. id 47.
Drs Tovv:vssm,—Dear Sir: I have stufered 'cattily for
nine years with rheumatism; colluder...l:3;e of the time I
could. not eat, sleep or work; I had the most eastrci , situt
pains, rad my Iltets were terribly swollen. I have used
sour bottles of your sarSapurllla, and they have done me
more than one thousand dollars' worth of good—l um so
much better. Indeed. lem entirely relieved. You are at
liberty to WIC tots for the benefit or the indicted.
Yours, RespecfMly,
the Ladies It relieves thew of u great amount ot buffer
,trig, and gives them fine confides... and huoy ant .Pints.
Mrs. Tarter kaudly bent Its the tollowIng:
Soul it 1111.00 K LI 5. An 1.. 17.1547.
Dn Tow:ma:VP—lsm • It gives me plemor'e to testify to
the benehmal effects I hove expsrimiced from the use of
your :Sarsaparilla My I.ystein was very much reduced
by nervousness and general debility. nod with a variety of
female complaints. I read your ads estiseinsim and n•nc
induced to try the elect of your remedy. It restored me
to a better sate of health. I had ow mim) ed for ..cvcral
-years previous to talontt tt ; and I eo luo,t ellevrAlllV re
commend it as a Yfflutl..e rned:eittc to all ct ho arc affllctsd
to I have been..
.r.,1 ,,, t1:1.1, DUI: it , Sotztri D7001,1).11
LAM s.v.Nr.b
The 'olio, ins. is from a very n e•neetable farmer resith
mg at lleampmend
Du. Towsschn—llear Sir: My wife has been inhering
io severely front the Dyspepsia and general derangement
of the system, that we supposed she must the. The Phy
sicians could not resist the disease, and she would have
died beyond doubt if we had not given her your Sunapa
rslla. It has saved her life certainly. She is almost en
tirely relieved, and, is gaining strength and health. She
still continues the use of it.
YO4TOI, respectfully, I LIZA ABRAyr.
Nr.v.• Yonx. SEPT. 9. 1847
bn Towtts=rot—Tleur Ser—l am constrained, us an
not Or :11111tICe, to pubhely acknowledge the great benefits
received from the use or your barsnparbla. being in town
about two years some in n very weal: and debilitated
Salts. My disease was a chronic iivilanimatiOn of the li
ver and stomach, 01,11, as many thought consumption :
was so reduced I had very little hope of recovery.
Hearing and reading considerably of the effects of your
medicine, I resolved to try it, though I entertamed a pi em
eice against advertised remedies I bud taken the meth
eine but a short time. and began to recover gradually and
continued to gel lever, and am now• well. Indeed t am
•0 muck improved that my friends scarcely recognized rim
when I returned to me cry. Yea arc at liberty to publish
this if you think it will extend the use ce year exeellez'
remedy. T. Tawneo.
One thousand or more additional agences, for the sale
of Dr. Townsend's Sareeparil:u. will Le established in
such places where an agency is not already appointed, in
the States of Penneyivaniu, New Jersey, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Virginia. and other Southern and Western States.
The terms of agency to be complied with %yin be as fol
lows; Not more than once person will hare the appoint
ment in a place, who will be advertised as such 111 one
or more papers published at each place, or the nearest
paper to the place. The will also be furnished with isl
and handbills setting forth the inners of the medicine.
with thole names prated as the Agents, for circulation.
A list of all such names will be regularly published to
DIrOTT`.4 ORACLE OF HEALTH; copies of all such
will be furnished them for etrcullitinquiettlii witn spite.
did showbills of Dr. Townsend's entire establishment.
For ail these advantages, the payment for a supply of
the Sarsapulla will be required when ordered, and at any
nme when the Agency is relinquished, if any of the Merl
-16/111 should remain unsold, it will be telien back at the
price paid for it
Persons who may wish the sole of this valuable meat
ctot on the terms above specified. •ill address. h3t letter,
or apply at the Principal office nod role agency et
la 9 Nonh Second street. Phila.
And at the *lime time they wilf mention the names of
any newspapers pubhshed in or near the place in which
they result.
B. With the above advantages, the price of the
Sarsaparilla still be SO per dozen packed in bolos of 2
dos. each...less than a box will not Le furnished,
Tsbicipal °CMG, 1W rulton street, New York.
Sole a gents (or Philadelphia. Dr. T. W. DI - OTT S.
t ows, titan College, 1= North SECOND street;
also for sale by . Frederick Drown, = n er d !' m a w= an d
Fifth streets ; Lancaster. lieinush sod Son Wilmington
Edward Drukburst ; Volk. Morris, & Co.; Carlisle, S. El
liott; liamsburs. Dr. :alePharson; S S. linnet,. Balt--
tr.ors , and by the principal Druggists throughout the Utu
sad States, West oldies and Canada.
Now genuine, unless put up in large square bottles ,
which contain a quart. and signed with the 'antic,
nature of 3 .P.l'rownscrid, and his name blown on the
8.....14re0ns inquiring for this medicine should not
be induced to take any other. Druggists pet up Sarsa
parillas, and of course prefer eellmg their own ; others
have purchased that put in small bottles, and because
they make a greater profit recommend them. Do not be
deceived by any—ingture sor Dr. Townsend's, and take
ao other.
Remember the genuine 'Tow neend's Sarsaparilla,'
sold only by the Sole Agents, T. NV. DTOTT & SONS,
No IM2 North SECOND Street.
Each bottle is always enveloped or accompanied with
• e opyof " hyores Oracle of health."
W. A. LEADEN. Arent ,or Columbia.
TUBonly radical nut for Consumption It
also removes and permanently cures nil diseases
arising from an impure state of the blood, viz: •
Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuts
neond Eruptions. Pimples or Pestules On the thee,
Blotches. Wes, Chronic Sore Eyes. Iting Worm or Tot
ter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the lloncs and
Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica or
Lumbago, Disea,es arising from an injurious use of Mer
cury, Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also,
Chronic Constitutional Disorders.
In this medicine several innocent but very potent arti
cles of the vegetable kingdom ure wilted, forming u com
pound entirely different inns character and properties from
any other preparation, and unrivalled in its operation on
the system. when laboring under disease. It should be in
the hands of every person, who by business, or general
course of life, is predisposed to the very many ailments
that render life a curse, instead of a blessing, and so often
result in death
The following testimony is from an able practitioner of
this est).
Dear Sir z—ln reply to your question respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea. 1 w•AI say that although a perfect
disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure for all
diseases. however valuable a may be in certain condi..
lions of the system, still 1 have believed that a cure for
Consumption would he discovered sooner or later, and
was led to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases. '
They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be
Putorcesaar CONSII)IPTION, 1111 d abandoned by them as in
curable. One of the persons had been under the treat
ment of several very able practitioners for a number of
years. and they said she had •' old fasluoned Consumption
combined with Scrofula;' and that she might lugger for
sometime, but could not be permanently relieved. in both
cases the effect of the Panacea has been most gratifying.
Only four or live bottles were used by one of the persons
before she began to improve rapidly. The other took
about ten. They are both well. will only add, that fa
inillar as 1 am with. Consumption by inheritance and by
extensive observation as a study, and knowing also the
Injurious CireCtS in nine cases out of len of tar, boueset.
and other vegetable tonics, as well as of many of the ex
pectorante and sedatives, I should never have recommend
ed the use of Drake's Panacea if !had not been acquaint
ed with the ingredients. Suffice it to say these are re
commended by our most popular and scientific physi
cians, and in their present combined state, form probably
the best alterative that has ever been made. The cure is
in accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in
France a few years ago, by one of her most eminent
writers on medicine, and now established by facts which
admit of 310 dispute. Very Respectfully Yours,
L. C. GUNN, Corner Chest. and Fifth st.
A.stoinstitug cure of Liver Complaint and Dyspesia, in
connection with General Debility of the whole sytem
Pint.s.arimitz., March 7, IM3.
Messrs. Storrs & Co.—Gentlemen wife has been
for several years afflicted with a pain through her right
side and shoulder, accompanied with chills through her
whole system, and almost constantly a sick stomach, at
tended with pain, invariably after eating or drtnking; so
much so as to deprive her of all satisfaction in attempting
to cat, even if she had a desire for food, which was not
often the case, as her appetite was completely gone. A
friend persuaded her to give DR. DRAKE'S PANACEA
a trial and I am nosy happy to say the first bottle gave
her relief, Our faintly physician examined the Panacea,
and approved of her using it. She has taken three bottles
since. and is greatly benefitted. She has now a goad ap
petite, and can eat her meals with satisfaction. The chills,
pain, and sick stomach have entirely left her, and we feel
confident that the Panacea has affected a comple cure of
her difficulties, and would recommend to all who arc af
flicted as she has been to try Dr. Drake's Panacea.
No. 3:.;4, .North Thud Street.
- - -
The above are but a few of the numerous testunonials
we arc constantly receiving, of the wonderful of of
Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is a pleasant, yet most search
ing remedy ; and the first trial will prove as power. Its
reputation has increased since its introduction to a degree
hitherto unknown m all medical discoveries.
With the firm conviction that no other remedy, so called,
of the present age, is equal to this, and that the theory
upon which it is compounded is too firmly established to
be overthrown, the proprietors solicit a trial of Dr.
Drake's Panacea, willing to stand or full upon its own
wins. well satisfied it will sustain the reputation it liar
already actitured
CEA is put up in large square bodies—it has the signa
ture or Geo. P. Storrs on Iles Wrapper—alldalno the
-Dr. Drake's Panacea, Phila." Mott it is theglass
Prepared only by Storrs & Co., Druggists, No. tit North
Sieth Street. Philadelphia.
Armurs.—lt WILLIAINS, Columbia; 13ctuhtrh & Son.
Lancaster; C A. Morris, & Co , Yolk.
April 13.1015.-ly
Extract of !attar frointlic cdttor of the Greenvi..!e:Nrotni
taint.or. S. C.
DA Of. ‘Vasoarr—Dear Sir:— • • " A week or
two ego I bent yon in Momcrancr.Eo, eoutatuim• 0 Ictl"t
from one of our Volunteers to the City of Steak°, in
PILLS. under the eircumbtancee. the highest raced of
praise I have ever known a medicine to receive. The
Volunteer. William NV. Goodlett. Esq., is a gentleman of
fine standing—an accomplished and well educated man,
and was recently
Of this District. I3y epic of your advertisements in a
Charleston paper. I happened to notice the location of
your office, and thought you might extract nil article of
some value in reguid to your tnedmitie, therefore I sent
the pap,er.
The tollowing is an extract from the letter referred to
"My health is very fast improving. I procured a fete
days ago, some of Dr. Irrni,lit's Indian Vegetable Pills.
and they have toed oiliny system
- -
Thu., n appears that the brave and patranic Volunteers
who have gone to Mexico, to delluid the tights and honor
of their country, already begin to realize the extraordina
ry value. of this Incomparable medicate. Long life to
Are sonnumes made by corifiniailltmonc medicine with
another, and tidal:,.l,lellin.; •:le I a:.
horrible are those. mi.tal • - • •.I • '• •• :
that all ril's ore ' L. . ' 'l'd • t
which an t•-hen. and It , a., '4 jl.• ,e,
This is a ryslat, .re as •' ' ri.. •
between Vs,:staid d ..a•
cies. us betu...ll maimedt indi:o • to
wish any to mk s . vi 00: “tl-:" , Il ' l. • " meat Lt
any one. 1111,11,2 tak. n bibs: e- 1. v ..• :soda., 2
more will be necessary
Many persons lid s I es-i l• . • •y.l Co m., oi
Stosn, E. if they lb: it I. 5.0. dame b..,
nausea of the Mt:theme Huttacy :tr. •Tenerthy mtstriken.
Without the tieG Alt Those articles ha* e uutinux 10 recoil*.
mend them, and would not be sabl tt sm,l,* day. Linn
with the sugar, nod by giving the :uncle a hame stiatbstt
to Wrgln's Indian Vegemble Pill,. they gain a tempora
ry. notoriety. Wobvbs they ore. in st ieer ' s clothing. of
whom the public 010(111.1 sneer siithetently char.
Let it be remembered that W RIG rr ut..k); VEGU
'FABLE PILLS are prepared nith special reteren.v. to
the laws governing the human body. Consequently, they
are always good, always useful, always effective 111 root
mg out disease. Every famaly should keep them at hand.
The following highly respectable Storekeepers have
been duly appointed agents for the sale Millis Celebrated
Medicine, in Lancaster county.
Marmite, Reuben Wenticr.
Bainbridge, John F. Beecher.
Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner.
Bart Township, Wm. W. Passe:tore.
Belleview, Buyers & Umbels.
Buck Tavern P. 0.. Geo. T. Clark.
Chesnut Level, MeSparrant & liouseteeper
Conestoga Centre, John H. Harman..
Church Town, L.dr; E. Rogers.
Coopersville, E. Lewis.
Columbia. Fry & Spangler.
Cherry Hill, Isaac J. Webster.
Drumore, John A. Boyd.
Earl Township, George Buchman.
do do Weaver & Warner.
do do Davis Wallace.
Elizabethtown, John Lynch.
Ephrata, John Gross.
Ephrata. New, L. S. Hacker.
do do Martin 'Weidman.
Fulton Howie, Fulton tp., L. P. Wilkinson.
liempfield, Itnigyrult & l*lurtan.
Intercourse, Thomas Mines.
Matlock townidup, Frederick Swope.
Lampeter Square, J. F. & D. II I terr
Lau; Nathaniel S. Walley,
Lancaster, John Zimmerman
]fount Joy, Witmer & Caw/.
Mountville. John 'Devlin.
Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler.
Mount Joy Township, IL G. Clark & Co.
Maylown, John Reinhold.
do Slaymaker & Co.
Mount Pleasant. Isaac M'Cotnant.
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer.
Manic TownshiP, Hugh Moore.
lVcw Rolland, Brubaker & Co.
Now Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer.
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson.
Peach Bottom, S. W. P. Boyd.
reon-Townaluia, Jacob Singer.
Paradise, A. li. & A. L. Warner.
Powy s 's Mills, Mahlon Puscy.
Peach Bottom, Wm. Arnold,.
Ba.wListsville, John Raw/ins.
Safe Harbor, Jolui Herr & Son.
Strausburg. Wm. Spencer.
Salsbury, IH. Freehold.
Washington, John A. Brush.
'o..oMces devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail. 160 Race
street, Phdadelplua GMt lariat stree t New Vont ;
and tne Tremont atreelTTlnston. - Arra y
flolumbia Bank and Bridge Company, May 2
thrct,.n of this Institunon have this day
Ocelareal a atvidend of three per CCM, out of the profits of
the last tax months, payable on and after the loth mutant.
Columbia. May %. 1544
NVW 81E033.33.
THE Subscribers Respectfully inform their
friends and the public, that they have taken the Store
formerly occupied by S. B. Ronde Zr. Co., Corner of Locust
and Front Street, and are now opening an entire new
Stock of Goods, purchased at the present very low prices.
among which arc
Olive, Brown, and Blue Cloths; French. English,. and
American Bine, mid Blue-Black Cassimeres ; Striped,
Plaid, and Figured Cassimcres, Satinets, Summer Cloths,
Gambroons ; Low priced Summer Stuffs, Cords and Ben
verteens, &c.
Grenadines, Organdies, Feasting, Barege, Silk Tissue,
Lawns, Giugbangs, and Black and Blue-Black Gro dc
Rhines, Plaid and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Dross Silks,
New Style Chamclies. ASLO, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks,
Ginghams. Ticking, Chanireyse, Linen and Cotton Table
Diaper, Napkins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose,
New Style Bonnet Trimmings, &v., &c. ALSO.
Sugars, Coffees. Teas, Mackerel, liernng, Molasses, Fish
and Sperm Oils. Soaps, Candles, Spices, &c.. &c., &c.
Our goods are all NEW and selected with great care,
and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a
share of custom of our friends and the public. All kinds
of Country Produce taken in at the highest prices.
Columbia, Marcli2s, Ig49.—tf
undersigned, hereby tender their sincere
acknosvica w ncuts to their customers, and the pub
lic generally, for the very liberal patronage that has at
tended their efforts to please, and would inform thorn that
it will be their greatest pleasure, as berelolorC, to conduct
their business ut such a manner as to merit their continu
ed approbation turd support.
We continue E.:intake all kinds of Casting's. viz :
TICE COG-wil EELS, CAST SBA Pi's for waterwheels,
Sc. Also, CAR WHEELS and other Car Castings, to
gether with all kinds of Rail Road Castings, for which
unexceptionable reference can be given for superiority
and avalibility.
We have quite a variety of PATTERNS for making
Hot Blast Pipes, for Blast Furnaces, and for Water Pipes.
and, being well prepared for Casting Pipes, it writ cer
tainly be an advantage to those in want, to call and ex
amine for themselves, as we can manufacture Zr. cheap.
or cheaper, than any other establishtnent in this section
of country.
We have different kinds of Patterns for Steam Engines,
Threshing Machines. Ploughs, Common Stoves, Stove
Plates, Stove Cylinders and Grates, and many other
things in our line of business, being the making and col
lecttng together of the past eleven years. having the
best 01 mechanics employed at Pattern making, Se., we
are prepared to make any thing in our line of bustness at:
the shortest notice. and being tavorably situated at the
Canal Basin, gives us the advantage of manufacturing
and forwarding Castings to any point with despatch mid
at the lowest rates. GEORGE WOLF,
SAMUEL Tituscarr.
Dealing under the firm of Geo. Volt' &Co
Columbia, Pa. March 4, leLS—tf.
pp i p 4
TIIE Franklin Fier, Insurance Company of
P1111.A11E1,1 3 111A.--OFFICE.No. ltial CAIK.....NUT
,treet, near Fifth street.
CHARLES N. I.3nryou.,i, l;r.oncE W. RICBABDB,
JACOB I{.. SMITH. Moms I'ArrEa..o:c.
. . •
Continue to make insurance, perpetuai or limited, on
every description of property in town and coital*, at
rates as low as are consiatent with at:entity.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely uiveated,
affords ample protection to the assured.
The assets at the Company. on January Isl, 1 t 9. av
Published agreeably to an Act of AsEeminbly, were as
MortgaZeg, 1,1
Real . 1:i• - tat's-• 101,:159 till
Temporary Inane, 121,419 1111
Cash, Le., 13,157 17
Since their incorporatton. a period of eight, it year , .,
they ha. c paid tlrMardt of one nano a, two hundred thou
sand dollars. 100-,, be tire, thereby affording evidence
of the !dvantage, of inturane 9 •. %Nell as the ability and
di-pontioti to rivet with proloplnct... all
CitARt.CS N. 13ANCli111113 Pri. , ident
CIIAT:Lr-S G. 13 txenon. Secretary.
'l•tlo\MAt 1.1.0) . 1). of C.:Amnia.
Agent or orl: and Latica..ter Cuuntic,
Felt. 12,
rylllE undersigned have just received the best
and. most cumpte:e annum/n-1n ui Linglinl/ and Ger
man tat:li and tvvi,..t and pa'e/ii hrceeh 1.)01:111,1; Bllt-
RE1.41) GUNS. as have ever been "Wei,' in iiiis
market at nanli prier. that 11.1:1 Nan all. Al-n. nix Burly!
ed and i.eit-corking PISTOLS Call :ttid wt.
amine. for yourneive.i. at the cheaplarclware ci I
11.1.731 - P1.1; 1 I
Columba, August 41.1;.17.
rriffi subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
j_ INK. of a snperior quality. and oirerd it le 111
large or idnall quatititieq. upon aCCOIIIIIIOIIIIIuIg term, 111
UII) instance where the utL -ent shall not alisysiir the do-
SC I iption. it will be exchanged or the price refunded.
A liberal discount will be made upon large purelia-es
for etith.
The Nerve Ink put up in keg,. of 12.15. V. 15. 39..5u
and 100 b'
Bonk Ink.. in 'mull k,•:zs and in lb canister.,
Colored Ink, :11,0 in 16 et 1111.41•1,.
- . -
jp — A t 0 th. keg' ni the be.t itth sill be in
any point of the l'entin Imptuveun.uts pt my re-k fret ut
charge, upon receipt of V.
COPAL VA RNISII in barrels, kegs. anti emn.ter•.
Columbia, :slay ‘ . .20, 9.17.-1 f
C ODDS. The public is respectfully invited to
N.lllll. u (resit ay-A.M.:la of
,t WI tor sale atprLec, cannot fail to
• 1 4 1 , 1 , 1 ., :tt, March LS-INS—If
PRE3IIIDI PLATES for the subscribers to the
Magniine Seat by mail to any part or
Untied r :Rates, tree of postage.
'elm Columbein elnenziae, for 1549. edited by John In.
221 , 111 and Robert A West A repository of lie choicest
American literature, entirely origninl. and of the' moot
costly orieuml ends:list/mem.
The Columbia Mugu/Inc enters upon n new year with
prospects increasingly bright nod promising. It has at
tamed a proud position in the public estimation. The
press univereally, and with a generous kindness which
the Proprietor gratefally acknowledges, has borne testy
mony to the superiority of its literature awhile profusion
and elegance of its embellishments: while its immense
and constantly increasing circulation. baOlvs that the
press has but tittered the general sentiment. and adroit's
such agreeable evidence that it lips met the expectation
of all, that it seens to the Publisher almost unnecessary
to speak of the future s
It cannot be nenessary to say much of the conduct of
the literary department of the Columbian The petitions n '
who have so long and satisfactorily discharged that ditty,
continue their efficient services, mid the Publisher es hap
py to announce that lie has made arrangements with
several of the most distinguished writers in the country,
whose regular contributions will enrich the Magazine
while, as heretofore, the merit of an article, quite as much
us the fame of its writer, will he the passport to its pages.
Elevated sentiment and pure morality will distinguish all
the literature of the Columbian Magazine.
The paper on which the Columbian will hereafter be
printed, is manufactured expressly for the purpose, by one
of the largest end most highly esteemed tanker,. in the
Union, and the typography wet be of proportionate neat
ness and elegance.
The Publisher respectfully solicits front authors, artists,
subscribers and agents, a Valliant:lllC," of the confidence
hitherto so generously awe riled the Megazine. As nn ,
earnest of the liberality with which he intends to conduct
that department of the work, he haspreparell. ill 21 large I
outlay, a magnificent trill length Portratt of Washington,
price two dollars, in stipple and mezzotint. which will lie
presented, gratis, 112 e of pomuk t o, to every yearly sub
scriber to the Columbian Magezine. who will gond to the
Publisher Se in advance, postege paid. It is an engrav
ing of such superior merit. and the stkeet is of such
profound and abiding interest. that he cannot doubt that
the gift will highly grate)" the receiver, sled largely . swell
the list of his subscribere. Ue annexe., also, the follow
ing unusually liberal terms of publication, it being under
stood that the subscripuons are in cueli:
/*or S.l, the , 3lagaztue and Engravisig, of Washington.
For S 5, two copies of the Alagiume, and the F i ligrees
=wit each.
The great National Picture of the Declaration of
Independence, Just published. This picture, which Wan
mutated by Col. Trumbull for the Rotunda at Washington,
and originally engraved on copper by Mr. Durand,bas been
re-engraved on Mel, rind is the result of two years , labor..
It contains pennies of all the signers, and should be the
Republican Emblem in the home of every American
eitmen. The size of the engraving is 21 by iii. inches; it
imprinted on the Lett plate paper, es by 39 inches. Price,
Every• person who will send to the Publisher of the
Columbian S 3, post paid, shall receive a copy of this
Engraving and a copy of the Magazine for one year,—
the engraving free at pottage. For 5.5, the Iklaganme,
Engraving of Washington, and Declaration of Indepen
SOHN S. TAYLOR, Publlsher.
151 Nassau stret.t. New York.
NEW Crop New Orleans Sugars and Molasses at
1-zs 1-11 V
*-= '
THIS ATTNETIVELY . Doctor Hifland's Cele
Will effectually cure the Liver Complaint. Jaundice. Dys
pepsia. Chrome or Nervous Debility, Indigestion. Flatu
lence. Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmo
nary Affections, (arising from disease of the stomach and
liver,) and all diseases arising from a weak or disordered
stomach in both Male and Female, such as Female Weak
ness, Dizziness, Fullness or Blood to the Head, !irwdrd
Piles, Fluttering of the Heart Difficulty of Breathing.
Constant Imaginings of Evil, dreat Depression of Spirits,
Dimness of Vision. Pain in the Side, Back, Breast, or ,
Litabs, Cold Feet. 6:c.
They remove all acidity, and give torte and action to
the stomach, and assist digestion; they contain no alco
holic stimulant. and can In taken by the most delicate
stomach. and will in every case entirely destroy Cesare
tress, and renovate the whole system, removing im.
parities from the body, nail remnants of previousffisease,
, and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby
preventing frightful dreams, walking lehile Weep, 6:e. ;
I which often result in accident.
The functions of the stomach are of the utmost impor
tance to every one, constituting the source and fountain
of life, whiclos nutrition. No organ possesses such re
markable sympathies, none inch remarkable power in
modifying every part of the system. A greater number
of persons fall victims to the harrassing of Constipation
and Dyspepsia, and more organic diseases commencing
in the digestive system. than all ether diseases combined.
The many thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera,
Influenza, and other epidemics. is owing to disease or de
rangement there. If the digestive system is in perfect
health, the nervous system and the circulation of the
blood will be also, as upon it they depend, then epidemics
loose all their terror.
Those living ill. or visiting districts httrmssed with
FEVER AND AGUE annually, will find that by the
timely use of one ortwo bottles to renovate nod strengthen
the system. no excess of bile will accumulate, and they
will not in any one instance take the disease. Preven
tion is far better than cure.
The rare success in treating diseases of the stomach
sueeessthlly. has not bee" so Medi a walls of pathologi
cal knowledge of Its fUlletlOWS as the preparation of suit
able Vegetable compounds. sons to obtain not only their
svhole power, but as they mould be icons effectual and I
NVe are all aware that ton many preparations have
been, and are now before the public, that act only month
utives. and some that change the locality of the disease,
or prevent it for a short period. then it returns mire for
midable Man in the first instance. Such preparations
have destroyed the public confidence. This article stand
ing alone in its Ituntber of cures. and unrivalled. as then.
sands of our citizens can attest who have tested its va
t rues, tam always be depended upon for the above named
diseases. ft cure any case that can be cured by
medicine, no matter who, or what else has failed; it will
I perfectly restore the diseased organic functions of the
Stomach, Intestiues, Respiration, Circulation. Ste.
These Bitters, nod tile 'Spikenard Ointment will cure
any ease of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re
quire more than one bottle of curb for the Worst eases.
For sale at the GrAtAIA:s: MEDICINE OFFICE. No.
!re, Race Street, one door above Eighth, south side, Phila
delphia. lit Lancaster. by John F..1.0ng: in Harrisburg.
by Daniel W. Gross: in Plit.a.,urg, by AVER. Thorn—and
by dealers generally throughout the Ifillted States.
1.7.,e - Pamphlets cunt ainita; cure, and descriptions piths
ease gratis.
Also for ale, his celebrated VEGETABLE lIIIEU
AIATIC PILLS, for the ettre of Clout. Ittimunaustn, Drop
stt.. mid severe Nervous Affections; SPIKENARD OINT
6/ENT, Mr the cute of Piles, 'letter. Ringworms. Er.,
PUBLISIIED every Saturday.--Terms 12 I.?.cents
a aaait.,,,r. or DIX dollars a year. in advithee.—Tlus
work is conducted in the spirit of Lateli's Museum of
Format' Latermure, (which swag favorably received by
the public for the lost twenty years.) but as it is twice UM
lurge, mid appears $0 elicit. we not only give mormatal
fieslint,s to it by many things winch were excluded hya
inondi4 delay, but while thus OXICOIIIIILI our scope and
gathering a greater 111111 more lamina r° variety. are ‘ ohle
DOlO increase 1110 solid nod M1111,1111111:11 port of our 1101e
nry, historical. nail political harvest, a, rolls to sati.l)
the wrens of the American reader.
The elaborate. and stately I.:.,ttys of the rAtalutrrQuar.
terly, and other lies tews : and tilto•kwood's noble err,
ei-no• on Poetry, lit, keen polineol Coatatetione, in g hly
Syron.:la! 'rnle,, and vt.val de,eription of rural nod moan.
taut Scenery .aml the contributions to I,iteruture,lll•4o-
ry• and common 1 Ale by the bttramotn. Speetutor, the
.parbium l'Aottortur. 'Ate nultetut, A.then.eurn. the buy
and halmtriou- I.tternry tht.tte the ........dhle nod cum.
preltoo.we iii t:lonia. the •olter sad re-item:llde eltri....
mut Observer; the-e :Ire intrunt‘ed seine the Mllllar,
, and Nacl4l Telneillseene, of 010 Vetted Sets ice, until With
the he-t mudes of the Dubbin littiver , ity. New Alrotthly.
Prte•er',.'faii.... Ain-worth', Ilettil•-:, cad of ch.,,,.
1 admirable .lottrattl IVe do nut 1 omider it beneath our
dtratly to hoer° o. Wit and tel Irmo Punch: and.
when we think it good enough, make Iles of the thunder
of the The 'rem:-. We ••'lttll otere.w.. - e oar , nriwy I , y Jrn
portation, from the continent of Europe, and num the
new growth nut the Itriti.ll eolutro=.•
Tine --,teuth•lop Ito, ,•totvla l'.otone. . 1 / 2 ...i.t, and Africa
into our ileighhorlirool. :Ind scull erectly ttanlnply om
loonnerlion, to, :Nlertlllllll-. Tra‘elleri. cud Politiettin,
Amin 1.111 park of toe Amid: No Ilmt unmet, Into;,, Ilni ii el,
llt now beeolll. , eVor 11mq:trent Anterieun to la- itin.rlll-
ed of the condition stud changer of toretra ernettne=. And
i 11th- not only beetto.e. of Moir nearer eunlleetninOlll, oltr
,elveK. hot lwentl,e I`,e aniline .-rein: to be li,tenine
through a rapid elution., to, lie o' , Into to
dour., o loch the air. .y polo, al toopltet ennlllll ,0.11-
1,10.•• or lureore
( ;“"Vral'hic , 'l 111-,o v^ , ' - • 111 e Prorre.— of Co`ont •at ,nil.
(which li exiennoor o, I r the %t hole world.) 11111 Vie)llos.
until TraVel., will i.e tevorite mutter tor our ....leetto•o• :
m], In genera:. Sc e ....tall ev,tentatte•dly and vet) tullt
tterptamt our render- with tile great department ...1 - l'ot •
I torn toltoro. ottlioni entirely nor'...mite our oo o
ttliile o e Inspire loi Inn be the 1., tag _V:. 41•••er1114. to
ill o 110 0.1-11 lo 1, so Ittent..olm , . totonned nt the rut.'
more,- of the Moven...l-10 rquie , tnett. I)ivit t e4, trim..
It er, tout Vitt .-telat,..—to men 01 1.111nlie•o. lonl Olen 1.1"
• letQate—n 1....1111 n -hallo r obtect lo tank, It motto, e
and 11.1-1111 to thrtr \No,- nod Children We Leib", e that
V.l. 1,11 UM'. 4io S Ollle good in one any and nenerattiont
and hope if, it he 11, o ark andtven , able itt .e cry well.
1 'mooned wittily. We outs Indispensable, bertlit•e in flu ,
eltq Of tqlettp literature r .... not po,rote to guard again -1
the mitt, 01 What I. 1,1 in 141-te 111.1 ‘1,1011• ~, ~,,,,,k.
I In all!. (niter %N.) 1111114 i, tuna-lung; n -ntlie,eor , apply
oft, healthy eaurt.t-tv^. rte mental and neural appe•tte
murr he rratitied.
t=1,...1.20,097 tY;
We hop:• •• n1:1110WIllg the wheat ion tho
hr pc oral, 17!ruarLiet:y for tho iooo,rmatlon. nod
by a large volieLltcoi of Itlogra t .lky, ro:,rote.oad
um! more tqat,.r. we taay produce a work
wLich be pc,:nl:ar. wln:e• at Ole ,aire tone it INILI
to-lare to rut. e the .1 . Plll ,l / 1 : carte.
I.3eur. pubi...bed every Saturday.
by S Ca. eoreer or Tremont and Broomfield
Bo.ton—Pnee a number. or Six dulla r- it
a year In ad Vallee. Benwma.o... for our period will be
thonhfuey is tired and promptly attended to. BD— To
m urn regotorbe in mailing: the , work,, order...boa/A be
addre , sed to .1..; oUice en pub....anon. ua oboNe
Club., ow, year ~1 nut :owe, tell be .upplwd
Pont copaab for - . - cdq 00
N:: - $lO 00
C - - 00
Complete net.. in fifteen volumes, to the end of 1.5.17,
I::md•omely hound, and packed in neat boxer, are for
nalo at thin) dollars.
Any volume may be had separately at two dollars,
bound or a dollar and, n half in numbors.
Any number may be had for Li) cents; and it may be
worth while for nubseither., and pareha.erg to complete
any broken volume, they may have, and titan get only
enhance their union.
Uof the very best quality, with an assort-
VJ mesa of LA NIPS for burning the some. alwov. on
band tit J. 11. A: J. WRIGHT'S.
Columbia, March
Between York, Wrightsville and Co.
tii".1t7;22,"".. n i nt le „"u t ell",;. l ., )ir ariZal
Company having consented to continue the MORNING
TM% IN between the above places.
fEr-The Car will leave Col Imhof. TJA 11,V.ESuntlays ex
cepted] at rti o'clock, A. M.. and thb Tram will leave
Wrightwllle at o'clock. Returning, the Train will
leave York at b o'clock. A. .t.
.4rlnt 17, 1F47
Trains runs daily as follows below :
Leaves lialumoru at U o'clock ..I,IIL, and ar
rives at fif o'clock, I'. M.
Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. :11, mid leaves for Co
lumbia at If o'clock. P. M.
Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clock P. AL, and leaves York
for Baltimore at 3 o'clock P. M.
Fare from Baltimore to York, 61 50, - 2 00
Columbia, 2 121
The Train connect. at York wlth Stages for Harrisburg,
Gettysburg, Chambersbura, Iblistni= and York :Sonoma
1. ARE To 011717Y5113HHG AND 11A11.RISDILIIIG.
The company is authorised by the propnetors of the
Stage Lines io receive the hue through front Baltimore to
Gettysburg and Harrisburg.
Fare through to either place. gi 00
b. C. H. BORGI.EY. Super's.
'May 0, le47.—tf Ticket Office. 6l North at.. Balt.
Baltimore & Sumpehanna Rail Road.
•-•••••••••="sco The Homing PASSENGER TRAIN will run
.1 .- 11 ;ai; - from 13a1turiore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
day. at 9 o'clock A. M., said Returning will mart from Co
lumina nt 11 I'. M., IYr/omm/fa 2 P.M.. and from York
at 3 o'clock. P M.. na on other day a of Ora week. Tire
mail lielsVel•ll Baltimore and York will he carried by this
train. No (Alice train ‘‘ ill run on Sunday
D. C. 11. BORDI.I.IY,
1- - isP.:',.7‘4 4 lk , Y rw4v4•4l
f' n "itORDI.T.Y,
Sor , riltt , Wl,l, of 'rrnn•pnrtni ton
• - -•
• , •
N PRICES of Dry Goods—Who-are-to be-benalled
by thts retnarkable change? THE PEOPLE! Why?
Let them call at the BEE HIVE STORE, North Queen
street, and see; here they can buy as much for $1 00,-es
they a short time ago would have to pay 52 00 for. This
then is n radical change for the express benefit of the peo
ple, Let them call early and sec the LARGE LOTSof
cheap and beanuful Goods Just opening: for lievolu
none now-a-days are remarkable for their BREVITY.
Splendid Laois, fast colors, idA cents -
30 inch Muslins, heavy and flue, for ftf cents
A good article of Plain Modes and Rik, oalyltli cents
A good article, Highly Carneleon.
Ladies can he sapphedvvith every article for "mourning,.
Good plain Elk, Chintzes, only 1i cents
do do _Lawns._. _121,..1.8,_and45 cents
Mazatlan', Bareges and Silk Tissues.
Lisle thread,Silk. and lad; Misses Gloves in variety,
Scotch, and English Dress Ginetams, New patterns and
eery cheap—at THEBEE HIVE, North Queen street.
The greatest variety of the most splendid styles, lust
received—among the newest styles are:
Ittnzattans, - - Magnificent.
Zephrines, - - - Beautiful.
Zephry Tissues, _ • - Lovely.
Pompadours, Fascinating.
8e.,8e., perfectly exhaustless, at the -
BEE HIVE, North Queen Street:
Just opening, the newest styles for Spring and Summer,
the oretnest variety ever seen in Lancaster. Great care
hasqie been taken in the selection of styles and color.. at the
French N. W. Lace Capes.
do do do Collars.
do do do Edging and Inserting.
Embroidered Swiss MUSUIIR. for Dresses.
At the BEE HIVE. North Queen st.
Lancaster, April 15, 184.9.-if
DRUGS ! 'DRUGS ! ! 'DRUGS !! !
DRUGGIST, kvo Id respectfully inform his timer ,
ous friends of Columbia and its vicinity that lie
has Just vomited from New York and Philadelphia with
it splendid assortment of all articles belonging to the
tinuo 11USINFSS.
Togrilwr with a superior lot and style of HAIR and
CLOTHS DRUMM that took the Medal in the Me
eh tones Institute of New York.
AINO 11 ',nista»t supply of Camphenc and Ecthercal Oil
Lamps, with a freak and road Material to burn in them.
Comae) , Merchants, Druggists, Physicians, Baker,
Store Keepers, Fullers, Dyers, nod dealcr in general will
find ato their advantage to call at the GOLDEN MOR
TAR DRUG STORE, Columbia, before purchasing &se
t:there. WM. A. LEADER.
• Columbia, March :Ili, sS49.—tf.
I DRUGS AND MEDICINES.. The subscriber
t# Nil:et:rely returns thanks for the very !them' ell
16,eonrugemcut he hiss received. and fishers himself
that by strict attention to business, to comma,: to merit it
share of public patronage. Ills stock of Drugs and
eate,. al the very best selevuon, and as complete as airy
in the pine, Ms variety of goods in connection with
the Drng Business is very extensive. The following list
M.:hales only a small port of his stock : •
. .
]'.tint, and One. ready mixed Palate, Campinime or Pine
Oil, Etli meal Oil.Dc Stuffs. Window Glass. Putty. Shop
Furniture Bottles, Porter Bottles. Vials—a lull llSnOrtinClll
—Perfinnery. Colognes. Plot ida Witter, Bay Rant, Po
made Philocame, Beef Morrow, Antique Oil. Extracts Cu,
the 1 landlterchief, Toilet Powder. Pearl Powdar, Bair
Dyes Depilatory Power. Pomade Basilic. Highly ;Per
tained Soaps of eveiv kind. Medicated Soaps. Jones *.s
Cheinical Italian, Bailie's:Nymph. RoaselPs Cirenssma,
y's Chinese die. Hair Restorative, Haute's can
J nyne's Tome, Jones's Coral. Oldrthes's Balm of
Columbia. I lair Carling I dquid. month A ro m as .
tip :salve. Ilandohne. &v.
Riags. Tassels, Clasps, Silk Twist. Steel Par6es and
En„- Also u general variety of other Parses. Crochet.
I Mel., told Patera Books.
N. B.—The subscriber has also n large tissornnent of
foot-loch A Co's mid Comstock & rill.'llt Moth
(.111,•• nn lmud Wllllll he obtamea clitcelly from the pro-
It or CAtill. which will enable bum to sell them
!lOU] 'ht 10 rAn per cent loss-er than their uzents--warrant-
Cll ~ •11111.1..• R WILLIAMS.
l'.11:1•11`.1.1. March .25. 1=.1=.--ii Ft.llS.reel.
7 1
M OTEL, formerly Barr's, Front street, Marietta,
_A„ Po. RS. MARY FISHUAUGH would most re
.llollll the public that Om has Inhati the house
ithinerl) ocCupled by her brother, Samuel Melimitcy, and
rotor rec+•ud) by Jotill purr. The house has been tho
toughls repaired; with an eXperiellee of fourteen
year wills it, and being prepared with every
C. 111411111110 tie cum:nod:alp:l necessary, together with a
drtrnuumuun to Inoue no el,cflioll 11111011 c, Om hopes to
its rit am! ieceive a continuation at the patronage hereto
fore so 11brrally bestowed maul the house.
\la rietin. Mardi 1.".
I.:met...ter Examiner and latelligencer.Plilladelplila N.
American & United Siqtes Gazette. Clearfield 'limner.
and Imel: Haven Whig", publiell to the amount of SU and
sewl bills totals office for collection.
ra t mm a Stove. We would
olboat call
Stove the
_ LA _ mention °Tell to new article
inane and adapted expressly for their convenience, To
Le eel II turd Wel of u, Pr:MUM & CO.
Nlarch 11, 1•1-,11
THE subscribers, thankful for past favors, lake
let, method of informing their friend. that they have
Just rereived, in addition to their former stock, a
which have beenselected with great care and attention,
and will be said CHEAP. CALL AND srt THEM Ar
Columbia, February 10, 104,3.—tf
V./ the extein.ive Machine :shop lately occupied by Mr.
Thomas l'o x:, on the canal basin at this - place. is prepared
to tit tip and build new cars in the most durable, and
neatest manner. lie is also prepared to do all kinds of
reputing. oath of wood and stank work, in a way to give
Columbia, January 1.3. 18.19.—tf
N. H. A good second hand Steam Engine of four horse
power, for rale by A. M. Haines, as above.
Pj their own Cars in charge of messengers, and
.LJ under locks, DAILY between Philadelphia. Lancas
ter, Columbia. Wrightsville, York, Gettysburg. Baltimore,
Wa.thington. Smolt. West, North and East, by EVEN
& Co. nre now prepared to forward in their Cars,
Package, Parcels, Rundle.. light Casen. and all descrip
imas or good. awl iil , rchttll,ll/e tll , O Specie, Batik
Notes. Drafts, ibr collection. orders, &e., to any of
the above mimed places by passenger trains and mail
speed. Being gli• 4 of utfuriling every facility for the
prompt and economical transaction of ally commission
imitated to them. they respectfully solicit the patronage
of all to their lute.
All goods or iittekitges must be marked "By Miller d.
Cu.'s Express." 1). F. G tuFFrrit. Agent.
4. Co.'s Express, Columbia.
naptcgs.—Corner of 'Turd and Chestnut street, Phila.
dolphin; Chur. Norman. Lancaster; 11. Elmiralt, York;
Museum Buildings, Baltimore; Gay & Co.. cor. Wall and
Broadway, A. V.; Gay .'r Co , State st.. Boston; 'Wash
ington. I) C.: Richmond, Vu.; Wheeling, Va,: Plus
burgh, Pa., Gettysburg, Va. Nov. 6. la47.—tf
\TO. 111 Chesnut Street, a few doors below 4th,
-- 1 1 North side.—The subscriber respectfully informs his
(rum& and the public in general, that he still continues
to keep the above establishment.
Every pions is at all liana taken to render this one of
the best, and, from its central situnrionot is one of the
most convenient Hotels in the city.
His TABLE is famished, at all times, with the choicest
delicacies of the season.
Hie WINES raid LIQUORS nee not surpassed by any
other e.tablishment in this coy.
Ifis Servants arc carefal. honest and obliging
Tema ofitoartltng to .rat the times.
Country Merehants and Business Alen will find the &o
ration of the CIiESNUr St. Horst; in the most h 5 ,,,, j ,"
part of Philadelphia.
The sulmother pledges himself that every thing in his
pot, Cr shall he done to give satisfaction to those veto fa
vor him with their prtirminge,
pho,,frlrFan. Sql: 27, 1"17 —lr Yrn Tif,.t
(111111 A STORE.--The Subscribers, proprietors of
kjone or the oldest and most extensive China Stores itt
the United States, have now on hand a very large supply
embracing all the varieties ever imported, which they
will sell 111 large or small quantities, WnoLsaats on RE
TAIL, to suit the wants of the people, at prices to - defy
The advantages to be derlved,from having a large stock
to select from, ought certainly to be apparent to every one;
only two need be mentioned :
Ist. The variety to please the taste.
2d. The advantage of purchasing at the lowest prices:
for it is certainly evident to every thinking mind, THAT
REQUIRED. It is salts every branch of trade. The menu
-1 lecturer sells to the wholesale pagekag,e dealer the
' wholesale package dealer sells to the 'Jobber, and-the job
ber to the retail country dealer : so that the farmer or con
sumer of the article rays AT I.I{AS roe perm!! !
Why pay so many profits when you can come diVeCtly
o head quarters? TYNDALE & MITCHELL, - -
April 2,19 , 1•3-2 m 219 Chesnut street. above 7th street
scribers are prepared to furnish, atshort notice, every
article used in a Printing Office, and have reduced the
Prices of Type' upwards of 18 per cent. They now
charge for
Pica, . 32 cu. Minion, 24 ctn.
Sine Pica, 34 Nonpareil, 60 "
. Long Primer, 36 " Agate, A 6
Bourgeois, 40 " Pearl, 51.20
Brewer, 46 " Diamond, 2.00 "
Determined to spare no expense in making their estab
lishment as complete as possible, they are "getting up a
uniform Series of the celebrated Scorer. rzurn, which are
unequalled for beauty mid durability, and which they feel
assured will meet with general approbation. Several
sizes are now ready.
Having recently visited Europe for the purpose of pro
curing every iMprOVenlein in their line of business, 'boy
now oiler a greater variety of Fnucy Type, Itorders, Or
naments, lee., lee., than any other the
United States; and their improved methods of casting,and
of preparing metal, enable them to furnish orders ut
manner to ensure satisfaction.
Printing Presses of crert description, Printing Ink,
Chases, - Cases, Brass Rue, urniture, dec., at the lowest
Second-hand Presses and Type which has been used
only in stereotyping, gencrafly on hand.
Books, Pamphlets, Music, Medicine Directions, Ltibels,
Checks, Drafts, &c., correctly and elegantly stereotyped
as heretofore.
N. B. Specimen Books Nvill be sent to Printers 'whet
wish to moire orders. L. JOHNSON & Co.
QUA:1111MB% Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests,
1.) Warranted equalto any other make, and have never
been injured by Fire or Burglars, hi a single instance. He
also keeps on hand' a 4111 supply of Common Chests,
made of lighter iron, at lower prices. '
Letter Copying Presses and Books.
Tracks for Stores, Factories, &c.
Druggists' Presses.
Tingle Glass Paper,
Portable Shower Baths, &e.
Parking Levers, Homing Machines.
Refrigerators and Wutes Filters.
(11 South Second St., below Chesnut, Philadelphia.
_ _
REFIMERATORS for cooling and preserving Meat,
nutter, Milk, and all articles intended for culinary pur
WATER FILTERS.—OIiver r.vatas' Celebrated Wa
ter Filter•. for Purifying IVuter that is brackish or mud
dy, whether by rums, minerals. or otherwise can be had
of all sires and prices, at the Warcromns, No. 61. South
Scoond Street, two doors below Chesnut St.,
Philadelphia. October 2d.1R17.
CALM TO THE PUBLIC—The only gamin
has the written signature of the General Agent, \V.
SPEAR. on the out bide wrapper surrounding ouch bottle;
this is believed to be the only article. bearing the above
title, as eminming from the Doctor. The virtues of Wild
Cherry, for relieving infectious of the I.nngs, and that all
important organ. the laver. has long enjoyed the con&
denee of domestic practice.
City of Philadelphia. se—William NI. Spear, of the city
of Philadelphia, being duly sworn according to law, de
poses and says that he is in the possession ofthe original
recipe for preparing a Balsam of Wild Cherry, for affec
tions of the Lungs. which was given to him by Dr. \Vistar.
a regularly °Mmmal Physician, and that he believes it to
he thy ohiv one. nit 1,,,5i0n of an* person except the
W,tur 'A'. tl. SPRAIL.
Sworn mid subset ibed before me. and city seal affixed,
on the first day of November, A 1). ItS47.
A copyright for tile Balsam is secured.
Absurd us it may appear in the face of the above unde
niable proof, en indsvalital from Boston, Muss.. recently
applied to the United Slates District Court of Pennsylva
nia for an inometion on the General Agent for the United
states nod the Braid. Provinces. to prevent said Agent .
from .cling; um only *mimic Dr. %Vistar's Balsam ot
('hurry, (soul mai, Muni clnuuutq the right.) to
Crnll:.• the Hot Jade, ist rind Court promptly refused it.
The BaLstita not one oi the quack nostrums of the day,
claiming, to core persons whose eases ore beyond the reach
of tumbeine. (or restorin' others to hie:) it only claims.
and has proved in thousands of (Ms., to be the first, most
etfiencions. and only genuine preparation of - Wild Cherry
of the nineteenth century, for affections of the Lungs,
Liver. and Kidneys, trequently terminating in consump
tion, ever offered to the public.
A liberal discount to druggists und country dealers.
NOTICE. TO T/11: PLOILIC.-1 have this day appointed
T. W. nycrri• S SONS. No lag. North Second street,
Philadelphia. Wholesale Furnolling Agents for the (only
RY, for the following States, viz: New 'York, New Eng-
I mid State-. New Jersey. linfiliVnTn, :Maryland. District of
Columbia. Virginia North Carolina, South Carolina, and
Also. for the interior of Pennsylvania. All orders for
the 13olsinn will hereafter ha addressed to them.
Also for sale. whole.rtle and retsil. by WILLIAM
SPEAR, 10. 143. Vine street. below Pilch street, Phihide)
phis. General Agent for the United States and
Provinces, for the (only genuine) Dr. Wistur's Balsam o
Wild Cherry. WM. M. SPAR.
Philob_lpina. March d 7, 1343
, .„
AGCNTS,—.I. h W Pento & Co. New York ;A. Mr-
Clore & Co.. Dr. Derrick Co, Alhnuy, N. Y.; Jolut r.
Pre , eoit. Troy. N. Y , Charlet Dyer, Jr., Providence. R
I.; Reddnig & Co.. Nirs. Kidder, Boma:. Muss.; Jame.
Green. D Scott. Jr. & Co . Woree,wr, Na.s.; 11. &J.
13rewer. Springfield. :XI ass.; U. W. Webb, & Co Jinn
ford, Ct.: J. Chsh & Co.. 1.:111..rer. P. Dr. A 11. Bar.
intz. York. Pa : Reynolds & Co .I.ecksville. N C • John
I, Kidwell. Georgetown. 1) C.; Alex. Duval, Riett ' utond,
Ye ; R. IViuttAms und W. A LEADER, Colombia. Po.
Price $1 per bottle•; six bouler: for $.."1. Ap1.518-4.1"
ArrLxvrEzo IEILD.
ilCertain Disease Cured in TWO DATS.:—The
loins, recent and chromic affections of the kidneys, dis
ease of the bladder, gravel, seminal weaknehs, &c. Per
sons who, by Indulging In a secret habit, have entailed
on themselves ronstilminnal debility, should apply 1111.
unediately to DR. KINEELIN, of the Philadelphia Medi
cal Musa, the oldest institution of the kind in the cly.
Office, N. W. cnrner of TIMID nail UNION Si.. be
tween Spruce nr d Pine, II SqUares from the Exchange.
This.Mrdica/ Muse was established by Dr. K. fifteen
years ago, for the suppression of quackery, there being
sn many perenns,:withnut knowledge, name or character,
who put advertisements in the.public papers, that an in
st untionuf this kind was highly necessary to prevent the
afflicted. especially strangers, from falling into the hands
°rem° minkillful wretch, who. instead of curing, might
send ilk victim to at, untimely grave. Tberefore, the
afflicted eh mild shun the numerous pretended physicians
who know nothing of the practice of medicine, bill con
sult Or Klnkelin. who cores Certain .theratte in two or
three daye,according In the state of the patient, without
the use of mercury. No mercurial remedies are used by
Dr. Klitkelin ; his medicines are palatable and barmiest.
and all Ills patients are banornbly shielded, from even
the possibility of being discovered. De wilco places him.
self under the care rif Dr. K., may religiously swift& in
his honor as n gentleman, and confidently rely upon Ills
skill as a physician, and if lie is not speedily relieved Do
remuneration will be demanded.
Stricture.. one of the !newt troublesome and dangeouts
affection., which often end in gravel,lntlomation, weak
ness. &c. Dr. Kinkelln guannilee to remove speedily:
ol also, smelting., diseased prostrate gland. &c. Stric
tures have rulued many who had no knowledge of their
Take Particular Notice.—Young men who have injured
(theinsclves by a certain practice Indulged In—a habit
frequimily learned from evil companions. or at schnol—
the effects of which are nightly felt, ere') when asleep.
and destroy both mind and body. should apply Immo
diately. Weakness and crinsticutional debility imme
diately cured and full vigor restored. All lettere peeped.
Take Netwe —Or. Kin kelin has had greater practice In
the above affections than any physician In the United
States. He also po sssss es an advantage over all others,
from the fact of his having studieJ In the great Misfile&
of Europe. Thousands in Philadelphia can testify that
he cured them after every other means has failed. dew
rate rooms for private consultation. Open 11119. P.
Travellers supplied at a moment's notice. with the re
quisite Medicines to cure therruielvea privately.
Packages of medicines sent to any part of the
More particulars In the iSplrit of the Times. ncd'47•ll•
'Want aingia
001111111810 N and FORIVADING MERCHANT& ,Na
V../ 4e Commerce Street Wharf. Baltimore., AViti receive
and sell Floor, Grain, Iron, and all kinds of einzntrY Pro
N. B.—Particular attention given to the sale of trgall
and cash ADVANCES made on a consignmentwhen
.mred. :March 25, IS4°.-Im
No. G. Little George et