The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, April 01, 1848, Image 4

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    IN THE MATTER of the intended application of MARV
FISHHAITGII, to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at the
April Term. FAS, for license to keep a tavern in the
Borough of Marietta, it being an old stand.
WE, the undersigned. elute:is oldie borough of .11nrirt
ta, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. Po Certi
fy, that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain strangers and travellers,
and that see are well acquainted with thesaid Mary Fish
baugh, and that she is of good repute for honesty and tem
perance, and is well provided with house room and
conveniences for the accommodation of !strangers and
Samuel Johnson. jobn Parks, John Schack. Abraham
Camel., David Rinehart. John .1. Ltbhart, S F. Eagle, P.
L. Etter, Henry Schack, James nay, T. Johnston,
A. Spangler.
March 11, 1.54 E-31
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of JOHN
LIST, to the Court of Quarter 5e5 , 1011%, at the April
Term, 1849, for license to keep a tavern in die Borough
of Columbia, it tieing an old stand.
'WE the undersigned citizens of the borough of Colum
bia, in which said tavern is proposed to he kept. do cer
tify that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we
are well acquainted with the said John List, and that he
is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided wall holism room and conveniences for the ac
commodation of strangers and travellers.
Hanson E. Atkins, Francis Hays, Henry E Wolf. Jas
L. Pretsman, John Slack. George liamaker. Michael
Wisher, John Jordan, Robert Spear, John McFall, Jonas
Rumple, Jolts B. Edwards.
March 18, 1548.-31
IN THE MATTER of the intende4 es net-
CRAM. STREIN, to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at
the April Term, IS4&, for license to keep a tavern in the
Borough of Columbia. it being an old stand.
IVE the undersigned citizens of the borough of Cohan.
bin. in which Fuld tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify
that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers. and that we
are well acquainted with the said Michael Street, and that
he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Robert Hamilton. Joseph Tyson. George. Wolf, Wm
Power, John Slack. Robert Harry, James Long, John A.
Hook. James Collins, Jr.. Reuben Munition. P. A. ().v.
•tnesMicharl Wisler, John Bruner. Daniel Ealmt
DITHE 'MATTER of the intended application of FI.D
WARD A. HOWARD, to the Court of (Mauer Se..
sinus, at the April Tenn. 1316. for license to keep a iris
ern in the Borough of Columbia. it being ail alit stand.
WE the undersigned ea/10'11.5ot' the boroug h orentomf ,, a•
in which stud tavern is proposed to be kept. do eertif
that the said tavern is necessary to tieeo/11111.htle the
public and entertain strntigers and teat eller , , nisi that I.VP
are Well acquainted \Alai the said Edward A .Ifowa rd.and
that he is of good repute for honesty arid temperance and
is well provided with how.c room and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangersand travellers
. .
Peter Haldeman, II E. Ai .\l,rahnm Myer... .1
H. Hunter. Sornnel Redd. Pi it, G NV I. el.
rothe. Jame.: Vatit . rho n. John Simi. J W Cot i reit, ( :cora ,
I. Diller, Jolla Viowl,pn, Jolla Fel,. I' A Thom:,
Lonely, Philip Clo.alpr
:‘lnrch 11, 1,-.1,13t0
IN THE MA1TI:110i thf upended oritiltenhou or Colt-
NELICS TYSON. to Ili , - Court of (tint MT So
the April Term, for tiven, to keep :t Int ern in the
Borough of Columbia. it bethit on old stand
I,V t-;, the linden - turned, t Itirete-nitite Doroncli of colum
bia, in which said tavern n proposed to he kept. Do Cer
tify, that the said inn or tavern it, necessary it, necommto
date the public and entertain 'long.°. and travenorf,
and that we me well neniirnotcd with the said Comelnis
Tyson, and thathe '
is 0: V . oof. rep., for .tone...ty and trill.
perrinee. and is well pro, ided wuh hoasr room az id con
veniences for the accommodation of strangers nod trav
John Cooper. Thomas IVhite, Le•% Joon ?hop
Pncy, John Cos,l-1 Cn well, Peter I loldeinno.
Power, J. Ziegler. George \\'d, John I.l4loner, Samuel
March 11, 1....1e-3t
IN THE MATTER of the Intended npphcan no of DA VII)
CASSEL, Jr., to the Court of quarter Sessions, at the
April Term. 1. N. for licen.e to keep a tavern in the
Borough of Marietta. it hang an old 'tend.
WE. the under-igned. enitens of the 11nrotieh of :Mariet
ta. in which said tavern v~ prorov.ed to be held, Do Uerti•
fy, that the .mid inn nr tavern is neeessnry to neenninin
date the public and entertain stranrzet, and travellers. ay.:
that we are welt tiPlillnltlfed with the said David ens:el
Jr., and that he is of good repute for honesty and temper
once, and is well provided with house T(M111 and conven
iences for the accommodation of straneers and travellers
Abraham Cassel. John If. Goodman, L, railer. Samuel
Naylor, Narirnd Cassel. John Miller. Lllti,Vl.7, Euller. S.
F. Eagle, Frederick Mehl:tie, Citraming4. Andre,
Leader, John IC. Fidler. Samuel Johnson, II Mu...ehnan,
Henry Conghennur.
March 11, 1345-3 t
IN THE MATTER of the intended apphrnt /on of JACOB
BIGLER, to the Court of Quarter tses , dons, at the April
Term, 184,. for license to keep it to vers in the Borough
of :Valletta. it being; nn old stand.
WE. the undersimiml. eitizeim of the horotmli of Mn Het.
ta, in which said tavern is proposed to tie kept. Do Ceru
fy, that the said um or tavern is necessary to accommo
date the public mid entertain strangers and travellers.
and that we are well acquainted with the said Jacob Big
ler, and that he is of good repine for honesty and temper
ance, and is well provided with house room and cons en
fences for the accommodation of stritheers and travellers
Abraham Cassel. Das llarty. bF. Engle,
neverling. Conrad Smith. Frederick Shins. S S
Abraham Varley.Jr..cpb Mach. Samuel Oberlin, Samuel
Bailie, David Rinehart
March 11, 154543 t•
IN THE i‘IATTER of the intended application ofJANIES
STACKIIOCSE. to the COllll of Quarter :sessions, nt
the April , l• 4 , for license to keep a tavern in the
Borough of Marietta. it bent; an old cta•i I
WE, tile undersigned. caroms li,rmieh of Man
etta, in which said tavern is proposed to he kept. Do Cer
tify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary to necomin,.
date the public and entertain strangers and trai.ellers.
and that we are well acquainted ♦t ith the cord James
Stackhouse. and that he is of vend repute tor lionci.ty and
temperance. and is well provided null house room and
conveniences for the accommodation flu stranger, and
Samuel Dallk...Andrew Lender, Airz.hi.ra Cadre. N w h..
olas Chapman. Adam !kn.,. 'l'. John.4..n. Simon S Na.
Ile, John Parka, Henry Hams, Atqrmain
oth, Joseph Mack.
March 11, 1t4,3t
IN THE MATTER of the intended applieni,on of IL iv
RANDALL, to the Court of Courier Sessions at the
April Term. I'el9. for license to Lee', n tart to tit the
Village of Safe Harbor.
WE the undersigned citizens of the %inn, of Sac" Ilar
bor, in which said invent is proposed to lie kept, do rer
tify that the said tavern is necessary to aceominoilate
the public and entertain strangers and travelters. and that
we are well acquainted with the said R. NV Randall. and
that he is of good repute fur honesty and temperance, and
is well provided sstth house room and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
W. Applegate, Aaron Kenslin P. Heilman. .1 M
Perkins, Edward Hess, dorms boarlcer. Joan 11. Sine,
Amos Hess. Wm Bowen, W hose, Christian Ohimt,
Jacob Detrick'. Jr.
March 18,
the extensive Machine Shop lately occupied by Mr.
Thomas COL on the canal basin at this place, Is prepared
to fit up and build new ears to the most durable, and
neatest manner. lie is also prepared ni do all kinds of
reparing. both of wood and smith work, in a way :0 give
Coltuubia, January 1.5.1E49.—t1
N. B. A good second hand Stearn Enair, of tour hors
power, for sale by A M. Flame., a.. abot c
$500,00 REWARD.
TEE Public are Hereby Cautioned aaainst re.
CtlVlng NOT JESSE ROBERTS (our former agent)
any of klohensack's Medicated Worm Syrup. as he liar
been Discharged from our employ. No medicine i. gen
uine wdhout the written signnture of J. N.. G S. Ho
bensaek on the Intel of each bottle. The above reward
will be paid upon the convienon of any person counter
feiting said signature. of which the public have notice;
and are further cautioned 117.1111151 paying the above na
med Jesse Roberts nor money on our account, as he has
no authority to receive the same
Read the following certificate from a highly respects.
Die Physician :
Messrs. Hobensack take great pleasure in inform
ing you of the great efficacy of your 'Worm Syrup. Aiy
daughter being afflicted for a long time. I tried all the
remedies for her my skill was heir to, without receiving
an y benefit, and gave the case up as hopeless, when
was induced, by one of my family, to try tour Worm Sy
rup, and I must any, much against my wil. but surprising
to tell, before taking the whole of one bottle, n brought
the largest quantity of worms I have ever seen brought
from* child, in all my practice, and almost instantly res.
tared the child to health. Respectfully your..
Prepared only by J. N. er_ G. S. Ilottensack. 2,1 and
Coats st.Phile., and for sale by all respectable storeke,,
era in this and admintne counties, who we have author '
zed to pay back the money in every case, should it toil m
givirsg sausfaction—Pnc I: 25 cis. Also, llobensack' s 11y.
ens Tooth Ache Drops. a certain cure for tooth
price ne cis. Ifobensack's Rheiimatic Limier
25 cents. llobensack's Cure All Salve, for weak bneks,
sprains, fresh and old sores. burns. ,tot —Price 12i
Ilobensack's Tenter Ointtnent—Pricc 25 cents. one hog
warranted to cute all eruptions of die skin. l'or
above. Philadelphia. Nov. 20. 1.',47
Subscrihcrs have constantly on hand a
fail aneortnent or wood. coal, and nookow 'Sloven of
CVCTY :RUC and descriptonn. cannon stove, Also. Wad
enbarg'a patent ir•Tizl,l Parlor Slow , . which has zwci i
fall satuoaction in alt ca,,, The p u blic are mewed to
call and esanuna nt the Hardware store
of Rcntrz.c & llrss
pTiniu ruahl tar I UP ill.—
Extract of letter from the edttor of the Greenville Moun
taineer. 5. C.
Dn. W. Winton —Dear Sir; t. A week or
Its o ago I sent you a MotmensumEn, containing a letter
from one of our Volunteers in the Ctty of Mexico, in
PILLS. under the circumstances. the highest ineed o;
praise I have ever known a medicine to receive. The
Volunteer. William W. Goodleu, Esg., is a gentleman of
line standing—an accomplished and well educated man,
and was recently
Of this District. By one of your advertisements in a
Charleg= paper, 1 happened to notice the location of
your office, and thought you might extract an article of
..ome value in regard to your medicine, therefore I cent
'he paper.
19u: following in an extract from the letter referred to
My health is very fast improving. I procured a few
days ago, some of Dr. Wright's Indian egetable
and they have acted on my system
Thus it appears that the brave and patriotic Volunteers
who linvc gone to Mexico. to defend the rights and honor
of their country. already begin to realize the extraordina
ry value of this incomparable medicine. Long isle to
them '
- - - -
Are sometimes made by confounding one medicine wish
another, and administering the wrong article. Equally
I,orrtble ale rhos. , trc.tultc , , which cre niacin in suripos t ng,
that atrruis 'arc alike,and that therefore, it in intinrctent
which ere taken, and one kind in had all are had together.
This is a very great mistake. There is as much dttfercece
beta een NVright's Indian Vegetable Pills and other arti
cles, us between midnight and noontla3. N'Ve do not
jsh any to take our word merely for this statement Let
any one, having taken other medicates, try this. Nothing
mere swill be necessary
:Miley persons have been led away by a COATING
SeGAII, as if they anticipated that it would remove the
nausea of the Mcdtcme. 1311! they are generally mistaken.
Without Ore Scout those articles have nothing to recom
mend them, and would not be sold a single day. But
with the singer. and by giving the article a name sintn.sri
to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. they gain a tempora
ry notoriety. WOLVEN they arc. in sheep's clothing, of
mhonl the public should steer sufficiently clear.
Let it be remembered flint WHIGIIT'S INDIAN vcor,
TABLE PILLS are prepared with special reference to
the laws governing the bunion body. Consequently, they
are ni tan s good, :away. usrnd, alwnyt, effective inn root
ing out disease. Every flintily should keep them nt hand.
The following highly respectable Storekeepers have
been duly appointed itgentv tor the sale of this Celebrated
%lei - keine. w Lancuster county.
Beal culls, Reuben Weiiller.
Bainbridge, John F. Beecher.
Bird-in-(land, Jacob Bruner.
Bore Towns/up, 'Wm FasonOre
Belleview, Buyers & Ettildik
Buck rn 0.,Ge0 'l'. Clark
Clie.ltit Level, 31llntrrnitt llowekerper
Conestoga Centre, John Herman
Church l'own. I. & Rogers
Coopersville, E. Lewis.
Pry &Spang:er
Cherry Hill, Isaac S IVelister.
lirtnnorA. John A. Boyd.
Earl Tin, George Duclim - ta
do do Weaver A Winner
do do basis Wnllace
Inuabellltown. John Lynch
Ephrata. John Gross.
Ephrata. ew, L. S. Harker
do do :\ lame Weidman
Fulton House, Fulton tp.. L. I'. Wilkinson
& Martin.
Intereour.e. Thames llnnes.
I.i•ticoek township. Frederick Swope
Imnipeter Square, J. &I) 11. kern
Lint. Natlimilel S. Woiley
Laneaster. JOltti
:tloniit Jon', %V111111!1 . & Cassel.
Nlotintville. John Devlin
Marietta, NV A. & B Spangler.
Iluunt Joy Township, 11 G Clark & Co
Mayfon in. John Reinhold
do Slaymnker & Co.
Mount Plimsant. Isaac M'Coinant
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer.
Marne Township, Moore.
New Holluncl. Brubaker & Co
New Providence. Hildebrandt & Meyer
Poplar Grove, E. 11. Paxson.
Peach Bottom. S. W. P. Boyd
Penn Township, Jacob Singer
Pnradv.e, A. li.. & A. L. Witmer
Pusey's Mills. Mahlon Posey
Peach Bottom. Wm Arnold.
Itawhilsvule, Jo:in nets lin,
Safe !Farber. John I Prr & Son
Streitsborg, Wn) Sit•nleor
Sllslrttry. 11. Freeland.
nsliington. JOlln A. Brush.
117 - 0. ices e, oted exela>rvely lo the 0:(10 01 \Vricht•e
Ve-etable Pdls, whole.mle and retail. 169 linen
ctr••ct. Plidadelplna : aSa Greenw:ch street. New York ;
end 19, Tremont street. Ilo.ton April
,T 11 , Farts in relation to the wonderful
_Lri_ O ellieue ) of Thoinson's Compound Syrup of Tar 4:
Wood Naphtha. the best remedy of the day Inc Consump
non...Whin:l, Coughs. Colds. Liver Complaint, &c. ,
Bead the following from Mr...,liarp. a well known and
re,pectable citi/en calks: Northern Liberties, Phil
adelphia county. 'nes is oin of the most astonishing
mires on record, and, it will be seen, is attested by the
Rev. Mr Select, and by other mittens of that district.
PHILADELPHIA. August 14th, Ibl7.
Near the close of the year 1015 I had an attack of the
Pleurisy. and while recovering 11,111 n. I took a severe
roll. Sly condition soon became nlarin,.ig and I grew
gradually worse and worse.
The symptoms manifested by my dine else were those
ordinarily viand in Pulmonary a fijetions—but mine were
of till exceedingly aggravated clini :vie% I'm a long pe.
rim! 1 erpectormeil n great quzint.ty ~1 ninth r..vlindi DO•
reared D. 11‘1ICIIIM ofpeis and time, its nerd as
II I ors discharging, the very saListnnee el the Inn,. My
voice was gone so DR to be unable to tab r word..
Wifilotlt great ditheulty. and I P:iporl o, l , 4l a H.O/I . .areel
other }militia sensations that rer, 0 , ti n e
iciest unpieasmu attendants of My 411 , erl•t• W err clitilinq
curs , Th e cold perspiration ran Ir.nn Inc e 0 1111111::1,1 .
not only at night, but also during. the -n n s to ket p
ten elothes at all times completely tv-t
I es er y means of cure which I cofild herr,
and se as attended by see era! eminent and skillful Pnv.d.
clans. Rut the obstitlaCr of my disease bullied all titer
cdoris They indeed raised me from my hail. but they al.
so prononneed ine incurable. The last Physician at.
tending me told me at one time. that I bud but a less. days
to !lye another time I might linger on a few weeks or
nimiths, but that it was utterly impossible that I could get
scrip err seer be able to attend to my business
IA It hMI prospect of recovery. I lingered on dorm:, the
greater part of the year 1-4 U—for three months a echi c h
period my friend: sat up with me. expecting es cry night
to see my suirerings end In death.
But last full a lady residing in Southwark. who had
be en cured of wme , rhat smillnr.utierides by • Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tar and %Vood Naphtha." cerise nerd
urged upon me n trial ofd, Almost &pairing, of any r,
lief. and with no hope of recovery.l commenced its use.
Imagine then my sausiaction in being, al le to state that I
am now welhand I attribute my restoration entirely to the
wonderful efficacy of the above medicine. Flom the
time I commenced its use. the disease began to yield its
bold upon me, and by steady perces trance 111 its enjoy
ment I may say. it has raised me from the grave. All un
pleasant symptoms have vanished. and I have for several
months attended to my business as formerly. and feel lex
cope some less degree of strength than I once possessed,}
tic ice 11 as ever.
P , V! , come from various pincer to Fns me. inquirin g
for the man cured of consumption' These who have
linon it me. and arc acquainted with illy long continued
otilnions. stop sr ith astonishment when they meet me, at
seeing the wonderful change wrought 1.1 the use of the
oho% e methcow. WM. W. SIIARP.
• _
No 9 Charlotte •t. Philndelphln.
The untler,gued. Sitcnd• of Mr. W. W Sharp. are fa
milnir with ht, ra•c and suflertn;•, and tegufy that the
alone 'tatcmcnt• are true.
John Street, Missionary. No 113 York Road, above
aroman} street
Thomas Street. No 103 North S•rond 4
Addison liars. Grocer. No 121 Brown t.t.
Jacob Knows. No 300 North room)] st
Garret Vanrant. No 221 Varth Second street
Thr ',torr medicine nrepared only In As:a:sty A
DICASON. at N. C corner of Fifth and Spruccstrcets,
Aostrrs.—R Williams, Colombia; John Gish, Lancas
ter; D. Gross, HarnsbUtg; IL A nqw.y. Carlisle.
Price 50 cts., or 0 bottles for 52 50.
Starch a, 1047-1 y
RISLEY'S Garden Seeds, warranted Fresh and
Pure. and selected from the most celebrated Her.
us:Miura' Garden in the world Aise,
comptising all the new and most splendtd varieties, for
ornamenting Yards and Gardens For sale by
Columbia, Feb. 12-6 Apothecary and Druggist.
Also to be had at McLaug,blints, opposite the Post °Mee,
in Locust Street.
VD CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For
•.ale at :nanuwetures prices, by
Aprtl 7. Fitnrctx h itriss.
~.,.„.-lietween York, Wrightsville and Co
l'reeident and Directors or
,I t et italtataare and t,u•gnchanna Rail Road
C o ,,, lt)hnt nic nted to continue the MORNING
TRAIN netn.eitii r. 1 , 1:,004
il:/ "./.1 " Car will It oluiala.t DAILY. Sandal's ec-
Cepte4ll at 174 tiel.sek..‘ .and the Trani will 'lease
‘N",tglltqtalic at bi o'clock Returning. the Train will
Lean e York at d o'clock. A M
April 17, 15.17
Repository, as its name imports, presenting the richest
literary attractions for the young. The contents are most
ly ()Initial, and unweaned pains are bestowed upon the
editorial department. It aspires to be, both in the char
acter of its articles and to its mechanical execution, a
modle of taste and excellence; and tt is universally con
ceded that it stands at the head of all works of its class.
The third volume commences in January, 1848; and the
increasing popularity of the magazine warrants the pub
lisher in pronusing that this volutne shell he MODE vsx.cas
nix IN Evince misrEgr than either of the preceding ones,
Several new contributors are engaged, among whom are
T. S. Arthur and Prot: Alden. whose stories for the young
are excelled by no writer in the Country.
YEARLY suuscrurnoN, was. Great inducements
are offered to those who take the work in clubs, and now
is the time to form CLUBS for the 11,017 volume. The initial
or January number is lIONS ready. It contains A SPLENDID
PORTEMI as STEED, and P. great variety' of engravings on
wood, prepared expressly for the Cabinet. These en•
gravings alone cost more than 5200.
The yearly volume. for besides containing nearly
400 large octavo pages of the choicest reading, with ap
propriate music, will be richer in etabelfislunents than
ally 01 its contemporaries. whether they appear in an ori
ginal Amencan costume, or in one borrowed from the
other side of the Atlantic.
The voice of the public press. so universally and so
warmly expressed, is certainly indienivs that this maga
zinc has won its way to a high place in popular favor.
The publisher selects two or three of these notices, as
specimen of more than a hundred.
:soncis OF THE
"This magazine is a model which we could wish were
followed by all works of its class. It is serious without
dullness or melancholy; cheerful ; but not frivolous; re
ligious, but mutter sectarian nor dogmatical; while it
unites very happily the winning, grace of familiarity with
the dignity of sethrespect." [N. Y. Daily Tribune.
"It abounds in precious gems, and seldom appears:with
out a good supply of solid and valuable ores." [New Or
leans Obsci er.
" We do sot know of a more elegant and beneficial
work for the )0011g." (Noules Weekly Mess.
It is beautifully illustrated, and evinces great ability
and interest. The editor has a fine tact for such a work."
[N. V. Evang.
If nay of our juvenile friends wish for a magazine
which is entertaining, and richly worth it 4 cost, I CM It is.
We do not know it better work for their purpose'' [Nth
ther's Journal. N. V.
. . .
"The editor is one of our best writers for die young."
[N. Y. Coin. Adv.
"The articles are original, and the tone fresh and live
ly.' (N. Y. Christ. Enquirer.
" Ve can but express again our high opinion of this
monthly." [N. Y. Christ. Adv. h Jour.
"It is universally admitted that the Cabinet is ono of
the most entertaining. instructive, and salutary periodicals
for children." [N. Y. Christ. Intel:.
"Its editor goes to work the right way to make child
ren happy. by mipartmg useitil knowledge. and interest
ing theta in ss hate,. rns good and beautiful." [Charter
Ouk. Hartford, Conn.
Tr:1:31 , -10 SUPACIMIMIS r
4 copies. one }ear, at advance, S'l 00
7 come-, 5 00
10 roptes• 7 00
15 cow., 10 DO
r_"?' 'rine money Van Le. bafely cent by mad 'rile pal,
w‘ll pay the po,taire on orders ox rSltaint upward—
In preput mg the monthly 211111111,, great mum-are taken
to mai°, a ta.eful and ,rellent Snlmne thr the library.
In Om. Intrttenlar the Youth's Cabinet has. as yet. no trnt
t•nor,. and it is deltevell In no other comm.. colt
found, la co eon, cment told el ~,,, ant a form, rind for the
same expense, cinch all amount of entertaining IoICM ledge,
os I n me yearly Solume, of Mt, work. They are provt
ded wttla n y••arly index. and are particularly adapted to
sc h oo l 'I•I:o , e mtere..tml m Colll,lloll •chum,.
are invited to esetnine them w•nii thi, view.
is now ready end may be had separately, or in Pollute
lion with rite lint. ll is complete in itnelt, and cannot Ltd
to be among the most popular things in the way or A JL
. . .
The publisher assures his patrons that there shall be no
delay' to filling their orders, as there seas unavoidably, last
season. A much larger edition 1, bound.,
Both volumes m tntilin, and one year's sub..cription,
33 00.
Posrnor mail edition eau Ie sent to any
part of the United State.. for only 10 eent,iwAttige Thr,e
who remit ...3!.? for IWO COple, Sh.tli NerlVe the satire post
age free.
AGENTS W ANTED. — SO Vera] Frntlemcu of ability - and
stood arldrets arc wanted. to obi I n subseriber. for the
inar.r.atine, and in .ell the bound volnitte. Appbeano.,
should be accompanied with responsible tostimotfink as
to character, and all letters post pad. The h,•st Induce
limit, will he oilered to good agents. A. small capi..ll of
some .92.5 r, necessary to he invested in bound volotti,,
which find a ready sale. This 1- the best season for the
age toy.
Postmasters Ore outhorired to art as mows awl
may avail themsels••s of the premiums otlinssl a bo n•. or
reserve .25 per cent Of the moneys voleen,d of uvw
%either:, :Specimens sent gron= Address
D.. 1 WOODWORTII, roblNlier.
Janz'.l9 0:itoon Hall. Neu• York
PREMIUM PLATES for the subscribers to the
Columbian Magamne Sent by mail to any part of
United States, free of postage
The Colombian Magazine. for IfF edited by John In
man and llo;pert A. West. A repository of the elitoersi
American literatin 0. entirely ongtunl. and of the most
costly original embelishments.
The Columbia Magazine enter= upon a tent yearvtith
prospects increasingly bright and promising. It has at
tained a proud posinon in the public emanation. The
press universally, and myth a generous, kindness which
the Proprietor gratefully acknowledges, has borate testi
mony to the superiority of its literature and the profusion
and elegance of its embellishments; while its Immense
and constantly increasing circulation, shows that the
pro, has but uttered the general sentiment, nod shards
such agreeable evidence that it has met the expectation
of all, that n seems to the Publisher almost unnecessary
to speak of the future.
It cannot be necessary to say mord] of the conduct of
Ihr literary department of the Columbian. The gentlemen
who pace so long and satisfactorily di.:chrirged that duty.
civil:tine their efficient services, and the Publisher is Inap
py announce that he litts made tar:lnuring:u, vtalt
several of the most disungafthed writer, in the country,
whose regular contributions will enrich the Magazine;
while. as - here:totem the merit (Wan article. mittens nitteh
as the thine of its water, will be the passport toils page..
Elevated sentiment and pure morality will distinguish all
the literature of the COLOollnall Magazine.
The paper on which the Columbian will nereafter be
printed. is manufamured expressly Air the purpose. by One
Of the large , t and most highly esteemed makers in the
I.7naiii and the typography will be of proportionate neat
ness undelegnne,
'rite Putdisner respectfully solicits from anthers. artiste,
subscribers rind tment , , a continuance of the confidence
hithertot"..•ncrously arded the Nlngiiime. As tin
ca rne-t of the I.bernlity with which he intends to conduct
that department 01 the work, he haspreputed. at a large
outlay, a magnificent l . ull length I'or:ratt of Washington,
price two dollars. in stipple, and 111,1/01 Wt. tvinch will he
presented. trrati, tree of onstage, to every yearly sub
scriber to the Columbian M.ntaLine. who will send to the
Publisher Si in advance. postage paid. It is an engrav
ing of such superior merit, and the subject is of such
profound and abiding interest, that he cannot doubt that
the ant will highly gratify the receiver. and largelybawell
the list of his sub.‘eribcrs. Ile annexes. also the follow
ing atiu , aal/s ilbcral terms of it being under
stood that the subscriptions arc in cash :
For S 3, the :Mat:arum and I:iirra,ine of AVrishington.
For $3, two copies of the 31agaztue. and the Engra.v.
am" , with each
rf — The peat National of the Declaration of
ependenee. just published. This picture., which was
painted by Col. Trumbull for the Rniumln Washington„
and originally engraved on copper 1,3 Mr. Durand,bn, been
re-engraved nn steel, and is the result of two jeers' labor.
I It contain, portraits of all the smemers, and should he the
Republican Emblem in the home of every American
Citaell The 3 , 17 C of the engraving . 1.21 by 31 inches; it
is primed on tax best plate paper, 37 by 3- niches. Price,
Crery person: who ♦s ill send to the Publisher of the
Colombian et, post paid, shall receive a copy of this
engraving and a copy of the Alagazine for one year,—
the engrat in free of postage. ror SS. the Nlnetwlne,
engraving of NVashilsoon, and Declaration of Indepen
.cliger Trains runs daily us follows below:—
Leaves Baltimore at 9 o'clock A. M., and ar
rives at Ci o'clock, P. M.
Arrives at York at 12 o'clocl. P. M. and leaves for Co
lumbia at 1} o'clock. I'. M. _
. ,
Lenves Coleraine et 2 o'clock P. M., and leaves York
for 13eltimore et 3 o'clock P. M.
Fere from Baltimore to York. SI SO
Wrlghtsmlle.- 2 00
Columtna,- - - 2 12i
Tl.e Train connects at York with Stages for llarrisburg,
Gee) 'hew. Chambersburc. Pittsburg and York Springs.
The company is authorised by the proprietors of the
Stage Lmc, to TeC,VC the fare through front Baltimore to
Gettytibtirg and Harrirburg.
Ittkt.rnr.ter. To Ciarrrsaanc. A.Nto HaAntsernc.
Farr through to either place. S 3 00
L. C. H. 13012DIXY. Super'.
Ticket (Mice. 41:1 Nerth it . H.ll.
May 9. 1517.—tf
F 4 , Baltimore il.Susquehanno Rail Road.
The Morning PA! NUB\ will ran
'rum 13altimore regularly. lam-caner. On tun
day. at 11 o'clock' A. A. and Rewriting will art from Co. l:y:114a at if, P. M., It right, the 2 P M.. and from York
at P M on oil., day, of the week. The
mail between Baltimore and York will be carried by Bit
train. No other tram will rim on Sunday.
D. C. 11. 8011.1)1.1 7 :1 - .
Superintendent of Tr3n.porlation
FT 7 'rl
TI I 1: sE(:ON1) VOIX:11T
:7FI :IS—the two volumes, S 2 15
112 . 11111 , c,hz.,, Ikw two volum,•:,
JOHN S TAYLOR. Publisher,
151 street. New York.
'THIS ATTENTIVELY! Doctor Holland's Ccle-
...1_ Listed
Will effectually cure the Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Dys
pepsia Chronic or Nervous Debility, Indigestion, Flatu
(eget, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of tho Kidneys, Pulmo
nary Atrections. (arising from disease of the stomach and
liver,) and alt diseases arising from a weak or disordered
stomach in both Male and Female, such as Female Weak
ness, Dizziness, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Inward
Piles. Fluttering, of the Heart, Difficulty of Breathing,
Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great Depression of Spirits,
Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Sale, Back, Breast, or
Limbs, Cold Feet. :cc.
They remove all acidity, and give tone and action to
the stomach' and assist digestion ; they erratum no oleo
liOlie sumulant, and can be taken by the most delicate
stomach. and will in every case entirely destroy Cosuve
tress, and renovate the whole system. removing all im
purities front tire body, and remnants of previous disease,
and give health and vigor to the whole flume ' thereby
preventing . fughtful dreams, walking while asleep, Sc.,
which °tic!) result in accident.
The functions of the stomach are of the utmost impor
tance to every one, constituting the source and fountain
of life. which is nutrition. No organ possesses such re
markable sympathies, none such remarkable power in
Intit!) ing every part of the system. A greater number
of persons fall meatus to the hazrassing of Constipate.
and Despepsin, and more organic diseases commencing
to the digestive, system, than all other diseases comblited.
The many thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera.
Influenza, and oilier epidemics. in owing to disease or de
rangement there. If the digestive system is in perfect
health. the nervous system aand the circulation of the
blood will lie also, as upon it they depend. then epidemics
loose all their terror.
Those In lug in. or visiung districts harrassed with
FEVER ANI, AGUE annually, will find that by the
timely rise of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen
the system, no excess of bile will accumulate, and they
will not iti airy one instance take the disease. Tre:mi
-1 don is far better than cure.
The rare success in treating diseases of the stomach
successfully, hasi not been so much a want of pathologe
cal knowledge of its functions, so the PreParn , i'.” .. .. , : still
able \,:egetablc compounds, so as to obtain 1101 only their
whole power, but us they would be most elk-staid and
We are all aware that too many preparations have
been, and are now before the public, that net only as pirli
, attires, and some that change the locanty of the ih , tinse,
or prevent it for a short period. then it returns more for
midable than in the first instance. Such preparations
have destroyed the public confidence. This article stand
ing alone in its number of cures, and unrivalled. as thou
sands of our citizens can attest who have tested it, vir
tues, eau always be depended upon for the above named
,If ,eaCe.i. It Will cure any case that can be cured by
medicine, no matter who, or what else bas failed; it wit!
perfectly restore the diseased organic inactions of the
Stomach. Intestines. Respiration, Circulation. Ice.
These linters, and the :spikenard Ointment will cure
any ease of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re
quire more than ones bottle of cneli tor the worst ease,.
For sale at the GrantAN :MEDICINE OFFICE, No.
27' 4 . Race Street, one door above Eighth. south side. Phila
delphia In [muenster, be JOlin F. Smug: in Harrisburg.
by Daniel W. Gross; m Pittsburg, by Win. Thorn—and
by-dealers generally throughout the iftlited States.
E7 - I.anndlicN Coutailling cures and descriptions of drs
eases. gratis.
Als o for sale, he. celebrated VEHETAELE RHEU
MATIC P11.1.r, for the core 01 Guilt. Illicainuti,n. Drop
,. and severe Nervnits Airectiom.; SPIKENARD OINT
MENT, tor die cure of files, Ti der, Itlngworras, rke.,
Ac.. Az.. marehl,.l^ls.fen
PUBLISHED every Saturday.--Terms 121-? rents
J .. a IMlTater, or six dollars. a year, in ad , . aatie.—TLt ,
work in conducted ai the spirit Of Littell's Museum of
Foreign Literature. (Which was lavoratily rep:toed by
the public for the last twenty years.) but as it is twice ns
large. Mal appears so often, '0 not only give slarit.and
freshness to it by Mau) things Which were excluded by a
nionth's delay, but whde thins eNtetitling Our scope and
gall. ring a grower nod inure attructin, tire able
o to mete,. the 501st) and substantial punt Of one liter
ary,lll-lorical, and ',Mitten' harvest., as fully to satisfy
the wools of the American reader.
'1 it
eltiltorate and suttely Essays of the 1:41111mi - 4T Quar
terly. and mher Flevie,s; and Blackwood's noble eriti
eisins on Piettry. his keen politieal Coinnamtarteq. highly
is revolt 'l.2es • and vs, id deseripuon of rural and nentn
:am Seener., - ; and the eontrilinunnq to Literature,
re. and emit:non Lice. by the sagacious . Speetator. the
sintrkling L'Atiminer, the oulieions .Ithenigina, the bury
aril Inds-alums Literary Gareth', the sensible tool eon,
I rrehensit e I:lo.thnia, the sober and respeetalde
Observer; these are intermixed w•itlh the Militars
and Naval retaimiscenees of the. United Service, and yam
tie. best articles of the Dublin University, New Monthly.
is T'ail's, Ainsworth's, Head's. and of Chamber,'
admirable Journal. \Ve do not eon- oder it beneath alit
digmnt to horrors• wit and wisdom Iron Punch; and.
when we (hulk it good enough. make use of the• thunder
of the. The 'Fillies. We shah increase our variety by an
porta:ions from the comment of Europe, nod nom the
nets - growth of the British colonic,
The steamship trot brought Europe, Asia. rind Afriert
unit our ileighborhooil. and will greatly multiply our
eon', ellons as Merchants, Tr., clierr. :mil Politicians - ,
tail all pants of the world: to that much more than ever
it no, becomes every intelligent Ante:num to be inform
ed of the eondttion and Changes of througn countries. And
the. not 03112. because of their nearer colineelloa with our
selves. but heeanise the 11:111011 scents to be hastening
through a rapid illoce.s of change, In some nets - state of
things. which the meetly 'ailment prophet eannot com
pute or tenses.
Gererraphleal discoveries, the progress of Colonization,
(tvliieli is extending over the whole world ) and Voyages
and ill be ilivorac matter. for Our ,eleenn,:
and, in general, IVC Shan systematically and very fully
acquaint our readers with the great department of For-
Iwo affairs. without entirely neglecting our own.
' While we aspire to make the lasing - Age desirable to
all 2.t ho wish to keep theincelves informed of the rapid
progress of the movement—to Statesmen, Oit•mcs, Law
yers, and Physicians—to men of business and torn of
leisure-11 1 s still n stronger ohyet to make it attractive
and useful to their Wives and Children. We fiches c that
we can than do .1111: good in oat day and getter:Vann . ,
and hope to make the work unhspens:dde 111 every well
!wormed family. We say and,prnsable. becul , r, In this
dos of cloap lite mime it is nut posstble to guard against
the influx 01 what it had in taste and vicious in morals.
ta any other way than by furnishing a sufficient supply -
of a healthy character. The mental mud moral appetite
matt be gratibed
Wo hope that. by ••winnmamq the wheat from the
chaff. - In, providing abundantly for the imagination. and
by n large collection of lttogrnpt••, , , Voyages and Travel,
Ilistory and more milli{ matter, we may produce a work
winch , thall be popular, wink tit the same bate it will
aepirc to raise the rdandard of public taste.
Tkmus.—The Living Age is published e‘ely Saturday,
by E. LAirnia.& Co.. corner nt Tremont and flroondleal
st- • Boston—Price 121 cent, a number, or six dollar, a
a year in advance Remittances for ally period will be
thankfully received and protoptly attended to. To
in.nre regularity in tnalllng the work, order , should he
arldre ,, ed to the race at publication, ay. allot,.
pay mg a year in advance. will bn supplied as
Four enpit e for
Nine '•
Twelve 4•
to sea,. m fifteen volumes. to the end of I°l7,
hand , onicly bound, and packed In r ent boxes, ate for
sale nt Hurry dollar..
Any s °him, may be had separately at two dollars,
bound. or a dollar nod a half in numbers.
Any number may be had for 121 cents: and it tune be
worth while for subscribers nod purchasers to complete
any broken volumes they may haw., and thus greatly
lenhaiier their solar.
MOltitts & NVILLIS The oilmen, editions of the
Junirir) number.. of this nuiver , ally popular FA:mix
N K'vsr •krrii are di...appearing' rapidly NEw Surscritota,
who is 1 , 11 to preserve all the chapters of the new and
(now in the course of publication) and tiles or the work
for 1-le. can be supplied with complete sets. Il immedurtr
application be made The Horne Journal is precisely
whar its tale implir s. ft for Houle. It COIIIIIIII6
an endless variety of choice. instructive. refined nod turt
ling literature—the arousing News and I ;ossip of England.
I'rance and America. and a chronicle of mow. for
It is not only a weekly renew of the w,,r1,1'• proeress.
but a highly ornamental parlor piquant and
peculiar interest. It is, In 6hori, the best and cheapest
paper ever issued by its editors, and by tar the most en.
tertnining and elegant The terms are only a year,
(or 3 copies for 9..1 I Address Morns S VVilbs. No 107
Fulton-street. New York.
oldest Magnrine in the United States, contains month
ly sixty pages of rending matter, by the hrct n ricers ut
the country,—twelve more than the New York Maga
zines. Two splendid steel engravings. an undeniable
authentic colored monthly Fashion plots, Model Cottages
and Churches, Crochet Yl'cirk, and other matters tor the
Ladles, all illustrated and well explained. Ace ..tre.
Price for one year, which includes the Lady's
Dollar Newspaper, making three publications
in one month,
Two copies without the Lady's Dollar Newspaper.
Five copies with on• to the person sending the
Eight copies,
Twelve copies,
A. specimen of etcher the Lady's Book. or the Lady's
Dollar Newspaper sent to any person paying postage on
the request Adikegs 1.. A moor.V.
Jaw2TP , N. lin. Chrgintit Street. Phil.
FOR norm, This Embrocation, so well known
by the Boatmen. Wagotters.Forriers. farmer, rstiige
Drivers. rind Private GelltleMCll. neuh horses. is .poker
of in the highest term. for the following complaints: old
or fresh cut., wounds and brutes. old strains and swel
lings. strains of the shoulders. galls produced by the col
lar and saddle. and in all eases where the Joints and
tendons are in II relaxed condition. For sale . by
Columbia, Fob 12-tt
R 114921
C 10 00
BY their own Caifin:eharge of messengers, and
under locks. DAILY between Philadelphia, Lances,
ter. Columbia, Wrightsville, York, Gettysburg, Baltimore.
Washington. South, West, North and East, - by. EVIIN
ill. & Co. are now prepared to forward in their Cars,
Packages, Parcels, Beadles, light Cases, and all descnp
lions of goods and inerchandir.e; also Specie, Bank
Notes, Drafts. Bills for collection, orders, dm-, to any of
the above aimed pldees hy - )Sangonger trains and mail
Ppeed. Being ile,irons of affording every facility for the
prompt and economical transaction of any commission
entrusted to them, they respectfully solicit the patronage
of all to their line.
All goods or yuckages must be marked "By Miller IS:
C0• . 2, Express.' D. F. caurrrni, Agent,
Miller & Co 's Fsgpress, Columbia.
OrFlCEs.—Corner of Third and Chestnut street. Phila
delphia ; Chas. Norman, Lancaster: li. Bauffelt, York;
3.11.e1im Buildings, Baltimore: Gay Co.. cor. Wall and
llroadway, N. Y.; Gay & Cc . State sL, Boston; Waali
ington, D. C.; Richmond, Va.; Wheeling. Va.; Pitts
burgh, Pa.; Gettysburg, Pa. Nay 6, 1847.—1 f
subscriber having fitted up a Livery Sta.-
1 ble, in the borough of Columbia. at the Washington
Hotel, would respectfully call the attention of the eintens
and community to that tact. hastag gone to consid
erable care and expense to get up such a stand as the
town never yet had, %could Leg leave to annotnicc, that
lie line prepared 1nm:ell - with a good mid
Together %s oh different kinds of CARRIAGES, to suit the
travelling commuinty.noer asks a share of patronage due
to a public good, and hopes by strict and prompt atten
tion to his hue of business, to merit the saute.
TLIEREPO ft b.' t
Ye yonthful heroes, all draft• near
And to Inc feeble song give car,
It you in llor4emanshap delight
And on some balmy moonlit
Perchance some lair one at your side,
'Enjoy the pleasure of nu evening ride,
A Carriage. Horse or Coach you need
To J. It. Edwards, Men first speed.
To serve you all, you'll find him able,
lty calling at Ins Livery Stable.
3011:c B. EDWARDS
Coltanbia. October 30. li'll7:—Can.
THE undersigned have just received the best
mid most complete assortment of nuthell and Ger
man stub said mist and patent breech BOBBLE BAR
RELED GUNS, %%Inch have ever been offered in this
market at .1101 prices that will suit all. Also. six Barrel
ed Revolving and self-coeling. PISTOLS. Call and ex
amine for your•ehes, at the cheap Ifardware Store of
Cithun Atintict 21,1°417.
To ranrizr.ixs.
rrlIE subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
INK of a .itp,rtor quality. and oiler, it for sale in
I,, r g, or small qiinnutie,. upon accommodating terms. in
111qt:Illee where the ink .cut bllllll nut alt , Wer the de
scription. it will be exelninTeil or the price refunded.
A liberal do:count wall he made upon large purchase;
for en h.
9'in• Nev.. Ink i) pat up in krgn of It.t 13.:n, :la. 51 ,
and 100 lb,
'2O lb livtt of the be..,t 110,, 111 k wtll be et to
:toy lama of the Peon'a Improsement, at my risk free of
charge. spoil
COPAL, VAItNiSII w barrel., kegs. and cnni,ters.
Columbia. May 20, LFI7.--te
set/her, are prepared to farnudi. at .hort notire, ever)
article used in a Printing Otlim and have reduced the
Prices of ap,, arils nt IC per Cent they no'
Charge for
Plea. :15 ca. :11 noon. 51 et , .
Small Plea, 31 '• Nonpnwil, (13 ••
I.nne Prunt•r, 31; Agate, FG
19 `• Pearl. 51,t2.0 "
Breve r, ‘• Diamond, 12.00 "
Determined to spare no expense in making their estab
lishment complete Its they are getting up
uniform t,•ries of the eriebrnt rd SenrCllFACl:q.tchteh arc
unetpuilltal for la.anty and durability, and which they reel
ed Lull weft mith general approbation. Several
hlle, me pow ready
I inviu7, r,ently wiled Europe fur the purp9cc of pro
curing every unprorenu•ut in their line of btp.incsc. they
now curer a greater tariety of Fancy Type, llorder, 01-
itarnent,, &e, than any other e.tablp„lnneat la the
United Stale,: a:1.1 01,1 r iairio ,, al method of c:wnug, and
of preparing metal. enable them to furnish order. 111
inaitner to 11-llre call ftur'llnn.
Printing Pre,es of et cry description. Pionniz Ink,
Clinse , , Cases, Brass Rule. remain c, &C., at the lost eel
Second-hand Presce, and Type. which Las Leen used
only in , torentyi.unf. ve , wrallv an hand
Book,. Pamphlets. :111,1e. _h•dmuu•
Cht•cks, Dratt , oke . corr,tly and clrrcantly stereoc} pad
as heretofore.
N B Specimen Book hr .r.ent to Printer; who
kh to make order, 1. JOHNSON S Co.
Plula , Urr I'7', Is 17.—ti
QALIMINDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests,
Li Warranted rpiah(' any other make, and have never
been nuared by Fire or Burglars. in a single instance. lle
also keep, on hand a MU supply of Common Che , t,
made of lighter iron, at lower prices.
Letter Copying Pre,..”, amt Books.
Trucks for Stores, FUCILUICS, c
Eagle Paper.
Portable Shower Bath•. Sr.
Parking Lever., 1101,1111 a Mriehines.
Iteingerator, and Wulc,
. ,
61 South Second St, below Cl.stuit, Philadelphia
ItEVILIGI',It.VCOP,S for cooling and preserving Meat,
Hatter, Mill:. and all articles intended tor culinary par
\\*ATM: FIT.TI:Tiq —Oliver Ilvans' Celebrated Wa
ter Filter, fir l'uruying Winer that is braelui.,ll or mud
dy, n briber b) rains. mineral:, or other, I, ran be had
01 all dens and prices, at the ‘Varerooms, No. til South
Second Street, too doors below Chesnut St .
Philadelphia. October thl, ISt?.
1 IFIRST Premium Writing Ink.--Silver medal just
/0A rd.,l by the Amer.:in Institute, New Vosk,
The following tehttmony from ahNttligttp.hed Institutioal
%peak, for ttwell •
Philadelphia. May 11, 1,11.
Rasing tried. Or conic time. the Black Ink inanufactu
red by Mr. Joseph E. Dover, we have timid it well suit
ed for manuscript. by its I Mining freely, and its exerap
lion from coagulation. Its shade also n e are pleased with.
\V. E. HORNED. Al D. Dean of the Faculty- and Froil,s
nor of Anatomy.
SAMUEL B. WYLIE. Num Provost
11ENRY REED. Secretary of the Fa c ulty of Arts
ROSEWF,I,I, PARKE, Prot of Not Phil. and Chemistry.
W. W. GERHARD. Lecturer in the Med. Department
PE , N , ILvn NIA 511.1nc.0.. Plin..sur.trum.
We fully concur in the above.
SARI.. G. MORTON. M. D, Deno of the Faculty
Central 1110 School, Philadelphia.
A D. BACHE, Principal.
11. MeMURTI7.III Al. D. Professor of Anatomy
Ameriean Fire Insurance Co , Philadelphia
rnumiticK FRALEY, Secretary.
Custom Ilouse., Philnaelphin.
J D. GEORGE. Deputy Naval Officer.
A Superior Article, Warranted.
For sale, Wholesale. and Retail. at the Manufactory.
No.'s:, North Third street. opposite Cherry street, Phila.
delphia, by JOSEPH 1.. uovnit. Al anunicturer.
Philadelphia. May
( I ARDEN Seeds, from the most celebrated Hor
tieulnual Garden in the world! raised and put up
at Fredonia. Cliatauque County, New York. The appro
bation of over 100,000 persons, throughout almost every•
town in the United States and Collodi,. is ho are in the
habit of patronizing thin C.ICIfiIIFINC establishment yrnr
atter :scar. Is a certain indication that the efforts of this
Company to , 11. tribute none hut Fresh nod Pure Seeds,
arc oppreciated by n generous public.. For sale by
W. A. LEADER. Agent.
Columbia. Yoh 12-tf
V.l 00
.5 00
COMPOUND Extract of Sarsaparilla, the wonder
and blessing of the age! The great beauty of this
Sarsaparilla. over all other remedies, is while rt eradi
cates dl,CaFr. it Invigorates the body. him used suceei.s..
fully us the removal and permanent cure of all discuses
arising from an impure state of the blond, or habit of the
system. For sale at W. A. LEADER'S
rebt..V4 ?AI Golden Mortar Drug Store.
10 00
15 00
20 0(1
OEI Ivr ILE111) 11
~I.IY what's the mutter? Why,
in) hair is all falling out. and I shall soon he halt!.
Well. no matter for that—you have only to use Jayne`,
Hair Tome taithfully. and It still not only stop your hair
from falling oiL and restore your scalp to a healthy con•
Atom but cause your hair to grow again more he: t onal,'
than eve:. For sale by W A. LEADER
Columbia. Jan. 15, —tf.
cznIALPEEVZ ZN TZE 37 N 1 17'033.3ra,
STEAM Refined Sugar Candies, Twelve and a
half cents per pound, Wholesale. J. J. RICHARD
SON, No. 42 Market street, Philadelphia, takes pleasure
in informing the public, that ho still continues to sell his
very superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of
Slit 50 per 100 lbs., and the quality is equal to any manu
factured in the United States.
He also offers ail kinds of goods in the Confectionary
and Fruit line at corresponding low prices, as quick sales
and small profits arc the order of the day.
Call or send your orders. and you cannot fail to be sat
, idled. Don't forget the number 42 MarketHARDSON.
3. RIC
Phila. Feb, 25, IQ4S--3m
WM. H. RICHARDSON'S Steam Factory the only
one in the United States, No. RH Market Street, Philadel
Merchants are respectfully informed that I continue to
.11attufacture all the above goods, by the aid of steam,
notwithstanding the great opposition of parties opposed
to the introduction of expensive improvements. 3ly as
sortment is complete, and prices no low, as to give entire
. .
11.7. As there lean Umbrella Store next door, of nearly
the same name, it is unportant you should remember
Steam Factory, and Patentee of the Walking Cane Um
brella- Sign of the Lady turd Eagle, No. IN Market Street,
[U — Attention in requested to the celebrated Walking
Cane Umbrella, a neat and beautiful article combining all
the advantages of a Cane and Umbrella.
February 5, 1A.,.--.7art
O...TRIAV Goods, The undersigned would re.
spectfully incite the attention of Dealers to his assort.
moot of
inch, from the facilities he possesses of ntannfacturi
cannot he burptemed.
Bonnets of every hind, or the newest and roost fashion.
able styles, et the lowest prices,
TILOS. WHITE, Bonnet Manufacturer,
41 South Second Street, above Chestnut, east side,
Phila. Feb. :10, IS4-.4-13rn
rrtonticr: & cr.:srL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS,
Noi. 15 and 11 Spear's Wharf,
- _
advances made on Con‘ignment, of all
kind• of Produce.
Baltimore, Jannary.,l9l.3. fob 5 am
HOLDS, Asthma and Consumption.--The Indian
V) Vegetable Balsam is the only remedy that can arrest
With certainty the various pulmonary adections under
ss loch thousands sink into the grave.
No one ever used this Halsrun according to direction%
without finding rehet. It positively cures Asthma. Bron
chitis, Inflamation of the Lungs and Throat, Coughs,
Cold-, NVltooping Cough. Croup, Consumption, &c. It
does till it protases, and all that is asked is just to give it
a Mir trial, and it will at once prose its superiority ore,
el cry thing of the hind.
The Indian Vegetable Balsam is prepared only by Ii
M. Crawford. Philadelphia. and fur sale by Westbrook &
Spangler, Agent for Columbia; J. T. Anderson, Marietta;
C. S. Kauffman, Washington, J. Ilerr & Son. Safe Har
bor. October 16, ISO --Gm
m' . ..,_ '''• , Yourself for 2,5 cents. By
4 ,, , t, firt , , 4 -, means of the Pocket ./p.seuls
, 4 .,
„. „,z,..t - t A ilt. _ . p p ,, or, Every One his Own
" I itysician !—Seventeenth Etli•
.r. ' , ,,, e , tion, is jib opo firth of one lion
', tr' • 1 , 14, tired Engraving,, showing pri
ls =r Vet; ,i ,d.,-, 4 vale diseases in every shape
l••• . —l 4 r'ri ' and form. rind malformations 01
4 '... '' ~.., i i
• the ceiterative SI. ACTT,
'.:' ..N.i , 1' ' 4 -By W el. - YOLNO, M. D.
"••• dQr• •;. r'' .. The 111110 lies now arneed,
Xti . ' .. i that persons stitTering from se
cret disease. need no more be
come victims of Quackery,as
hy the prescriptions contained
in this hook nos olio may cure himself, without hindrance
to htoutess, or the knowledge nt the most intonate friend.
anti with one-tenth the nsual expt•tise. lit addition to the.
gent nil rotund, of Private diseases, it fully explains the
can-, of Manhood's early decline. %%WI observations on
Ma rriage—be-ides :11:111 V derangements winch tt would
tint be proper to enumerated in the polite prints.
11-7 . Perse. , reading m n distance from Philadeirthea,
can have this hook fontard to them through the Post
Oilier, on the ren,ipt of twenty-flee Celli,, directed to Dr.
Young, I.;t1, Spruce street, Philadelphia.
January t.. 2, t.l im
A Certain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.—The
tlO•T sms.rmy izminny FOR PAINS IN THI:
loins, recent and chronir affections of the kidn ey , , d i ,-
ra.e alike bladder. gravel, seminal weakness. Ste. Per
sons who, by indulging in a secret habit, have entailed
on themselves constitutional debility. should apply Ims
mrdiately to olt. KIN KEI.IN. of the Philadelphia Medi
cal House, the nidest institut inn of the kind in the city.
Mice, N. W. corner of Tllifto end UNION Sts.,
spruce an d Pine, 11 squares front the Eocl:ntige.
This afrdrcal !Amor iv no established by Dr K. fifteen
years ago, for the suppresalon of quackery, there tieing
. 0 man) persons • Sc Ittiont loon ledge, name nr character,
win, put nilverli.elnents in the public papers, that an In
slihil inn of this kind was highly necessary to prevent the
afflicted. especially strangers, from falling into the hands
of some u ink Mint wretch, whe inntend of curing, might
sr nd his vartim to an tint lately grave. Therefore, the
afflicted should Malin the numerous pretended physicians
who k maw nothing of the practice of medicine. but Con--
snit Dr Itiukelin as her cures .9 Certain Outset in two or
three days.accnrding to the state of the patient, without
the rise of mercury. Na mercurial remedies are used by
Dr. Kutkelm ; his medicines are palatable and harnrle•s,
and nil lilt patients ale honorably shielded, from even
the preisibility of la trig itiscovered. Ile who places him
self minder the care Of Or, K., may religiously confide In
his honor nn a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his
skill as a physicinn, and elle is not speedily relieved no
trimmer:llion will he demanded,
Little t;oorg” st
Strictures. one of the roost tronhlesnme and dangerous
alThcl ions, w b. h often end to gravel.lntlaination, weak
, ni , s, Ate . Ur. Kink, lin guaranties to remove speedily;
as also. swellings diseased prostrate gland. tkr.. Side
; Imes have ruined many who had no knowledge of their
; existence,
Take Particular ..Volnt.—Young men who have Injured
themselves by a corrals, practice—a habit
, fret' ti. tidy learned (rein evil companions. °Tat school—
; the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep.
; and destroy both mind nail body. should apply lame
r thately. Weakness and constitutional debility imme
diately cured and hill vigor restored. All letters post paid.
Tsae .Wattre —Ur. liiiikelin has had greater practice In
the above affections than any phyotetan lrt the United
States. lie also possesses an advantage neer all others.
from the fact of his having stnilie.l In the great hospital*
of Europe. Thotivands in Philadelphia can testify that
lie cured them after carry other means has failed. Sepa
rate moms for private consultation. Open till ft. P. M.
Travellers supplied at a moment's nntiee, with the re
quiche medicines to cure theimielves privately.
Packages of medicines sent to any part of the U. R.
More particulars in the Spirit of thu Times. nc6,17-ly
0. 121 Chesnut treel, n few doors below 4th,
North side.—The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public in general, that he still continues
to keep the above estable.hinem.
Every pants is nt all times taken to render this one of
the best. and, from its central situation, it is one of the
most conimment Ilotels at the city.
TA 111. r is funu•hcd, at all times, with the choicest
delieuetes of the season.
Ills \VINES nod LIQUORS are not surpassed by any
other establishment in this city.
hits Servants are careful,. honest and obliging.
Terms of Boarding to sun the times.
Country Merchants and Business Men will find the lo
cation of the CustalstiT ST. lioust, in the 1/10i1 business
part of Philadelphia.
The subecriber pledgee lumself that every• flung in his
power ohnll be done to give !satisfaction to those who fa
Nor him with their patronage
Philadelphia, Sept..t.'7, Proprietor.
. . c . 4„. .. WATCHES and JEWELRY, at the
, ,_,...„........,.. - --,,,,
j : n vvrapri.} . ilA IvATelf AN.
i 2:- - 1 si ODE," 96 North Sec
ond Street, corner of (quarry.
Gold Lever Watches, lull jewelled. 18 carat cases, 845,00
s. :L: e r Lever
scr : cer4,,tci‘‘,c,,
Silver Lcpino Watcher,; . walled, finest quality, 23,00
Superior (loather Winches. 10,00
Imitation Quartier Watches, 5,00
Gold Spectacles, 8,00
tune Silver Spectacles, 1,75
Gold 13racelms with topaz Monet, 3,50
Ladies Gold Pencils. 15 carats, 2,00
(old Finger Routs 372 cents to Se—Watch Glasses,
plain 12) cents. patent lei, Lamm 25. Other articles in
proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are
..old for. 0. CONRAD.
On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepiaea and
Qoarbers lower than the above prices.
rbiladelpMa, April 10, ISl7.—ly
(Late & Wulters,)