The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, March 11, 1848, Image 2

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    a Christmas party, high or low, throughout lug
Sand, where there was more true.lore and kind
heartedness to be found.
After this day the course of this true love was
so exceedingly smooth and sunshiny, that it cer
tainly would have become monotonous, had not
Mr. Joseph Hilyard insisted on a wedding by way
'of satiety; so the wedding was held in May,
The young people lived in a small, but hand•
tome house, not far froin the uncle's large square
one. Mrs. Trevishain still kept on in the cottage,
though she was not much there, for Kitty and her
husband insisted on her being mostly with them.—
Very viten, too, Mr. Hilyard was there; and as he
tied of late grown so wise as not to care for what
people might say when a good action was in ques
tion, he made up his mind to persuade the Is idow
Trevisham to give up her cottage altogether, and
remove to his large, square house in the character
of his wife. The wedding dinner, and Om Christ.
mas dinner, were eaten together on the 25th of De.
cember, 1847.
V. B. PALNITta is duly nothorited to reeeire t t o t o ,erip.
dons and adverti.temeat4 for this paper. to the cities of
Philadelphia, New Yeti:, Baltimore, and Minton, teat
receipt therefor.
E. W. CARR. Philadelphia.
JACOR 9i. WE.THAEFFER. Iietvoer ray.
WILLIAM Planer, Travelling Agent.
- -
ET An apprentice to the printing business will
be taken at this office, if application is mode soon.
None need apply but snch as will give a guarantee
that they will acrvc a specified time.
Already do we sec evidences of the commence
ment of Spring Business in Columbia. 'rite very
visages of our business men speak the fact, that
they are tired of this monotony and dullness of the
winter, and hail with joy the day when their
duties shall call their energies into mental and
physical activity. All things seem to be ready for
a fair start. The State has repaired the works over
which site has control—the basin has undergone
a thorough cleansing, locks have been repaired, I
wharfs built, &c., for the accommodation and con
venienee of those who patronize' her improve
ments, while our forwarding and transportation
men have left nothing undone, that world in any
way enable them to be prepared to enter fully and
heartily into business. We observe that their
boats and cars have all undergone repair, and they
deck the bosom of the canal, or the track of the
railway, in all the colors of the rainbow. The boat
yards of Messrs. Simpson and Bowers, have been a
scene of activity during the whole winter, mid we
understand each of these gentlemen have now
several of the largest class boats almost ready to
But the evidences of business is not confined
exclusively to the above branches. A walk along
Front Street will convince the most unobservant,
that the other branches of trade are alive to their
interests. Several new houses have already opened
their doors, and exposed for sale their different ar.
ticles of merchandise. Many removals are to take
place, and those who arc to change places are most
anxiously awaiting the Ist of April, when they, too,
will be able, with a replenished stock, to enter their
new locations and names, as candidates for a share
of public patronage. The established houses
throughout the town,are waiting and ready for their
time, and in fact it seems to as that the coming
season is to be oneof unusual briskness in Columbia .
We hear ofmany new buildings in course of erec
tion, and many more in contemplation. Several
new furnaces have aprung up within the last few
months in the immediate vicinity of the town. ‘Vitli
these improvements and business prospects of the I
town, in connection with our many other facilities,
such as railroads, canals, telegraphs, &c., to assist
us in all enterprises, we cannot see what is to pre.
vent any, with proper management and exertion,
from reaping that reward due to perseverance and
and energy.
Tile SENATE.—This association, of whose pro.
=dings we have kept our readers advised, ad•
journed in a very singular and unexpected manner,
on Tuesday evening last, stopping one of its mem
bers in the midst of his speech, by a resolution for
adjournment until November next. We were our.
ry, on entering the hall, to find that the resolution
bad carried, and the body actually dissolved. We
must say we have, on many occasions, enjoyed a
feast of reason" (row their deilherations, and, nn
Tuesday evening, joined them, by invitation, after
the adjournment, to enjoy, as we thought, the "flow
of soul." But our flow of soul was a little disturbed
by hearing of the conduct of several of the mein.
bers in relation to ourselves. Previous to adjourn
ment, a member offered a resolution to the effect
that a vote of thanks be given by that body to the
editors of the Spy, for their flattering notices, from
time to time, of the Senate, &c. As a matter of
course, the gentleman offering this resolution knew
that we neither expected nor courted such an
honor at their hands; but governed by the same
spirit which prompted a majority of the tnembers,
viz: a joka—to vole for a. resolution ordering the
printing of 500 copies uf a certain member's speech,
Ire presented the one in question, but was not for
tunate enough to have it carried through. This
joke met with a roost strenuous opposition from
several of the members, which opposition roust
have had its foundation in something other than
the contents of the resolution itself: They, it ap.
pears, did not consider themselves flattered by our
notices; perhaps they felt they did not merit them;
at all events the shoe pinched somewhere, and they
were disposed to, and did, convert this joke, by
their zealous opposition, into a personal thrust at
ourselves. We would be happy to relieve the gen.
flatten of' any unfavorable impression they may
have towards us, arising from our reports of the
proceedings of the Senate, by a fair face to face
ANONYMOUS Connesrosossrs.—We would inform
"Tom Tuby, & Co." that we adhere to the rules
of the "corps editorial," and consequently his
anonymous communication cannot be admitted to
our columns. We arc not surprised that "'Torn"
n'tould bo opposed to the wearing of "shirt collars
even one inch above the ear," fur it would appear
rather expensive for him to follow such a " spring
Er The attention of tradesmen is directed to our
Philadelphia advertisements.
of the eighteenth volume of the Saturday Courier,
comes to us this week with a new head and en
larged dimensions. It is now a mammoth as well
us a model sheet, and contains 36 columes of mat
ter, mostly original, from the pens of some of the
best authors.
Iv oua NOTICE of the improvements in the
neighborhood of the Basin, we omitted stating that
the extension of the Railroad and the erection of
the extensive warehouse of Leech & Co., were un
dertaken and completed by our enterprising friend
and neighbor, Augustus M. Haines. The cars
manufactured by this gentleman, have already se
cured him an enviable reputation as a mechanic.
and the workmanlike and substantial manner iry
which he has performed this v! . ,.Jr.r : pv -- e - s - tl - 1 - at his
'large as for a small under-
JUCATION µ•ill be interested
in the examination which takes place in Marietta,
as noticed in another column.
Hoy. J.tmes BUCIIANAN.—The Democratic Con
vention of the 4th of March, at. Harrisburg, have
settled the long mooted question " who is Pennsyl
vania's favorite son ?" by nominating the gentle
man whose name heads this paragraph for the
Mr. Painter was named for Canal Commissioner
TUC NEWS DY Tua Elarrirssns indicates a decline
in bread stuffs, while cotton has advanced. The
Irish arc still starving.
We give the following, clipcd from the Erie
Gazette, as fully embodying our views on the sub•
ject to which it refers; and would assist uur friend
of the Gazette in his endeavors to secure simply
`•sheer justice" to country editors, and the interest
of their journals, by urging upon them the necessity
of raising their voices, and exerting their influence,
against this uniform law for newspaper postage,
the direct operation of which would be a death
blow to their own circulation:
NEWSPAPER POSTAI:E.—A letter has been exhibi.
ted to us from an authuritive source in which it is
stated that the " publishers of newspapers in the
Atlantic cities have on foot a project for a uniform
law regulating the postage on newspapers, by means
of which they can send their sheets of trash thou
s/nds of miles at u cost nu greater than the readers
of country papers pay un those carried ten miles
or less."
We had before seen intimations that the project
referred to was contemplated. It is designed to
injure country papers, and this it will most certain.
ly do if successful. Immediate preventive mea
sures should be adopted. We would suggest to
country publishers the propriety of at once taking
steps to ward off the blow thus aimed at their in
terests. They should endeavor to have the postage
laws so arranged as to discriminate in their favor,
instead of against them. This they are entitled to,
as might be shown by a variety of arguments;
and this, by a united voice, clearly and emphatical
ly expressed, they can secure. Congress will heed
and accede to their honestly entertained and strong.
ly urged wishes. Let them be true to themselves.
Let them rmual, promptly amid decidedly upon the
subject, through their papers and through petitions,
and spare no honorable efforts to defeat the greedy,
never•satisfied longings of city cormorants.
It appears to us the dictates of sheer justice to
exempt country papers from postage within the
limits of their respective Congressional Districts,
and charge the mammoth city weeklies, filled with
old matter, according to weight and distance of
Let those who know somthing of the pleasure of
editing a paper read the following from the pen of
Mnryatt. It is one of the truest things that great
author ever wrote, and we are surprised that even
he should know so much of the labor and slavery
attending the vocation:
TOE TOIL OF A NEWSPAPf 11.—Ncwepaper litera
lure is a link in the great chain of miracles which I
prove the greatness of England, and every support ;
should be given to newspapers. The editors of
papers must have a most enormous task. It is not
the writing of the leading article itself, but. the ob
ligation to write that article every week, whether
inclined or not, in sickness or in health, in affliction ,
disease of mind, winter and summer, year after year
tied down to the task, remaining in one spot. It is
something like the walking or a thousand miles in
a thousand hours. I have a fellow feeling, for I
know how a periodical will wear down one's ex
istence. In itself, it appears nothing. The labor
is not manifest, nor is it severe— it is the continual
attention which it requires. Ynur lire becomes, as
it were, the publication. One week is no sooner
corrected, and printed, than on comes another. Ii
is the stone of Sisyphus, an endless repetition of
toil, a constant weight upon the mind, a continual
wearing upon the intellect and spirits—demanding
a ll the exertion of your faculties, ut the same time
you arc compelled to do the severest drugery. To
write for a paper is very well, lint to edit one is to
condemn yourself to slavery.—Maryott.
l)elta has published, in a supplementary sheet, the
correspondence, some of which has been previously
published, of Generals Scott and Worth, relative to
the late difficulties in the army, subsequent to the
publication of the army orders, censuring severely
certain letters written to the United States. It is
briefly as follows :
Gen. Worth addre.sed a letter to Gen. Scott,
stating that he learned with astonishment that it
was the opinion of the army that the imputation
of scandalous conduct, mentioned in a general or.
der, relbrred to him, and asking if such was the
intention of the Conunander•in•chief.
Gen. Scott replied that the order clearly express.
ed that he meant to apply the imputation to the au.
dim of the letter signed "Leonidas."
Gen. Worth rejoined, and said that he did not
consider the answer satisfactory. Gcn. Scott re.
plied that he could nut be more explicit. Ile had
nothing to do with the suspicions ofothers,and, if
he had valid information of the authorship, he
would prosecute the parties before a court martial.
Gcn. Worth replied that lie supposed the Com
mander regarded him as not deserving a satisfac
tory answer. and, feeling himself aggrieved, lie
should appeal to the President. lie concluded by
accusing Scott of acting in u manlier unbecoming
an officer and n gentleman.
Gen. Scott then ordered Worth under arrest, for
behaving with contempt and disrespect towards the
chins were playing at marbles opposite the Custom
Mouse, on .Monday, when one of them, looking up
at some passers by, exclaimed :
"1 say, Hill, 'notice Char, and sec a gentleman
moking s cigar while he's a.walkin' with a lady."
.I.walking with a what, Jake 7"
"Pith a lady, :"
"Not us you knows on—she can't be a decent
'onian if she's a-walkin' with a feller a smokin' a
cigar !"
Bill knuckled down without saying another word
—American Courier.
For the Columbia Spy
FREDERICK, March 7, 1!48
useful, and highly entertaining sheet, is before us,
and it is with no small degree of pleasure that we
con over its interesting contents, more especially,
as we have the happiness of recognizing in one of
its proprietors, an old acquaintance and valued
friend, unto whose mirth provoking propensities,
we are indebted for many a hearty laugh and plea
sant hour.
The "Fair "—of which we spoke in a former
epistle—has been in successful operation during the
two past weeks. The sale was so arranged in or
der to avail them of the " Court Term," a very ju
dicious course to pursuc„by the—vTay - -r-as strap
.:ers,_and., -, Illoiii - tiorn the country particularly, al
ways bleed more freely, and submit themselves to
be plucked with a better grace than native citi.
runs. From an elevated position we could over
look the whole transaction; secure alike from harm's
reach,and the ladies' importunities. But although
secure ourself: we could not refrain from commis
erating the fate of each unlucky wight, that "Hark
cn'd to the Syren's song." Manifold were the trials
unto which unmarried gentlemen on the wrong
aide of the " Rubicon," wore subjected. Poor fel
lows ! They have no sweet little wives, and chub
by faced pratting "responsibilities," to enliven their
desolate firesides,and form the happy family circle,
so they must needs seek the pleasure of refined and
gentle society elsewhere. When such gentlemen
are reckless enough to venture within the precincts
of a " Fair," they should esteem themselves fortu
nate if they escape with life and liberty, and should
not indulge in vain regrets, for what flick own fol
lies have occasioned—as did an individual, who,
when he came to discover the extent of his expendi
ture—was almost petrified with astonishment and
regret, and invoked the bitterest anathemas upon
such "Gull Traps." True, it is, and we say it
"more in sorrow than in anger," that the ladies
arc at times most unreasonable in their demands,
and in other respects, manifest an entire absence
of conscience, especially when they hook an " old
Bachelor," and as long as the finances ensure, so
long will the dear creatures continue to wreath and
entwine their sweetest smiles and bright glances,
with gentle words, until the victim has immolated
his heart as well as his last penny at the shrine of
Beauty. This we do enjoy, greatly, for it serves
them right. What business have they to be single?
Would that you were with us now, to mark a
group" of clods," who it is very evident, never had
a "peep at the Elephant," and " is now in town
with a pocket full of rucks," on a regular swell,
arrayed in all their Sunday finery, and have even
taken a clean pocket-handkerchief on this impor
tant occasion. Their visit will be an impressive
one, for they will regret it 'till the end of life. The
girls have designs upon them already, and they are
bound to be fleeced. But the lesson will prove sal
utary, and the recital of which, will serve to enter
tain their sweethearts when they go a "sparking,"
who will most assuredly question their veracity,
and find it almost impmsihk to believe, that they
expended such a profusion of money, and in return,
only obtained so comparatively trifling an cquivo.
lent, as " value received."
One of the above mentioned, a youth somewhat
past the years of discretion, whose head was cov•
ered with long, straight, cerretty colored hair, with
broad shoulders, hands that were large enough to fell
an ox,and :rollers that must have been formed under
geometrical calculations, combining, as they did,
a vast degree of "circumbindibus," as Neale bath
it, in every respect admirably adapted for heading
sheep in a narrow lune, but, nevertheless, could
nut prevent the "juveniles" from creeping through,
which they did more for pastime, than because no
other mode of egress presented itsell. This famil
iarity was not to be borne by any man of spirit, as
you may suppose, sothe youth became highly in
censed and indignant at the base use to which
his legs were subjected—and to prevent repetition,
sought refuge close beside one of the tables. But
he soon discovered, to his sorrow, that he had fled
from a "bear, only to meet a lion." For the fair
occupants were down on him Ilke a shower-bath,
assailing him on all sides, something alter this
fashion: NVlty, Mr. —, we are indeed delight
ed to see you—now do buy this beautiful cap, and
this fancy box for your wile—we know she will be
delighted, and this would be such a sweet present,"
&c. "lie, he, he! I paint got nary wife, moan,"
replied the sapient and witty Mr. —. "Oh,
well," rejoined the ladies, "You surely have a
Lady-Love—do purchase this bead-bag, it is so very
pretty, and only cost five dollars."—" Lady-Love,"
says Clod sorely puzzled, "what's them ?" " Why
I a sweetheart, cevtainly," replied the ladies. "We
know you have one, end this beautiful reticule as a
present, will make her love you more than ever—
you know you have a sweetheart." "No I 'taint
none pother," persisted the unfortunate, but not
withstanding his repeated asservations to the con
trary, that ho had neither wife nor sweetheart,
they succeeded in casing him of all the available
funds in his possession, Lad when be rejoined his
companions, we overheard him whisper to them,
that "them gals was oilfired putty gals, but he be
blatn'd to hlamenation, ifthcy ever ketch him agin;"
and after laying their heads together, they conclud
ed to leave forthwith for home, where we trust they
arrived in safety, after their perils, wiser men, at
least, if not better.
The Blues' Band, of Baltimore, gave several con
i certs last week to full houses. This is a treat vac
seldom have the pleasure of enjoying, and this
" Caps Musical" is second best to none. That
sweet voiced and talented vocalist, Mrs. Beard, of
Baltimore, accompanied them, and won golden
opinions, and enthusiastic applause from a delight
ed audience. Apropos of music. We are nightly al.
most stunned by horns,trumpets, tamborines, and all
the incidentals connected with serenaders; our city
seems to have grown quite musical of late. But
we would moat willingly and cheerfully dispense
with their friendly endeavors, or at least try and
submit to it, provided wconly knew what they were
"trying to play," and then the singing, oh, dear !
We were alarmed from a quiet sleep, " the other
night," by screams and yells most terrific, and we
were on the point of flying, as we thought, to the
aid of some distressed neighbor, when a gentle ca
dence in the sound, arrested our haste, and we dis
covered that somttody was trying to sing (!) Now,
this was the worst of all bad singing, no mistake,
a complete 4. Thomas cat c.tterwauling." There
can certainly be no regular system for such demon
strations, but if you musicians have any such terms
as a 4. damnbadda" voice, set down in musical
phrase, this must have been one of that kind,
most emphatically, and the strongest kind of one at
that. We raised the window, and expressed our
high appreciation of the intended kind favor, desir
ing them to reserve the balance for a future occa
sion, as too much of it might be injurious to the
chickens—they decamped.
A few inches of snow has completely eradicated
all the evidence ofan early spring, and has render.
cd the w..alking_ exceedingly unpleasant during the
'flag, but at night, when frozen, the going is very
I slick . "especially if you are going down." Many a
hard bump did the ground receive, in the vicinity
of Dr. Lachareas' church, a few evenings since,
after the Fair was dismissed—not a few took les.
sons, and impressive one's too, in "ground and lof
ty tumbling"—but still, bad weather cannot last
long at this season of the year, and we cannot cotn
plain, fur the winter has been en unusually mild
and pleasant one. Truly yours, L.
From the Batavia Times
There is a certain individual in this State who
rejoices in the name of the " 'Western Railroad
Jockey," or more commonly, the "Great Western,"
a man who is half horse and whole Yankee. He
was the keenest chap in trading nags that was ever
raised in New England, and "canny Yorkshire"
could not produce his match at " taking in the
flats." The fame of thit excellent man at length
reached the ears of another adept in the same pro
fession, living somewhere up on the Vermont line,
equally skilled in horse-flesh and the tricks of trade,
but not (" curses on partial fortune !") equally re
nowned. When the Northern Nimrod—for he was
quite a sporting character, heard of his rival's rep
uta lion, and particularly of his boast that he could
'pick up any man living,' his pride was seriously
hurt, and hearing that the 'Great Western' was to
he at a particular spot, on a particular day, for the
purpose of trading horses, he determined to be
there with a nag of his to measure strength with
the redoubtable jockey.
Accordingly, in anticipation of the 'meet' be be.
gnn training and feeding a worthless horse of his
that rejoiced in the 'heaves some—ifnot more,' and
by dint of careful grooming and a generous stable
diet, succeeded in making the animal look as 'fine
as a lilly bird on a plum tree,' as the 'Corinthian'
would say. So he determined to take the 'critter'
down by easy stages to the place or rendersous.—
When near the village our friend dismounted, went
into the bushes, and there occupied some time in
changing his toilet. Re went into the 'cover' look
ing like a slap up sporting gent; lie came out of
it, the most verdant looking juvenile that ever ate
gingerbread ut country muster. His hair was
combed smooth behind his cars; he had donned a
genuine white wool bell top; the groat pewter-dol
lar buttons on his coat-waist were near up to his
shoulder blades, and his home-spun blue trousers
were tucked in the tubes of a pair of astounding
cow-hide boots.
Reaching the village tavern, he dismounted and
ached his horse in the shed near a huge wood
aid in for winter•econeamption
le. found the •Great NVestern' and a mixed cot
ny indulging in horse talk rum and molasses.
hero gaped and listened and put in a word o
sionaili, which attracted the attention of the 'GI
Western' to him as a fitting subject whereon to
ercibc his transeendunt cOntmercial talents
accordingly offered to treat the , Green I.. Tie to
beverage the cnnipany was
At first the `Green Un"rhdn't drink nothing
cidcr—'cept 4th ofluly and muster but he
prevailed on to 'try a little New England,'
commenced a 'course of sprouts very fairly.
put the operation of the third horn, he Ict on
'that he'd come down on business for the old man
and he'd rode the old loan's horsc—a dreadful nice
tion.- Buy only of the above pergola as al) 011iers are
Ars UNEQUALLED RESIEne, And an ..41manne for 1848
Oratio -Ist-For Colds rind Feverish feelings, and pre
renting Fevers 2.11-For Asthi a. laver cr...iplaint and
1111 affections. 3rd -For Diarriana, Indigestion and
Loss if Appetite. 4th-For Costiveness in females and
males. sth-For Stomach a freCtiOnS, Dyspelnlin and Piles.
The Omit Points are, i 1 to not had to lake, never gives
pain and never leaves ane costae,:
For all these things it is warranted r emplaned, and nil
who do not find it so may relsrn the bottle and get their
MOM' y•
This medicine is LO.VOLEE'S 0RE.97 IrESTEIIN
1.V111..8Ar PANACEA. Fuller descmption in an Alma
nac for 1848. gratis.
Balms of Columbia Bair Tonie-Tcm the. Raid and rey-
If you wish a rich luxuriant hi nd of hair, free from dan
druff mill scurf, do not fail to procure the genuine Rolm
of Columbia. In cases of h ildriesis it will more than ex
ceed your expectations. Many who line, lost /heir hair
for twenty years have had It restored In its original per
fection by the use of this halm. Age, state or condition
appears to be 110 0116111C111 whatever—it also canoes the
Rohl to flow with which the delicate hair tribe is filled, by
which means thousands (whose hair was as grey as the
Asiatic eagle) had had their hair restored to its natinal
color by the 11111 C of this Invaluable remedy. Jim all cases
of fever it nal lie found the most pleasant wash that
inn he used. A few appl re:alines only are necessary to
keep the hair from falling out- It strengthens the roots
sod never fails to impart a rich glossy appearance, and
an a perfume for the toilet it is intertualled- at halls three '
Inner an Nan other miscalled hair restorative; and Is
mare eactual. The genuine niamitionnreil only by Com
stock A Co., 21, Courtiand street, New York.
Conners A:viral Pats Extratror-lt is now roncmled
try tumbrel uteri that Conners Ala,gtral Pall. Extractor,
uuuutf,tnt red try c00...0,i 4- Co., 21, Caltrillifld at., Xets
York, Is the greatest wonder of the Iffrli century. Its
effects are hairy miraculous. All pains are removed from
lowan, scalds. &c,and all external sores In a few inintoes
after its application. beetling the saute on the most deli
cate Assn, leaving 110 Hear. It is VI/tally beneficial .1/ all
aunts of inflammatory diseases, such as sore Nipples and
Eyes, Slim his. Rhenium ism, White Swelling soil Ulcers,
Bruises, ClolblairiS Erystrielas,llites.Ttcx Doisneau, Sic.
We might add as proof to all we nay the Sanwa of many
eminent phymelairs who use it to their practice, and hun
dreds of Vie clergy who praise It to their people. Kind
parent keep it constantly on hand. net Cases of nrcldwit
by fire t ife may be lost without it, bat by its use nil burns
are subject to its control, means 111./ vitals ore destroyed.
Coin ion-Iteniefolie: 111111 ask co Cannel's Alapical Pain
Extractor. lasnamulactured by Comstock 4- Co., Sew Turk
and take no other.
Deafness Cared-Dr. AE.Yair's Acronotic Oil-Those
deaffrorn old age and from infancy often receive their
hearing in a most miractitoua manlier by the lie. of this
nil. It ban the effect to restore the tertslolland bring into
the naiiiral action ofthe parts so as to rustore the hr¢nug
when lost or impaired. This will he done in all Cases of
recent deafness, and many of long stand irtg• All deaf,
persons should ire this 011. Comstock 4- co. 21 Courtin
land et. are the wholesalers Priest St to, dank.
Pales, Sores See- The Graninr Bales /.raiment is an ar
ern. tide more justly celebrated as a. cure for the above, than
Another pull—another halt—and another speech. any or all others. Its cures are almost I.llllllnerrihle, and
It is only necessary to let [hare who knotv the article turd
from the Green 'Un.
used it tytth such great success that it is to be had true
"Jest look at him ! can haul logs jest an noileelosine of Cornateri Courtland street, Ar'eto
easy. Can haul lumber all day—and carry a fel- Y."- note
Bahama's Sack Ileadaehe Remedy-Why will you stiffer
her a courtin' fourteen miles at the tail 'I that, and W i t ' t r a Ilia distressing complaint when; rented) is untried
never start a hair. Pool y good old lions— reckon. that will not fail to core yOll I Thiel remedy Will ellect-
And thus by easy stages lie got round the pile. trolly destroy any attack of headache • either rierVoliS or
11111011 P. It has mired rms. or twenty years' standing.
The Great Western handed out his pocket book,
counted o Alate's Relarf-Indman Dincocry-All expecting to ac
frsix X's, and unhitched his black. The collie mothers 111111 11111.1011. 10 avoid the Pal.._,
saddles and bridles were changed before the Green and Danesrs of clitldshearing, are earnestly etmeets dto
'Uri seemed to come to his senses. calm their feats, alloy their nervousness and soothe thsit
nay by the use ftlllo most extraordinary vegetable 1 1 (0-
[know ! mister!"
diction. Those who will candidly observe its virtiter,
"What's the matler—any thing broke?" must approve °fit in their hearts-every kind and :tires
„Take your tame ! money b a ck I f ee l like I'd tionrile lillsband Will feel It Ills roost 1 1 01e11111 duty to alle
been kiehing my granny. The old man wont eta to the droners his wife is exposed to, by a safe so
method, which is tan tae Of this ant tier's reliel.
Stand it—no how. You can't have the critter." I
Further panne lass In pamphlets intended for the female
eye,are to lie had gratis where this humane cordial is to
"You're too late, my boy," said Great Western
Throwing his right leg over the pig -skin. s hefriend. The Mother's licher is prepared only by the
now sots proprietors. Comstock & Co. 21 Courtland st.
mine, and d—d cheap too!"
New York.
"Don't you holler till you get out of the woods!" I For lEarnts-Kohnsisers's Verantfore will eradicate and
rare children
a the n ss . .l , l: .. trav e worms. Cam ion
the other, in his natural manner, as he
mounted in turn. You didn't gel him half's° cheap old Dutch name ore hf all
of the inventors."l:rPic'elle4lsAc-;tirt.7p:kr.lititir•
rt e . rylt cannot the Child should there he no
as I did. Ile was ti gift horse—don't look in his
mouth. Good bye, Great Western—when you buy wr ' rn " , but a ""II d" tl goad.
Expectorant Syrup-He r e nen Cough-Do not
a stranger's horse, always ask for a warranty. it-thousands have met a premature death for the Waut
wish you joy ofyour bargain, old fellow-_and you °fatten/lon Ma columns Cold. Have you a cough 7 Rev.
will make money out of it, if you've found out a Dr. ll 'ul'lninew's Erne, srnu syryp , a safe medical
remedy for the Heares—l haven't. prescription, , prescriptn. containin g no DOlennoss dives, and used in
eta extensive practme for several year, will moat
And lie lie put spurs to the gallant black. tivcly give reh e ar and save you front that most awful
"Just wait till I overhaul you: " shoaled the • disease, Pulmoary Consumption, which usually sweeps
discomfitted jockey, as he started in pursuit. But
alnhgt the
g g l a v v e hundreds of the young, the odd, the lovely
the log pulling had done the business for his bar- All the above articles, are sold bW. A. Leader,
gain, and he hadn't ridden a quarter of a mile, be- only agent the genuine articles la y
Columbia. and the
as all other Smith, Lancaster. and John J. Libbart. Marietta.
fore the animal he bestrode was swelling and col- James
ouly of the above persons rs
lapsing like a black smith's bellows,while far away are counterfeit. mostfi'47.4lm
The 'Great Western' wanted to see him, and the
pair adjourned to the woodshed. The `Great West
ern' was much pleased with the appearance of the
horse, and after satisfactory examination, asked
'Green Un' what he'd take for him.
"lie ain't for sale, mister," answered Greeny.—
"the old man acts nil creation by him. Raised
him himself. The critter was fouled eight years
next grass."
" But supposing I was to give you a 'dreadful
nice' horse of mine, and thirty dollars boot"—
" I dasen't to look at it, cap'n. If I was to sell
that arc critter—l shouldn't never das't to go hunt
agin. Let's go into the house, cdp'n, its cold as
Jerusalem out here. How much did you say 7"
"That black horse there—and forty dollars !"
"'That black of yourn is a pooty good old boss
—that's a fact—l was lookin' at him 'fore I CUM
in. Taint DO use talkin"bout it, though—l can't
do it—no how."
" Does he draw well 7"
"Seco him trot up hill before a load of wood—
jest as easy
"Well,' said the Great Western, "what do you
say to my horse and sixty dollars boot ?"
"Lead us not into temptation ! as the Deacon
says. Gee.whittaker '.— Darn if I !taint most a
mind to run the risk. Darn of I !taint !" he ad
ded firinly.
But look here, my friend," said the Great
Western, "you must first satisfy me of his sound.
nets. Hitch your critter to that big log," pointing
to the largest of the pile, "and if he can draw it
round the woodpile, I'll stand my offer."
The Green I.lii accepted the challenge, and the
horec was put before the log and started. Now lie
knew very well that if the 'critter' was driven
round the pile with a steady pull, thetheaves' would
soon show themselves, and nothing but exquisite
tact could enable him to 'pick up' the rival. Ac.
cordingly, after pulling a few feet, he slopped the
horse and began patting him.
" Ile is a dreadful nice !toss, and lie knows it.—
Poor fellow ! If the old man was to see this here
—Jeruslia ! wouldn't I catch it ?"
" All right ! go ahead !" said the Great West
- -
the Green 'Uri was streaking it along the road,
going free and easy at ben miles the hour.
"Picked up, by thunder!" muttered the Great
Western, after fruitlessly digging his gaffs into the
panting sit!cs of the "old man's horse.' I've a
great mind to take a horn of Prussic. acid. There's
a white teen living that can boast of picking up
the Great Western. Ile's a screamer, though, and
no mistake,' he added with professional enthusiasm
—'he's won the stakes fair, and if the story don't
get in the Spirit of the Times, curse me, if ever I
say a word about it !"
Dfrern FROM CIILOROFORM. — An alarming fact
in the history ofChlorofbrni has occurred in Cincin
nnati which will result in far greater caution in the
use of this powerful ag,;:nt than hop up this time
been the case. We give below the fall particulars,
as fur as they have reached us, as ull the details of
the case should be known :
Mrs. Simonds, the deceased, had consulted some
four or five physicians, and been advised by them
all to use chloroform in having her teeth drawn.—
She accordingly went with a female friend to her
Twentyfivc drops were put into the inhaler, ad
ministered, and took immediate effect. Dr. Sexton
commenced removing the teeth, which were mere
stumps, and nut difficult of extraction. As he at
tempted to draw the fourth one, she put up her
hand and seized his arm. He requested her to put
her hand down, saying that the remaining ones
would hurt but little, and she removed her hand.—
He judged that she had partially passed from the in
fluence of the Chloroform, and knew what was go
ing on. He applied the instrument again and drew
the tooth. Just as it came out, she drew back her
head, made a convulsive movement with her hands,
slid forward on the scat of the chair, and expired.
The time from her first inhaling the chloroform to
this sad multi, did not, the dentist says, exceed a
minute and a half.
" Her feet were immediately bathed, and frie.
I lions applied, and Dr. Baker called in. Artificial
inflation of the lungs was used, and by the assist.
ante of Prof. Locke, who was immediately called
in by Dr. Baker, electricity was applied. A short
time after Drs. Massey and Lawrence were called
in. All efforts to resuscitate her were in vain.--
Her husband arrived while these efforts were being
made, her family physician, Dr. Mulford, was also
present during part of the time.
"A post modem examination is intended, but is
os yet deferred in a taint hope that life may not be
entirely gone. Fourteen or fifteen hours after the
time of her (supposed) death, olio was yet warm;
but whether that resulted from remaining life,or
from the fact that in hope of a resuscitation she
had been kept in a warm bed in a warm room, is
not determined."
Subsequently, being well satisfied that the vital
spark was extinct, a pest mecum examination was
made. l'he system of the deceased was frond in a
healthy state, and showed no indications of any die,
case that could have caused her death.
The Cincinnati Inquirer says, in speaking or this
committee, we understand, arc satisfied
that her death was causc;d by the administration of
chloroform. It was supposed that it was given in
too concentrated a f4rm, and that insensibility was
thus caused too rapidly. It. was given by an in
haler,(air tight) a sponge saturated with chloroform
being first deposited within it. We are told that
the usual, and safest way, for its administration, is
by. dropping it uponaltantilterchief,and then per.
In die bur r
I ON'S Wont, TO THE SEDENTARY.—Those who luber
within doors are not only compelled to breath an im
pure atmosphere, which is frequently readerad wholly
unfit tbr the proper expansion of the longs, but, owing ~,
want of exercise, the bowels become constipated, the
pores of the skin are closed. and, nodded, all the nitwits',
of the body become deranged; hence proceed asthma
cough, pains in the breast and side, palpitation lathe'
heart, rheumatic pains in different parts of the body, g od,
illness. and a variety of other thrircsring complaints,
common to those of sedentary habits. Wrighi'm htdivt
Vegetable Pills disperse all those unpleasant symptoms
as if by a charm; a single done will in nil cases give
lief, and, if repeated a few nines, will most assuredly re
store the body to health. An occasional use of the Didion
Vegetable Pills. will keep the body completely free from
those humors whirl, are in all cases the cause of illness,
and enable those who lead a sedentary life to enjoy I , er
feet amid sound health.
BENVARE oP CoetiTstnFElTs AND !SitTsTlres.—Reta sai .
tier. that the original and only genuine Italian 'Vegetable
Pills have the avritten signature of Wzr.i.tAx tea
no. top label of each box.
frrThe genuine for sale by rrtS :-....PANGLEIL, who
are the only authorized Agenst for Columbia. Also,
agents advertised in another column.
Principal Office, 169, Race Street, Philadelphia.
—Dear Sir: Ilaving experienced great benefit from y o u r
invaluable medicine, I teel it my duly and privilege to let
the world know what it has done for me, l'ottessed of
a strong constitution naturally, I had enjoyed perfect
health previous to the spring. of 1E43, when I was troubled
anti a difficulty in my left side, attended with considera
ble pain. Sometime in July I was violently attacked
isittl a cough, as Lich continued until fall ; then I stag
confined to the housed months, during winch nine my
cough was very severe. I frequently had spells of tough.
in". which lasted two hours; daily raised large (patent.,
of"thsagrecuble mutter. necompamed with blood. Salm:-
time I raised a quart of blood at a time. I consulted there
physicians, all of whom did their best to restore me ;
gave me up; said they could do no more for me; I mug
die ; it wt., impossible for tile to live but a short nine
One of them Said my lungs were gone. At Ibis coural
moment. when eminent physicians had exhausted their
skill, friend, despaired of my life, my own hope of recut.
cry at 101 end. I resorted to
l',lten !had taken oar and n half bottles Mote sev,o,
spells of coughing were removed. I continued taking the
Ilakam until spring. It.: I. when I ceased to bleed at ti n •
lungs., my health and strength improved so that I loft the
house. but was not able to work for a year, Now toe
health good. I tun tad , ' to do a clan's work every dai•
on my tam. JAMES C0NII:111 .
AN'aldolatro' Me., July Mk 1545.
For particulars see Dr. Wistar's treatise cm Con-amp.
tion, to be had of the agents.
Nom . genuine. unless signed I. 111 TTTS on the wrapper
For sale ti It. N‘'ILLIA VS. Front Street Colombia. Vu.
A PHYSICIAN'S TE,lNlONY.—Thaillaaly is now mice',
eat Croat all quarter. of ihe . (!lobe. The follows lig letter.
are pre•eineil Si all vi ew of 11101,2 fully Allowing the
oj/111101ln of in relation to the [wawa! %aloe iii
S‘VAl7girSi COMPOUND SYRUP or \vit.!)
Do. Dear Sir : Daring used your Com
pound Syrup of MI Cherry, extensively itt toy practise,
I wits requested by your agent, Dr. Crutch,. to came,
my opinion in 0 rum". of its proper - ties as n renieded
agent, I most cheerfully comply, as I feel by •0
.s ill discharge u de b t I owe to the community at tart'.
and Physicians in particular. As much no I 414.‘1,1
remedies and patent Nostrums, I isms induced frown nil.
Me of the most potent expectorants, recommenshul in our
materits medicos in some cases of diseased longs. to to
your preparation of Pritims Virginia, or Wild Chem
It is sufficient to any that I oas so touch pleased with the
result of that. fool subsequent trials. that I nom present.,
it in preference to nil tither remedies where nn eXperint.
ant is indiettled. Lt the Much dreaded Pavaltlonts or Its.
ease of the [mugs. in the ad:inning (tan, in Vibleit it ate
pears regard It us an invaluable roma, n
the treatment °filial disease. To all who know tie I
hate said cnotigh. hut us this may be seen by persons out
of the meinity Of Frankfort. 1 will briefly add. dint I has.
been enginmil is tin active pramice of toy proteseirin of
I:2 Senn.. and Mu n Regular Graduate 01 Tritris!,ll
and this is the first Patent Afetheine I ever thought enough
of to express all opinion m n siting
J. 11. ELLISON, M. I).
Franklin County. I L /
ERvAirtorrr. Ky.. Jan. 7. I.J .
'lit: above certificate fa front one of our PhystlThe
living a feu- miles from here, hr is doing. u ver, end
practice, and is considered a good Plirdeinti, and siamb
he is, us he says. a regular graduate.
Druggist nod Apothecary
la - Since the introduetion of toy article to the piddle.
ere ha% e a number of unprincipled individuals gal sir
lstrtmis %Vlach they assert Contain IVild Cheri . ). ..011t,
called .. 111.1..111%." - Bitters. - told even Syrup Ur WIN
~ r ry, but mine in the original and only genial, ports
um ever introduced to the public. whirls run tie proird
the public Records of the Commonwealth of
it.. The only safeguards itgalliSt imposition IS 10 Ku
t my signature is on each bottle.
Corner of Eighth and Race streets. Phil..
'retned ott4 by DR. SWAY:VP:. I'. W. corner tit
lith and Race streets. Philadelphia, and for sale hy
dectrible Druggists lit nearly all the principal mum at
United States.
Sold by WM. A. LEADER. Columbia. and Dr. A. 11.
BARNITZ, York, Pa. ;.larch 1.
January. 7, 1,17.
thankful for past encouragement. would annotate,
to the citrons of Columbia and its vicinity, that thou. still
continue to manufacture Tin and Copper era Tr at all kmtli
nt their old stand. in Locust street, one door 'tank of the
Columbia Bank. and reepectfully solicit a continual',
piddle patronage.
March 11, 11454 f
COPPER and Tin Pumps--a good supply ot
my 0011 itinitt, nut! 'mite loordt-r, nt the
shortvm to.,tiee In 11. PPM ILER
March 11. 1,4••-tf
rrllE Sixth Semi-annual Examination of the
Studeitt. of the Marietta Academy, mill he held 0/1
the 15th and Ithh of the nce. on i month. An
rill he delivered 011 the evening of the 10th. by .31 r. 1.11.
Pugh. of Chester comity. formerly as -last teveher
the 11,4aution. The friend., of education are honed to
31arietta. March 11, 15.1,..11
ARTICLE Boat Move. We would tall Ike
%,..mlon of Boatmen to II m•w article of haat
made and adapted cxpreably for their COII, rullellet,
be %et, and had of 11. Is, Co
Alareh 11; lel-•t(
OF PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned, leading
under the firm of Peter Haldeman & Co.. hove the.
day mutually agreed to dtn.ola•e partnership. P. ria.ll. l
indebted to tile late Finn of Peter Haldeman & are
rr.peetlnlly requested to pay their ualrbtedoro-. to Peter
II a I.ll.into 1. Who i+ fully authorised to receive the Melte.
Peter cool iiiiii ••• hu•mr.. oh the old .laud.
Columbia, Murel, I, II•I°.
NT, IGHT HAWKS always on band and for sale
by ppAttLEK.,.s, co.
Alitrela 11. 1^1"-tf
THE subscriber, in consequence of having to
make :new arrangements for spriug. rafters boa . en
tare -cock I.:A
11DV NIA DE CLOTHING. at CI lasi.--
Persons m want 01:•114.11 articles, N, 11l here Mail great ale
ill.;'" , m'aal•• as In , goods are all got up in good .4 le. anal
AN I/I Ile .0111111 pr 11111• v 0.4. J. W. El:411E11
ID - 1 Linenvery gins) stock of Cloths. C11,,,1111..re5.11 and
Vl,llllg, wLich I Would like to sell at small IldVllllrec.
! March 4, lets-tj
jv y ll SUMMER FASHIONS. Just received at
B. youNcrs 'Tailorin g Establishment. Person. ,
wasting their work cut and made in the most fashionable
and best style for the ensuing seasons. wall do well by an the subscriber, as he flatters himself in sa3ing
that he can do things up "according to Gunter.' Am ,
wall devote 1114 111 1,111011 10 111 e. business.
lie tenders has kind ark.. owledgments to his customers
for past nisorn. and hopes to receive a liberal
patronage. 11. YON.
C 1549-4 f. March 4, 1549-4 share of
OF ANN BOGGS, deed. Letters testamentary
on the deceased estate having been granted to die
subscribers, residing an the city of Baltimore; all per
sons indebted to her estate are requested to make Ray
meat forthwith ; mid all persons having claims against
the said estate, are requested to present the same to Ann
or Jane Boggs residing in the borough of Marietta.
- PACKAGES Garden seeds. The greatest,. most
1_ perfect, and best assortment ever opened in this
place, and what is better still, seeds from an entire new
establishment (Whethersfield Conn.) Change your seeds
and you no longer will wonder why you hove been so
poorly repaid for the labor bestowed the last two or three
3 ears on your gardens.
:4011.1 holesale and retail by
Feb. .26. 1E4 4 —4f IL WILLIAMS.
Also to be had at McLaughlin's...Opposite the Post (ghee,
In Locust Street
[March 11, 194-4Jt