Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 05, 1860, Image 1

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itors M'KlNEtors.
NY Sc CO.,
Ed and Proprie
13Morm SonsoitlPliaire • $.50 1
Ix etues 146'
Tor Two toomue, we will send by roan seventy nutsibere,
004 for o.ts DobtAni thirty-three iumbem. .; •
Peitora 801)01LOIS TWENTT subscribers and
thereetitltle o a e ouc
r, upwarde, ards,,vlt
w t h e pap hage,
elgnAep.twit o tiki
term le nearly out and that we deetre a renewal. -
llenethile 'should be prompt. a little before the.iyatir di piitiY?
Saml payments by safe hands', or by resit
Direct all lettere to DAVlD,Whirat k i @O.
linty Haire," j •
Gray hairs !--1 marvel w4i# ahoy strike
Such terror and itistiniyip
No mark of. miokitiness; cit shims
Or foul disgraiWitetheirc
As silent as iminfantqdreams'
Steal o'er the; leradia-down,
They *enitiitleeir sparkling silver threads
Yn *itlittliablaFrk; or brown.'
Gray halitt--thelvaning beauty shrieks.
Beforerher mirror's face, •
And. foXtll.the 'umblest invader Mee ,
Uprooted from its place. .
'Oh; lady; 'stay thatlily'hand,
I , ‘ If one such guest should fall,
They say s, dozen more will Mime.
To attend the funeral:,
Gray hairs S-1. - S9M, the.(lneett of 'France
Arrayed in regal state, ,
Receive the elite of the land s ,
The titled-and. the.great. • ,
And while her dignity: and.grace,
Wore praised by,eyery tongue; • •
The long ? white.rinkets oler-her-brow ,
:fe arlese. eluatera hung: . •
Oray halral—when.sprinkled. here and there
In beprd and whiskers too,,
Inspire respect and,confldenoe,
. -.More thaalhe youthful,hue
Of knowledge •of
,mankind they , tell,
Perohance,og serious thought; the expensive• school,
Of •cage -experience taught.
Gray hairs I-1 think theta beautiful
'AroutuLthe ancient face;
Like pure =sullied snows that lend ,
The Wintry landscapes grace; ,
When found in wisdoints way they, drown
With, wealth's exhaustless store,
A, prelude to that
,home of joy
Where change is known no more.,
For th Piegbyterran Banner
Why Y Am.liot an Arminian.. ...
111 DEAR SIR 'my 'last letter
endeavored to point' put some. of the appal:
ling consequences which flow frolic the.
position, that God 'intends to do
which he does not,always carry into -effeet';'
and that, shittin.- - his eyes against futurity
he forms purpeses without knowing whether'
they will or can be. accomplished: Suck
views of Deity must' be' shocking to every
intelligent, unprejudiced raja. , The are'-.
ator is stripped - of the essential glcaiei
the'Godhead; and reduced `to the lei-el' of
the createre.,!: Mist "modern- Arminians,,
therefore, dinar& view Of 'the Atone--
Mellti: and imiiitain that Christ,. Tny Icga
sttlermys and death, did tot, propefly.
speaking, intend to save' any one, I; , W only tb
render `salvation possible ' ' '
This theory of-the AMtunnent was atm-,
uously defended by a few• of the, ancient.
Arminians. . One of their distinguished
writers asserts ,that " Christ ; , did, not„
properly speaking, "die for the , salgation .of
any one.'"'--- Grey Ocky. ,8. Says nnother,
44 The end ; of Christ's. death would, be ati,
tained oven, though. no one helleve.on` him!'
.111(4, cap.. 27. Those , Ar:. ;
minians who reject ! the view. of the Atone-,
went discussed in my lastlettcr,ere driven,
by a regard to consistency, to adopt, this,
tlmory. • For if they . admit that.:ood , ih
tended to save any. sinners . , they must sup:,
pose that the final , issue of the, scheme of
redemption will perfectly, correspond with,
God's original intention—in , other words,
that,Ged intended to save just those Who,
are actually-saved; This conclusion would
be• fatal to their-. whole scheme, and they,
therefore are obliged to deny that God, in
sending his .Son into. the world,,deiigned
the, actual salvation, of any sinners, what,
cannot. acquiesce: in the :above'theory,.
for the following; among other`reasona :
I can never be 'pertmaded that an:all-wise:
God.would originate a scheme so vast and
so expensive as that of redemption--. 4
scheme to whiek , allfhis, works of ereation- ,
and providence, from the beginning, have'
been subordinated—without some definite
object in'view, which could and woirld be
accovplished. No :man of 'sound' judgment
would be willing to embark 'the :chief•part
of his fortune , in a great enterprise, without
a defittite pttrpose to be effected by it.
Much less would. a God of infinite perfec.:
tion undertake that which is the master , '
piece of all his works;' without any view to
definite results in'the salvation -of -sinners.
Accordingly the Scriptures unifoimly
represent the Lord Jesus as doming into
the world with the express desigp to, Save
sinners to seek avd save the lost, to 'sanc
tify and cleanse them, and to bririg tlye~it to
god—in other words, to secure their salva
tion. The Apostle Paul declares it, to 'be.
" a faithful saying, and. worthy of all: so . -
ceptation, that Christ Jeans came into the
world to save sinners;" not merely to make
their salvationpossible, but fo save them.
Before the SaVlolleB birth,. an angel ap
peared to Joseph, saying, " Thou "shalt call
his name Jesus, for he shell save his people
from their sins." Paul, speaking of Christ,
says, Who gave himself for us, that he
might redeem us from all iniquity, 'and
purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous.
0f,:g00,4 works ;" and again : " Who hath
delivered us from the wrath to come,;".net
merely made deliverance possible, bet hatli
actually delivered us. Indeed, my dear:
sir, this doctrine of a mere possible salva
tion, divests the Bible of its most precious
meanings, and rendars it almost as barren
and empty as the, pages of Socinian
2. Your theory destroys the grace , ef sal
vation. 'lf Christ •does not sassily-save.
us from our sins, or bring us •toc;Godo:bult:'
lies merely rendered the thing poisibleg
then, the question arises; Who (totals:nye&
colnplishes the work ? Of ()Mute; the ,
shiner 'himself I All that 'Christ' has done render it possible for the sinner to'
save' hiinself ! This whole system seetus'to
be based Upon the idea that the Gospel is
only a'Modiftation of the old covenant of
works, whidh' Ohrist has placed on a new
foundation' by •riindering pardon possible,
so that the istiitidr May now save himself by
his own dciittlis: l - Add what becomesofthe
"grace which bringeth salvation." It is
either hidden Ittonieiv, or so mingled'
with •the works'of win` that its real,oharaci
tot-dan hardly be •diStinguished.
, • I
Is cuarwr.,4l.o.vroun ?
'B. : According to the, miserable theory
under consideration, the A.tosement really
accomplishes nothing,, secures nothing. It
is not sufficient for the actual salvation of
one sinner, Mach less •for tilliet ,, ot whole
world. Christ has not Tinrohassfkour .par
don—has not reconciled us to ,Qqd, : ibut has
only rendered • reconciliation pqssihle. He
is not truly and Properly a 0i1:44'1 4 n .for it
is not his offiee ! He only ,ina,kes
salvation possible. -
4. If this theorrbe tree; there
• no
propriety in inviting sinners to come to
S> "~ , l-!,) S
; Christ. What are, they to go to Christ
for ? Ho has already done all : that he in
tends, to do., He never, intended to save any
one, ,but only to tnake salvation possible,
and so the sinner must rely on himself for
the eemPletioh,of 'the' work ? And if this
be true, where is the encouragement to be
lieve on Christ. Faith in a Redeemer
i piieS a renniiciation of all self-dependence,
itid.',l6.implicit,reliance upon him who is
14 the Lord 'our righteousupss." But ,
cording 'to this system, we are to be
iieve on , ourielves as much as on Christ:
We are, in part at• least; tv trust in man;
and make an arm of 'flesh burtrtist "5
I,'Snch, my dear ,sir, are some of the =prin
cipal, objections, to. the. , Arminian. view-• of
the Atonement. I trust•,the freedom-with
-whit:h.'•have spoken will not :disturb the
friendly relatiun subsisting between ,us.•
Trnly,yours, L.N.D. •
i Por the Presby,teriaßile,Atfker..
• Presbytery: of . Madigan.. .;
Thd-Presbyti7 of Madison: met at the Smyrna
ohurpl4 pursuant to Ii iijournment, Owirig-to• the
storm on the evening of thelneeting,Ymmbyteu
did not.eonvene initil ‘ the next, morning at eight
o'Cleek, at which. time it was constituted with
Priiefliy'Rev. Charles 'Lee,ll4 'last Moderatin•
present: • • -
. There .were.-in. attendance. ten,blinistera..and
eleven Ruling Riders.
'Rei. it. F. Taylor was chosen Moderator, and
Rev. -McElroy, Temporary Clerk. ,
• • Rev. R. Henry,. of the Presbytery of-Alleghe
ny; being Tresent,•.was 'invited tcp, sit•as.a earns : .
pondiug mOrnker•• .
0... P.. Voris, Robert G... Ross,
_James A. Piper,
bf 'the PrinCeton Theological:Seminary; and !An
gulling! orthe Western,Theological:Scon
iriary,. were. licensed to preach :the Gespel of
Christ, as:probationers for
,the l Gospel mirdstry,,
These:yoUng hrethren gave great satiafaction
to Presbytery in'their examination for licensnre.
• Roy. 'Blithe; and Enos Wildman, Ruling
Elder;were:chosen Commissioneratoltlie • Getter,
al Assembly; and Rev. Aames, Wood, ,D.D., aud
Matthew Henning, Ruling Elder, their alter
nates. ' • •
acediult•of coritinuedill-heitith•Ofßevt
d. Mitchell ? the • pastoral relation„ between.;•him
and.the Lexi?igtot,t,olturoh was dissolved.
presbyt,e,ry adjourned to meet in the Lawrence
burgh eltiirolt, on the Seeond"l l insdny of Sep
tember; at , 7 o'clock. P. M. • •
MyreuE4 Stated-Clerk. ,
Thr.Prosbytery of, New,Lisbon.
• Presbytery held , :its Spring meeting: in
New-Lisbon, on- the .10th of , April,
. Rev., O. M. Todd,, of New-Lisbon, was.elected
koderator, and Rev. WilliaMDtilzell,'of Betties
dacivas elected-Clerk, for the ensuing year:
• '.llter.' Reed,. of Steubenville, on invitation,
preached, the Presbyterial sermon, from.Alark,
.s—u And Peter answered and Jesus,,Mas
ter, it'is good for us to be here."' '
Cliairnam'ota 'Commit
tee appointed: t the last regular meeting,
ed that,; ,they,, .had oor.ganize,cl..a.- .Presbyterian
church, called. Concord, situated between' Salmi
end Ellsworth; consisting of•thirteen members.
Rev. J. R. , Miller; of Pleasant Valley, was
elected:; ministerial Commissioner to the: next
General Assembly, and Rev. A. B. Maxwell,„ of
Salem,, alternate ; .and Gen. 'John Armstrong
Ruling Elder of the church d Neiv-Liebon; was
elected ley Commissioner, and Mr. Stephen
Miller the church , of , Bee,rfieldi
Rev. William Reed, at his own request, was re . -
liaied from the pastoral charge'of the church of
New-Salem. • This; pastorate -bed .continued tor
forty yearsi.. .•: :
In order. to • increase,, g
if possible, the .coutri:buT:
• th
tions , to our Boards, e following
• • , , , . , . , •,
Were adopted: - -
Reseolied,' Thal bur elnircheiberecommendedlo
take into consideration the , propriety, o€: dividing
the • territorpembraced in them rinto districts and
of:appointing solicitors, who will call upon ea r ekor
our. people living Within. their respective 1694 ties,
andAsecure; if - possible; contribilliemhoifeihr
small,. to eac,h•on.e.of our.sehemes:of benevolence,
and , to repert, to TP.resbytery,:et, its , next meeting,
the plan of ,Systematie Benevolence. which they
have adopted.
Risolveii, That the- Conunittee -on Supplies,. be
directed hereafter, - to instruct one, of the Supplies
who is, appointed; to .preach in each -one of, our
vacant churches, to take up a collection for the
particular Board, for which Presbytery 'orders,
for the' 'quarter. of the year in 'which he is ap
point,ed. • -
The following young men were:licensed", t 9
.preach the Gospel : Dickson,,
Gaston, and'Thigh Debi:Ans.
' Dobbins,- ;Plitt Sabbath of
iyadison—Rev. Dickson„ Second .Sabbath of
Plefigant Vcdlezt—Rev.' Hays, Fourth Sabbath
' •
Glaergow---Rev. Dobbins; First Sabbath of
MaaAfaater,, one Sabbath, at
PresbYtety adjourned to tneet:in'Alliance; on
the Third , Theaday of June •,2 O'clock P.
M. • ROBB= HAYS, Stated:Clerk.
• 'irk Presbytery of Ohio.
The Presbytery of Ohio met,. agreeably to ad•
jouratnent, in the church of Lebturn, April
26th, and had a very pleats*, ',session.' The
Rev. IV:Ewing was. chosen. Moderator, and It.
ADPherson, Clerk. ' •
The good ;people of Iltstitin...proiided very
bountifully. for the enteitiknmeat of tlielreeby
tery, of which there:were abput forti members
present; and if the metabetss. of this 'ol ll 34'eh
abound in spiritual blessings, and are as liberal
in their efforts to comnitinicite:them 'th' others,
as in temporal, surely they have great reason to
be thankful, for it is.not.often.thatow,e. have Been
tables that seemed more like groaning tinder the
weight of the number and variety of dishes
which crowned theta: • was 'their privilege
in turn to enjoy a greater amount of religious
exercises than is usual at•one meeting of Preeby
tery, there being -eight sermons preached beside
other performances of the young brethren—,five
of whom were licensed to preach. the Gospel;
viz.: Rohert Beer, 'F. J. C. Schneider, 'WAY.
M'Kinney, Nelson H. Sinith; H. A. :Barclay..
Most of these': young men. intend •itaittsionating
during :the ,vaeation,of the- Seminsu.: . Mims they
will liave, an opportnnity of doing,gped, j hi ?
ercisinetheir gifts.' •
• 'The ReV. 'Paxton and' RiivitlVitaiiiit
Bwingoand J. D. bl!Cord and Willi;m tDI on,
were elected. Commislioners to. the .
Alternates, Dr. Campbell, and Benj. Merolla.
Robert Kennedy, at his' own request and that
of members of the Presbytery. of:Greenbrier,
was ordained as an.,Bvangelist, to , labor in their
bounds for the present., The ordination services
Were very interesting, solemn, and impressive.
The Rev. William M. Paxicin preached the ser
mon from'Phil. •i: ‘6,--APor,we are. confident of
this very thing, that.h.e.who high:begun a good
work in,you, ;instil the day . of
Jesus Christ." Seldom has it been our privilege
to' listen to a more lucid, forcible, and pungent
exposition , of truth.. 'lt - wilt not forgotten
by. any who •hearit-it.,-.Dr.. Marshall delivered
the charge , to the , young brother.; . .it . was .not
only very appropriate, but Characterized 'WitTh.
ranch tendernese, and' premed' hisme initial
airnest 'manner. During• 'the entire services
.thero swag ,the •most profound solemnity .and
MstrkePttention manifested by the large •conr
gregation which were present ; and * many a
h'elirtjhitted'in the prayer that the'mantle-of his
•departedLfather.and grandfather might tall upon
the:newly ordained youth—nay; more, that of the
Prince .of missionaries, Brether Kennedy was
dismissed to, the Presbytery of Greenbrier.
Diri William Greenough was received - from
the Presbytery of Allegheny City, and. h call
:vraa placed in., hiarhinds. from the Qhurgh of.
Mingo, whichla4ecapteci,.a4d , the fourth. Tusi..
,day of August, it 41, o'clock A. M., 'was fixed's&
the time' for' 'hrs:Ordination - and ' installatiOi.
•The Rev. It. Lea; sitaiappoittted ttopresids arid:
preach thisermoniethelltev-7Samnel Findley,' to,
delirer that:barge to, the pastor,,..,an4. Dr e ,.,Mstr•- • •
shall the charge to' the' people. e -
The following paper 'was introduced
adapted : ''•
!Resolved, That this. :Presbytery,
,that.•theso might, be improsatustptBi#,Alts.
Book of Discipline, cannot approve.thepro
iosecf new leek, and would prefer 'that 'V& im
portatit'ilterations shonid•be made•ht present;
Reaolavii;. That: the plans of - our Beards Meet
our approbation, and while, we are in. favor of
ec.onomytind, efficiency in all their operations, we
are • opposed any radieal change. Yet we do
'this , adtion, instinct' our Coininissioners .
'to the -Asks:ably. on this subject. 7 • - *
Tho following supplies were appointed:
. Long Island—Rev. Wortman, six months. 4
" ••- *-- -- —---- - - - - ... " '''' 4 ' 4 " . ' 4o ''''''' , ;; ' 40 - 4 , 0rgaci, , ,...-i , mp..mvt.fie,ilitamroawr .0.114 .Nurmavc.,,F.-... , , ,, ip ..' ••- .• - ~...,..„;..
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tir.,,';N0:7•33.'.'.,..: , ' 7 ' ' ' 'PITTSBURGH' SATITRDA - ''' 6 l '..
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INDEX 4if S .
, - f (
)N MAST.lll44 , Oltif
1 WHOM ~, !Alin ~ ....,T,
TRRATY` ' , ~ OW 1
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--DISPAIt , , , .., '" 1
Maas ' ff '” ''',' ' . r ' l
F—TRE . 'i - ' Mal
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AND BA. . li,. Itaa*o- 1 -:
rHa ~. w yd : : .t.: ,
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ONCLUSI. , , *Jr/Mktifft ...i
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N of t • ':+k''"
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3wers ;, ; '.. 4,4cHateqt.
•-- - - -
Poi the. Presbyterian
For the:Preabyterian Banner
West Elizakth—llev. J. M. Smith, Fourth.Sah-,
bath of. May, to adininister the Lord's Sopper.
Chaittim—Reir:O. G: Braddook;Third'Sabbaih
of May*; • I: ki:%'Mellilnney, Fourth Sabbath , of
; Fairview„and-Montour4 are to.procure their owe
supplies till the next meeting of 'Presbytery:
The Presbytery' united 'in e'requat from the
Allegheny City 'Presbytery; -to:recommend Mi.
launitz 'to -the Board.lof.,Doniestie Idissions.for
aid: Ile is , laboring.amongthe German, popula,
tion.. This. is a very important mission, and we
hope it will be 'will
The reports froin tile various. churches under
our care, thew that-pence and harmony have.pre;
wailed.. All ,the Boards of our Ghurch,are cher
ished, and a goodineasiire of increase was made
during , the past year, for which we would'grate
fullylacktuisaedge tho'goodness 'of GO&
Thediarrative on-the State of Religion.will be
published by,the direction ; of the Presbytery, and
will beread with interest.
The Presbytery closed' its sessions with sing
ing, pre:, er, and the-apostolic-benediction. K• , "
• R. blePartasox,
For the 'Presbyterian Banner
The, l'tesbytery, of. Bloomington.
. -Bloomington P,resbytery, met. at Clinton, .M.,
on Tuesday, April 20th, and was opened with a
'sermon by-Rev. 11. X. PriOe; the last Ifo'derato.i.
Rev. ;T. Dl:Newell was chosen Moderator f .and
,ReY..‘i..4.)llonre,. Temporary ,. Clerk..
The,PreihyterY now embraces twenty ininisters p
- thirty clurehes, and eleven hundred' and ninety
oomithminants. • •
Present, sixteen ministers and- twenty elders.
Rev.. G. D. Porter eras received from the Pres.
bytery of Cednr, and accepted a call, from the
church of 'Crowmendovv.s • '
liev4 William = Herbert` SleytheYwate receiired
from.:thi Presbytery. of Ottowit,,: (New School.)
The , C.ommissinners to the Heneral, Assembly
are H ey. Isaac Cornelison,. principal,, and
'Rev' S. H. Sterenson,"alfernate: 'Elder
William Haynie, principal, and William =Mc.
`Clung; alternate:. • . ••
The .followit,tgichurcllosomrt,yace . t . it, aro, anx
ious to procure ministers, and can give a, cOmfort:-
able support; Dwight; 21-Paso and
Seem', Lemingtoty and 'Mackinaw ; 'Onargo tand
Presbytery adjaurn,ed to meet at Waynesville,
en Friday,.October sth, at. 7 o'clock P.M.
"The opening 'of l'resbyiery'was Preoeded` on
'abbatlf by the dedication. , of st new church .edir.
five at Clinton. The serviees were.conducted•by
Bev B. 11. Stevenson• and. Rev.. R., Conover,, the
present stated supply.,
Through much self-denying thbor, this 'feeble
'church has succeeded completing a' comma
dicius sanctuary at. a .cost. of - itearly:s4,ooo, and
by , a praiseworthy effort. has just, raised II sub
scription of ,about $BOO to liquidate their entire
debt'; so that the house is now :iMesented as a
free-will oftering'.(unencumbered) , unto Jibe .Lord:
Conovrat, Stated
For the Preabsterian,papner..
Presbytery of _Blairsville.; , -
The Presbytery of Blairsville, at their late
meeting at Greensburg, , licensed Mr. Thomas F.
Wallace, to preach, the. gospel, and,,appointed
Rey. James.Devis and ThoMpion,
Cominiisioners to : the General' Assembly; and
tlielteVl' Win.- Edgar , and John:S(l6* EsC., , as
alternates, t
Committees were, the . Rev.
Ross Stevenson,, pastor over ,the united congrega:.
tions of 'Ligonier and Donegal;''and the Rev.
Wm. Edgar over the new church el =Harrison
The followingeupplies were.,appointed,:-
Crosi•Rottcl4.-"-Bev. Carson,' Fourth.Sebbath,of
May.,:Rev. Davis; Sahbath of : . June.
':Livermore:--Mr:?Shepley,- .:Fifth: Sahbath., of
Armagh.--.11r., Cunningham, .Eourth, Sahhatit.of
And. that.-the congregations , of. Cross-Roads
and..Centreville-have leave. to procure other sup
plies until the next meeting of Presbytery.
, . • 4szs,,DAvis, Stated, Clerjt.
For the Presbyterian Banner.
DokOn ira4Y.
On Thursday ,last. the pastor:of- Aleetten
icsburg. chnrch,lndiana County,
.Pa., was
agreeably surprised by the , app,earance at
his residence in, Qieenville,.• of a, joifal
and well appointed,cavalcade consisting of
a respectable representation of its members,
who, after depositing in their appropriate
places the contents .of
. certain,baskets, and
boica, and* papers they had brought with
thern, stored with. th.e. pleasant and use
ful,, proceeded, .after a little,' -to , seat.,them-
Selves around•alable spread with , an :abun
dance of good thincra giviric;• but Jittle
dictation of any scarcity in the season,. and
having .invited, Kul.. and. his, lady to sit
down with them, enjoyed a feast of
things', almost.• dangerous •to , the , 'bodily
healtht but= full of pleasilie to the mind ;
in deed and in truth,. a -feast of lovei,and-an
exemplification- . of • those good old - times
when the- . followers of. 41:te : Redeemer
brought their,, and poured
them into Lcommontreasury. Even..were
such nieetings not: so profitable to the pas
tor, as this has been to his , purse, and-his
i household stores, they would"doubtleaa be
most advantageous, him i the discharge
of his, pastoral duties, in the ; way of enconx
'aging him in his work, and of bringing his
peophetogethei. on , the common . platform of
their Christian cliaiacter and' Christian
hope. That our dear friends may lose
nothing, but rather gain much more than
they have parted with, and. more unspeak
ably,ahound in spiritual, blessings, is the
aTateful pr4yer.a. their obliged pastor and
his: lady and that we May 'meet in our
heavenly Father's home, and, in the enjoy-
Merit greater and more
lasting privileges. Jdrtiv
Greenville _April 23 , 186 Q:
'l'Vheretieems to be a great: diversity .6t
opinion as to the Painount .of•actual. suffer
ing in* the •final . struggle•=of death. This,
enourse, mustudepend very' much on the
nature 'of the disease as the strength
ef 'the .constitution. "In many cases,
havemitnessed," says the. late .Dr. J. C.
Warren, ‘f I. have , felt a deep interest in•as
.ceitaining whether the approach, of death
was accompanied, as was commonly posed,
with, a great degree of suffering, a The ,la
batons , respiration, the. frequent, groans,
the ..convulsive, struggles . , otztlie, patient,
.4ad his frionds to , believAliat..he•la under
going; great.distress. In.,such a state the
phy.ipeptn, nuty, : gpliengly arouse the .patient
;Fok fp) ; t up;,,c9tneiert in those
•Case§ , i4lo ,6 eoo. 43 V,ak.e'llill!,compi l l4l ;ta
theigieet4en t ," ;sca , The
answer is,"" . • "lave you any:partic
suffering?" ' "What 'do you
feel r.'".."'" I"' cannot . tilt:" 'Bitch lire - the
hive - Oldest' always 're=
Tr the patient` is
not in "cionditiOn to: iLiswer 'snob ..quee
tibkis hel'eanncit'betin a'state ef• suffering.
Wlittiet4r may lie the physical agitation-of
4,he "Chest,' face, limbs, •or of the' Whole
they are not recognized-by the sen
tient' principle. -
on the lionie=Top.."
" Was it .customaxy, in : the time of our
'the tope•of :the;houses ?", ; I
Such , an iaferegge di,o. n
from ,
m,eatt lroPagiglA ADO
' Accordingly. the reference here, is.,to a QUO
tom observed only in quoit pluses.; *war in
.A4444o.:pze!.eAt 4y,,local i 4qYstr.49o
zin;country, distpc,ts einve • their com m an ds
are generally made' in the eientrig,, Air the
,people have r.ctutner from
. their labor" in
the geld; Thp public crier aseendi 'the
highest roof' at hinid,.iind lifts up hip voiee
in long-drawn eall 'uP(in all` faithful'
Je 4 4s . - g i i * Ve ear ant obey: ' Re — then' prO .
eeiidt to annouhee, in a Bet fofiii this'Aiill of
R tlielr'master, and deniatid .obedience . thereto.
'll'int . slPurnar..Gracalsoo or Rom
sentatives of the Great
spoken of as probable. The• tluveibileth. tt
ern• Powers, however, seem to ilecj i line v ijg
Meanwhile Napoleon 111. is the:«fna,sWsf,
the situation. First of all, while the P. r. ,
has been posting up a doeumen.l 9 'be 4! .-
walls, denouncing excommunication. , (*lig*
wholcounselled the annexation by >: * ;
ia, of the States of Central Itallv i hl
ly meaning him as well as Victor, ,
nel—out comes an announcemfl • *4 e,.
Monfteur, that in the Concord ,' , ' tc
Frarree•and the Rope, it is exteelOpri
. ,•
Tided that no document or bu itr4004..
Papal Court, is to be published : t, he
,permission of the Government. Is ain l
that the Emperor will not suffer , iafil
diatory documents to be eironl ; s tt i niiiiil
'this ) • coupled with his recent rec, . . tonhbfi
Sardinia's annexation • of Centr ~ ,he
gives his moral , support to all hat Vibtor
Emmanuel has done, and to all bid Rome
denounces and execrates.
It is perhaps a deep laid - 4 it between
Sardinia and-Fiance, that the t ciops of the
latter should be withdrawn fro ii Rome, and
that the troops of Naples , are • take their
place as the garrison of Rom- 'This is,
contradicted by telegram, and i , is said the
King of Naples•will not send h ..:army into
the Roman 31-vacs. Timemi, show. It;
has, been asserted! that the Pei
cret treaty; witirNaples,,and
is likeljr to send troops into t 1
In that case Sardinia
pel their. advance:; A,
'apolitan• ga,rriSort
djArs„ will, act brutal'
rand the tools of
eently sent the. Papal
streets ofr Rome, for
tlib,people a
iwith, - vioienco.. This,
'in such a manner -al
'wounds on both: nol
desphVe 'several person
soldiara had
ietillY:friendly •with,
•bloedy'_dragoons. for
well as, the massacre,
innibere 'when thA
.vartous quarters. In
;lead, and has._alrenot
Itis : nifirmcd: that
prepirations for- Elia]
strong bnxes, filled wif
mist leive soxne duy;
without such ti
and !silver: cam Supply:
he has spoken.
the French,Ambassad4
so; his excite - 14
n fit of !faqir to wb
ihe:isiiiiilkjvit.% • The 1 3,
froin 'but
in eattatinn..' 'Add ':ti
161iii13' oi Pari5,..142110 1
'sonic weeks since' witihdiaivii:'friipilhil .
!Supreme Council, and you witaf'a,
',deadly 'hate•andTear are.bherishe&by Rome
I,vilhi3i,abetters tOwaii 'their •too powerful.
.vOctr. The. Fren94 ASi . ecle has the fel
'loyrmg op,. the Ball of
Ia if passible that in the nineteenth century
ieViiiiikdan 'be lad in:farina Whictii''Only: had' do'
1 .499 6 4 torkeer awe* oli.ignOrantoand hdrifitrilun .
ipopulationaf, cler:gy mayaponse.ns of,int !
4iidty it they will, but we mit deelare-iinit it rs'
ix measure-.which would , hive-eliriteda smile era:
'frims Lhe
„philosophers of the,last century; - wove,
iurious to learn what the converted free-tbinkers'
of our time say to it. Thep telegram•does not.say.
against, whom,,thik•exeommnpieation. kite.. been
iluirled. While the BaCre'd Wcie ab out it,.
Wis. 'likely. they! "did not .rettriet it. to ctbi
Ikamanget; and ciod.,opky.lthows,whq.ber; at l gut
mament we are speaking, theie may not be more
than oho hingdom under interdict. 'We Will wait
until ,we. see .the.t.ext, of . the..goptilleial..hrief,!in
order to express our. opinion regail4g this act
lefiliiitriedffrotaihemiddleigWb *- 1 '• •
• i:Victor- Farkuariuellit:pe'Dingi-bliefehaixt•-
,beiitolefies..the:atteturemiabde. 171.11ie
rear : to : disturb' . his lowgdpler, :•The (At*
Tek.graph ,ceferring to , the effect .of :the
Bnl 'of Execimmeniation, show& ituitilfa-
Weiiii dirirecit position to the
Miliacy;thaii'weerNtipeleon to PlueTl.l:
It writes thus:
. mankind.. ontliveol an:epoch 'in-which a
;o . oncpreror could : ov erthrow hull4riid kings
;without tearing 's'jewel'lrma the crown of 'one
;Pontiff •? To 'an:appearance; though no 'complete
change oan yet, be.annonuced,.the, mural atmos
phere of EuroPe . ot'
° precisely Whit it was
when the. Seventh Pius signed'a treaty.nnder the
;reign of Fontainebleau; Thera isa..dubious Fro-,
,testant spirit abroad in Italy ; Vidor Emmanuel
land-his•-counseßors7•llave challenged the utmost
. 11 .4. 5 0 1 4.' 5 f. :el ll /r.ell ;. -R011'513 115155 'Fr
prepired to die rather than welcome back therr
Cardin:o; wine but 'it lay Goveinnient would be
M•planateitin-Fieduraut„,lombardy,t raP55, 1 4 4.edv,
ins,.or.eve.n..Tuseany, notwithetandiag. its :pleth
-01.':Of eeeleiliailtibiamt l :Theiefore !can&
identlyibe affirmedi that among . the..popdlationoU
, theltalian„P.eninsulsOpylphy to the . Pope r ia l a
:fictiondiinitiblheo4n propnrtichi 'to the'
',growing aspirations toward political liberty: ,
is in France, howevar b -that,the.great, experiment
yemainalo - be tried. 'Neil the truth as we may,
•the clergy, .of. s M l 4' s sr.V l ) ll4 rAtalld.thnt.the,.Eximan
•anatbema 'directed' against' L'ohisYNapt'leon,
:and•ithey must riow ;take part. tither-with himkor
raithitheir spiritual. iovereigq :beyond( the mouri
!tains. ••Wis.caii scarcely hesitate to decide whichil
course will be adopted. An. eitreme and reckless
,factiOn olinkfto the =sitar • and-invoke. airii
vine.retribution •upoil the original abettonvof the
Tope's, calamities ;. bet the 'Galilean• Church. is a
;body, will not be prompted, by sympathy,
;intateet;. tci , issurne I anf attitude(of- virtual pititec
ition;..and place themselves •is declared Apposition
At, Government, nation, and army, on accounV6E
ii:dennneiation - Lirhichthaislieady 'fall err eclipsed
into a void, and which, in the sight of .Europe,"
only .rimaks, Imore•doeplY the-contrast,. obvious:to
'every eye, between the Rome and the Pope:of_to-'.
tday,-andAh'e..Catholie despotism c'efla:d.ay •wh'en
;excinutaunication was , a mOrntrern'endous , scourge
to both monarch and peoplefothan.thedivagationa
of oil:invading:army: *
It is very ps . pifiean't lbat the . Anti•
Re49loi . has xe.el,v,ed a ii r eCoad - Wiibing for
meddling with i tlm.ilenNrilat, mid that in
fayo! of the . Proiiiblgition' 4f . Papal deco
nienfe: '4 , lOthera2seticnia ; blow; lil - s?„
11eeti,9361.2•41 taidAve:con-
UN." tiiiiiionablel(ti*pOnitepeeit was
aotiiiglite 'an neat :44 ItkOinW •and: ivass,tray
eilitig:foiptently%beitiieen 'Patti; and • :the
Vatican: • •••• ' •,: '•• t , : • -
*usTAIA ProtiAte .1 /0,.. 410 1 .4 1 0.
the . ap..egxetiPl l .-0f,.9p4v4*16.419 4 .77/.91.4 , ,
tion„,,.pf tregipgi te, *M 1.
eV was a
PaitY• SIM ..4 01 4 - Ait „%be..-Xl/01,..04ing
Of the Italia etkuis t o their &mini - One,
andjt,mbitteiejiiifoMM — think that the
Pr? 3 lsirli yßigri*a,k 9 e „kee4,;s9ls
- *deretts. 4 aShe als o lziaaks 'the
protest;-of t%titi . lot.t4e tantiOit
,tioA of ) Btiiojr. With' to thOlf,fer,
Ernak 9 ,o4 *F4PlAlkbPrii;.lkl
capital.. Atistice,:. theu French met a
rather cold reeeptimi.- 4 :The, qlteetionk of
Faucigny Rad- Ohablaispie-lik-ely to be re-,
ferresi At. Congress; aad ;the:. tegi fior the
treaty-already-signed, indicates. : a, anal ap-i
peak to"c- the 41 shes , : of-the- fp one? 1
the latter
to re-:
o re
d' are
4 the
11A. as .
ler lit
ai4, l
OPst tfoi
'..t4 0 0
"Qr de=
...• •
. •
2:;i1 • !:"! • • : ';
• "
. . .
. -
AY k 'lB6O - Al'
which, after all,, is a, piece of hypocrisy. .
It is also provided that Sardinian
. snbjects
originally of Savoy or of Nice, may, with
in a year, if they desire it;remove their
domicile to Italy, and settle. there..
PEACE OR WAR' is still a question dis
cussed ; first, as . to:fresh eentliets: in Italy
this year; and secondly, as. to. a rupture, not
immediate, and yet not. far'distant, between
France and England. Otir Ministers shoW
a firm', calni front irk:presence ••of French
diplomacy. Navel'operations-are still car
ried on, and at Woollvioh Arsenal there is
,A ,Cengresa.may be held
for the settlement ,of difftenities; but on
the other han4, the dieeinbiiiiimeet of the
militia is arrested, and- other preparationa
made against contingencied. The Emperor
has orderedan immense 'war' vessel to be
constructed, with ~plates • impenetrable to
shot. There. is .constant practice ; going
on in France, with rifled artillery, which
is welted, to be superior' to- oth
ers. - also said, in" ' "connexion
with French coast defences, that . prepara
tions arebeing.made for pouting. a. eancen?
trio fire .on. any .approaching fleet, which
would be overwhelming. • . The Paris. Press
has not indulged in . very violent language
in reference. to Lord John's declarations, as
C13440)11. last..communication. The
Uotiseitss denies-thattthe great, inass.of
the'BOglifill'p'eofile" etidereethe Thitritriguei
Of 'Si:. It. '!..Peel, MT.; Kinglake, and .11r.
Horsman,. in Parlitunent, . nor yet the d*
tribes.. of the Tintesl the
.I)e,ik.. News, . and
the.MOraing Herald. Itpoints out thatif
the French Chambers •• reit , With corres
ponding..retoits, haratigninifer harangues,
and articles, for articles," the French
peeple ; being• of an •,impulsiNre nature,
would . be worked up to such an irritated.
state that e the avoidance of a rupture would
le;:impessible. "As for ourselves," 'if is
gilded,, ", we. have more' than once said that
alliance, politically, -considered, was
'Esetltto the honor of.' the =government of
It hits represented the .tri
.114,1( 4'o generous. ideas forin order to
nutintain it, the. Emperor hazi,),,ed intram
ple under foot the ..hatred and- animosity of
an - era. still recent:" • The article terminates
in these'words .
The English allianneis still the personification
of progress . ; and , that; is enough for us. We may
go further, and say that , this alliance is , so inti:
mately connected with modern ideas and necessi
ties that.we not. think; any.partial disagree
ment, will ever, be ; strong, .enougb to 'break it.
Lord John Rus?ietl.,.ruay btoe.stud; in aworatori
cal outburst much' to be regretted, that, England,
on'eertain'pOinta,Nrnuld not, follow = France m fu
ture ; he 'did riot:ldd . that she 'would separate
from her; end' lie was right. In the' opinion of
every, sensible' statesman a good' understanding
between the "two Great Western Powers is more
than desirible 'it is a necessity. When enemies,
England and' 4?rancp• divide the world . ; when
Mends., tht, unite and tranqUiliSe it.. • The hos
tiieiiYalry;of.the.iiiijititionti would be 'thefsig
nal 'for stieggloo •ned calamities. Their
Unieri,"on'the .. eentrart;ls the triumph of
rit'ist 'the guarantee of progress' in its reg
ular d evelopment . In presence of such an alter=
native, wbat Minister, what, orator,:What journ
alist could.besitatol Who could lightly risk an
issue ick tremendous 7 - , • . • .
Na n Semi to be trying,to effief in
cri‘mbiihi diPlemacy, what it . ,*SS thOught
he would., seek :by, war. He..longs: fur the
Pr . T
ussianrovinees• on.the Western side. of
pe.lgtiiitts; blitheierintdeayoring to take
such steps as Might, caw ,Prussia , to:ip
ceiTe goße.• of • the sintailk
States and kingdoms of Gmunany. ~ This
is ‘the- subject, , of a• leader. in. :the. Times.
Ourthe otberdkand, we hear from-Berliit
that- the establishthent of two entrenched
.camps,on the Rhine his been . depided;
The bnds' of sympathy between. p.nissia
and England are ,being i dra.wn more closely
every day. These Protestant Powers are
likely to. come furtkin united strength in
any greiit erises in'Efiropean history, such
its most thdughful menstiticipate with dark
forebodings. The Queen : of ,England is to
„pay. a:visit to,4Perlin, in a ,few months.
TRADE: ;WriEf: FRANCE is increasing, un
.der, theinew) Treaty, especially in wines and
Aztralloi o §,. Tyvise.. articles. are not much
cheaper in the English market; nor indeed
in silks, 41oves,Lnd, ladies' wear, is tbere a
•giosit , 1314,'theirne advantage of
the treaty—if only peace .can•be' preserved (and. render practical
the maxim that it is the activity of indus
try which givetfkr-prOritittiltii -value, and
which. creates fresh wealth: or :nations.
.waging between
leir. Gladstone and the , licensed. victuaters,
as M permitting. confectioners and ordinary
islicigik'eepers to sell 'wine; Mi. Gladstone
holds -that this will tend to. sobriety, as
mine.will be only taken, in.ciannexion...with
.food, ; whereas when people go. to..a,publie
to drunkenneas. Qn the other hand;, the
teetotallars joie: with their foes, the
and. oppcse•an 'extension of •facalitics
•for TheTemperance,Reform
eAc have: clecu.hands, and. .pure motives in
_this rnatter;, but as to the great, brewing
interests and the licensed victualers, their
motives are tiansparently selfish. As to
Fiench-wines r tkeywill be used to a certain
extent by the middle and upper .classes in
.Grect Xtritaith,but,. the ; masses , of tlx,e. peo
ara pot abpta ngrs ,. will sack to
'beeFi acid, too- manYOf theni; 'especially in
London; **ill', adhere to • which is •BO
iiisehievour a popular • drink.: It is
0011ddr , ffe.OldAolar .aud,., other ~attractiYo
'names. . " 13i114, j . l -,is „a, more just
soubririet. IfieLl L OAtioiloitilation; how
ever, opal y .
4*.rx ,Ni*x• 41 the
oldeetithe: ..• • •
. of
f iNfrOtieiii i d 7 POOsiy . 134firit, has 4 1146:
viithiung butlifitsh: with utaligbint'aniirdii-!
.senistions.or.the &knAi azisur,Tsi OF-•T
1,144.TZ1t AENTJYA7?-..• As :OA at ico 000*-* :
ft.en4a7oxeigoove, oopkId ; st 4-;
spos, th at . Period t:
- year,' up in the town ` of
- B6lfnit; iil3 a driiiik /Ind slisordeily,"'wlici3
much larger than those of the samniperiod!
4of the,prey,iousAyear, ' • The'prAu44lg gisyier
I,to this. ie, A*, t.he IteviTal was
'cause of : 4,single case of druninness
'nine Of the siLlijcti of it were brought
tliethre the magistrates; - that tali' far as..tit.
eiganded, it :mitigated .what 'has 'been -for
grarst-2. 1 .4 ii4041 1 i414- evil 'kgre•ak tow.n ,
Attp,..phigh Pnp . istn are nrow,ding for wo r k,
- nnd. !tore
f nimgn sailors other i s . of the
WOrst aTe nOrrnit" th eniielvei, and
forrupt 'the.'pciphlation; 'laded& %gni. Ro
inanists all via Ulster. andl-r4atid,genet
~,IIP• or ,hued,
over this Count of 'Antrim generally—tie
.rand centre of Itehivaliniblenne—the so
icil change is!inett as 'to'expresf3ly at
:tribute:l to. one,. and. hat:a•Divioe
43r. mil4Ki§MaVAOpiiktl , amioppt . .. l*_JAelteT§.
amongst its,uncier/ines, taxes 'care. to phb
lisli the lirhifirlignreS'l bit; as: it rrefuSid
tin • insert -refutations ' la st' year; of similar
misrepresentations, addressed to it by the
NoNsr•!Zar...4lt4us and myself„ or to gNe : the
ris4 4 44lo , teß FT,O.V.) .the
s.l4o,gerhavf 41/itthzeik.f,
will it•do • '
13touglisheinit the
power of the • Attakening still continued,
41 11 4 . 13461:Qf , F. o okattiß PccafioNtlij; Wag'„.l.9 )4110,abl
tow4. 'We nuiy`expeet
'Tres's, 'ln
inevensenta. Ner--'arn we'
while, at, the beginning " fear fell upon
ciery, p0u1,"., and ;the :wicked and Arimhen
were awed fora time those remaining
saving y unimpressed will naturally return'
to their wiekedness; as does the dog to hie
vomit. The religion of terror is but that
of man . and of : Antichrist.. If terrors
"persuade" men to, go to Christ, then, and
not till then, comes not the spirit , of fear,
bit of power and of love, and of a sound
national attention; is not likely to exist for
sometime longer, norindeed till religion sat. !
urate. the mass: The Dial, tcywhich I see
oecasionalreferencein American jcournals as
destined to be a rival` of the Times, has but
a limited field and a limited success. Its
preliminary expenses were heavy, its early
numbers contained /articles that startled the
friends of Evangelical truth, deprejitory of
dogmatic truth, as is usual with the Rev.
Mr. Thomas of Camberwell, one of, its main
Promoters and in the spirit of the Nega
tive Theology 'School writing down " ortho
doxy," by .setting,Up in opposition, to it,
"orthopraxy." It was thought expedient,,
s . uppose, and charitable, too, to, deal, very
tenderly with Unitarianism as a number of
the shareholders were of tilt, class.' That
was the explanation given me by one of its
promoters, when .I reforr,,ediin wave satiojk
'to an-ignoring of EvlngelieleilM,
papers that had appeared, including praise
of Theodore Parker. Mr. Helyoake, the
Secular Apostle, also was very gently hart
dled, and the impression left by some early
articles was, that Skepticism. was a very
respectable and innocuous matter. Mr.
Peterßayne, the recently appointed
tor ' will, I expect,,prevent such escapades
in. future. I was pleased ,to see in a recent
review of ,a work by Dr..M'Correac, aphy
sician at Belfast, who is nominally, a Uni
tarian, but who is rather a Theist, and
nothing more, that.while giving, credit for
fine moral. utterances, the. grand *defect was
the omission. of. that glorious One ",who of
God•is made unto, us wisdom, righteousness,
sanctification, and redemption." Mr. Bayne
writes well, and with exceeding dignity re
buked a virulent attack on:the Dial, by the
Saturday Review. -Mr. Bayne,suggested,
that: the proper name of the latter should
be the "-Saturday Sadducee." The Dial
will have a:respectable, but limited circu
lation. More than this, it has not funds to
become a daay paper. That is the ultimate
Object aimed at. But even•if it .were atta.ined,
I believe the general , public, would: prefer
the, usual morning: pennypapers.; and as to
its rivalling the .Times i , or ,putting it. down,
the idea is simply; preposterous. I expect
that the Times may. and will come. up to a
higher moral platform. But all partiesdo,
and will, and must read it, whether they
agree with it or net. If the paper thity is
abolished, it is`affirmed confidently that the
Times will be brought out immediately as
a 2d: daily, instead of 5d., charging double
for advertisements. Such :
,a ehange
I believe, meet with, almost unlimited sue r
cesb ; and with immense capital, and COT
respondence from all' parts of the world,
coupledlwith its magnificent 1 ‘ leaders," and
its past i prestige, it would ; attain, a loftier
and more.- crushing,supiernany , than ever
before. .
The Witnesi newspaper is now edited by
Mr. GeOrge Troupe, editor of Taits Maga=
iinei and formerly of the Banner ,of 'Ulster.
Mr. Bayne was offered. a,.greatly increased
remaneration,in eonne7tion with the Dial.
Besides, he has many assneiatiens with the
metropolis, and is a member of the Eng-
lish bar; althottgh not practising his prb
fessien as a lawyer.
„ _
THE ItiPISCOPA.L SYNOD of the' Scottish.
Church has come to' a lame-conclusion,
suggestive' of its own - Weak and tainted
condition, .:in, the
~case,.-of the ; Bishop, of
Brechin. There.were four Bishops pres
ent. The ” pkesentment ! " or charge was,
Ist. "Ifiiing taught, in a charge delivered
to his clergy in August ; 1857, that the
sacrifice of the Eucharist iS, identical with
that,. of the Cross ; •2d. That adoration is
due to Christ, as .in or under the consecrat
ed elements of bread and wine; and, 3d.
That there is a reception of Christ by•the
wicked. By such doctrines he was charged
of .depraving the Scottish Communion and
other formularies. These doctrines are
nearly identical _with Tractarianism, and
are somewhat 'favored by the Scottish
- Prayer Book. The Bishop's defence put
his case strongly , " as involving the whole
question between,the Church doctrine and
that of the Puritans," and insisted, that his
views, were according to ii the tradition " of
his own Church. He said if the. decision
should be against him, it would be the first
endorsement of "Puritan philosophy" in
the whole history of. the Scottish. Episcopal
Church, thus.. leading .to Rationalism and
" the impiety of Geneva." In reply and
in giving"judgment, the Primus would not
admit that the doctrine was that of "'uni
versal antiquity." The' question was, Is it
in accordance •with theirown formularies ?
The Bishop of Saint Andrew% denied that
it was the doctrine of the earlier tethers.
It was taught by Thomas Aquinas, had
been lost sight of since the Reformation,
.until: revived iuNo: 90 of • the " Tracts for
the Times:" The respondent, he held.,
.went much farther. than St. Cyril and
,who taught that our union with
Christ is wrought through' real incorpor
ation into his 'proper manhood.' -
The Bishop of Argyle, not being able to
attend, sent a letter, in which he. stated
that he could not have concurred , in, any
judgment which would
_have gone beyond
lan exhortation
,tn'" abstain from specula
tive teachire„6,":and scarcely thus far "when
I remember that we ourselves; by the sanction
•of.a speeial .office of 'uncertain:meaning,
led , the way in ,our. Church to speculation
the subifot, of,,the: Holy 4actiarist,
'andp, an exaggeration . of position in
'the &et:Monty of redemption Exactly and
:honestly true:; there can be no doubt that
the languago of the Scottish Communion
,if not stronger than that,of the
Mass'Book itself. 'The Judgment was one
of censure admonition," and in en
treaty, to b'e niore' r careful in the future," Sze.
The Scottish ,Episcopal 'Church is a mis
erable abortion; ;: has some excellent, men
in it but not of it., Its early f,otinders were
the persecutors 'of the Sons of the, Cove
nant and the cr"eatures the Archbishop
Laud. The Scottish aristoera'cy are= thus
_helped half way,to:ROme,,anct some, Of them
by its means,, have,already arrived: there.
stigatian of the Don Carlos.faction and its
,miserable failar,e).4v-e4 been 'Egneng. the in
cidents of the past week. It will help to
turn away ,the thoughti, of the ,Spanish na
tion' fITIO:tli'O - Mbors; from which' they are
just emerging,,•after - 1;364 five 7hUndred
millions of reels:and sixteen thousand men.
p'Dennel is very Apapoptelar,,and the' Queen
signed the .treaty of peace with
~great. re
bactance. It is interesting to mark the
continued decadence of the 'Spanish race,
I both in the Old World.and the - New. We
look withpainful interest 4cy Mexican
troubles, ,and. long for.the ,day when Popery
§hall be the flimity , Ott§o,a44 civil and
liberty, with, all, their social and
'religious atural - reattlis be -realized in t ' Conneiton
with the =Anglo-Saxon ebverning
,! J. IT..
P. S.—The -weather - is: niird , and
TEE P : • * PC
A Square, (S lines or less,) one insertion, 60 cents; each
subsequent insertion; 40 coop; east' line beyondolglit; 5 cm:
A Sqbare per quarter; 64.00 ;. each tidditional,lBnents:
A. Bake .aston made to adyortlspye,bythe yeas. . .
BUSINESS NO IVES of tan linen or lees, SRO ; each ad;
ditio/451.iitr0. 0 ceute., '
D'Avib tic -Co.,
NO. 397.
Spring-like, after the longest and 'severest
Winter known for thirty years.
Parliament stands adjourned -.for the
Easter Recess. On its reassembling, Lord
John Russel's -Reform Bill will- be dis- -
cussed afresh. The policy of the Tories is
obstruction amispeaking agaitist time.
Mr. , S. N. Grier.. has not succeeded in.
his candidature as the Member of :Parlia ,
went for Londonderry City. Mt McCor
mick,. &railway, contractor, wonloy nineteen
votes. Mr. Grier offended some earnest
Protestants by voting for the. Maynooth
The telegraph cable is laid from Sur
rachee to Aden. We have news fromindia
in about seven days.
have reason to believe that religious
life is manifesting itself among aristocratic
families in London. Baptist Noel and
Brown low North Ave been addressing
large assemblies in drawing rooms
hard is it to cure a soul of such qual
ity as pride is inasmuch as that- which
rooteth out other vices causeth this, and
(which is even above all conceit,) if we
were clean from all spot and blemish both
of other faults, of pride,.tbe , fulll'of,angels
might not need` a preservative still, lest we
should haply was proud that we are not
proud. What is virtue but a medicine, and
vice but ! a wound ? Yet we have so often
deeply wounded ourselves with medicine,
that God hath been fain to make wounds
medicinable, to cure by vice where virtue
hath stricken ; to sulker the just man to
fall, that being raised, he may be taught
what power it was which upheld him stand
ing.. I am not afraid to affirm it boldly,
with , St. Augustine, _that men, puffed up
with a proud opinion of their own sanctity
and holiness receive a benefit at the hands
- of God, and are assisted with his grace,
when with his grace they are not assisted,
Publication Office :
but permitted, and that grievously, to trans
gress, whereby, as they were in . over great
liking of themselves supplanted, so the
dislike of that which did supplant them
may establish them afterwards the surer;
ask the yery soul of Peter and it shall un
doubtedly make you itself this answer :
My eager protestations, 'made in the glory
of my ghostly strength, I am ashamed at',
but those crystal tears, wherewith my sin
and weakness was bewailed, have procured
my endless joy—my strength hath been
my ruin, and my fall, my stay.—Hooker.
A Desirable Disease!
The pious John Newton, closes a letter
to ' a friend in the following truly instruc
tive language : " Yon kindly inquire after
my,,health;, myself and family are, through
the Divine favor,._ perfectly well; yet,
healthy as I am, I : labor under ;a growing
disorder, for,, which there is no cure—l
Mien old age.' I am not sorry it is a mor
tal disease, from which no one recovers; for
who, would live always in such a world as
this, who has a Scriptural hope of an inher
itancein a World of light? lam now in
my. seventy-second. year, and seemed to have
lived long enough for myself; I have known
something ,of the evil of life, and have had
a -large share of the good. I know. What
the world can do, and what it cannot do;
it can neither giie nor take away that peace
of 'God, which passeth all understanding;
it gannet soothe a wounded conscience, nor
enable us ,to, meet_ death with comfort. That
you, my, dear: sir, may have an abiding and
abounding, experience that the Gospel is a
catholicon, adapted to all our wants and all
our feelings, and a suitable help when every
other, helpfails is -the sincere and ardent
prayer of your affectionate 4 friend.".
The Christian Warfare.
Among the prispners taken captive at
the battle of Waterloo, there was a High
land Piper. Napoleon, struck with his
mountain: dress and sinewy limbs, asked
him to play his instrument, which is
said to sound delightfully in the glens and
mountains of Scotland. " Play a pibroch, ; '
said Napeleon; and the Highlander played
it. " Play a march." It was done.
" Play a retreat." "Na na !" said the
Highlander, "I never le6rned to play a
retreat !"
No retreat should be the motto embla
zoned on the standard of every Christian
warrior ' as he goes forth to battle, " not
against flesh and blood, but against prin
cipalities, against powers, against the
rulers, of the 'darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high
Ncarly Home.
"Almost well, and nearly at home," said
the, dying, Baxter, when asked how he was
by a friend. A martyr,• when approaching
,stake, being questioned as to how he
felt, answered, " Never better; for now. I
know that lam almost at home!' Then,
looking ,over the meadows betweenlim and
the place where •he was to be immediately
burnt, be said, ".Only two more styles to
get over, and .I am at my Father's house."
"Tying," said the e . Rev. S. Medley, "is
sweet *ork, sweet work; home ! home I"
Another on his death-bed said, " I am going
home, as, fast as .I can, and I bless God that
i/uzve a goot4l . low to go to."
Man courts happiness in a thousand
slang; - and the faster he follows it, the
-Swifter it flies from him.. Almost every
thing promiseth happiness to As at a dis
tance, arch a. step ofhonor, such a pitch of
_estate„anch:s, fortune or match for a child ;
but When we' come nearer to it, either we
'fill Short of 'it, or it falls short of our ex-
Teetatiou ; and it is hard to say which of
theseis:the, greatest disappointment, Our
, hopes,are .usually bigger than the enjoy-
Merit can satisfy • and an evil long feared
besidus that it 'may never come, is many
times more painful and troublesome than
the evil itself when it comes.
Br. Adams and the Bible.
In a letter to his son in 1811 John
Qnincy Adams says : "I have many years
made it a practice to read through the
Bible once.a. year. My custom is to read
1014 or, five , chapters every morning / imme
mecliately after rising , from my bpd. It
employs anhour of 'my time, and,„seems to
Me the most suitable manner of beginning
Abe day. In. Oat. light soever ,sre;,r4gara
the Bible whether mith reference, toxeve
lation, to history or to morality • it is ,any
invaluable and ine 4 hanstihle mine of 11nowlr
edge' and virtue." ' -
ministcr. of God from a forojou. lquAl
once remarked to s.Christian
this city, " one 'Sinner - that, ''reilds - the
Bible, , there are twientyiwlio readliittfessing -
GhOitians.". How ,iimportant,: then; that
...41 .1 :Lf as . ! I ;agralt liA ll - 11 .PAPs ,
VRIA nut, ) f rqm- our Skor,tcOntiPgs
and' make * o ' hipwreck of their' immor
tal souls